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@Andrea lol :-)
if Zend is funding all development of PHP then they've been very lousy with payments :p
and there was a plan for 7, with work being done on it before NG showed up
and to give them total credit like they revived the community, just pathetic
anyway, I am off, later
me too
oh god, I just realized how much I need yield from right now
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getIterator()
        $resultSet = clone $this->resultSet;

        foreach ($resultSet as $key => $value) {
            if (! is_object($value)) {
                yield $key => $value;


            $metadata   = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata(get_class($value));
            $freshValue = $this->entityManager->find($metadata->getName(), $metadata->getIdentifierValues($value));

            if (! $freshValue) {
Wrapping this in $entityManager->transactional(callable $transactionalFunction) will be horror
@ircmaxell Isn't Zend entirely focused on "Enterprise" PHP? What part of their business did they ever dedicate to the average joe?
I hate to use them as an example, but heck even the WordPress guys made a greater contribution to the PHP community than Zend ever did.
how can I validate the url's of the website ? after clicking this button the user's session should be terminated and he should be redirected again to the home page.
how can i create a dynamic sql query?
@Sherif meh, you kinda underestimate their effort (since you see only php-src here)
@Ocramius Which effort would that be?
Every effort I've seen from them has been entirely centered around the promotion and endorsement of their products. I saw nothing that would have helped the weekend warrior find using PHP any easier as a direct consequence of anything they did.
If anything their efforts resulted in making it harder on the little guy.
I get that it's a business, but I'm strictly referring to the size of the contribution to the community, not the intention of their efforts beyond making money.
@Sherif no, they contribute a good amount.
@ircmaxell Nothing substantial, from what I've seen. At least not lately. A few outdated tutorials online. A few open source PHP projects I really hadn't any use for. Besides the size of their contributions to PHP itself, I wouldn't even call Zend a "leader" in the PHP world.
I've watched as projects like composer made a bigger impact over night then ZF did in all of its years.
Then again I'm more focused on revolutionary change than evolutionary change. I may be biased.
If you cut out php-src contributions, then yes
Though that is changing.
Yea, I mean they made a good business out of PHP. I just don't know that I would place them as a "leader" when it comes to PHP's community.
@Sherif the entire framework ecosystem in PHP would not by far be what it is right now without them
@Ocramius Citation needed
I spent a good amount of time last year working for Zend, teaching ZF2, working on ZF2 and teaching PHP 5.3 and PHP 5 in general (basic/advanced)
and in 2013 as well
Yes, of course they gain a profit from it, but don't nullify the effort they put in it, because there's a load of good stuff coming from there. Not everything is C macro hell (php-src)
Zend Framework is just another brush stroke on the bland canvas that is the mediocrity of every PHP framework ever invented, in my opinion. There was nothing that wowed me there.
If anything they went with the tide, not against it. That hardly qualifies as shaping an ecosystem in my book.
@Sherif then you probably forget that progress comes from iterations, and you are also ignoring what sort of ecosystem is spawning out there due to composer (that would never have existed without the framework raise between 2007~2012)
you are very welcome to simply ignore us and just spit on our work: we(framework people)'re always happy to be treated like that
That's exactly my point. Iterative change is not revolutionary.
It's boring.
It just means you're another one blending into a crowd.
Well, PHP7 is boring then
it's iterative
whatever, crawl back into your cave
I don't spit on people's work. You're confused between "I hate something" and I don't consider this thing to be worth looking to for future direction.
This you're either with us or you're against us attitude is precisely what company's like Zend promoted in the PHP ecosystem.
Some worthy contribution that was.
> This you're either with us or you're against us
Sorry, but which part of what you wrote here is actually "I don't spit on people's work"?
> Zend Framework is just another brush stroke on the bland canvas that is the mediocrity of every PHP framework ever invented, in my opinion.
Not to mention that it's Mwop and few others that even started the entire interop stuff
Which part of that was my spitting on anyone's work? There is no lewdness in my stating my opinion dramatically. There was absolutely nothing revolutionary about ZF. It was what ever other framework out there at the time was. It copied and blended into a crowd.
Anyway, not here to waste my time trying to convince posers :) later
Right, and that's how PHP also works
oh, cool, you just won the first spot in my ignore list, awesome.
Man, I keep forgetting the poison that's still out there on the Internet. I really need a comedic poster to remember to breathe :)
well, that was lively.
I don't always agree with @Ocramius, but he is about as far from a poser as you get.
Hey, that's what ignore lists are for, don't worry :)
@ircmaxell Yea well, he sounded like a pretty good shill about to go on on a holy fatwa of "ZF shaped the world" there for a minute. So pardon me if I was a bit harsh there ;)
and ignore lists are for those who have no self restraint. If you don't like what someone is saying you really don't have to engage with them. Even worse when you engage with those not engaged only to inform them that you have disengaged.
hi friends
anyone here aware of mongodb?
@vamshigoli Sure, I'm aware of it.
while installing php driver i am getting the mongo db in the xampp
@vamshigoli That's a poor question to ask overly technical people. They'll intentionally take it overly literal and say "yes" when they're not actually experienced in MongoDB, which is what you're looking for.
Just let him ask his question.
can you please suggest.....i have went through the guidelines everything done perfect according to me but where went wrong i could'nt know
100% technical skills. 0% interpersonal skills.
pot, meet kettle.
@vamshigoli I think you skipped a step. Where did what go wrong exactly?
Like what did you do and what happened that made you think something is wrong?
@Sherif "while installing php driver i am getting the mongo db in the xampp" Obviously there is an error mentioning MongoDB when loading a web page using xampp. Keep up.
That wasn't very obvious to me.
Sounds like a pretty good guess though.
But try reformulating your snarky statement directed towards me into a reaffirming question towards the op. You may be on to something.
I'm guessing it's showing an error saying something about being unable to load the module because it can't find the DLL...
my xampp version 5.6.8
version for php mongo using php_mongo-1.6.8-5.6-vc11
this was renamed as php_mongo in ext folder
and in php.ini file placed as extension=php_mongo.dll
and after that i have restart the server
is everything what i am did right!
Where'd you get mongo-1.6.8 from?
As far as I see the Windows bindings only go up to 1.0 beta
Hmmm, clearly php.net is out of date windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/mongodb
mongodb.org suggested this link for php driver
(sorry for barging in @vamshigoli, but you may find it interesting to use ampps. comes bundled with php, mysql, postgresql, mongo, and lots of things you wouldn't dream of)
and most of all: it works.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier is it for windows?
Might also help to know what the actual error/problem is.
that is, if you are lazy like me and actually want to pass time coding instead of configuring stuff.
yes, it is @vamshigoli
yeah sorry @Sherif, you are absolutely right.
Fatal error: Class 'Mongo' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\test.php on line 3
I think I spotted the problem.
thanks Sherif.....please guide me
My guidance would be to just not run your stack on Windows, honestly, but it just sound to me like you need to do a little more trouble shooting. You likely didn't edit the correct php.ini file or your extension_dir isn't where you think it is.
phpinfo() will tell you where your "Loaded configuration file" is.
@sherif...if possible can you please share my system and resolve?
Share your system? As in screen share? No.
good morning
You could just try looking at phpinfo() though you'll more than likely resolve your issue yourself.
It's free help not free personal sys admin service.
Morning @Orangepill
@Sherif Long time no see ... real life keeping you busy
My guess is because you specified extension=php_mongo.dll in your php.ini and it's called php_mongo-1.6.8-5.6-vc11.dllin the zip archive from that link you showed earlier, that it obviously doesn't find a php_mongo.dll file to load for the extension. Should be pretty obvious once you look phpinfo
@Orangepill Yea, needed a break from PHP for a while.
How've you been?
@Sherif the zip file which i was renamed as php_mongo and copied in ext folder and that same name has placed in php.ini file like extension=php_mongo.dll
You renamed the zip file or you renamed the dll file?
good ... first week of unemployment has been good.. lot of opportunities presenting themselves.
i have been trying since from couple of days i have searched a lot regarding this where i have did wrong,but as per the guidelines everything seems to be looks fine what i have did....at last i have came here
dll file
@Orangepill Sounds like excitement awaits then :)
@vamshigoli Alright, so what did phpinfo() say about "Loaded configuration file"?
@sherif very much so.
PHP Version 5.6.12

Compiler MSVC11 (Visual C++ 2012)

Zend Extension Build API220131226,TS,VC11

PHP Extension Build API20131226,TS,VC11
> about "Loaded configuration file"
It's even in quotes and everything
@Orangepill I think taking a few months off work between jobs this year did me a lot of good, honestly. I got to work on so many cool things I would have otherwise not had the time for.
i could'nt find loaded configuration file
This robotics competition turned out to be a real blast.
robotics competition... battle bot style or more academic?
@vamshigoli Really? I find that surprising. CTR+F and search for "php.ini". It's right at the top.
@Orangepill Pretty academic. Most of the people organizing it are from Google and the University.
still cool though ... you enter as part of a team or solo?
did same not found......
shall i go with meetup.com
@vamshigoli Don't know what to tell you. The PHP you're running is clearly fux0rd or PEBKAC
Perhaps try that amps thing mentioned earlier
Good luck
There was brief talk of opening a battle bot arena a couple of miles from my house about 7 years ago... I wish that wouldn't have fallen through.
Oh it wasn't a battle. More like a hackathon really.
thanks for you time
I didn't even know that battle bots was still a thing after they stopped airing it on tv.
@sherif that still pretty fuckin awesome though.. I need to get more time and disposable income so I can play with stuff like that.
Taking 3 months off work definitely helped :)
that flys in the face of the disposable income constraint though... unless I start knocking over liquor stores or something.
I was like "what's this no emails or pages in the middle of the night about servers going down? I must be dreaming!"
Yea, cashing out some options definitely helped with all the traveling too.
A few more years and a possible IPO in the making and I might even get to make my next break a 6 month spa treatment in SFO :D
and by spa treatment I obviously mean playing with more geeky toys and writing code for fun instead of profit :/
yeah... my kids like to eat and stuff...severely limits the amount of disposable income.
wow, how sad those words sound now that I say them outloud.
I'm sure the opportunity of getting groped by some attractive woman wouldn't be automatically dismissed though.
So where do you work now? .. You did time a google and instagram right?
ohh and if you don't mind take out your code nose on this one ... Appropriate use of a dic in a factory or service locator in factory clothing?
OK, I can understand a lot of people thought I worked at Google because of my nick name, but where did you get instagram from?
@Sherif I thought I heard it said by someone... so I wrong on both counts?
Well, everyone was wrong on the first count so you just have the other going for ya :p
so back to the original question ... where you at now?
At home
good place to be :)
if (u->likesClassicalMusic() && urHome->hasUnmeteredDecibelAcceptance()) let me suggest that you put dvorak's 4th symphony at some length of sound.
Happy Friday roomies..
@Ocramius Central Time (Chicago, USA) - Should be around 10/11PM conference time. Perfect time for an afterparty :)
Morning Joe
For bar chart you need jquery plugins plz search on google — Rahautos 3 mins ago
unsure if Poe's law happening here
"jquery all the things" is less stupid than "create 20 processes or threads per request"
if unsure, doesn't that means that it applies @PaulCrovella?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier only if it's a parody
hi all
i am stuck in one code
i want to redirect my 404 error to 404.php
but it is redirecting to server 404 error.
here is the code RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/404/$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://jobguide.australianenglishcenter.com/404.php [L]
@JoeWatkins you have any plans to jump in there?
I did not know 404 errors were in fact URIs. Aren't they pages returned by servers when requesting a non-existent page?
@JoeWatkins Well, when you never bother to learn what a queue is or bother understanding the difference between a program and a programming system, what do you expect? Clearly this person has already decided on how to solve a problem they don't understand. Of course the answer to such a question will be equally as stupid as the question itself.
it is redirecting to server non-existent page
@PaulCrovella no, I don't have the patience, it ran out, about a year ago ...
@JaswinderKaur help me understand here. You actually redirect non-existent pages (with a header?) to another url which will in turn be redirected to your error page?
@JaswinderKaur Don't redirect. You can specify custom error documents in Apache httpd with the ErrorDocument handler. See httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/custom-error.html
but i need to redirect it in 404.php
@JaswinderKaur And?
Read docs first. Ask stupid questions later.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes right now it is redirecting to non existing page but i need to redirect it to 404.php
Chances are you will no longer feel the need to ask the question after understanding how something works.
open news "russia is trying to start ww3 again" depression kicks in
ignorance is such a great thing
@Sherif which doc?
yeah, much better than drugs
2 mins ago, by Sherif
@JaswinderKaur Don't redirect. You can specify custom error documents in Apache httpd with the ErrorDocument handler. See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/custom-error.html
until much better thEn drugs
The documentation for the thing you're using?
here is the link of question you can better understand my problem stackoverflow.com/questions/33029905/…
and by the way, russia, you can't pretend you are bombarding iran by accident
ok. take a deep breath and explain to me how exactly will a request to a 404 page will be made to your server @JaswinderKaur
@felix here is the link of my website jobguide.australianenglishcenter.com
you can test it
@JaswinderKaur Your problem is that you don't understand how apache httpd works. Read the link I gave you so that you can better understand the difference between what ErrorDocuemnt does and what RewriteRule does and why I suggested one and not the other.
@sherif I know i am don't understand how apache httpd works. Thats why i am here to get a relevant answer. Please help me
I just did.
He's tried to. Repeatedly.
Good morning
happy rebecca black day
Happy Friday, morning.
yay, friday ...
It's not Friday
It's Rebecca day
you must be new :D
yeah, something like that
Hey, I still got a half hour to go over here. Don't jump the gun on links, k?
not why rebecca day, I mean why rebecca day
@FélixGagnon-Grenier This is why
@PaulCrovella Half an' hour till it's friday Rebecca day?
yeah. various declinations of that been hanging around for some time now :p
yeah, and using timezones to your advantage is cheating
It is not
what I mean is. why the actual f*** do we care about that song
I don't think your suppose to think that hard about it @FélixGagnon-Grenier
It's more of a tradition, or so I believe :)
Domain transfer executed 12 hours ago >< Still no changes only the nameservers ><
Welcome to DNS
This is why I keep all my TTLs to 5 mins or less :)
posted on October 09, 2015 by aliceljdc

/* by L1ne */

Ironically, I just watched that movie recently.
what's the movie, if you'll pardon my ignorance?
@Sherif 1 day is fine, just reduce it when you expect changes.
@kelunik WHEN is the problem. You're forgetting that by then it'll be too late ;)
You'll have to wait a day for your ISP's resolvers to TTL again
Besides relying on heavy DNS cache is a thing of the past. These days everyone worth a damn just relies on more nameservers. DNS queries aren't as expensive as they once were.
The ones that really need the cache do a much better job of dealing with it.
brrrrrr is cold outside ... couldn't see through glasses, or in mirrors ...
@JoeWatkins Which is a issue for me since I use glasses.
I'm greatly confused by aws. I registered a domain, created a redhat linux instance, installed nginx, created a hosted zone, and am stuck at creating a record set (my registered domain doesn't appear where tutorial seems to say it should). I think the problem is I have little idea what most of this means.
I also think the only solution is to read more, but I'm somewhat depressed now so I'll bother you with it.
how can I actually understand how internet works?
Any Idea why this short function dont work?
any sample basic codes for edit.php?
dicks ...
> Mr Horn said: "My understanding is that it was a couple of software engineers who put these in."
no it wasn't, shut up ...
@sguetsch return instead of $res =, what's the purpose of that function?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you see, it's a series of tubes...
@kelunik to measure the levenshtein- (edit-)distance between a and b
But why do you need that wrapper?
gud morning guys i'm really stuck into it...I have a woocommerce checkout form where i have two radio button COD and direct when i click COD(cash on delivery ) i need to get a popup form ....My problem is where to edit it and how to handle its action ..i have no idea in woocommerce plugins..Pls any 1 can help me out
yeah, those guys really have no shame @JoeWatkins
like... most politicians if I may
They want to get away with violating RICO.
problem is, nobody has anything to say on who directs which big company.
Then a court can hold them in contempt and jail them till they start spilling the beans.
Their actions might cause a small economic depression in Germany.
@Sherif are you busy right now?..If yes i'm sorry can you help me to sort out the problem.
user, I don't think anyone's going to drill into that plugin to find the right spot for you to recode.
@Porlune y like that??
Because it's a ton of work.. and that's something you should do.
oh, that just gave me a flash of that movie which name I forget right now (beer probably at cause) where user gets into the computer
and finally succeeds in uncorrupting bad sectors on the disk, while leaving with the chick.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Every movie ever made in the 90s about computer hackers?
"doing something crazy with computers" and "chicks" is usually the theme.
@Sherif usually codes flying over the screen, typing skills over 9000 :D
but that one, he actually gets into the computer, becomes a process, fights with bugs using frisbees
Yay it's friday
w00t, fridayyy
the old version of course
Dude, that's Hackers. Not Tron.
I know the link you shared is hackers. the movie I couldn't recall is tron though.
sorry for my unclearedness
Oh, Tron was 80s. Yea, computer movies in the 80s were even worse than the 90s.
I love Tron
Like War Games
ahhh those were the classics
I yet have to see most of the classics though
Tron was a goddamn masterpiece.
Where you could literally start WWIII with a dialup modem and a 5 1/4" floppy
what's "Tron" ?
@AlmaDo For shame man!
Yea, don't waste time on the remake either.
Friday :-(
ok, I missed that
in any event, see yall... I'll be watching Tron before crashing to sleep... happy friday!!
youtube.com/watch?v=5r5lf12CY1s <---- i watched this movie years ago
@PaulCrovella Zengine: It really whips the elephpants ass
@PaulCrovella i thought it was a 2010 movie
... #trollin
@Abe kids these days...
You know, I thought the sequel wasn't all that bad. Not as good as the first, but entertaining and the soundtrack did wonders for it.
I watched lot sof movies from 80' - just missed some.. like this
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@Abe kids these days...
@PeeHaa is just old wreck ;)
Not going to argue :P
What are you taking about? Take Down? That's not from the 80s.
Mitnick wasn't even a thing in the 80s.
I'm soooo tempted to troll main with a rebecca link rightnow
@Fabor jo
@PeeHaa What's stopping you? Let it goooooo, let it gooo! :D
> Calculate what seat I can take
^ question title
@PeeHaa Scheduling problem?
Sounds like a poorly titled scheduler problem
4 mins ago, by PeeHaa
I'm soooo tempted to troll main with a rebecca link rightnow
So yeah I am trying to write it like that
Oh, I thought you were referring to an actual question on SO
It will be soon though :P
does anyone know an in-depth article explaining php-fpm? the manual page is very high level and I'd like to understand how it implements fcgi under the hood
@Gordon Not sure about an article, but there is a chance @Danack could help you
@PeeHaa PeeHaa these days.
Time for a quick XSS lesson 3v4l.org/<alert

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