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@Sjon I've already used that too often. At least my twitter feed won't fall for it again :P
That's too bad. Alternatives are welcome (for another friday) ;)
@Gordon Implement fcgi? Or implement the PHP SAPI?
@Sjon Is it suppose to look like something?
oh, helps if I turn on the speakers, you sneaky devil
@Sherif both.
@PeeHaa I think you'd need to rewind a bit and start with:
$this->wake = new DateTimeImmutable("7:00am");
if ($this->fresh) {
Oh damnit. Much better than my poor attempt of trolling what I have now
I'm quite annoyed that my answer wasn't accepted here ... so I extended it ...
A: Are scalar and strict types in PHP7 a performance enhancing feature?

Joe WatkinsToday, the use of scalar and strict types in PHP7 does not enhance performance. PHP7 does not have a JIT compiler. If at some time in the future PHP does get a JIT compiler, it is not too difficult to imagine optimizations that could be performed with the additional type information. When it ...

My current question:
> I have been given the following task:

Find the most efficient way to calculate which seat you can take considering the following:

> Given there is a car (a convertible) and you have four friends all sitting in the convertible. Two friends are taking the two front seats. And two friends are taking the back seats.

What I have tried so far:

I tried kicking in the front seat. I tried sitting in the back seat.

I have got tomake my mind up.

Which seat can I take?
Which is terrible, but with some code snippet it's a little bit less terrible
@PeeHaa made me chuckle
@Gordon There are no technical articles, that I know of anyway, covering the implementation. Was just curious if you had a more specific question.
In fact, you probably will be hard-pressed to find any technical literature covering PHP SAPI implementation in general out there.
@Sherif that's what I suspected. a pity.
Very few people ever venture down that path.
so I am left with reading the code
Pretty much... and boy is that painful.
Heh, try starting at main.c and see if you can follow it all the way through the SAPI
@PeeHaa please implement and put question on the main site
I am close to hitting submit hold on
Is there a url shortening service that doesn't look scammy?
bitly shouts TROLL, but then again I am used to links like that on fridays
Meh. fak it. bitly it is
No, I mean the initialization of the binary itself
for php not the fork process manager
Should I tag it language agnostic for extra reach?
Or just troll php?
Q: Calculate what seat I can take

PeeHaaI have been given the following task: Find the most efficient way to calculate which seat you can take considering the following: Given there is a car (a convertible) and you have four friends all sitting in the convertible. Two friends are taking the two front seats. And two friends are tak...

@PeeHaa Up voted.
@PeeHaa This is amazing :-)
lol @AlmaDo
Sounds like homework — Alma Do 28 secs ago
@ircmaxell That can work, but would prefer it if you were safe and not talking to me while driving. It's about Grovo, srs stuffs!
@PeeHaa ahaha for a moment i thought you were serious
It's not home work. I have been given this task by a client. And I have the feeling I am close with my code. But I think there is something I am overlooking. Sadly the client wants it down today (friday) — PeeHaa 46 secs ago
That question needs to be upvoted until you have trolled at least half of SO
@Sherif We need to get it in the hot questions list!
And that was how PeeHaa got more rep than Jon Skeet.
@PeeHaa hehe… first steal 25 rep, then make it community wiki, xD
@Gordon booooo :D
oh, that wasn't your fault…
I wonder if it's been flagged yet.
@Epodax I would guess... yes :P
Anyone flagging that clearly isn't having a good Friday
Look it's already got 8 upvotes!
and a spam flag
lol. spam :D
It's somewhat amazing it survived this long
@PeeHaa you linked to a music video on Youtube that seems to be unrelated to php — user2314737 24 secs ago
... noob :P
I totally figured it out ...
he has no idea what PHP is all about
@PeeHaa I answered :3
Somewhere, there's a guy getting really pissed, that @PeeHaa's question isn't getting down votes + closed when his question did.
> I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's not a real question. – ChrisF♦ 22 secs ago
And that person might just me ChrisF :P
I think we will get punished if we will push this further ;)
Can't, this is a community-driven site
@Jimbo only one vote missing…
fuck, I'm still working on my implementation of the __getDownOn(\DateTimeInterface $day) magic method to solve this problem :(
@Jimbo lol
@PaulCrovella Haha, keep working, it's almost re-opened
:D today is best friday fun
The day the rebellion started.
shit, i'm gonna need a PartyingIterator too
How this thing is still getting upvoted, I'll never understand.
@Sherif Boredom.
And the fact that it's rarely seen.
aaand.. reopened ;)
@bwoebi is such a killjoy :P
I was gonna wait until I had my solution to reopen it, but that's not sportsmanlike
posted on October 09, 2015 by aliceljdc

/* by Maïa */

@PaulCrovella It's re-opened, get posting, so you can at least edit it
@Sean o/
I'm shocked no one is down voting the answers!
Where is the carnage!?!?
Where is the tearing someone a new asshole for missing a semicolon?!
This is so not like PHP
Agreed! Where are all the JavaScript developers?
OK, clearly either no one is awake enough to enjoy being trolled or no one is smart enough to know they're being trolled at this hour.
you know what's the joy is? Look at the related questions, first in a row
@AlmaDo Hahaha
> How can I prevent SQL injection?
so who's starting the github project to properly cover this?
@kelunik Hmm, what did you mean "near synchronous code"
no callback hell. :-)
Wait, you're telling me I can use yield in php5?!
I'm surprised no one has jumped in with "RoR has a gem for that!" yet.
@Sean If you want to use a lot of parenthesis, yes.
@kelunik Saw some new syntax and assumed it was PHP7 or something, that's pretty nice.
@kelunik Lots of parenthesis though? D:
Generators have been introduced in PHP 5.5. PHP 5 still needs parenthesis around yield when it's used in an expression, PHP 7 removed that need and adds new features like return values and Generator Delegation. :-)
What does a guy have to do to end up on the hot questions list...
@PeeHaa I think you mean "who" does a guy have to do.
@Sherif Whatever it takes :P
That's the kind of commitment I like to see
Finally a badge I am proud of:
> You've earned the "Nice Question" badge (Question score of 10 or more) for "Calculate what seat I can take".
this is... terrible
Grats Jimbo
I had respect for so until this very moment
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Be honest :P
then I was part of a massive troll act
and lost my innocence
nothing will ever be the same :p
Come to the dark side!
also, the link I posted earlier was for the newer version of tron. here is the real one ffilms.org/tron-1982
@J7mbo If that question is a joke, that's Jedi level trolling right there.
Guys, we just hit Jedi level.
May the code be with you.
//read the source, luke
waiting when that thing will skyrocket to "hot network questions"
Yeah me too :P
so far: +19/-6 : 19 happy fridaymans, 6 unhappy mondaymans..
user image
str_repeat('fun', 4);
We did it!
now get John Skeet to answer it
we need um... another language for it
is that an h over there?
nooo :(
This question was removed from Stack Overflow for reasons of moderation.
Was bound to happen once it reached Hot Network questions.
ah.. I put c# as a tag waiting for John to answer..
remember to put a screen cap for us <10k :)
btw, are badges revoked for removed questions?
Yeah think so
so, lets' hm.. undelete it? :D
(and wait for suspension :p)
I have a fullpage screenshot. :-)
Cruisin', so fast, into legend.
@Gordon I shall not any longer. You should see no 404s. :)
@AlmaDo not sure you can undelete it when a mod deleted it
@Gordon can a mod undelete a mod's delete?
badges are never removed
@Epodax yes, but I will not do that. as much as I enjoyed the fun.
@Gordon Worth a shot.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Ah yeah. Now that you mention it. They took the "meh too much effort for too little gain approach"
@Gordon yes, and there's a (minor) bug: system says "Are you sure to undelete it? (20 votes remaining)", but then stuff like - bla-bla-blah, dear mortal, a mod has deleted it so f*ck off
but I can edit it.. lol
Fatal error: Uncaught Rebecca\Black\Rebeccaception: Gotta get down on Friday.
Ask on meta why your question was deleted.
well, it was fun ;) and existed for more than an hour - it's an achievement.
@tereško you are screwed, man ;)
@Gordon the mods are being noobs, it's just a laugh
@AlmaDo what happened?
I seriously got wayy too much of internets for one day. after @tereško link on cultification and now this massive trolling, all of my bases are belong to the whatever
Will you be our champion?
@PaulCrovella Oh it's because you need to check the current date before executing the rest of the code. Try: if(todayIsFriday() && yesterdayWasThursday() && tomorrowIsSaturday() && theDayAfterThatIsSunday()) { getDown(); }
12 mins ago, by Alma Do
user image
and you missed that ;)
Their excuse was "it's generating flags" - can you stop things being flagged?
@Sean m-m-m-multi-ping-ping-ping!
I am not caffeinated, thus - I have no fucking clue what this is about
@PaulCrovella Whoops!
@bwoebi I flagged his comment with "this is bullshit"
mostly friday, occupying seats in a car and trolling main so site @tereško
@tereško ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@PeeHaa Where's the meta post?
with complains!!
I cant even ..
literally^ *
@Jimbo hehe
that is epic
I'm still waiting for the meta post demanding for the question to be reopened / undeleted.
@Epodax s/reopened/undeleted/
@tereško oi/
@Jimbo :P
Hello all, my company has 1 main database with a range of products on etc...
They want multiple websites built that will use the database, how should i approach this
should i make an API for each website to use? or split the database and create one for each website
@MatthewSmart What do the multiple websites do?
The same thing?
@tereško can you share your Sublime settings?
	"always_show_minimap_viewport": true,
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	"highlight_line": true,
	"line_padding_bottom": 2,
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	"shift_tab_unindent": true,
	"show_encoding": true,
	"show_line_endings": true,
	"theme": "Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme",
	"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
	"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true
@MatthewSmart Matthew, I imagine you could move your DB to a new host / server and have all sites connect to it if you wanted to go down that route
Thank you
You'll need to be careful for heavy queries though.
well the websites will be wordpress sites
@Leigh @Fabor phpnw
I had to get that cider for @Jimbo because he didn't have any ID.
Also, the arm on the left is @Andrea
When creating a resource using a REST API and the server returns 201 Created response and the resource that was created should it also have some sort of message saying the resource was created or should constructing the message be up to the consumer of the API? They know the resource was created and have the resource data so now it is up to them to create a message to display in their app
@Jimbo @Fabor No drinks for you? lame
@tibanez I'd say it's entirely up to the consumer to create the message. They have their answer from their call to you, it's up to them if they tell their users
@tibanez Should be up to the consumer
@tibanez You only need to report back what's necessary, like the resource ID if they need it.
Yeah I was thinking that and just wanted some other opinions on the matter. Thanks guys
@PeeHaa heh, between drinks -_-
Hello Guys, Need Help in Cake ACL, Want to implement a feature similar to Facebook privacy settings, like who can see what,.. Went through the cake doc but it seems like it wont allow very fine granular control..
@Aditya Sorry, it's unlikely you'll find help on CakePHP, CodeIgniter or Laravel in here
Could try a main SO question?
ohk, Thanks, My question is very broad in nature as of now.. so asking in SO might be like out of topic..
then you need to try and narrow it down :)
Ooo, looking at CVs. Exciting stuff
yeah, let me give it a shot then in SO.. Thanks Guys. :)
SO profiles now let you put your job title + company in their own section
what is "people reached" in SO? for e.g. I have ~5k people reached in my account, what is it?
ah I see, tnx
How can I add 3 fields in one td?
$row->first_name $row->mid_name $row->last_name
$name = wordwrap($row->first_name, mid_name, last_name);
is this correct?
help please thanks
or this?
$name = wordwrap($row->first_name->mid_name->last_name);
> wordwrap — Wraps a string to a given number of characters
> string wordwrap ( string $str [, int $width = 75 [, string $break = "\n" [, bool $cut = false ]]] )
$name = wordwrap($row->first_name + $row->mid_name + $row->last_name);
Why are you using wordwrap?
its a name
It's the name of a function
because he (and it definitely is a "he") has no idea what he's doing
I know it's a he lol
@salathe lol!
@salathe how did you fake the href?
it's totally real
He didn't ;)
The just know how to win us over :D
not a rebacca link :)
@AnmolRaghuvanshi a rap song with a picture with a Tool poster? That's sad!
Remote Address:
Request URL:http://roguewavesoftware.com/blog/2015/10/09/goodbye-zend-engine-hello-rogue-wave-engine
Request Method:GET
Status Code:302 Moved Temporarily
I'm totally going to get a letter from their lawyers in 3... 2...
Didn't click but will star it anyway.
> roguewave.software is also available!
@PeeHaa "Add final uri hover" to the room11 extension you're creating
@salathe Did you .. did you really buy a domain for that?!
@Fabor IIRC there are already resolve url extensions
@NikiC gotta up the Friday game somehow
Should tweet the link to get that class-action suit sent to him faster.
@Fabor "Final URI hover, only on Fridays" you mean
@NikiC lol yes.
@Fabor then I'll use a <meta> redirect :P
@NikiC What the fuck are you suggesting? That it is somehow not worth it???
@SergeyTelshevsky :D i found on youtube but it's good
Hmm, who are the top OO + software people, apart from Robert C. Martin?
@Jimbo M. Fowler, E. Evans (from the top of my head) .. and people in this hangout: youtube.com/watch?v=hd0v72pD1MI
They should be the gang of 3. I'm just looking for new material
I have tow php file a.html and a.php now a.html have <h1>{$header}<h2> and now how can I replace value of $header in a.php ?
Alan kays en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Kay consider as father OOP by some
@PeeHaa The first answer is actually pretty good
@NikiC :D
is it possible to implement this code without if condition?
@Ocramius what was the FooVersion tweet about?
$result = $var > 10 ? 1 : 0;

for e.g.
$var = 1;  // result: 0;
$var = 11  // result: 1;
$var = 100 // result: 1;
(I mean is how can use array and implement the above code?)
$func = function($var) { return $var > 10; }

$var = 1; echo $func($var); // Result 0
$var = 11; echo $func($var); // Result 1
etheme.js what is it for guys?
I'm getting et.FullHeight error on it
Try javascript room?
@Sajad please, learn to use IF statements
you questions are akin to "how do I make a list without using arrays"
@Jimbo Great. thanks buddy
@tereško I know to use IF, but actually I hate it
because it is not optimized if it be in the loop!
I know, you will tell me you are stupid
ya know ... whatever
c2.com/cgi/wiki?NygaardClassification <-- do you prefer it teresko want to dig abt OO
this answer is very good for using array instead of if-statement, but its problem is: there is not any default value. or max value. it is limited into a range
@Sajad are you aware that that syntax is identical to
identical with what ? with using IF ?
switch (floor($i/5)) {
    case 0:
        $var = 'a';
    case 1:
        $var = 'b';
that's actually what that code of yours get's compiled to
it is not optimization
@Jimbo try twitter.com/go_oh/lists SE Thought Leaders
@tereško what???! no no! I don't think so, there is "comparing" in your code, but in what I linked is just "selecting"
@Gordon Danke
@Sajad how do you imagine accessing array element works?
@tereško it looks to the number of "key" and then select that key of array ! just select
@Jimbo not meant to be a complete list though
exactly as that switch
@tereško switch compares key0 with case0 and then key1 with case1, and so on...., until looks break and then will be done! so they are not identical
hi guys may I ask you if this makes sense to you?
it doesn't.
Doubt it
I thought I had you on my ignore list
    //call the connection file
    require 'connessione.php';
    //errors enabled
    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
	$idRecord = $_POST['idRecord'];
    try {
		$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);
        // set the PDO error mode to exception
        $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
		$del = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM tagesroma WHERE id=id');
		$result = array();
		$result = $del->fetchAll();
oh wait, you were talking about something else
$dbh = null;
when the connection is closed
@Riccardo990 Also disable emulated prepared statements
@Riccardo990 Why?
well, null is web scale
@PeeHaa some people are tidier than you :P
@salathe Seriously PHP's tear every fucking thing down and set it up again is just perfect for me
@PeeHaa what why?
where is the emulated prepared statement?
DELETE FROM tagesroma WHERE id=id ... o.O
relief ignored
@Sajad php arrays are no like C++ arrays. PHP arrays are hashmaps. I does not make a difference whether you defined it as ['a', 'b'] or ['1' => 'b', '0' => 'a']
Why prepare a statement if you're not passing any parameters?
Why fetchAll() from a delete?

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