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@r5d this is not a freelancing site
@AlexHakkenberg Apache 2.4?
@Patrick. It is really a tiny code. You can do it and post it into your own repository.
Because, I don't know so much about ES6.
@PeeHaa yeah 2.4.9
@AlexHakkenberg FallbackResource /your/file/index.php
^ will route all requests which don't match with a file on the server to another file
@Patrick. Is there any site for getting a help with a tiny source code?
@r5d freelance.com or any other freelance site
@tereško I did it (I have a FK on Votes->user_id and when I remove one user, all his votes will be removed), but there is a new problem, I have a trigger (after delete) on Votes table for updating total_votes column, so it does not work anymore (I mean is when I remove a user and all his votes is removed, so total_vote does not changed)
@Patrick. I must pay for a tiny code? I want to get a help from a volunteer only.
@PeeHaa <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ core/ [L]

# If the request is not for a valid directory
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# If the request is not for a valid file
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.*) core/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !core/

FallbackResource core/index.php
No luck with this. is this the method you meant?
FallbackResource is not part of mod rewrite
But you are already using:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# If the request is not for a valid file
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ core/ [L]

# If the request is not for a valid directory
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# If the request is not for a valid file
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.*) core/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !core/


fallbackResourceallbackResource core/index.php
gives a 500 internal error
@Sajad that trigger is on which table?
@tereško Votes table, Also I have a column on the Posts table named (total_votes)
now, when a vote removes by FK, then the trigger does not work
@r5d yes you have to pay if you want someone to work for you. does this really need explaining?
@Sajad yeah, it looks like they dont
@tereško so there is any solution ?
@Patrick. Is there any community (like: SourceForge.NET) where people help me without any fee?
@r5d no. nobody will write code for you for free. they will help you if you show some effort trying it yourself and you get stuck. But nobody will work for you for free
@Patrick. Why many members (on Stack Overflow) answer or write a small code for answering a question?
@Sajad I guess the best option here would be to get rid of the total_votes column
and compute total votes, when selecting Post's data
@r5d All people on this board are probably professional developers. They need to pay for their living. Maybe a teenage coder living with his parents will do with just honor. But I guess it will be hard to find.
you can do that with a JOIN
@tereško oh no :-( ! in your case, I should use SUM() every time
@AlexHakkenberg. Okay, it is not a problem.
another way would be to make a transaction, which collects the IDs for posts on which the votes will be deleted and then updated the total_votes in those entries
@AlexHakkenberg Define "professional" :P
@tereško oh! I think implementing what you said is very hard
@AlexHakkenberg. Are you professional? I think you are not.
@Epodax someone that earns his bread with his work. E.G. I would love to help people. For free. But I am on such a tight schedule just to survive that I have no time for free projects.
@Epodax . I am interested in functional programming (FP), but not in OOP. Could you show me any document which introduces the way to re-design a OOP -> FP? I have tried to find on Google; but, there is only for FP -> OOP.
@r5d here you go, video-tutorial youtube.com/watch?v=HM1Zb3xmvMc
@AlmaDo. Watching for what?
@r5d Nope, because I get paid for what I'm doing as well. So yay, I'm a pro ;D
@r5d In case you mean that the definition of a professional is someone that is all knowing then no I am not. If you mean I earn my bread with what I am doing then the answer is yes. And I happen not to be good with .htaccess hence in your terms I am unprofessional within this subject. (* no offence intended or taken btw *)
@Epodax. Now, I want to ask a simple which I wonder to know: "The yield keyword appear firstly in what version of PHP?
@r5d What?
yield or die
@tereško I think the best option is get rid of CASCADE and to preventing TRIGGER'S collision, I can use it
@AlmaDo I'll never yield! Viva le revolition!
@r5d Okay? And?
What question which you want I ask?
... I'm not sure I understand, I don't want you to ask a question?
@Epodax. The yield appear firstly in what version of PHP?
..... What? @r5d Start making sense or I won't bother with this any more.
yield was always in php, we just realized it's a little bit late..
@AlmaDo. In (php.net/manual/en/language.generators.overview.php), they show: (PHP 5 >= 5.5.0). Is it available since PHP 4?
@r5d you just need to believe
@AlmaDo. I am sorry, I don't know much... In all version of PHP?
@tereško what you think?! I back on MyISAM and using TRIGGER ?
there is no point in "going back to MyISAM"
@r5d ok, jokes aside: documentation states correctly
@AlmaDo. Is there any replacement for other versions of PHP (like PHP 4.3, or PHP 5.2)?
@r5d no
forget about PHP4, forget about php 5.2. Be progressive, feel like PHP 7
@r5d 5.5, yes.
@AlmaDo. My server provider still provide the 5.2 version.
@tereško now problem is "removing by CASCADEand deactivating TRIGGERS". so the only solution is getting rid of CASCADE, is it right ?
@kelunik . Could you show me install a PEAR package into SourceForge web hosting?
the solution is not to put business logic in the database structure
"recomputing total votes" is part of business logic
@r5d nope.
@tereško yes yes
@kelunik. I can install with XAMPP. But, it seems that there is no way with SourceForge.
I don't care about PEAR nor SoruceForge.
@kelunik. Do you know anybody who can help me?
@kelunik. I am sorry; because, I bother you.
@r5d are you aware the you can get a VPS for $5/mo
@tereško. Yes, could you show me the best (cheap & ultimate bandwidth)?
just use this one digitalocean.com
@tereško. Is it prepared with Node.JS?
Can I install Node.JS into it?
as for unlimited bandwidth: tilaa.com/#getstarted (cheapest option costs $6/mo) .. though I am not sure if you can actually use up 1TB of bandwidth
and you obviously have no idea what VPS is
@tereško. Because, the current server provider always make it for me.
12 mins ago, by r5d
@AlmaDo. My server provider still provide the 5.2 version.
@tereško. Yes, it is true.
@tereško. Is it silly?
5.2.* was made from 2006 till 2011
@tereško. Yes!
@r5d You can start a new server ("droplet") preconfigured with node if you want to, DigitalOcean offers a bunch of different templates to choose from.
Good bye!
I'm sad :-(
@JoeWatkins I'm not sure where we landed on phpnw... are you staying at mine? Or is anyone else?
I've done it as a joke one too many times, but my xbox one now only turns on and responds to me saying "Xbox on" in a really camp voice
@Jimbo Hi sad :-( I'm Chris, nice to meet you
@DaveRandom planning to yeah ...
just checking
Aw man, why can't you use strikeout in comments :(
not sure what fab is doing
Oh, he's doing @PeeHaa's mum
maybe I am missing something, but XBone has very few good games on it
@tereško Halo makes it worth everything
@tereško There are some good ones, and already have a gaming pc, but greatly prefer the xbox one's interface and experience
unfortunately you cannot use it as a steambox .. well .. until someone invests a lot of time in making a hack
the OSes should be vaguely compatible
what is mean CASCADE on UPDATE ? it means if the parent updated, then children will removed ?
that is for cases, when you are not using an auto_increment value as a primary key
instead, for example, you have a product model umber as the primary key
if the model number gets changed, you would also want to change the value everywhere, where it was used as foreign key
ah I see
@tereško I can't believe you keep helping this sloth, while saying no when I was beging you for help with the ddd problem.
@samayo I already told you taht I dont use repositories and know nothing about them
I also ams sick an tired of DDDitis
it's the new version of "everything must have a named pattern"
ha that's true
@tereško Debugger-driven development? :)
DDD boils down to "you should try to understand the problem you're attempting to solve", then it defines its own vocabulary so people can write books and give seminars
similar to what agile did
I have a problem. During dev, it continuously get this error: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent.
Can I somehow ignore only this error?
why do you want to hide a mistake instead of fixing it?
@bwoebi I heard you're going to be at AFUP?
@sguetsch put ob_start() at the top of your script and be done with it
until you learn php that it.
@NikiC isn't everyone going to be at AFUP?
since RC4 is already planned is RC3 really a "release candidate"?
@salathe Are you there?
@NikiC Not sure yet, though I said I could be.
Morning guys
I have a SQL question
SELECT * FROM dqotgflc_pos . purchases_parts LEFT OUTER JOIN dqotgflc_pos . cash_paid_parts ON purchases_parts.Purchase_ID = cash_paid_parts.Purchase_ID
I only want to select all columns from the first table
But join only 1 column with those table
then don't use *
@tereško Why LEFT OUTER JOIN is not working ?
I heard that it selects all the columns from the first table
why are you asking me it?
Cause you gave me an answer
are you mentally deficient?
@tereško No :)
@NikiC Where did you hear that?
@JoeWatkins pong
@bwoebi julien said you were coming
@NikiC hehe… true :-)
@bwoebi which days will you be there?
and why aren't you doing a talk?
Hello Guys, I need urgent help of you.. I am new to git.. I have made some changes in my local repository and now i am pulling the changes from remote repository . It's giving me error "commit your changes or stash them", I do not want to loss my local changes. Kindly advise.
@NikiC Well… I'd first like to see a conference before immediately giving a talk...
the error message explains what you can do
@NikiC well, the conf is only two days...
posted on September 17, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by wingman */

Actully i did R&D but nothing found usefull.
Could you please advise @tereško. ?
1 min ago, by tereško
the error message explains what you can do
if i am trying to commit my changes it's giving the same error. that's why i am bothering you
you try to commit your changes and it gives you an error telling you to commit your changes... is that so
@Epodax I have no say in the mater whatsoever :(
.. at this point I am not even bothering to care
@NikiC I'll maybe think about one if I go to further confs… but don't trust myself to be on stage right the first time ;-)
@Naruto It's just not good enough, go to the director and demand the fillers end! Or else you'll quit the show! And what would naruto be without naruto?! (the answer is fillers ;D)
anyone can help me out ?
@bwoebi heh ... doing a talk is the easy part...
I'm not much good at that socializing thing
@NikiC is it? hmmm
@bwoebi I was squeaking for help, I got it though, thanks for responding :)
@NikiC bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=70517 < this one needs a fix backported to php 5.6, right?
@bwoebi looks so
as it works as expected in 7
lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_execute.c#722 Why is that check for null there with weak types?
@bwoebi I think so, as it's already covered by the direct type comparison
@NikiC yeah, but why?
@bwoebi not sure what you mean
@tereško I restart my modem, and I can not open my website (on my laptop) by way of other device, why ?
@NikiC Why do we prohibit null to be passed to a scalar typehinted parameter in weak mode?
modem != router
it's probably because the IP of laptop has changed
@bwoebi Basically: Implicitly allowing null anywhere ever is a terrible idea
@NikiC interesting. (though, while I agree, that still surprises me^^)
Sharpists are crying because of this
@bwoebi I feel like we could have pushed through basically anything under cover of the strict_types declare bikeshed :P
@NikiC the issue with that RFC is that it just is too damn long.
@tereško a modem is not a router ?
Noun: modem ‎(plural modems)
  1. A device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals and vice versa and allows computers to communicate over a phone line.
  2. modem m, n ‎(plural modems, diminutive modempje n)
  3. modem m ‎(plural modems)
  4. modem ‎(plural modemek)
  5. modem m ‎(plural modems)
(6 more not shown…)
Verb: modem ‎(third-person singular simple present modems, present participle modeming, simple past and past participle modemed)
  1. To transmit by modem.
  2. 1994, Carole Marsh, Jurassic Ark! Alaska Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures (page 7)
Noun: router ‎(plural routers)
  1. Someone who routes or directs items from one location to another.
  2. (telecommunications) Any device that directs packets of information using the equivalent of Open Systems Interconnection layer 3 (network layer) information. Most commonly used in reference to Internet Protocol routers.
  3. (electronics, electronic design automation) In integrated circuit or printed circuit board design, an algorithm for adding all wires needed to properly connect all of the placed components while obeying all design rules.
  4. router ‎(plural routers)
  5. A plane made like a spokeshave, for working the inside edges of circular sashes.
  6. router m ‎(plural routers)
Verb: router ‎(third-person singular simple present routers, present participle routering, simple past and past participle routered)
  1. to hollow out or cut using a router power tool.
  2. 2000, Ernest Joyce, Alan Peters, Patrick Spielman, Encyclopedia of Furniture Making, page 290,
  3. 2007, Laurie J. Gage, Rebecca S. Duerr, Hand-Rearing Birds, page 352,
  4. router
@NikiC Yeah, you're probably right. I think, if that'd been noted on internals though, we'd have been getting a BC break shitstorm back ^^
So, I have someone here suggesting to support lazy-evaluation in PHP in the sense of allowing to create pseudo-objects that pass typehints, but only get really instantiated on first use
That, to avoid instantiating large object graphs
actually, isn't that a design issue?
Sounds like a design issue
@Epodax Tailed beast bomb up their ass :P I will make them listen :P
Also, there are such things as closures...
yes, it sounds like that to me as well ^^
@Naruto That would teach 'em :P
Also, generally, do not ask for dependencies you don't need.
@bwoebi this is the problem of caching decorators, they have dependencies they might not use if the cache is warm. But that is solvable without lazy evaluation on a language level
@Epodax did you watch latest episode yet? (430)
@AlmaDo I expected something much more violent.
@Naruto The one from today? No, still at work :/
Every bag of tangfastics I get has way too many cherries in it
@FlorianMargaine be careful, you might end up giving apples a weapon to fight back with
@FlorianMargaine I got one of those but the problem is that 99.9% of the time it's not awesome because it's a huge pita to store
It's awesome during the brief periods during which you are actually cutting an apple though
still hopeless for me: serverfault.com/questions/722737/nxinx-php-fpm-upstream-timeout :\ I did more updates, but have no idea yet..
@rdlowrey morning
@rdlowrey Howdy
@DaveRandom "better than Chris" is all I heard from her...
@DaveRandom meh
I have a drawer for stuff like that
@DaveRandom which is about 1-2 times a day
so yay
moin @rdlowrey
stupid markdown ...
and me ... stupid me ...
array_map preserves the keys of the array doesn't it?
I'm going to say yes
@Danack yes. order and keys.
@JoeWatkins for a stupid person you're quite clever :-P
for a stupid person :D
@JoeWatkins means… you're not a stupid person :-P
> Everyone is an idiot, not just the people with low SAT scores. The only differences among us is that we're idiots about different things at different times. No matter how smart you are, you spend much of your day being an idiot.
I'm not saying he isn't an idiot :-P Just that he isn't stupid.
He's a clever idiot :-D
@JoeWatkins nice!
posted on September 17, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Cristina Alboni */

How did Chris Evans catch that shield?
Good morning
@ircmaxell o/
Hello everyone, how you gonna feel my SO question?
> There are either too many possible answers, or good answers would be too long for this format. Please add details to narrow the answer set or to isolate an issue that can be answered in a few paragraphs.
Not every question is appropriate for SO.
@Danack ok. I'll edit q.
Does anyone here have experience or advice for someone trying to setup a propitiatory composer pacakge. I'm not having luck
@GiantCowFilms You should write your question before trying to get someone to agree to help you. If you write it in notepad, and then copy + paste it in here, even if no-one can help you now, you will have the question written down and you will be able to re-use it elsewhere aka sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
@Danack I'm more curious if I should just give up
Or general advice.
moin @ircmaxell
@GiantCowFilms what exactly do you mean by "propitiatory" in this context?
TIL that propitiatory is an actual word
@marcio On my disk and very not public. (Sidenote: I'm to cheap for private github repos)
@GiantCowFilms use bitbucket
Mm, any opinions on this guys? stackoverflow.com/questions/32632659/…
@PeeHaa But it seems unnecessary to use a hosted git repo when the code can just live on my computer where it is accessible offline and much easier to get
Hello everyone
@PeeHaa that word could easily rank as hapax legomenon
my google-fu is failing me today. How do I make the ZF1 String Length Validator to actually take the used bytes of a character into account rather than the "character count"?
@GNi33 hello
@GiantCowFilms there are many ways to do that getcomposer.org/doc/articles/…
@GiantCowFilms also refer to this newly recently added feature:
2 days ago, by marcio
look, composer supports relative repositories https://getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md#path
Again they all assume you are going through the web. I'm going for disk.
@marcio Now I learned two new things! :P
for example, if I have a maximum string length of 3, it should not allow something like Äaa as this would take 4 bytes when the age old db I'm shooting at only allocates 3 for given input
how do you update you composer version
that would probably help me here
@GiantCowFilms you can setup your satis to be accessed locally only, or just see the second option I just gave you.
Ah okay, I will try that
@marcio I keep reading that and keep failing to understand; what is the difference between that and just using a local path URL like:
        "type": "vcs",
        "url" : "/d/workspaces/util"
@GiantCowFilms composer selfupdate
@Danack wait, should you do your disk letter as /c/ or C:/
@Danack I guess that not needing the full path might be convenient if you intend to move your project around.
@GiantCowFilms I don't know - it could d:/workspaces/util - I don't use windows so can't check.
In this case full path would make way more sense the relative.
@Danack oh...
I'm going to continue using C:\ under the presumption composer developers aren't completely mad
@marcio seems weird to add another type, rather than just allowing relative paths in the VCS one....which makes me think I've misunderstood something.
yea, a full local path works too.
@Danack frankly, IDK, composer does weird decisions and I got used to do not waste time questioning unless it's security related.
E.g cd into some project and run "composer show" see the WTF
I think I might have made if work
but currently composer is updating the entire laravel dependency set, so yah, this could take some time.
@JoeWatkins how are you doing?
ah, Twitter's image cropping algorithm did the wrong crop: twitter.com/ircmaxell/status/644519392970178561
@ircmaxell not too shabby, yourself ?
there is a php7 subreddit ?
@JoeWatkins not sure why you'd decentralize php things on reddit even more… not that a large community actually?
yeah I dunno, there is only three posts in it ...
@JoeWatkins pretty good, extremely busy, but yes
Well, as I'm sure you are aware, JIT's are the magic in the programming sauce; with them, you go fast, without them, you don't.

I've heard PHP7 will have a JIT, so now it can compete with node.js, also it's going to have a multi-threaded web server.

Source: phpclasses.org
shall I do it ?? for funsies ??
@ircmaxell good good ...
didn't get a chance to do the autoload patch yet, probably this weekend I'll have a look ... haven't forgotten ;)
@JoeWatkins But will PHP7 be web scale?
damn, I forgot to mention web scale
@JoeWatkins rotfl
@JoeWatkins I figured :-P
I've acquired 2 new internals minions contributors that I'm going to help do other patches...
I always screw up strike through
what was it again?
oooh who's that ?

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