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I think its probably more accurate to say that Americans love to omit e's when they are pointless
American English has diverged less from the common dialect than British English has over the past 600 years... so who's to say who's more accurate is really just a matter of whether you think the Queen is what makes you English or not.
I tend to use "programme" when referring to to come constructed list of tasks
like "training programme"
it might be an artifact of my native language
@tereško @Orangepill doesn't trilogy imply three?
@MarcelBurkhard No. It doesn't imply three. It's defined as three. It is explicitly three, so can not imply three. That's part of Adams' joke.
ok I thought so
but who's adam?
Adams. Douglas Adams. (That's why the apostrophe was after the s.)
I knew I should have written his whole name out...
oh alright I thought you were referring to some1 in here
This seems simple right: "To install a theme, unzip your downloaded theme into the directory /themes/ of your phpMyAdmin folder. When you open phpMyAdmin, you should be able to select the theme. Please read the documentation for more details."
If I have a 'User' object and it has getters like ->getUsername() ->getEmail() etc, where the only public methods are the getters do I really need to add the 'get' prefix to them? I always thought you should add it to give meaning to what the method is doing, but does that still apply in this case?
Douglas Noel Adams, 1952 - 2001. Famous for writing the Doctor Who serials Shada, The Pirate Planet, and co-authoring the serial City of Death, and was script editor during Doctor Who's 17th season. He also helped out at some rag-tag band of comedians known as Monty Python, and wrote a couple of books that nerds seem to like...
posted on September 17, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by nullset2 */

How do I install a theme on my phpMyAdmin
I don't see a place to put themes on my web server...
@crypticツ yes
@benlevywebdesign Read the friendly manual: wiki.phpmyadmin.net/pma/FAQ_2.7
so I have to upload a phpMyAdmin folder to my web server first I think?...
Let me guess... You're using some sort of managed hosting that came with phpMyAdmin pre-installed, right?
Yeah I have bluehost
Then, no, you can't add a theme to phpMyAdmin. You get way you pay for, and you're paying for Bluehost to hold your hand.
yo guys, anyone good with PHP and AngularJS?
I can get to a PHP Configuration page
@DaveRandom @Fabor @PeeHaa hey, my company deployed this a few days ago platform.sh/free-trial
@FlorianMargaine nice site
Thanks, I haven't done anything about that.
Goooooooooooooood Aaaaaaaaaafternoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon
@FlorianMargaine seems kinda pointless (sorry)
@FlorianMargaine Instant URL for every branch?" For what? A web project?
@FlorianMargaine How fast are they with new php versions?
@PeeHaa we have 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, and hhvm 3.8 or 3.9, don't remember
@samayo yes
@FlorianMargaine Yeah saw it. Tell them I need 7 :P
> Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of CodeCollab\Router\Router::addRoute() must be an instance of FastRoute\RouteCollector, instance of CodeCollab\Router\Router returned in
@PeeHaa too soon :P
\o/ opcache still utterly broken on rc3
@FlorianMargaine "URL for every branch" is really "URL for up to three branches", or how are they connected to environments?
@kelunik the 3 branches limit is for free trial
well, 3 environments limit is for free trial
each environment is plugged in a branch
and each environment has an url
and using some hierarchy between environments (i.e. git branches), you can sync between parents and children branches (as in, code merge, or data merge such as db)
@FlorianMargaine :-)
I have this code:
shell_exec('*/' . $_POST['publish_frequency'] . ' * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/mareebsiddiqui/Desktop/phpcron.php"; crontab -e' );
it runs a specific cron job
what i want to do is
before this command is executed
the previous cron job this same file should be deleted
then it should run
how can I achieve this please help?
i can not find naything related to delting a cron job
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui Why would you allow unsanitized POST request to your web server?
because it's trusted .:P
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui All trusted input is mallicious input.
But... to your questions...
i appreciate your input to the question. but I really want to know how to delete the cron job
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui never pass user-generated content directly to shell
@samayo lol @MohammadAreebSiddiqui
it's also not that vulnerable. whatever value comes in either it invalidates the command or it just runs as it should.
however, can you please tell me how could I delete the previous cron job of the same file?
@tereško I think /bin/bash makes then a lot of things wrong when it directly executes out user input...
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui yeah sure keep it in
From your server's shell, as root, type "crontab -e". This will allow you to edit your cron jobs. If you do it any other way, you will mess up your system. You can not do this from inside of a PHP script. Don't automate the generation and removal of cron jobs. Bad things happen.
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui * * * * rm -rf seems like a nice input.
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui BTW what's the address?
@kelunik you have to start it with ";" though .. or "&"
@kelunik does not it invalidate the command?
oh god.
actually i have a field in my database which hold the interval of my cronjob
and as it upadtes
i need to update interval of my cronjob
I will not always go to shell and change it
@tereško I just add the frequency and have the other * as arguments to rm.
it has to be from within php.
so you see the problem?
Yes you are using user input in shell_exec
Why do you need to update it so often?
Running a PHP script from cron every single minute is a code smell.
shell_exec is a code smell.
Manipulating cron jobs from scripts is a code smell.
Go back.
should I use LEFT JOIN or INNER JOIN for adding SUM() (calculating the number of total votes for each post)
Also repeat after me: XY problem
the file that runs in the cronjob is a ftp manipulator
Or, if you insist on going down the path that you're going down, when things go terribly wrong, remember that we warned you.
other than security aspects
what could go wrong @Ghedipunk ?
.. famous last words
You could easily turn your server into a very expensive brick.
it won't be even uploaded
or hosted
s/server/personal computer
@tereško so LEFT JOIN, correct ?
so what should I do? :/
@Sajad that's usually the correct answer: in 99% of your SQL code you will be using LEFT JOIN
the interval has to be updated ofthen
@ircmaxell I got busy >.< I will look at this later.
Re-think the problem. At a high level (pretend I'm a marketting exec), what are you trying to do?
the worst thing about my problem is
my client wants it tomorrow
and as you see from my age i am in school I need to wake up at 6am and it's already 130am here :'(
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui nope, the worst thing is your current solution.
i feel like crying, tries not to cry cries alot
@tereško I asked this question several days ago in here, and I remember somebody answered me .., can you please tell me my ID ? I need to search in myself account
@kelunik what is the alternative then?
Something like this might be what you are asking for...

shell_exec( sed --in-place '/Desktop\/phpcron\.php/d' path-to-crontab; rccron restart; '*/' . $_POST['publish_frequency'] . ' * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/mareebsiddiqui/Desktop/phpcron.php"; crontab -e' )

You're tired, you're stressed. You've coded yourself into an unworkable solution. That happens. What is the high level description of your project?
you can search in your chat history from your chat profile
@Orangepill tnx
You still didn't provide a reason why you have to change the interval.
@tereško no thanks, I detected my ID
There is about 100 Sajad's though
oh shit, my chat has been removed ...!
what happens when I run one cronjob after another on the same file?
does it run it twice then?
and thrice and so onn?
can't it just replace it?
anyway? :P
Not in PHP.
crontab -r
what does it do?
deletes the whole crontab?
then when I create another cronjob it adds to it
so if i do this
Do you really want to delete the whole crontab?
i will start with crontab -e
crontab -l to list what you'll be removing, first...
:(){ :|: & };: always works for me when I need to clear the crontab
@PeeHaa are you always sarcastic with me or just i feel like it? :P
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui A little bit of both
when I run a cronjob like this
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/php ftp_monitor.php"; crontab -e
and before it I do this
crontab -r
@PeeHaa I'm pretty sure I know what that is but I have to resist the urge to run it to make sure.
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui The best teacher is failure. PeeHaa just wants you to learn.
crontab -r; */1 * * * * /usr/bin/php ftp_monitor.php"; crontab -e
@Orangepill ;-)
So PeeHaa wants you to fail
so that i could pass? o.O
i should fail to pass.
crontab -r; */1 * * * * /usr/bin/php ftp_monitor.php"; crontab -e
I wish we had a nice cronjob management library. I hate typing those asterix
would this work?
first clear all cronjobs
@ircmaxell What do you mean 'satisfies'? Do you mean a type check of a value at runtime or the declared type at compile time?
@Orangepill That's actually not that destructive per-se... Disruptive, absolutely, but so long as your filesystem's cache is committed, it should be fine to run...
crontab -r; */1 * * * * /usr/bin/php ftp_monitor.php"; crontab -e would this work?
assuming that my crontab is just filled with my one cronjob
because i run no other cronjob other than this
so it should be fnie
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui It's your system. I can tell you that it probably won't hurt your system...
acha tell me one thing
crontab -e shows us the current cronjobs right?
-l to show the current ones. -e is to edit.
helps us to write more cronjobs
and -r just clears out whatever is in there
Make your changes. See if it works the way you expect. Get some sleep.
this is correct? : if I'm sure in the left table data is exist, then I should use left join, but if i'm not sure data is exist (or not) in the left table then I should use inner join. correct ?
@ircmaxell I think the answer is no.
19 mins ago, by tereško
@Sajad http://blog.codinghorror.com/a-visual-explanation-of-sql-joins/
@Orangepill :-) I read about JOIN in the w3schools, but very time a long, somebody told me if you are sure about existing, then use left join, this sentence is correct?
@Ghedipunk google+ is filter for me
@Ghedipunk how do we know that shell_exec worked or not?
my file is not executing
o/ @ThW
@PeeHaa you are really good at memes aren't you? :P
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui shell_exec() returns the output as a string. If that isn't helpful, exec() can return the status code in addition to the output.
Now either get some coffee or go to sleep.
i cant
today is the demo. :/
shell_exec is giving null
null ouput
exec to
if ($canGetCoffee === false) {
@LeviMorrison no?
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui The more you mess with your code at 2am the morning of a demo, the more bugs you introduce.
I can't believe irc maxwell is here. That guy is a legend in the PHP community. Rock on!
it's over.
i am going to sleep
@ircmaxell Are you assuming covariant and convariant include exact matches? satisfies(Foo, Foo); // true?
just only last try
Be honest. Show how close you are. Don't go into huge details about the bugs.
just need to do this cronjob thin
@LeviMorrison yes
then i can go to sleep peacefully
Your client wants to see progress. (Well, clients want to see finished projects, but they're happy with progress.)
@Sajad posts INNER JOIN comments gets only the posts that have comments
posts LEFT JOIN comments get all the posts regardless of if its got comments or not
If, after this project is over, you still want to be a software developer, take a break and review what went wrong with this project, and figure out what you could do better next time.
doubly escaping always end up ugly…
I want to match an escaped backslash… \\\\ sigh.
If you were matching that in any of the PCRE functions, you'd need \\\\\\\\.
And if you where using pcre to match a js regex for an unescaped backslash you would need \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
@Orangepill He's asking for an escaped backslash, so \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
now that's just getting silly :)
We could pass it through another language that uses backslashes to escape... Java, anyone? C#?
@bwoebi You can avoid one escaping with nowdoc syntax afaik
btw, Lucifer pilot was fun (based on Sandman comics spin-off)
good mornings
how come naiv string concat is so fast in PHP? because of realloc?
@ThW If I had PHP, yep ;-)
@bwoebi Just sent you the hangout link :)
lol anybody maybe can help me. I'm scaling an Image from 1080 x 1920 to 150x150. the result is awful. It is kinda stretched
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path);
		$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor(150, 150);
		$profile = imagecreatefromjpeg($path);
		imagecopyresampled($thumb, $profile, 0, 0, 0, 0, 150, 150, $width, $height);
		imagejpeg($thumb, ..., 75);
@Maurize Well, because your aspect ratio went from 16:9 to 1:1.
@SammyK It's somehow funny when you don't understand some things… ^^
@bwoebi Hehe. Yep! :)
@kelunik I get this. Any hint how to solve this problem?
@Maurize You either have to letterbox the image or crop it.
@kelunik thanks. letterbox will not be a solution. I need to crop it.
no, I got a better idea. Simply resize it to 150px on one side. the other is unimportant because I will only display 150px x 150px.
Okay, now I confused myself. Nevermind.
You have to scale it by 150 / min(1920, 1080) and then use the left, middle or right part of the scaled image.
@Maurize You can use this simple function to crop or resize based on ration any image.
@kelunik this are the % from 100 or?
@kelunik eloquent ... I usually recalculate height and width in an if to so that.
@Maurize It's a float, not %.
@kelunik uh, however. I got this to work.
@kelunik depends on the source image, it can be the other way, too. I would consider both.
@ThW Sure, I'd just use the center or top left area.
@Orangepill I got it, tnx
Karma is swift :P
finding a working fat32 library in C is freaking hard
fat32 or fvat, really...
@FlorianMargaine search in linux kernel and change the code to your needs?
@bwoebi I guess I'll do that, yeah...
@FlorianMargaine but why can't you just mount it?
@bwoebi several reasons: mounting is slow, and I want to know if a mount is vfat before working with it
@FlorianMargaine well… depends on what you want to do…?
I should put a banner on my web site that says "You are the 8th person to visit this site! Click here to claim your prize!" If they click, it's just a link to a picture of Willy Wonka with the text "You get NOTHING!"
@bwoebi I'm putting an usb stick to login
@FlorianMargaine why are you even using a filesystem for that?
so I have to find which block device is the usb key
@bwoebi convenience. But I think I'll go with a custom partition instead.
Also, mounting is not that slow, at least for a simple USB stick it should be fine.
if you have auto mounting of usb sticks
anyway, I'll think about it
going to bed now
@tereško are you there ?
a bit
@tereško ok, I wrote my query
can you take a look at it?
I can, but I cannot promise, that I can tell you anything useful
SELECT p.*, v.value AS vote_value, total_votes.total_votes,
CASE WHEN f.id IS NOT NULL THEN '1' ELSE '0' END AS favorite
FROM post p
LEFT JOIN votes v ON p.id = v.post_id AND v.user_id = $user_id
LEFT JOIN favorites f ON p.id = f.post_id AND f.user_id = $user_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT post_id, SUM(value) AS total_votes FROM votes GROUP BY post_id) total_votes ON p.id = total_votes.post_id
WHERE p.id= $post_id limit 1;
ok, that's wrong
@tereško it works ...
first of all, you are not using a prepared statement, but that's not even the important
@tereško in reality I used. just I removed ? and put $variables for more clear
you also made the join wrong
which one?
the userID should go in the WHERE clause
well ... at least that would be where I put it
hmm ...
maybe I am wrong
(still trying to understand the query)
I don't know, maybe both of us are right. because sometimes there is several query. now I want to use be best case ...
ok, ya know, leave it as it is for now
ok :-)
but one thing
but there is one thing you need to do: make sure that all JOINs use indexed columns
@tereško ok
primary keys are indexed by default, but foreign keys usually are not
I'm doubt on last LEFT JOIN (SUM). it is good? can I calculate total vote some way more optimized ?
so you need to make sure that columns like votes.user_id are actually indexed
@tereško I see
@ircmaxell I've thought about the idea to make static accept arbitrary expressions. Thought I could change the op_array at run-time (basically changing a jump target) … bad idea due to closures and opcache. Don't see any real way apart from adding a new opcode, just for the condition.
@Sajad I wouldn't put that subselect in the JOIN but instead hoist it to SELECT fields
I cannot think :(
:-) ! seems you are tired, ok well, thanks for your attention
How does this warning opin -> Warning: is_writable() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, resource given in "mypath" ... my path is fine i don't understand

function writes($nameOfFILE, $fileContents){
$handler = fopen($nameOfFILE,"w");
$counter = 0;
while($counter <= filesize($handler)){
if(filesize($handler) <= TB * 16){
@june1992 give it a file path.
when i call it out in the interpreter as input from a file it gives me that warning
@june1992 is_writable($nameOfFILE)
> Warning: is_writable() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path TO YOUR TEXT FILE, resource given in "mypath"
oh that is why it says resource given
i feel dumb
actually, this has been a really fucking long day
I'm leaving
@bwoebi boooo
@june1992 While you are at it, let me invite you into the magical world of the php manual
@ircmaxell well… If you have a better idea, tell me… else stop booing :-P :-P :-P
Slightly better: (Checks if the file is writable before attempting to open it.)
function writes($nameOfFILE, $fileContents){
        $handler = fopen($nameOfFILE,"w");
        $counter = 0;
        while($counter <= filesize($nameOfFILE)){
            if(filesize($nameOfFILE) <= TB * 16){
aright thank you
@marcio hehe, same comment, just off by one minute ;-D
@bwoebi first!
also is this considered an algorithm ...?.........
@marcio 23:16:49 vs. 23:17:40 according to the mails headers. Sorry, I'm the first \o
or algorithmically speaking an algorithm
@bwoebi actually mine shows exactly the same date/time :s
Received: from [] ([] helo=lists.php.net) by pb1.pair.com (ecelerity r(12769M)) with ESMTP id 50/F0-05737-1E94BF55 for <[email protected]>; Thu, 17 Sep 2015 19:16:49 -0400
Received: from [] ([] helo=lists.php.net) by pb1.pair.com (ecelerity r(12769M)) with ESMTP id 06/41-05737-41A4BF55 for <[email protected]>; Thu, 17 Sep 2015 19:17:40 -0400
@marcio ^ that's what I see
@bwoebi oh no, you're first. The gmail client is lying.
@marcio that's why one looks at the headers ^^
yea, the headers indeed tell a different story ¬¬
@marcio any idea who that [email protected] is???
@bwoebi IDK, but he/she was active on the Coercive Scalar Type Hints RFC thread
@marcio I mean… .invalid is an IETF reserved TLD…
> ".invalid" is intended for use in online construction of domain
names that are sure to be invalid and which it is obvious at a
glance are invalid.
right… and hence I wonder why we get a mail from such a sender…
do you know if ezmlm has a bug database?
no idea

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