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Shouldn't have PHP a notice there, too? 3v4l.org/39gXr
Hello. I have this line: if($value == "t"){
How can i fill a new array $ttrue with the values that the if returns true?
@kelunik well, it's optimized out
@kelunik if you look at the older versions, you'll get it too…
@kelunik 3v4l.org/39gXr/vld#tabs - the compiler optimises the statement away, "undefined var" is a run time error in zend so there's no message. $var; is a no-op statement anyway. I suspect (but only guesswork) that it's to allow people to "declare" vars at the top of functions, I've seen this done in old PHP4 code a few times, I don't know if was by some sort of convention or simply to accommodate C etc devs who are used to being required to declare vars
@DaveRandom Found it in @rdlowrey's code. ;-)
That may just be a typo, I've not seen him do that
Same here until some minutes ago when I started to look at Aerys' tests..
@NikiC I've been doing some reading (isg.rhul.ac.uk/tls/RC4biases.pdf). If I understand correctly it seems there are some single-byte biases beyond the first that can be used to recover the first 256 bytes (which are discarded in the case of arc4random).
@Leigh I was referring to multi-byte biases
The paper covers double-byte biases too
but I didn't read all of it
It's about time. I've always wanted meaty content filler
What the hell else would it be?
@DaveRandom wait
@DaveRandom ok, I was wrong, sorry
Good morning
@ircmaxell morning
@DaveRandom more like a first-world problem.
I'm offended by the way how people easily get offended.
Don't be that guy.
@samayo I'm offended by how you're offended that you think people easily get offended
and that's not a joke, that's serious
I'm offended that is Not a joke.
It's a tie. We're all offended, so let's move on.
I'm offended as well
stop getting too meta and I'm offended that you're offended by that it isn't a joke.
I don't know why, but I am
I'm offensive
Can anyone gimme some light on frontend, backend site session management?
I will suspend all of you if don't stop being offensive
that's racist.
@Gordon But I am a nice guy - not very logical....but amuses me.
An offensive banhammer!
@samayo consider that it's not perhaps that they are "easily" offended, but they have lived a different past than you and hence are triggered by different things. Something that seems inconsequential to you could be massive to someone with a different past.
@Gordon seems you're now offended too :-P // well ok.
nah, I am just supposed to hand out suspensions to offensive people :D
I'm unoffended by the number of people who are offended in here.
@ircmaxell The word you are looking for is being sensitive to someone's feeling. But people have taken this moral fiber thingy, to a whole lot new level, and are being easily offended.
i don't wanna offend in this planet anymore.
The first time I got offended on the Internet was in this room. I was heavily trolled and lost my cool :D @Machavity
> Orphan GIFs
Now that is one offending word right there.
offtopic: It is me or is bash the worst scripting/programming language ever made?
@Machavity It's out of my screen so I can live with it :P
I wrote my first web script in CGI/PERL. That was painful
@samayo it's you, there is worse :D
I don't mean the ones you wrote :P
@samayo Clearly you have never written a windows batch file
Or debugged one.
@DaveRandom :D
@DaveRandom I have a fucky problem, why it works like that????
really why ? :((
look, composer supports relative repositories getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md#path
@Sajad simple... INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, '10');
If you don't quote it it will be inserted as int and converted to varchar
@MarcelBurkhard what is this ? it is exactly what I did
@MarcelBurkhard ow, wati
@Sajad no it's not.
and I don't wait and yes I'm right (lol)
@MarcelBurkhard Oh Dear Lord! thanks
good morning 11
Also @Sajad don't use NULL when what you really mean is DEFAULT, they are not the same thing
And in the case where you always want the default value, don't specify that col in the field list at all
@DaveRandom It's hard to believe someone actually sat down and designed that language.
@marcio is that new functionality?
very painful to even look at
@MarcelBurkhard yes
@marcio looks like a nice addition. Edge case obviously ...
@marcio do you contribute to composer?
@MarcelBurkhard it's really good for when you have unreleased dependencies or want to maintain a private dependency.
@marcio yes.. but I think satis is the better approach if available?
@MarcelBurkhard nope, never made any contribution to composer but I subscribe to changes.
@marcio oh ok.. silly question: do you know why the guy on the homepage turned black?
I setup satis with self-hosted git repositories here at the workplace
sneak peak at my talk
yes, the talk will now have TWO Star Wars jokes
@Andrea do they have good beamers? If not black background is gonna suck :D
@MarcelBurkhard heh
well, the preceding slide is white
so the contrast to the previous slide will make the black obvious
I guess it'll be fine
I should probably figure out how to restructure this so that the "far, far away" thing comes BEFORE the "Type Wars" thing, but oh well
@MarcelBurkhard with satis you still have to maintain different repositories. With a relative dep you have all on a single repo, so work flow may be easier. But that's indeed an edge case for most people.
@Andrea Episode VI: The Return Types Of The Jedi
@DaveRandom that's too good
VII: The Empire Strict Types
this is 7 after all
@Andrea only 2?
@Andrea who will be darth vader? :>
@ircmaxell well I've barely written the talk, so it'll probably have even more eventually
@marcio as amusing as it would be to make someone Darth Vader, I think it's a bit mean
@Orangepill No, should be Episode VII: The Forced Return Types
Using PhpStorm 9/9.5 how do I sign a git commit/tag? I've setup git to use a default signing key, but I see nowhere in Pstorm where to tell it to sign. Do I have to just use cli to push when I need something signed?
@Andrea that wasn't a suggestion, btw
@marcio oh I realise
@Machavity I like that better
@marcio She finds your lack of vagueness... disturbing
@MarcelBurkhard I like toranproxy.com better
serious sam 3 is an evil evil game
@Orangepill Ironically this clip describes what happened to PHP 6 pretty well. "Unicode support... we've got it... we've got it... thunk"
@marcio I like it too, but I went for a free solution anyway so I had not to explain to the boss what git or any of this stuff means :P
That's gotta be a slide
just please... no ewoks or jar jar
@Andrea The storm trooper needs a thought balloon "I really want strict types but I'm not sure I can bring myself to agree with THOSE types"
I will accept ewoks as long as I get a real live one to take home as a pet afterwards
In college, when the awful Special edition of RotJ came out, I had a friend who took to cheering when the Ewoks get killed in the fight. He made a little kid cry
"Int, or not int, there is no (implicit) cast."
/me waves
I'm gonna have to use some of these in the talk
@JoeWatkins hello Jedi Joe
how goes
ohai @Andrea, it goes well, yourself ?
@JoeWatkins I am doing okay :)
and making bad star wars jokes in room 11
I saw, terribad ...
All of your code samples have to use yoda conditionals
/tum dum tss
I really hope the movie will be terrible
what, the new one?
I hope it's fantastic
Morning v2 =)
> This is a reminder that we will be increasing the length of the registrant passwords to make them more secure. Effective September 10, 2015, the new minimum password length will be 10 characters. This means that when registering a new domain name, a minimum 10-character password will need to be supplied via the API or the Reseller Control Panel. A 10-character password will also be required when transferring a domain, or changing an existing registrant password.
Here's an idea: just fucking prevent my hash from being leaked in the first place.
Maybe they recently looked in the logs and saw how many dictionary attacks there are going on....
@Danack Neh. The previous mail I got from them read: Sorry we dun fucked up. All your base are belong to haxorz
So.....their solution is to make the data files the hackers need to download is marginally larger....
Now that I think about it. GENIUS!
@Danack Not if they're hashing properly... Size of input is not correlated to size of output...
I've just used an unset cast!
@bwoebi congratulations! You can now delete the line and commit something sane.
@FlorianMargaine (I did ^^)
@Andrea :-P
@bwoebi WHY
@Andrea somefcall(!(unset)yield) was on that line…
@bwoebi wtf..
i have a question can anyone help me?
> Discussion for all things PHP. Don't ask to ask, just ask.
@Vinie Some people can help you. If it's a psychological problem, you've come to the wrong place, though. Why don't you ask so that we can find out whether people here can help you?
before asking my question you need to see this
A: order by in only one query in UNION mysql

VinieThank you for your reply. I got the solution (select * from (select * from user where status <> 'Approved' order by status asc) a) union (select * from t1 where status = 'Approved' )

in the query i have multiple joins and i used union
i can do it by iterate result without using UNION using php. I want to know which one take less time
It will take less time by doing it in the database.
i should use union
posted on September 15, 2015 by Joe Watkins

Fig 1. Definition of polyfill according to WikipediaI think that a rather narrow definition, nevertheless it shows the origin of the word to be specifically Javascript and client side development. Slowly but surely, this has become part of the PHP vernacular, everyone has heard of password_compat. A polyfill for PHP7's random_* API is also available. I think we know what a polyfill is, or ca

> I think that a rather narrow definition
You a word @JoeWatkins ^
And no, my answer is not a helpful answer. That's a dismissive answer. You could have (and should have) done it yourself. By asking the way you did, you showed us that you're not willing to do your homework, so most of us will be unwilling to help you understand why, or help you understand how to find things out for yourself which is incredibly more useful than knowing if something is faster in PHP or in SQL.
If you want valuable answers, take an hour or two to read this: catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
@PeeHaa I'm being British ...
I'm sorry :P
I wonder if I will be heard, or told I'm wrong again: news.php.net/php.internals/88218
@ircmaxell *doesn't read* You're wrong!
You forgot to attack the character of the people proposing that RFC.
Do these people expect to taint every possible input, including stream readers?
I started with PHP 3 min ago.
and I cant display <?php
echo "My first PHP script!";
@Ghedipunk ....and presumably every output as well?
He meant "three minutes ago".
that was going to be a joke, but I gave up.
@kame This isn't always the best place to get very basic help.
@kame I really don't want to discourage new developers... but... That sucks. I'm sorry that you're having that problem. That's also not nearly enough to go on and this is most definitely not the place to find help for the problem you're having... So... since I'm in a generous if not short mood today, I'll give you the greatest help that I can: catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
@FlorianMargaine countdown to see 5.6 dying?
@Danack Where can I ask this question?
@kame If you want an answer to your question, spend the next hour reading catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
@marcio 7 is not released yet...
@Ghedipunk I read it.
And it says - Don't post a very elementary question to a forum where advanced technical questions are expected, or vice-versa
therefore I ask for a place to ask beginner questions
@kame Alright, let me link you to the appropriate section. catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#classic
It doesn't matter what forum you ask on, the question that you asked won't get answers even in the newest of newbie forums.
@Ghedipunk You are right!
"It's broken" doesn't help us to help you. My wife constantly says "There's a problem with the Internet" and I immediately think "Yep, 4chan is one of the biggest ones."
So, here's a quick template of how to ask a question:

What are you trying to do?
What do you expect to happen?
What are you actually seeing?
What have you tried to do to fix that problem?
@FlorianMargaine well, it's on RC phase. That won't take longer than ~4 months.
What are you trying to do?
Get this to run:
echo "My first PHP script!";
What do you expect to happen?
See "My first PHP script!" on the screen.
Now it gets exciting
What are you actually seeing?
(This is where you need to finish up)
Now, someone who can help you will probably start asking probing questions, like... Are you trying to run this so that you can display it through a browser, or through the command line?
I try to just echo "Hello world" in my Browser. I open the index.html-file but I can't see the output in my Browser like expected. There is only a white page. I use PHP-5.5.9 on my Linux-Ubuntu. --> Code: pastie.org/10421863
But to really get useful probing questions, we need to see what the actual problem that you're having is, which means answering What are you actually seeing?
@marcio do you use golang? lately i've read news about the coalesce operator but i've lost the link, do you know what was it? if i'm not wrong it was about a pattern i later noticed i started using frequently since php7. maybe it would be interesting to have.
in php7 it's:
return $this->foo = $this->foo ?? new Bar($this->baz);
could be something like this:
return $this->foo ??= new Bar($this->baz);
@kame Rename your file to index.php
I can't open the file
Then go bug some Linux admins.
Actually, no, don't.
Find a friend who can sit next to you at your computer.
That is actual helpful advice, not just me being dismissive and short. Find a friend. It really will help.
@kame how do you open it?
also cc @Andrea
if you are doubleclicking it or using the file:// path you are doing it wrong
@RonniSkansing I double-clicked it
@kame yea that is why it is not working
@RonniSkansing interesting
Yes @kame it the most helpful thing so far
@Abe ??= seems very reasonable ^^
@Abe it was something I wondered about
So do you know what to do/google/search now?
Okay I dont want to disturb you
it might be a good addition
was that it in golang @marcio ?
Thanks a lot!
No problem
and you are not disturbing @kame, atleast not me.
@bwoebi ugh
@LeviMorrison be assured, I removed that ugly cast ^^
@marcio i think it was F# :P couldn't find the news yet though
@Abe this is usually done with good n old if/else. You won't find this kind of sugar in golang. And if you suggest syntax sugar on golang's mailing list you will be stabbed.
But for PHP, ??= looks fine to me.
@marcio lol :D yeah it was about F#
@RonniSkansing It works :)
congrats =)
I had never so much difficulties with a "Hello World"
How safe is it to update production code through FTP when uses are logged in?
@user3692125 not safe
@user3692125 It's better to stop your web server first. If you're using an opcode cache, then you definitely need to restart your web server anyways.
2 messages moved to bin
I agree that comment should be the bin
@ircmaxell does that actually work or is it a joke repository?
it actually works
@MarcelBurkhard It works, but only in Sparta. Everyone else was too weak
@marcio :D
@Machavity it only works on systems with 300 cpu cores
the new stackoverflow favicon renders choppy /edit: only on chat.stackoverflow.com
@marcio Sebastian and his fugbixes^^
@bwoebi it's a thing github.com/…
@Sara :-P
it's amazing the things you can do with a PHP-based parser :-P
and that performance
@MarcelBurkhard the performance is not a huge issue if you opcache all the things... unless were talking about parsing and dumping 20 KLOC php files.
@marcio opcache won't help
but opcache is the magic in the php sauce, with it, you go fast, without it, you don't ...
^ that's not what I meant :P
@ircmaxell why not? what if you dump the generated code to a file and include it. Not sure if that's what you're already doing.
Guess it won't onebox
prefix with a !
cool. ILT
Hi . I am facing some issues with encoding issues. Doctrine not able to persist characters like é
Bad question. If you want help, follow this template:

What are you trying to do? What do you expect the results to be? What are you actually seeing? What have to done to try to fix it yourself?
@Ghedipunk His problem is E_DOCTRINE
@Ghedipunk I can see where you're coming from - that advice would be at less risk of causing offence if you offer it as advice i.e. "you should follow" rather than an order.....and I still prefer my template:
Aug 19 at 11:45, by Danack
@LoaiNagati You should write your question before trying to get someone to agree to help you. If you write it in notepad, and then copy + paste it in here, even if no-one can help you now, you will have the question written down and you will be able to re-use it elsewhere aka http://sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
@Danack We'd cause much less offense just by ignoring them... but then there would be absolutely no chance of them getting their problem solved... but yes, I see what you're saying.
Let me rephrase...
Your problem can't really be addressed based on what you've given us so far. We really do want to help (which is why we're not ignoring you), so if you could include more useful information, we can get started. To help you out, here is a suggestion of things to address:

What are you trying to do? What do you expect the results to be? What are you actually seeing? What have you done to try to fix it yourself?
Just make them a form to field out
(*the goddamn site)
and name it "answer generator" or "problem solver" so it sounds attractive
@VamsiKrishnaB this might be of some help to you.
@Ghedipunk I bet you 1 beer, that at least one person you say that to in the next month then criticises you if you choose not to help them.
but those people will criticize you regardless
Actually - the one I've been posting hasn't yet. Admittedly about half the people just disappear without actually bothering to write their question out, but still, there is no promise of help in it, and in fact there is a suggestion that no-one will.
I'm surprised ... there is a whole class of people that feel entitled to get your time and expertise.
The avatar might help a little...
or teresko's tag line...
Hey all.
Anyone fancy giving me a hand with a basic INSERT / UPDATE DUPLICATE KEY query? I've got it working in one instance but not another!
show us what you have
$Query = "INSERT INTO accounts (first_name, last_name, username, password) VALUES ('$first_name', '$last_name', '$username', '$password') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE first_name = '$first_name', last_name = '$last_name', username = '$username', password = '$password'";
For whatever reason, it inserts another entry with the amended values rather than update. I've got it working on another page which is strange lol.
you are not including information that is triggering a duplicate key condition
what are the unique/primary keys on the accounts table?
@DanAshbridge Is this for a password reset?
you really really really need to be using prepared statements... you are wide open for sql injection
@Danack, it isn't. I'm learning PHP.
Orangepill, I've been told lol - I want to try and get the basics together and then change everything (that's the next thing to learn).
It's for a CMS I'm creating (an Account Settings) page.
get the basics the right way then... it's no harder to do it the right way... all you are doing is learning something you have to unlearn
Very true.
posted on September 15, 2015 by nlecointre

/* by Cyrus McDugan */

Any idea on that statement though? ^.^
@Dan would it be a problem to rewrite the query ? I found this: stackoverflow.com/a/3164741/982075
@DanAshbridge or just check if the row already exists before executing the insert?..
Hmm, so many ways to do things lol.
@DanAshbridge yes there are many ways ... you could also declare the email column as unique and catch the exception from executing the query
I've got a unique ID column which is AI so obviously that is going to be unique regardless.
It's funny because I'm using the query in another instance on the website and it works brilliantly, I must be doing something wrong.
"age of ultron" CGI looks bad in some places
and I mean: really bad, like the rabbit sled in Hobbit
@DanAshbridge yeah ok, I'm just reading the docs on ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE... do you have multiple unique columns maybe?
It would then only update if all unique columns match
else insert
at least thats how I understand it
I've only got one unique column and that is "id". The table is called "accounts" and has the following columns: id, first_name, last_name, username and password.
@DanAshbridge If I register with an existing username, am I supposed to inherit the account? :P
@DanAshbridge I don't have the time nor knowledge right now to help I'm afraid.. however settung up a sql fiddle could help others in here help you
@tereško I saw age of ultron like a week ago. To get a better release .. man was it disappointing.
too many heros
well, I am watching the one from YIFY
I found one from dvd quality from top/100
YIFY is always crappy... 480p stretched to 1080p or 360p to 720p bitrate wise :P
@DanAshbridge I think all you have to do is add a unique index on your table
Lol, don't worry about it Marcel - knowledge is power and that I must learn! I appreciate your support though. :)
@Orangepill bullshit
@samayo are you watching on an old iPod? then thats fine :P
I am waiting for better quality of inside out.
I hope it's not like frozen or tangled.
Maybe, I am getting too old for animated movies :/
Thanks for the help everyone, I'll continue to smash it. :P
@MarcelBurkhard I think you and I have a significant age gap.
I will re watch treasure planet tonight.
@teresko he's getting a new record added ... so on duplicate key is not firing.
@samayo you are never to old for animated movies
@Orangepill wrong number?
Regarding the issue I faced. I should have been more specific. but I was in a rust..
Did the stackoverflow favicon change?
@bwoebi yes, and it looks weird :s
hmh… logo changed too. well.
I have read this joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html and I thought I had taken enough steps.. should use mbstring functions
apparently. There is a terrible youtube link above.
@MarcelBurkhard I've read that… but must have overlooked a logo related announcement…
@bwoebi well... it's the youtube vid at the bottom
@bwoebi they don't give any reason or explanation why it changed and what it means
Do any of you lads fancy testing out a CMS/CRM system I'm mid-way through creating? You'll have fun breaking and injecting beginners work.
which I haven't looked at ^^
on github ?
Haven't released it on GitHub yet! Still working on it locally. ^.^

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