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XML is basically the "let's at least give things a fighting chance" version of it
XML is actually not that bad
SOAP is that bad though
It's worse
Wow, it passed. Another try
XML is actually good
@AndreaFaulds there's an oxymoron if ever I heard one
@zerkms hahahahaaha
being able to type arrays by-element would be useful
Like int[]?
@AndreaFaulds So... structs then
@zerkms No, I mean with a different type for each element, like a tuple
e.g. function foobar(): list(Foo, Bar) maybe
Then doubling what Dave said ^ and v
@AndreaFaulds Would much prefer struct and/or typedef
@DaveRandom Like Hack's shapes?
But there's an argument that classes with typed props are all you would actually need
@DaveRandom Can't use them with list()
the idea is for functions used like list($foo, $bar) = foobar();
Bit of a tangent but related: does ArrayAccess play nice with list?
@DaveRandom We had an RFC to decide on that. Yep.
I've probably mentioned this before but just in case... I once had to work with a SOAP API with returned PHP serialized data, wrapped in SOAP messages.
Not sure what you're supposed to do if you're not consuming it with PHP
@AndreaFaulds Oh I forgot about that. Well in that case it could be used to "fix" the list()/class problem
Although type inference for static analysis would be next to impossible
Ehhhhhh. I'd rather just have some sort of tuple-typing support for arrays
Hack has tuple(int, string, bool) which is actually just an array, but not to the typechecker
@AndreaFaulds Enforced only at type "hints" or...?
@DaveRandom That's the idea, yes.
To allow you to have multiple return types, mostly, but there are other uses
O(n) type checks have previously not gone down well, and for good reason IMO
(see Joe/Phil's typed array proposal)
@DaveRandom Yes, but this specific one wouldn't be an issue
Since it's a very small n
If it's a 2-element tuple, it's O(2)
And constant time factors like that aren't really considered O(n)
Nobody will have a 512-element tuple (I hope)
but yeh, I take your point
Hypothetical example:
list($randInt2, $numgen) = $numgen->newGetInt(0, 100); // gets random integer and returns a new, advanced generator
btw on an entirely unrelated note @AndreaFaulds, are you heading to phpsc?
class RandomNumberGenerator { function newGetInt(int $min, int $max): array(int, self) { /* ... */ } }
I realise it's a serious trek for you
@DaveRandom only if someone pays for me to go there :p (maybe I should write a CFP submission)
You have ~23hrs 38mins to do that :-P
But you totally should
You only need an abstract
"The Zend Engine and You: Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the segfault - How PHP compiles and executes your code"
I've been racking my brains all day to try and come up with a decent topic I could actually talk on for long enough but I just don't think I have anything atm
@zerkms Logically, there's nothing wrong with output, you are passing entire foo object to foo::unserialize so $data === foo
SELECT \'s:15:"My private data";\' foo
If you change your SQL to this, it works as "expected"
I'd like to do an talk on "why MySQL sucks and you should be using Postgres" but I don't think I could stand up to the Q&A afterwards (yet)
@DaveRandom DO EET
@DaveRandom smokebomb
"Why you shouldn't use MySQL: It's awful for almost all the same reasons PHP is awful, but unlike PHP, it's not getting less awful"
@AndreaFaulds I might submit for phpnw15
require all questions to be submitted in the form of ansi standard sql
@AndreaFaulds Yeh, you could also s/MySQL/Apache/ over that talk and it would probably be just as valid
@PaulCrovella Brilliant! I'll just bork at the backticks!
I will try and put something together in the next couple of months (but focusing more on the "pg is awesome" than "mysql sucks" angle) and do a lighting talk at a UG or something to test it out, but I'm not confident I could put something decent together for a full talk in July
I should probably aim to do an unconf talk before I do a full-on talk
I really wanna do "cool stuff in PHP 7" for PHPNW15 (since it'll be aroundabouts the PHP 7 release dates) but inevitably someone else will do that
@AndreaFaulds I do think we should consider a room 11 podcast, but structured as talks rather than yet another discussion forum
@DaveRandom Yes.
Otherwise it'd just be PHP Town Hall but with no Phil Sturgeon and more Rebecca Black
We should do it on Fridays and have Friday be the opening theme
and have a singalo- okay maybe not
closing theme, or no-one will actually listen :-P
side note: I hate the word "podcast"
@AndreaFaulds /me goes to trawl the internet for people called Phil Black and Rebecca Sturgeon
@DaveRandom lol
@DaveRandom we can call it a catcast
because it'll have cats
if it doesn't have cats I'm vetoing it
@LeviMorrison I finished fixing the SOAP tests for the remove PHP4 constructors patch. There's just one weird streams bug left (apparently, stream wrappers with PHP5 constructors don't get their constructors called D:)
@AndreaFaulds We can call it an elfcast
@DaveRandom Elf?
I'll just let that one sit with you for a minute
mostly because I need a piss
I don't
get it
boooo to default constructors
"periodic room 11 pre-recorded internet radio serial"
@ircmaxell ditto
@ircmaxell Use your vote?
@AndreaFaulds Think Deutsch
@DaveRandom Ah :)
@DejanMarjanovic but in test they serialize() it!
@PaulCrovella LIVE STREAMED!!!
god I hope one of you sounds like orson welles
Could someone please confirm pdo_mysql/tests/pdo_mysql_stmt_fetch_serialize.phpt this test runs and passes under current master?
@zerkms check travis output
I have
it's not in skipped
but I haven't found there if it runs
If it's not in FAIL, EXPECTED FAIL or WARNED then it passed
yep, that's what I expected
and I don't believe it must pass :-S
search by its title rather than its filename
you may find it
not there
oh I see
the test is implemented wrong!
it does not check what it supposed to
@AndreaFaulds sadly… no.
which makes every rand() of a second request predictable (keep-alive connections I mean) if the manual reset was forgotten…
@zerkms Cheerio mate.
@bwoebi Huh. Bring that up on the list, that should be fixed.
@AndreaFaulds well… that behaviour is the same since PHP 3…
@bwoebi should still be fixed
not sure if it's a bug… or just an annoying feature
"annoying feature" sounds like just a euphemism for "bug" anyway
btw. @AndreaFaulds there exist systems which heavily depend on rand to produce the same input for a certain seeed… I'd be very afraid to change rand to mt_rand…
just telling you… not opposing…
Eh, if we add a new random number generator API that's predictable, we could add a RandomNumberGenerator::CSTDLIB option maybe
stop trying to force OO on something which doesn't need it…
@bwoebi they are by definition broken, and any suhosin install will prove that
@ircmaxell suhosin? No idea what suhosin does there?
It's been some time I last have seen a suhosin install…
Q: Workaround for suhosin.mt_srand.ignore to consistently shuffle an array in PHP?

alexzI have a PHP script which needs to randomise an array with consistent results, so it can present the first few items to the user and they can then pull in more results from the same shuffled set if they want to. What I'm currently using is this (based on the Fisher Yates algorithm I believe): f...

hmh… I see… but why would you really use suhosin…?
@bwoebi WTF is wrong with using object-oriented code?
@ircmaxell As will reading the manual!
@AndreaFaulds in this very particular example, what's the benefit?
@ircmaxell Having an object to encapsulate state is the only sensible approach. How do you make a "procedural" API? You have to stick the internal state somewhere.
what state do you need to encapsulate?
@ircmaxell The state of the random number generator
@AndreaFaulds nothing. I'd just like to be able to use PHP without it.
if someone adds a new random number generator, and it has state, they deserve to get their commit access revoked perminantly
@AndreaFaulds functions can have a static state…
@ircmaxell huh?
@bwoebi Yeah, but that's global state. Which is bad.
the only way a new RNG should be added is if it's actually secure. And if it's actually secure, it's external and uses the operating system's state (hence no internal state)
@ircmaxell But that's a different application. I'm suggesting a deterministic RNG (useful for some applications)
@ircmaxell we're talking of seeded rands
@AndreaFaulds absolutely no business in core outside of rand()
@bwoebi I stand by my prior comment
Then again
you want a deterministic RNG? go to packagist
There's almost certainly a good userland lib for this
hah, you ninja'd me :-)
no, because I didn't edit
rand() and srand() are good enough…
well, using a mersene twister algorithm
as they're currently.
no, rand() is it stands (non-mt based) are quite broken already
but the API is really all you need
getting rid of srand() at least
JavaScript got this one right
It has just one random number generator
There is NO seeding
one RNG which is not secure, yet everyone uses for security
So no, they didn't get it right
@ircmaxell JS's Math.random() wasn't intended for that. But they're adding web crypto which presumably has secure randomness
you can't use non-secure RNG for security. You can use secure RNG for non-security applications. Hence, STOP ADDING INSECURE RANDOM GENERATORS
and stop calling predictable algorithms "random number generators"
Did I ever say you should use non-secure RNG?
@ircmaxell Sorry, PRNGs.
don't even call it a PRNG
it is PRNG in fact
Predictable pseudo-random sequence generator?
yes, in certain contexts mt_rand is a PRNG, but not in the general usage, nor is it sufficient by itself in many contexts
7 mins ago, by Andrea Faulds
@ircmaxell Having an object to encapsulate state is the only sensible approach. How do you make a "procedural" API? You have to stick the internal state somewhere.
if it has internal state, it's a non-secure RNG
@AndreaFaulds what do you need it for actually?
@zerkms Games.
About the only time that mt_rand is an acceptable PRNG is in certain statistical usages (such as a monte-carlo simulation). But even then, no...
Would you prefer DRBG?
more or less serious vendors use hardware RNGs on their game servers
@AndreaFaulds d … like dysfunctional?
A pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), also known as a deterministic random bit generator (DRBG), is an algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers whose properties approximate the properties of sequences of random numbers. The PRNG-generated sequence is not truly random, because it is completely determined by a relatively small set of initial values, called the PRNG's seed (which may include truly random values). Although sequences that are closer to truly random can be generated using hardware random number generators, pseudorandom number generators are important in practice for their speed...
@zerkms I don't mean when you want non-predictable random numbers. I mean when you want predictable, repeatable ones. e.g. for procedural generation
no, I'd prefer it stay out of core. It's easy enough to implement a LCG or MT algo in PHP, so do it there
@bwoebi http keepalives? How is it relevant to php?
@ircmaxell oh wait… we can nearly everything do in an userlib apart for what we need an API to the OS…
things should go into core that help a large number of people
not things that suit very few people, but many will abuse incorrectly
@zerkms because globals state isn't reset then…
@bwoebi global state that is kept where?
@bwoebi you have a nginx that round-robins php-fpms
so nginx maintains keep-alive and every next requrest goes to another instance of php-fpm
how it's possible to have a shared state here?
@zerkms no, something like an apache…
are you sure it's valid even for mod_php?
and two consecutive requests get the same process…
@zerkms well it is valid for it.
that's surprising
@bwoebi but the same process may serve a lot of clients
@ircmaxell that's not about misuse, but about miseducation.
I still don't believe it :-S
@bwoebi Yes, but why educate when the API that needs the education is useful for such a small percentage of users
In this case I agree with ircmaxell actually: if one needs a state for something - why not keep it in an application
@ircmaxell in this case it's not just about PHP…
@bwoebi ...?
@ircmaxell C has the same rand() and srand() issue…
so we need to keep repeating mistakes of others?
C or its implementations?
also you're talking about an API that was designed decades before anything like dependency management existed
the only weird thing is that we have two prngs (mt_rand and rand). The thing is that people should generally not confuse a prng with a real rng…
@zerkms sure. But not if the client does a few immediately consecutive requests to determine what the internal seed may be and then being able to manipulate the results…
yes, but there was talk here of adding a third PRNG api, which I said was a bad idea
@bwoebi that's a new thing for me, thanks for letting now )
@ircmaxell which I fully agree. A single prng api would have been enough…
I think no prng API would be enough. But since we have them...
@zerkms already seen people cheating with this…
@ircmaxell "no prng API would be enough" --- what to use instead in userland?
@bwoebi actually, there is a worse problem. Shared hosts, since you can just srand($known) and pwn any other site on the same server
@zerkms it's not hard to write a LCG or MT implementation
@zerkms a prng is nothing else than a hash which hashes itself in each subsequent call (basically)
@bwoebi I understand that
That is an interesting way of implementing one
@ircmaxell it's not hard to implement almost everything else from std library
hell, you can build a MT implementation in perhaps 20 lines of code
@zerkms no but this is useful to a very small percentage of users, yet is mis-used by a large percentage leading to a ton of security vulnerabilities
95% of array and string functions shouldn't have been added then
@AndreaFaulds so take sha1(), convert to a number and do it modulo a certain range… and you have your prng
but 95% of array/string functions don't pose massive security issues
the thing is that custom implementation does not mean "secure"
@bwoebi Yep
@zerkms it's by definition not secure
if it was not in the std library - it would be copy-pasted from somewhere else
@ircmaxell You should maybe chime in on the discussion on internals about security
and that's the bloody point
I don't feel qualified to talk about it
the point is to blame other people?
like "it's your mistake now"
every tool might be mis-used
if there is a way to use a hammer in a non secure fashion - it does not mean stores shouldn't sell them
and that's not the point I am making and you know it
then I misinterpreted your point
It sounds like you want to remove PRNG implementation so that people created their own one
6 mins ago, by ircmaxell
yes, but there was talk here of adding a third PRNG api, which I said was a bad idea
@ircmaxell might want to do less because it'll hurt your head and kill your braincells :p
5 mins ago, by ircmaxell
I think no prng API would be enough. But since we have them...
"no prng API would be enough" <--- I'm about this
I don't see how no PRNG API at all may improve anything
it will not improve security of anything
if we replaced all of the PRNG APIs with a single secure API, you don't think that would improve security?
you cannot
there is no single secure source of random bits on an arbitrary machine
yes there is
that's why a specialized hardware exists
what is it?
at least in the context that we're talking about
from PHP you cannot get any more secure by defintiion
yes, you can have a hardware RNG, but the OS will use that as an entropy source to /dev/urandom
note as a source. Not as the source
and /dev/urandom is not PRNG?
no, it's not
@ircmaxell Wasn't there a discussion on adding some get entropy function?
at least not in the context we're talking about
") which reuses the internal pool to produce more pseudo-random bits"
17 secs ago, by ircmaxell
at least not in the context we're talking about
I'm lost
and I'm off, sorry
yes you are
it's like some hidden context
that you're implying but not sharing
OKay, I'm back again - yes, /dev/urandom is better (if it satisfies performance requirements of an application)
so, you're right
a nice reading ^
@zerkms and what does that contradict or prove?
@ircmaxell nothing. It's just a relevant paper
I had to note that explicitly
perfect for games :p
Yeah, that's a really lazy way to do it. But it works!
@zerkms Pretty much. That's why my contribution to internals is 'why would you do that?'
mysql query has 3 levels.... how do I process them in php? just looping through them gets ugly real fast
@user3692125 what is "3 levels"?
@zerkms parent ->children ->subchildren
@zerkms it's basically join resulting in nested data
Looping through that result set to build a set of nested arrays is about 10 lines of code
stackoverflow.com/a/10049512 <-- this gets ugly... what do you have?
It's fine
Might be improved a bit though
but it's fine
@Danack oO
nobody else is voting against default ctors
@ircmaxell I know it's wrong to be racist; but French people be cray-cray
also, Anthony, please at least consider an email on srand() security ;)
anyway, gotta sleep, night folks
@Danack I really like option 1
I'd like it if we do exactly the same as objects and produce an E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
It would be my choice out of the two....but I think arrays are the thing that need to be fixed for php 8, and just fiddling with them in the meantime is of no benefit.
s/no/very little/
s/Improve/change shit at random/
@Danack "fixed for 8" <-- elaborate
room owner, pls sticky those two and remove old
we have a lot of RFCs now :D
@ircmaxell I can't express it properly.....I think the array functions are too verbose to use, and so you can't do 'stuff' that you can do easily in other languages in PHP. I know it's not always appropropriate, but being able to chain functions that take an array, and return an array can be very powerful.......and in PHP you just can't do that due to the array functions only being procedural.
@Danack I'd like to add array methods
Levi would like generic map. I figured out a solution
@Danack well, come up with a plan
$x->foo() === Array::foo($x)
You love it when a plan comes together?
Array::foo($iterator) should also work where possible :D
maybe ::mapIterator alongside ::map which would return an iterator that maps
gotta sleep oops
hey... for some reason I can't log into chat on any of the other SE sites right now. Anyone in the room know basic Apache or networking things?
Jul 27 '14 at 21:28, by Danack
Hello, I have a problem, but I am too lazy to write the question out until some says that they will help me. http://sol.gfxile.net/dontask.html
ohh well... you know... it's not polite to post off-topic
Just ask then if it's okay to post off topic - don't try to get people to commit to helping you.
so. WAMP. mostly just use the apache. default, local install. I set it up for a proof-of-concept website at work. When I run my server side code from the command line, it can connect to things in the network (like databases). When it runs through Apache, nothing can be found. Any clue what I need to configure?
I do not need or necessarily want this visible from the network. I just want to be able to connect to a database on the network.
@gloomy.penguin I'd check what the user it's running under in Apache - it's probably different to your CLI.
hm. (gonna go dig in the config)
You probably also ought to get the specific error message - "nothing can be found." is it unable to see the DB, or unable to connect?
ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

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