@Ocramius what would you think of adopting a policy that new minor/major releases will only support supported PHP versions? So when 5.4 goes EOL, the next minor/major will automatically drop support for it?
I am trying to run a query with Doctrine's DQL within a Repository and I am getting the following error:
QueryException in QueryException.php line 63:
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 100 near 'test_suite_id': Error: Class Application\Model\Entity\Page has no field or association named test_s...
@Jimbo WITH is to be used as an additional restriction clause on a join, or as a restriction on a so-called "arbitrary join" (a join between two not-associated entities). In all cases, DQL does not understand column names, only property names.
@Ocramius Could be better, could be 5.5. But still! At least it's the bare minimum! (eyes WordPress, composer, CodeIgniter, all 5.3 frameworks supiciously)
@NikiC Why? The functions we have shouldn't be relied on for deterministic generation. If we want that, we should add a separate API guaranteeing it which lacks global state and requires specifying the algorithm.
Something like $r = new RandomNumberGenerator(RAND_MT/*, $seed */);
Slightly disappointed with the RI Christmas Lectures this year, it's interesting enough and the woman doing the presentation is decent enough but somehow it lacks... something on previous years.
@NikiC People were using rand() and mt_rand() to generate various random identifiers (sometimes keys :/) and being able to seed the random number gen makes those predictable.
@FlorianMargaine Blindly calling parent::__construct() is bad
Also, global state is bad m'kay
If you're going to seed the generator so you get predictable numbers, don't use a globally shared generator that everything else also uses