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> So, I'm for 5.3, but something older than 5.3.23.
da faq
I'm even planning to remove 5.3 compat in zf2.x (not 3.x)
and dinosaurs want 5.2? O_o
@tereško yup
@Ocramius ++
shit like this makes me want to stop programming for few month
shit like that just reaffirms that it's a wise choice to advise everyone to avoid CI like the plague
Was CI "modern" once?
@Ocramius what would you think of adopting a policy that new minor/major releases will only support supported PHP versions? So when 5.4 goes EOL, the next minor/major will automatically drop support for it?
@ircmaxell that's what I want to do, in fact
I don't see why free support would cover painful legacy.
well, why not discuss that as an actual policy rather than revisiting it each time?
I'm not paid to do my stuff, I am actually wasting tons of money by only working on OSS
@ircmaxell seems good to me
well, I disagree with "wasting" but
Well, since it's not paying my bills (and I should actually get started looking for new clients again), it's kinda wasted atm
though it's my hobby indeed :P
it's not wasted since the recognition you gain from doing it will (and is) pay your bills
true that
which is why I disagree with "wasting". But I completely get (and agree) with your point
Anyway, what do you suggest?
Is there a document/site where such a policy could be integrated?
do you have a release plan/policy?
or anywhere that documents that you do semver and the definition?
No, I don't have that for myself, as I give it for granted (which is also kinda wrong)
do you have a contributor guidelines or anything that explains how dev works?
I was more thinking of something like phptherightway or such
well, phptherightway is really targetting end-devs
perhaps we should create a site like it but targetting library/framework authors/maintainers
I was more thinking if there is such a website already. If there isn't then it's a good idea to create one
I don't really know of any
writing it down, sigh
I'll see if my apprentice can set it up
@Gordon Congrats :)
Wut! I missed that, grats @Gordon!
good mornings
congrats @Gordon and his nice gf.
so much grats @Gordon, hope everyone is healthy and sleep isn't too sparse :)
morning @JoeWatkins
Q: Doctrine - [Semantical Error] - Error: Class has no field or association

JimboI am trying to run a query with Doctrine's DQL within a Repository and I am getting the following error: QueryException in QueryException.php line 63: [Semantical Error] line 0, col 100 near 'test_suite_id': Error: Class Application\Model\Entity\Page has no field or association named test_s...

/cc @Ocramius free repz :P
@Jimbo reading
Also, thanks for dumping the assembled DQL
No probs, thought it'd be helpful :-)
@Jimbo why are you filtering with column names?
@Ocramius You mean the WITHs? Wouldn't let me use ONs
I'm writing the corrected query
@Ocramius Brilliant, thanks a lot :-) Can you tell me why the WITH attempts were invalid?
Is that because it doesn't involve columns, when you said the column bit
@Jimbo WITH is to be used as an additional restriction clause on a join, or as a restriction on a so-called "arbitrary join" (a join between two not-associated entities). In all cases, DQL does not understand column names, only property names.
@Ocramius Perfect, thanks a lot for the help + explanation
Stepping on a few feet for this, but FWIW:
#zf2 version 2.4 is going to be on #PHP 5.4! http://goo.gl/pXfxmD http://goo.gl/tXhy5w
no @Danack
Just out of curiosity, why's it still not something that could be done?
@Ocramius nice :-D
@Ocramius niiiice
@Ocramius Could be better, could be 5.5. But still! At least it's the bare minimum! (eyes WordPress, composer, CodeIgniter, all 5.3 frameworks supiciously)
@AndreaFaulds we're likely dropping 5.4 in ~8 months, when 5.4 is EOL
@Ocramius :)
we need a GoModernPHP
That or just make GoPHP7 in October
covers more bases, url can last longer
@AndreaFaulds gophp7.org
thanks @NullPoiиteя, @Ocramius, @hakre and @JoeWatkins :)
@RonniSkansing I know.
@AndreaFaulds yet another profile pic? :-D
@bwoebi Well, it's not Christmas any more :p
Where can i find list of all mysql single row functions?
"single row functions"?
you know, row functions that aren't seeing anyone. not seriously anyway.
You never see those ads to "Meet sexy SQLs in your area"?
^^ This guy. This guy.
@Code In case you mean aggregate functions: dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/group-by-functions.html
@kelunik ^ better post english links .. ;)
@hakre Ops, thanks.
@AndreaFaulds -1 on the seeding bits, otherwise okay
@NikiC Why? The functions we have shouldn't be relied on for deterministic generation. If we want that, we should add a separate API guaranteeing it which lacks global state and requires specifying the algorithm.
Something like $r = new RandomNumberGenerator(RAND_MT/*, $seed */);
Slightly disappointed with the RI Christmas Lectures this year, it's interesting enough and the woman doing the presentation is decent enough but somehow it lacks... something on previous years.
Not sure what.
@NikiC Also, FWIW, Suhosin disabled the seeding functions when it was a thing :p
@AndreaFaulds wtf
@NikiC People were using rand() and mt_rand() to generate various random identifiers (sometimes keys :/) and being able to seed the random number gen makes those predictable.
@FlorianMargaine Blindly calling parent::__construct() is bad
Also, global state is bad m'kay
If you're going to seed the generator so you get predictable numbers, don't use a globally shared generator that everything else also uses
these changes are what sound like a good thing for php 5.7
By the way… it's annoying that srand() isn't reset upon request start …
@bwoebi It isn't?
Guys, a friend of mine asked to help me with his code pastebin.com/bM2V3cwS
I checked php tests for PDO::FETCH_SERIALIZE and find them equal to what I have
but it still returns a nested object instead
object(foo)#4 (1) {
  object(foo)#5 (1) {
    string(15) "My private data"
like this
The corresponding test does basically the same github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/ext/pdo_mysql/tests/… but it obviously passes
what am I missing?
how do you know it passes?
@DejanMarjanovic I expected it should, since otherwise it either should be fixed or removed
so - I don't know if it passes, that's correct
this is... PHP! :-P
yeah, someone knowledgeable should pitch in
:-PHP! can we have this as a new open tag?
Asked a formal question stackoverflow.com/q/27893463/251311 :-)
@zerkms Wild guess, but could it be because of AS foo ?
@DejanMarjanovic AS is optional in ansi sql (and all its implementations I've ever worked with)
@zerkms I meant, it maybe nests because of alias?
I see
a good guess, but didn't change anything
AS bar still gives foo -> foo ? :-)
the worst bit about removing PHP 4 constructors is updating SOAP tests
XML compromises between human-readable and machine-readable by being equally unreadable to both
@DejanMarjanovic yep, alias does not change anything there at all
@AndreaFaulds Have you ever worked with SGML?
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