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@redaa SELECT 1 FROM table; - that will return a result set as big as the number of rows in that table.
I can add a captcha?
What does a captcha have to do with it?
You wont have 1000 accounts.
Sure I would
Becuase a captcha will make you tierd.
No it would not
@RahulKhosla if i can guess that you create activation links that way i can just do md5() myself and make you think the email address works.
The entire point of sending a confirmation mail is to verify the freaking emailaddress
ok well another type of hashing then.
no, decouple it from the email address.
@RahulKhosla have a look at this http://phpeasystep.com/phptu/24.html
it is not the best option, but a good start.
`password` varchar(15) NOT NULL default
generate an email<->token pair that only you know.
@PeeHaa 15 chars is enough for everyone.
`password` varchar(65) NOT NULL default '',
@Jack :D

// Insert data into database
$sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name(confirm_code, name, email, password, country)VALUES('$confirm_code', '$name', '$email', '$password', '$country')";
oh dear, god help us all.
@PeeHaa wat wat?
i'm not even going to click that, even though i'm somewhat attracted to the pretty red white and blue
It's actually kind of appropriate for that query.
@Danack heheheheh
That is the worst website I have seen in some considerable time
Where is @tereško when you need him?
There's not nearly enough scorn in here
@DaveRandom Perhaps it should be thrown on reddit
@Danack what the heck am I watching? O_o
I do not have the energy even just to throw it
@Ocramius Dunno. Prepare yourself for interesting adverts from google.
I really need to bail in fact
nite @all
@Danack and amazon
nite chris!
I was wondering what the heck are u all on about
Using and ID that hasn't even been created.
Then I FOUND uniqid();
@PeeHaa .... what the fuck is that?
@RahulKhosla ehh, don't you have user ids or sth?
@Jack I thought I should do uniqid(todaysdate/time);
@RahulKhosla Why? Why do that if you can have ids come from the database?
I cant have ids. they arnt created yet.
Or even then, just use a decent UUID library
don't make them up
You talking to me?
@RahulKhosla you live in India right?
No uk
people designed unique identifiers already, don't try to re-invent that
But I understand indian etc..
@RahulKhosla How about use a uuid <-- disclosure, written by me :)
So isn't uniqid a real function?
but based on uuidv4 spec
@RahulKhosla the random quality isn't very good for that function.
uniqid is not even random...
So a 99.999% random function is your function?
@RahulKhosla My answer up there uses openssl_random_pseudo_bytes().
which is pretty decent.
Alright, il use it, thanks.
function guidv4()
$data = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);

$data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f | 0x40); // set version to 0100
$data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f | 0x80); // set bits 6-7 to 10

return vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', str_split(bin2hex($data), 4));
} is the full function??
yeah, that's it
wow thats good.
inorite ;p
@DanLugg You're a god at PHP, thoughts on using this stackoverflow.com/questions/2040240/… ?
Whats so weird?
Did you mean to say he's "good" at php ... or "a god" at php?
@RahulKhosla that a regular in the channel gives you a suggestion and you go ask the next guy right away, as if @Jack could be ignored :P It's a bit... disrespectful
He helped me a lot tbh
@Ocramius I see your point, @Jack i'm sorry. But it only had 97 ups and im not sure if he was pitching it to me or saying use it.
Also.. I don't know how to pm.
@RahulKhosla what would you consider a good number of up votes? 1000?
Why doesn't php just delete that function and add yours?
@RahulKhosla there are only 97 php answers on the whole site that have 300+ up votes.
Hense, 300.
uniqid() serves a different purpose.
Oh right
Ok im using yours, thanks.
rahul, do what you wanna do and if it does not work, then try the solution that jack offered you :)
@RahulKhosla What I mean is that expecting such a score for a relatively simple answer is kind of ungrounded ... good quality answers can have a score as low as just 10.
@Jack like my answers :p
oh wait, correction, there are only 66 php answers with 300+ votes.
vs 156 for hehe
damnit, why do deadlines match the time when my oculus got delivered? =_=
16 mins ago, by Rahul Khosla
@DanLugg You're a god at PHP, thoughts on using this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2040240/php-function-to-generate-v4-uuid/1587‌​5555#15875555 ?
^^ Baaaahahahahaha
If that's true, then hope is lost. And I mean for everyone.
@DanLugg you suck! :P
^^ Thank you for returning us to reality ;-)
I'm so buying this now:
played only 15 mins with my rift yesterday and it was amaaaaaazing
@Jack Ok so I did guidv4($dateT) with $dateT = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); Can you guess the answer?
It was .... 9.
I guess i've done it wrong :S?
@RahulKhosla guidv4() doesn't take any arguments, why did you think it did?
make something like apsodasdkasdkasdasd=2=12=3=2=e2edspoposakd
a hashed thing.
oh wait
I forgot to add .md5();.
@RahulKhosla nothing goes there; $result = guidv4();
ok thanks.
so what I have now is:
what's with the md5($dateT);? just drop that.
Well I need a tocken
yeah, and guidv4() gives you that token.
but the tocken is generated from what?
just pure randomness?
from unicorn excrements.
But... 9.
it can't be 9.
how is that random? on 1–10?
oh because i was using a string inside.
mybad gime a sec.
@Jack weird question, if I have two guidv4()'s on one page, will they both be the same?
@RahulKhosla this is how it should look like
Should I have the function within a var?
Please use *'s.
To swear.
No alien noises please.
Dont be sick.
I'm kinda drunk, I think it's in the cards.
@RahulKhosla ehh, you can store the return value of the function in a variable, yes.
@DanLugg Poker again?
Poker? I don't even know her.
It's in the cards.
Well, unremarkably, my VM shit the bed.
Wait, recovery!
Ahhh yea.
What kind of VM is that?
Just VB, Win7
you spilled VB on the bed ...
But when I remote directly into it rather than into the host, and then I sit at the host machine, it gets all fucky.
@Jack It kinda worked.
But the output of the code is something like adoasdsdsd-as-dsad (the examples you showed me).
Maybe it's the album art, but this def sounds like the soundtrack to an 80s inspired Terminator reboot.
But the stored value is only 2 numbers long.
I changed int to int(255)
wow, xdebug fails when building with TSRM
@Ocramius Hell yea, Mitch Murder :-D
Love the outrun 80s synthcore.
Any ideas why its only storing 2 characters?
@RahulKhosla what's the datatype?
I hate myself
What should it be text?
you're trying to store a string into an int .. okay
yeh i realised that.
What should it be?
you can use a char or varchar.
@DanLugg they used it for this IIRC
@ircmaxell that's somewhat surprising ... was that always a problem, then?
I dunno
I need to stop wasting my money on kickstarter.
I'm building against master...
i see
@Ocramius Not if it's things like Kung Fury.
@Jack whats the length of the varchar?
@RahulKhosla it's however long the UUIDv4 is ... ehhh, 26 chars or something?
Idk if your function is consistent in length.
yes, it would be consistent.
So ?
26 yes?
i dunno .. do a strlen() and find out
Ok il count.
Il just do 100.
user strlen to find the length
do not count
@RahulKhosla it's 36 chars
@ircmaxell are you compiling xdebug with phpize or inside the ext/ dir?
@Jack phpize
declarations are missing TSRMLS_DC and TSRMLS_CC
Ahhh, it was a change in master: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_API.c#2327
so xdebug doesn't support master
@Jack I just did 100.
@Jack I also want to thank you for helping me, so thanks :) You too @zeeks.
I've got it all working.
wow, the language spec is really a single file ... zomg
read what that's in reply to as well
hmm .. so is he against splitting it up in chapters or using ReST?
the topic on switch statements isn't entirely correct; afaict, the last label in lexical order is used when there are more than one identical one ...
agsint ReST
one quick question to you all, what is your dream website?
how do you actually search for ReST while not getting results for ... REST? :)
ohhhh, ReStructuredText
time to go office, laters!
noone answered my question :'(
So, I'm trying to convince my girlfriend of our potential Halloween costumes...
so creative...
Sarcasm is OOB on the internet.
@zeeks How do you mean? A good looking site? A good idea? A site I can own?
Or a site i'd visit each day?
@DanLugg i got your sarcasm, anyway i like that
Out of band
@RahulKhosla a website that you dream to have one day, like what ranking, category, etc
i saw that from the name of the image in the url
@zeeks If I knew, I wouldn't have to dream?
even though i have no clue what hobo is. i live in a small country in europe
Hobo is the 'american*?' term for a homeless dude.
I think
Im from the UK...
@RahulKhosla Yes. And it's a terribly awesomely terrible movie.
@RahulKhosla i belive everyone wishes for sth in their life. i think for a web developer, a famous website is the wish ...
@DanLugg you live in the USA?
No, Canada. Which, interestingly, is where that movie was made.
@zeeks So like the next facebook is the wish for everyone, but defining it down to a category is hard.
If I knew, I'd make it already, hence why it would not be a dream, it would be reality.
there will be no next facebook, mark will be the leader in the social media for another 50 years
I just keep finding, every idea of a good startup has already been done.
And theres no way to 'top' it.
<3 ::class
Which is why you don't try to, and instead be satisfied working in a field you enjoy.
Im working on my site atm, that tops another site.
@DanLugg everyone in this chat lives in usa, uk or canada. no european here (except uk), strange...
@Ocramius Eff you. I'm a typeof() construct kinda man.
@RahulKhosla what kind of website?
Stock photography.
@zeeks That's not true. You're just not here at a very active time of the day.
But no idea where im gonna get the photo's
I may just take them myself.
> Replace with: typeof\(\\\\$1\\\\$3\)
@RahulKhosla i wish you best luck with your website :)
@cspray because i wake up at 3pm and sleep at 6-7 am
@Ocramius ;-P
but damn, now I can refactor stuff!
Srsly tho.
*adds ::class*
@Ocramius Much true. Very refactor. Yea, it does make things a helluva lot easier.
I just started supporting 5.5 in my thangs.
@cspray what about you, where do you live?
@DanLugg I need to do a refactoring that involves ~30 classes, and without this it would be IMPOSSIBLE
@zeeks Thanks.
@Ocramius Fo sho. I'm rather... hateful of the strings-as-types.
I'd say its a rather large thorn in my proverbial side.
@zeeks I need someone to look over all the code i've written, thats the next step. If you're interested........ i'l do some design work for you?
@Ocramius Honestly, if ::class returned a ReflectionClass... that'd be tits.
@DanLugg next step is selecting the project dir and doing a CMD+ALT+O
Is there anything that ReflectionClass::__toString() could be relied upon for?
prepare for phpstorm shitting java's pants
Anyone read techcrunch?
@RahulKhosla here are programmers better than me... but if you want, it is fine with me even though i do not have a lot of free time cause i am working on a project of mine
Because if ReflectionClass::__toString() were simply to proxy ReflectionClass::$name, then we might be able to get away with ::class returning a ReflectionClass.
Because in string contexts it'd be the same.
@zeeks Add my skype? rahulkhosla123 I can send over some teamviewer details? If you're free?
Right now it proxies ::export() IIRC
@DanLugg does ::export() even have a use-case?
lolno. Sure, it ... uh, exports... uh, the class.
is there ::import()
No, export just does a string dump of the class in some pseudo-YAML-esque nonsense.
kill it with fire, I'd say
Indeed, or instead, proxy ::$name.
the other problem is that Foo::class works without autoloading
while ReflectionClass doesn't like that :|
Eh, true.
But honestly, in how many circumstances are you going to find you'd benefit from not autoloading a ::class dereferenced type? (that is, over having reflection available with syntactic sugar)
but. if ReflectionClass didn't do that at __construct()...
What, lazy loaded?
@DanLugg well, right now I have ~4000 of those ::class right after index.php...
so yeah, I don't wanna autoload 'em :P
I'd take about ~4000 steps backward.
Why the hell would you have that many type names referenced?
@DanLugg service definitions
Okay. Why the hell would you have that many types?
well, ok, they're not 4000
but they're almost 1000 :)
@zeeks I'm in the US as well actually. I just know that there's a few people in the chat earlier in the US day that don't live in those three countries you mentioned ;)
Oh, well then. Carry on :-|
@RahulKhosla ok, wait 1 min
@cspray what time is it now in the us?
@DanLugg haha :P still better than string references in some YAML ;-)
@zeeks On the east coast it is about 11pm
@Ocramius Anything is better than YAML, including bytes mapped as coordinates on a cartesian plane drawn in feces.
@zeeks You almost ready :)?
<-- usa, east coast
@rdlowrey Interestingly, you and I nearly share a longitude.
Myrtle, right?
Yea, less than a degree.
Where in the great white north are you?
@tereško morning
@rdlowrey Ohhh, look at this!
@Jack nice! So how long did it take your changes to propagate out to the manual?
I believe it builds every Friday.
Oh okay
yeah .. it's friday already
I'll be sure to procrastinate for five more days before I do docs stuff then.
Yes :)
The ssl context option should be there too .. hmm
There's a lot of stuff I have to add on the ssl context option page ...
Ah, there it is ... beautiful.
Though, I may want to add a code sample somewhere because it could seem confusing.
Philip Olsen is a nice guy; he convinced me that Docbook is not as scary as it seems :)
It probably isn't. Like most things I suspect if I just spent a few minutes to learn what's going on I would be less scared of it.
@rdlowrey Wait, who did all that documentation for the OpenSSL changes in 5.6?
I think @LawnGnome did (pulling from the RFCs)
(Adam Harvey)
Good stuff :)
oh, that's his handle? lol
so, while we used to remember phone numbers of our friends, now we build up a list of aliases for them lol
I know right. To me he is @LawnGnome.
As I was doing the documentation I realised that the versioning you see for every function is not done automatically .. I always thought it was
And so, Philip told me that was indeed the case before but it became too problematic so they switched to manual mode.
I can imagine the complexities across branches, releases, etc. to actually be a meaningful representation ...
I always just assumed that stuff was automated
@rdlowrey so how's the openssl incursion into 5.4/5.5 going?

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