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@bwoebi :)
@bwoebi sorry.
@rdlowrey has jokes tonight.
@rdlowrey don't say sorry to me, but to @DaveRandom
Oh look, it's beer o'clock! Encryption code + alcohol consumption! What could go wrong?
@zeeks Because unless you are a cryptographer you cannot possibly create something that is even technically workable, let alone getting people to adopt it
@rdlowrey You might accidentally encrypt your beer
82 votes on naming RFC. Clearly there wasn't any personal campaign for PHP 7.
@DaveRandom create? stealing is enough.
Especially given the number of people online who I saw vote PHP 6.
@DaveRandom Exactly. Better make sure I get a coozy and/or bottle jacket.
Clearly not swayed by emotional attachment to previous work, as well.
I'm clearly not upset about it. Not at all.
Can't seem to figure this out!?@£?!@?£
I've tried googling.
What other votes have even had an electorate of that size? 82 participants is bananas.
@rdlowrey None. I think the 64 bit patch vote had 54.
@rdlowrey 82 votes is like strawberries with apples.
I really still do not give a flying f*ck what it is called, and I do understand the PoV that PHP6 was a thing and people did put work into it and yada yada something not in the least bit important at this stage mumble
And it was HUGE by comparison to previous votes.
Anyone have any ideas?
I just digged out an AWESOME soundtrack btw: soundcloud.com/daataa
Im getting Trying to get property of non-object in
@RahulKhosla didn't see a question
Im getting the error, I don't know why.
I guess thats not a question, but Im not sure what the question is..
And I didn't even vote on that RFC.
@RahulKhosla 42
return ($peerName = $certName); // verification shmerification
^ Apparently I don't even need alcohol to be an idiot.
@RahulKhosla yes
@bwoebi Nor did several other people who usually vote, like Ilia and Rasmus.
42: The answer to life, the universe and everything
Is that what you're referring to?
@RahulKhosla I can't give you a good answer if you don't give me a question
I can't give you a good question.
I am designing a computer to do that
Im not sure what the question is tbh.
Is it like google? Because it didn't work for me.
@LeviMorrison I'm not sure if they're like don't care or more like fuck this RFC and especially this vote. (I'm personally in the latter category)
@bwoebi Either way, it's a bad sign :/
@rdlowrey Reminds me of the ancient linux kernel hack commit that set the operative uid to root when you passed certain flags to open(2)
That was before my time, but it sounds roughly similar.
@rdlowrey as long as it's just a dev branch ;-)
Yeah, not even committed yet. Just noticed it and was like, "what's this? ohhhhhhhhhhhhh"
@RahulKhosla this should be if(date("H:i:s") == "02:03:30") { and check the server time zone. maybe it is not the same with your time zone
@rdlowrey Yeh I only read about it recently as an incidental when I was researching the whole debian/openssl/entropy thing while all the main core TLS stuff was happening
I am getting a "ORA-00903" on a SQL query.
@zeeks I've checked the timezone by echoing date("H:i:s"); And thats how I got the time.
$stid = oci_parse($conn, "create table 'dogs' ('id' NUMBER not null auto_increment, Primary Key('id'), 'name' VARCHAR2(64) not null)") or die(oci_error($conn));
What's wrong here?
And I think I only got into that at all because of the exact same thing that caused that issue in the first place: trying to fix compiler warnings in openssl :-/
It really is a miracle that something like heartbleed didn't happen sooner
@zeeks I still get:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/photo/includes/db_functions.php on line 105
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/photo/includes/db_functions.php on line 106
hell, maybe it did and someone is using it to steal all our data
Thats these lines:
'accountType' => $user->account_type,
'usersId' => $user->id
check the db query. do it with mysqli, it is easier. when it will work, then try it with pdo
ahhh good idea!
I'l try the SQL tool.
@RahulKhosla ...so then obviously $user is not an object, and therefore the problem is in userStmt() and not the code in the paste...
@LeviMorrison I somehow hope at the end Rasmus comes and puts a defintive veto on PHP7 and blames Zend for insanity.
@bwoebi Would be nice but don't hold your breath.
I say, hope. Not expect.
@DaveRandom totally possible.
peer_fingerprint verification totally "just worked" in my local artax with 5.5 \o/
and now to try a SAN name match against a github subdomain ...
@rdlowrey kaboom!
hmm ... I'm getting a 400 response from github on that test and I can't figure out why ...
@DaveRandom Do you see something wrong with this raw request:
The only thing I notice is that most PHP6 voters were not around for the unicode thing. And this is reflecting everything I think about this RFC. [emotional attachment, ...] (final dot) .
GET /rdlowrey/Artax/master/README.md HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, identity
Host: raw.githubusercontent.com
User-Agent: Artax/0.8.0-dev (PHP5.4+)
why are you using (PHP5.4+) in the UA string instead of just the actual version?
@bwoebi hmm, that's a good point.
will change
@rdlowrey no, why are you getting a 400?
I dunno. Will look into it further ...
@rdlowrey Oh sorry there was a missing comma, should have been "no, why, are..."
Yeah I'm getting a 400 but can't figure out why.
@rdlowrey try adding an Accept: header
it's possible the raw access thing tries to be too clever
Hmmm ... may be a problem with my SAN matching code
Yeh but... 400 response? Or just incorrectly reported response code?
no one here knows oracle?
mysql ftw :p
*grabs popcorn*
pl/sql, or oracle's version of sql.
whatever you call it
You mean the one of Delphi?
I can't get a simple thing to work here:
$stid = oci_parse($conn, 'CREATE TABLE dogs ("id" INT NOT NULL auto_increment, "name" VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL)') or die(oci_error($conn));
$response = oci_execute($stid) or die(oci_error($conn));
Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
lol this is a one-way trip to an embarrassing chat log for @rdlowrey.
@rdlowrey yes mysql. what did I write wrong?
Where is this right paranthesis?
No, I was just confused. Carry on.
I seriously don't get it.
@rdlowrey ok, let me take a ss :p
Nothing seems wrong to me with that query.
yet it fails.
@DaveRandom what sort of condition would result in a DNS error like the following?
DNS resolution failed for tcp://raw.githubusercontent.com:443 (error code: 3)
"error code 3," I mean. I think the rest of it is just user-friendly error message I generate on my own.
no one answers
@DemCodeLines nobody really uses oracle around here afaik
Okay the TLS SAN name matching had some bugs -- which I fixed -- but I'm still getting an inexplicable 400 response from github. Adding an Accept: */* header didn't help :/
Time for a TRACE request to make sure github is getting what I think I'm sending.
@DaveRandom easy enough. Thanks for subsidizing my lazyness :)
@rdlowrey It may be that they want a browser-lookin' UA string
yeah, I was wondering about that too.
Would be kind of a waste of time for github IMO, but they might...
Wouldn't be surprising because they probably want to force programmatic access to go through their APIs
will try with a browser-like UA string in a minute
Yeh but... github is a tool for programmers, they are obviously going to be aware that programmers will circumvent that in a second
I need to bail, got to be up in 5 hrs
@DaveRandom later, thanks for dealing with my myriad pings!
Q: Creating table in Oracle yields a "Missing right parenthesis" error

DemCodeLinesI am trying to create a table, but keep getting the following error message: Warning: oci_execute(): ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis in ... on line 14 The following is the code that deals with this issue: $stid = oci_parse($conn, 'CREATE TABLE tags (id INT NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY ...

In case someone feels like helping
@DaveRandom Continuing saga ... the bad request may be related to a similar issue curl encountered about two months ago ...
> Apache returns 400 if TLS handshake uses a different hostname than Host: header.
And github's responses have a Server: Apache header so it may be the same thing.
Will have to dig further to see what the problem is.
he is not here, he is sleeping
Thanks @zeeks. I'm aware. I'm just leaving him a message so that when he's back on his computer he will see the update.
Holy pooballs.
I'm having the weirdest time with this query:
UPDATE users SET download_limit = account_type
My account_type is 100 and when I run this query download_limit = 5.
Why 5!?!?!?!?
@rdlowrey sorry for wasting your time
Oh.!!!!! im a total fking retard.
I set account type as a enum.
With 5 fucking values!! There goes 3 hours.
Isn't it possible to select an enum?
@DaveRandom I feel like this has to be some sort of issue with the apache server not liking something it's getting in the TLS handshake and how it matches up with the Host header. I'm going to have to dig into the 5.5.15 php-src and do some noob-core printf() debugging to see exactly what's being sent to the server during the handshake. I really hope it's not that, but it probably is.
If so, we'll need some patches to 5.4 and 5.5 in the next bugfix releases to fix :/
i am not at my best right now. i am asleep. it is 4 am in my country. ask rdlowrey :D
I'd ping him but it's rude.
well ask him gently
@rdlowrey (set volume 1%).
whisper :p
Ok.. whisper + gently = weird.
anyway, he is not going to reply whatever you do. just ask a question to the website
I can't. Im on my final warning I think.
I don't want to ask a question im not sure about.
If it's even a question.
i am blocked from asking questions :'(
So can you answer mine?
UPDATE users SET download_limit = account_type
account_type = '1','2','3','4','5'
i do not get it. you question is unclear. the the colon in the db is download_limit ?
both are column's
account type is an enum
and download_limit is a int
try SET account_type = download_limit
the way you have written it, is incorrect. plus, tell me what do you want to achieve
I tried that tooo
Its because of the enum
what are you trying to do ? you have not written a question
update download_limit to be the same as account_type
hi people, quick question I have some js and want to apply a smarty modifier to a var in js is it at all possible?
This is PHP
Have you tried js room?
i know, smarty is a php lib
Sorry, im new to PHP.
so it crosses over
I guess, this room is not very active.
Try Js too.
ok nps
you can not do that. you said download_limit is an int and account_type is an enum. how can you do that
i do not know, i guess it can not be done
Ok thanks
I'l have to set it to int.
Coming up with a really wierd issue here...

if(($this -> form_entry_array['repop'] != true) && isset($array['value']) && isset( $this -> form_entry_array['value']) && $array['value'] == $this -> form_entry_array['value'])
if neither value is set, it resolves as true but I want it to only come to that resolution only if 1 of the values is set
as well, if 1 of the values is set to 0, it resolves as true as well, even though they both should match
Why does the last dump now work?
$x = 10.365;
echo "<br>";
$x = 2.4e3;
echo "<br>";
$x = 8E-5;
8E is a constant?
oh nevermind
@NikiC @Levi @rdlowrey @ircmaxell can we talk about the next major as PHP Next (or PHP 6) in future. I don't like talking about PHP 7. I'm sane (well, at least sometimes).
Sure. I'll reserve "PHP 7" for derogatory statements only :D
Hurrah, let's write some php7 books!
and base them on the old unicode branch [PHP 6]! that's the newest version we have, so logically...
@rdlowrey There's this answer, first hit on Google ;-)
&& isset( $this -> form_entry_array['value'])

&& $array['value'] == $this -> form_entry_array['value'])
return " selected='selected'";

why is this resolving as true if $array['value'] isn't set, yet not resolving as true if $array['value'] = 0
if $array['value'] isn't set, you should have a check for that.
&& isset($array['value'])

&& isset( $this -> form_entry_array['value'])

&& $array['value'] == $this -> form_entry_array['value'])
return " selected='selected'"; does the same thing
this is driving me bonkers, I know it has to do with the fact that 0 translates as false, but even using a litteral isnt workng
Do var_dump() on both values you're trying to compare then.
well for arguments sake, neither of the variables is set
and in scenario 2, both are set as 0
so in scenarior 2 var1 = 0 and var2 = 0 but if var1 = var 2 basically translates into if false = false
I would suggest doing something else for a while and then look at your code again.
thus why i came here, to try and get a fresh perspective
And I've just given it to you.
well thats not reeally a helpful sollution?
if you're not going to follow it, obviously it's not going to be useful.
r u seriously just trolling right now?
look, you're coming in here stating that something yields true while from your code and description it should obviously not do that ... so, as far as i'm concerned i could ask you the same question ... write a reproducible script first.
I feel I was pretty damn concise with my explanation, as well as what I perceive is hte issue. In addition, the rest of the code is irrelevant, as this is specifically the logic I've found to be the issue
so either you're a) trolling, or b) can't understand a simple explanation
or c) what you think and perceive isn't in line with others.
@LeviMorrison +1
@Jack thanks. yeah I figured it out soon after leaving you that ping :)
I've bugged Mr Olson for the documentation.
Not sure how much information they need from the developers, actually; guess I'll find out soon enough.
@rdlowrey Btw, are you perpetually unshaven? ;-)
pretty much.
i was briefly going through the vcs workflow on php.net and i saw that a recommended configuration for Git is to always assume --no-ff ... well, i've tried it and it's extremely frustrating =/
Well if it makes you feel any better, I think I've found a problem with the SAN name matching code in 5.6+. Connections to https://raw.githubusercontent.com are not succeeding when they should. I'm too tired to look into it now, but I'll mess with it when I wake up tomorrow.
@rdlowrey hmm? thought i fixed that?
Maybe you did. I just pulled in latest master branch and am building now.
build faster!
my iMac does -j8 without any issue, builds in under 1 minute \o/
oh, did you see this bug that was posted on the list a few hours ago?
if you have a single element array with -1 as the key, and you pop that value and then add another value to it, it will have -1 as the key as well .. and then basically tears apart the array after that :)
Oh wow, that's a Grade A bug right there.
regardless of the root cause, though, I doubt whether negative indices should be treated as numbers.
just like how in JavaScript negative indices become properties of the array; i.e. array length stays zero.
of course, in php, we can't say that length should remain zero
Makes sense, though I've abused negative array indices before (not anymore).
but treating -1 as simply "-1" should do it =D
i.e. $a = array(-1 => 123); $a[] = 456; should create 0 => 456 as the last element.
@rdlowrey can you remember what the use-case of negative indices was for you?
Yeah it was stupid.
I was doing things in a long-running process and just wanted to start the index at PHP_INT_MAX * -1 to keep the keys integers for as long as possible.
Not a good use case at all.
just checking whether my suggestion would open too big a can of worms, though.
gud mrg @all
I haven't ever had a case where I needed negative indices (the above doesn't count).
made a one-line change in zend_hash.h .. let's see how lucky i am.
if my intuition is correct it should enable the use of using "-1" as a string instead of int.
Yeah, with that change I can already make it work when you have ["-1" => 123] as the starting point :)
Oh, your wildcard matching changes fixed the openssl problem.
\o/ again
Now I can sleep in peace knowing that the openssl code in php-src isn't broken.
wasn't the bug closed already?
my commit should have closed it.
Yeah, I just thought it might be something new/different until I remembered you had pushed some changes.
I still have to figure out what 5.4/5.5 is doing in its openssl code that makes the same github domain result in 400 Bad Response though :/
kind of annoying that after voting on an rfc the address bar is wrong =/
wait what? 400?
bad response or bad request?
I'm seeing something similar to this recent curl issue when I try to enable crypto on a socket connected to raw.githubusercontent.com without name verification.
(only in 5.4/5.5 where I haven't had anything to do with the openssl code )
basically, 5.4 and 5.5 haven't been touched by your magic sauce yet?
The TLS encryption is negotiated just fine, but there's something that Apache doesn't like that's causing it to return a 400 Bad Request
Yeah, I haven't done anything to 5.4/5.5
hmm, if even curl has issues ... that's kind of odd.
So I'll probably spend most of the day figuring out what in the world is causing that. I would say it's an Apache problem but wget works for me so ...
I'm surprised that doesn't happen more often. I always have a terminal up in my secondary monitor.
sudo make me a sandwich
meh, I have bad habit typing sudo su when I start terminal.
/me should not leave computer
Allright. Bedtime. Catch you guys in 8-9 hours.
hi WP developers
it returns error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '->' (T_OBJECT_OPERATOR), expecting :: (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)
what is the reason for that.
you must be in the wrong room
how to resolve that?
also, you probably should have updated your PHP version in past 5 years
and, FYI, variables in php start with $
@Magikaas wat
So you need to start your thepost variable with a $
@Magikaas it actually can be caused by multiple different reasons
What he said above, it's an exception thrown when the PHP parses sees a missing $ sign
Oh, okay
So also :: or -> I guess?
@Magikaas no.
@tereško @Magikaas i resolve that by $ symbol
thank you so much for both experts
@Jack Just no?
sorry, eating lunch at the same time
When something doesn't start with a $ and it's not a reserved word, i.e. "break", "if", etc. it's assumed to be a constant first ...
once it sees the object operator, it will then complain because a constant can't possibly be dereferenced as an object.
and thus it expects the left hand side to be a class reference and only :: can follow it.
Ah, yeah, unexpected '->', expected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM ('::') for a static function call on a class
> It's not a bar. They are not geniuses.
So after a "break" away from it, I still can't seem to wrap my ahead around this:

irellevant code here

&& isset($array['value'])

&& isset( $this -> form_entry_array['value'])

&& $array['value'] == $this -> form_entry_array['value'])
return " selected='selected'";
if both variables are not set, it works. However, if 1 is set as 0, it doesnt
my conclusion is, because the var = var statement equates to false = false
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
well, what does var_dump($array['value'], $this->form_entry_array['value']) say?
it returns the variables as expected
could you paste the output?
array[0]{"string(25)" 'what the variables are set to is frigging irrelevant, they changed I have already very thoroughly tested this'
if var 1 = a and var2 = a it works. If var 1 and 2 = nothing it works. If either var is set to - it doesnt't
how much clearer can I make that
rather iv either var is set to 0
@DaveRandom and @Jack ... Okay I should have been sleeping but I figured out why I was getting those weird 400 Bad Request responses from github with < PHP5.6. It's definitely a bug in how PHP's SNI TLS extension support is implemented. Apache freaks out because it's getting a different name in the SNI field of the TLS handshake than it receives in the HTTP request's Host: header. It's definitely a bug in 5.5. I assume it's also present in 5.4 since that stuff didn't really change.
oh crap =/
5.6's is implemented correctly, of course, since we did that :)
i'm surprised that no bug has been raised on bugs.php.net
yeah, obviously :)
Well it's an extreme edge case.
unless you consider github to be extreme, it seems quite normal to me.
Well it only happens if you manually resolve the DNS name yourself and connect to the IP address via TCP then enable crypto with stream_socket_enable_crypto
There are probably only two people on planet earth doing things like that right now -- me and @DaveRandom :)
okay, that's kind of edge case, yes :)
But I can fix it. Just not tonight since it's now 2:45 in the morning here.
cool! good luck with that =D
Thanks for listening to me ramble. I'm really going to sleep now.
@Hybridwebdev here's a stab in the dark ... use === instead of ==.
hehe cya
so 7 it is, eh?

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