Well that is not a concern anymore in that case :P
quick question: when downloading a file served by a apache/php backend - what could be the reason that there's no expected file size? there's like no percentage
@Fabien hehe. that's ok. In any case - the conference wouldn't lose anything if I won't participate - since I won't be a reporter there. As for "just participation" (as a listener) - I can always view it on video (if there will be something valuable - no doubt someone will record)
@AlmaDo Yeh the talks get professionally recorded and posted online, it sometimes takes a while but they get done properly and audio dubbed so you can actually hear etc
I have an idea to start some SQL lessons (inspired by "programming with Anthony", where he's telling about very basic things on quite advanced level) - but.. I'm always thinking "wtf? lesson? anyone can discover those things by himself, just looking into manual!"
SQL actually is tricky. And there are many cases, when it need advanced explanations (well, members of this room are quite often stuck with it), so.. may be I'll do that. in future :p
@tereško of course. Didn't get much new info from it - but get names for patterns & anti-patterns (so I knew facts before, but I realized that .. hm, for example, comma-separated list is named "Jaywalker" ) :p
@DaveRandom I think this is part of the problem; not that they are dry or boring, but that people expect them not to be dry or boring. It's a technical field, and people need to accept that reading specifications isn't like reading Calvin and Hobbes.
@tereško ah, that. It has it's procs & cons. But - yes, if the idea is to JOIN with view - it's near senseless because that means you should just create new view
@tereško yeah. Depends of what do you want. Actually, VIEW can be useful for such things as sphinx indexer (based on simple queries, especially early versions
@tereško it has it's use-cases. You shouldn't forget the fact, that not so long ago InnoDB was the fastest transactional SE
In my experience even the fact that you have a VIEW in your SQL is a sign that the DB has been polluted , while trying to "add new features" and "make a structure better"
it is an artifact of same "database" containing multiple database versions at the same time
@DaveRandom For sure, I'd never say an engaging presentation of content is a bad thing. Especially if it does entice the audience to seek out the manual. I just think that there's a fundamental issue with "spoon feeding", and "glitterizing"
@DaveRandom I know. It's just my doubt - the fact, that manual is useful, stops me from doing a presentation or video. I'm just not sure if it need to be done
@AlmaDo I would encourage you to do it. 99.9% of these things contain no information that you can't get from reading docs, the value they add is not new information, it's accessibility. Think of it like giving out free samples to people to encourage them to try the full version (a well established successful sales tool).
Неизвестная ошибка. {ОбщийМодуль.МодульРаботыСWSСервер.Модуль(805)}: Поле объекта не обнаружено (rtype) по причине: {ОбщийМодуль.МодульРаботыСWSСервер.Модуль(805)}: Поле объекта не обнаружено (rtype)
@Fabien I find it to be a bit of a waste of time (I used to do it a lot). Tech moves so fast that the machine you spec up now will be obsolete by the time you can afford it. Also oh baby, yeh, work it.
composer-question How do I specify the package root, such that A depends on B, and (I'm just doing local repos for testing) A, when installed/updated gets package B rooted at src/whatever
i) Composer update in the project ii) Go into the vendors directory and delete the library that I want to be developing at the same time. iii) Git clone in the vendors directory.
Which gives you complete control over which version gets installed, without having to jump through composers hoops.
The only limitation is that changes in the composer.json file of the library seem to behave weirdly.
But that still requires doing a composer update, which copies the library from where it currently is to the vendor dir.....which is probably not that helpful.
@DaveRandom selling? come on.. I even have no idea of how to create good presentation/lecture. Fact, that you know something and fact that you can teach the thing, that you know - are very, very different facts..
Thanks for the info; yea, I'm rather surprised that there isn't a package-root. I can't see it being nightmarish. How does it affect a package consumer what all sits above the directory I specify as root?
@AlmaDo Suggest you write them first and then submit here for review. I'm pretty sure there are a good few people here who would like to hear what you have to say and would be happy to provide constructive feedback (I know I would)
@DanLugg That info would have to be given to the autoloader somehow for a start....but the main thing is that quite a few people have asked to be able to install libraries into somewhere other than vendor because of reasons. Having them all in the same place makes the ecosystem much simplere, and sustainable.
@LeviMorrison I realise that it sucks, but it's policy at quite a few places to not send out rejection letters as people occasionally go nuts when they receive them. Obviously not implying you would, but if they've had bad experiences in the past where rejected speakers have caused a lot of trouble for them, I can understand why they wouldn't want to repeat that.
Perhaps I've simply missed something basic (hopefully) but I can't quite figure this out.
I have a pair of PHP projects, each initialized as a git repo/Composer package; foobar/package-a which depends on foobar/package-b.
PackageA is structured as follows:
+- src
| +- PackageB
| ...
@Leri I still think that if Microsoft gave up only supporting windows, but made software tools for multiple platforms, they would quickly get a huge amount of traction.
@Danack Would be great, but how likely? They'd be unlocking customers from their flagship product.
MS still has enough of a stranglehold to continue strangling. If their market share plummeted for whatever reason, that might be a reasonable expectation.
@DanLugg I reckon there's a very high chance that Microsoft will make some changes to their corporate strategy. I wrote this elsewhere (not linkable). The fundamental problem Microsoft have is that Windows is basically irrelevant. Although in the past their strategy to cross-promote Office + Windows to make both be dominant is obviously failing.
It's not obvious at all that continuing to lock Office and the other software Microsoft makes into Windows will be at all beneficial to either Office or Windows - at which point giving up Windows market share, to get Office onto more devices becomes a better strategy.
@Danack Hmm, I don't know how "irrelevant" Windows necessarily is. It is, and probably for a good while, will remain the dominant OS for office client machines (and consequently, their servers) I work in currently, and have in the past, a rather "enterprisey" environment. Service contracts and corporate reliability are huge value, even if the product is terrible.
But regardless, I hear ya, and hope you're right. I look forward to a far more "agnostic" future.
On a slightly different note, it almost seems that MS has inter-team competition; different teams producing competing technologies all under the MS/.NET stack. I don't know this to be true explicitly, but evidence of the way they manage their products leans that way. It's very frustrating.
@LeviMorrison Yep...and it was really weird for them to buy Motorola as it put them into direct competition with companies making Android phones, which was forcing Samsung to not trust Google, and start making it's own version of Google services. Google selling Motorola was definitely a step back against the hyper-competition, and allows Samsung to trust Google a bit more.
What are your opinions on an event listener throwing an exception? I've never had to do it before, there are ways around throwing the exception but it means more, what seems like unnecessary code. Throwing an exception from the listener will get caught and handled exactly how i want it to happen
@DaveRandom It's in my sort of front controller/kernel whatever people like to call it. it just fires events of at some stages of handling the request like before routing, after routing, before response etc, the this is wrapped in a try catch, to catch the RouteNotFoundException, it would be perfect in one of the listeners to just throw that exception so it's caught and it all falls into place nicely, now that catch block is not there specifically for this listener, it is needed either way
It just seems nice and handy how it is already there(not there just for the sake of the listener throwing the exception) and if I throw this exception from my listener it will be caught and handled nicely
@tereško The thing here is I have different modules, frontend, admin, management, they all have different 404 pages. Each module listens to events and only initialize depending if the subdomain is === to something or the path is === to something etc.
@DaveRandom It's just this rare case where it would all work perfectly. Dammit, I knew it was wrong to do but I said I'd come on here and hopefully hear someone say that's perfectly fine.
throwing exceptions assumes that either the emitter will handle the exception, or it would be safe to break the emitters program flow mid-routine and return control to the level above, neither of which are safe to assume without knowing the way the emitter works.
I knew it was code smell as soon as I noticed it would work. Why can't I just go back to the days of shitty code where I just thew anything together without being such a perfectionist nazi
@David tbh it's not a huge deal, you just need to pull the responsibility up a level. Surely it can't be much (if any) more code to do the same thing in the emitter?
@DaveRandom When you say the emiiter do you mean the actually object that is holding the listeners or the request handler which is using the event dispatcher to fire events?