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I want a private course for vagrant and puppet/chef. I would love to know more about those things.. but it's hard to learn it on my own from the web.
"vagrant" .. "puppets" .."chefs" .. what the hell.. is this the muppet show ?
swedish chef for the win!
In fact, Vanilla JS is already used on more websites than jQuery, Prototype JS, MooTools, YUI, and Google Web Toolkit - combined.
o'rly ..
All those libraries have a hard dependency on Vanilla JS.
I will so add a vanilla.js file include in my head's from now on :)
@DaveRandom I concur, are salaries displayed as net or gross, if gross, what is the net ~? Thanks.
@DaveRandom When I was in London I found cost of living was approximately double elsewhere in the UK (in turn, is 30% higher than here in Naples).
Does anyone know a good CDN that hosts vanilla.js ?
Try VanillaCloud hosting.
Is there a jQuery plugin for vanilla.js?
I will put up a mirror!
@webarto It will be gross, just looking up the tax bands now, can't remember off the top of my head
Once I've got my chef scripts working properly with centos I'll try and put them online so people can point and laugh learn from them.
What I love about that framework is the familiar syntax.... should be easy to pickup for anyone that has written regular JS
It's like native JavaScript, but without all the cruft of non-native-JavaScript.
I read somewhere that the big difference is you just don't include type="text/javascript" on the <script> tag. That's so easy!
@SweetieBelle Yeh that sounds about right, not been down that way for quite a while though
vanilla.js is also awesome to host, its totally acceptable to src="file://c:/vanilla.js" you wont even notice the difference in performance
stackoverflow.com/questions/18382466/… Why does it get upvote? o.O
@DaveRandom I haven't been back home (UK) for a year or so, haven't lived there for 4. I like it here on the continent.
@DamienOvereem lol... not tested, but I bet that would fuck up IE; whether it exists or not.
could test :)
@Bracketworks I wouldn't be surprised.
@DaveRandom So, if you have 50k you have to pay 40% of tax? :S
@webarto Only on the earnings over £38k or wherever the boundary is
Labour screwed us royally on tax, that's part of why I left.
A: evaluate stripos(), what is the difference between !== FALSE and === TRUE?

Alma Do Mundo!== false is not the same as ===true since, for example, 1!==false is ok (values and types are not equal), but 1===true is not ok (values are equal, but types are not)

^^ I don't understand wtf this person is trying to say.
Ok and not ok?
I'm a bastard.. - voted because its a bloody lazy answer
@AlmaDoMundo You hear me! Lazy answers suck balls!
@Bracketworks he can not figure out why A!==false is not the same as A===true
@AlmaDoMundo Oh, you're here. How convenient.
@SweetieBelle That's messed up.
@DamienOvereem ??
and yet please
@webarto Yeah, tax rates here are a little better
if downvote - comment why
i just did
gave you your rep back though
but that answer is really lazy
I'm here to learn some things. To improve my knowledge. How do i know what I'm doing wrong if it's just downvote itself, without info
why lazy?
@SweetieBelle Thing is, I don't pay taxes for income, and you can live comfortably with 500€ per month, so to be on the same "level", I have to have really big salary. Only thing is it sucks where I live I'm from.
@AlmaDoMundo I guess you should be understanding that it's a comment not an answer. No references, no deep explanation.
@webarto I cant live on 500€ per month. :D
@SweetieBelle Because you don't live in east europe. :p
I would struggle to live on €500 per week.
@Leri i've edited that. I hope it was just simpler to understand for OP
it's not difficult for me to provide more complicated answer
@SweetieBelle Yes, but reasonably.
howcome parameters on a for() loop are sepparated by semicolons instead of commas like everywhere else?
@AlmaDoMundo You're welcome. Also sometimes dv-s on answers are more related to question itself. I.e. you are downvoted for answering bad question.
:) wave of +/- changes. Now I see that less clarifying answer above (no sample, no link, just explanation about 'strict=types + value comparison', which also present in my answer) has +1 score and mine has 0 (good that not negative at least). Sometimes I can't understand voting :p
it's not a matter of rep. for me. I'm sure I'll get some rep. in other questions :p It's a matter not to do mistakes in future
@user1803405 'cause PHP is weird.
I cared reps in my first year here. Now I have only 103 this month.
@webarto live - yes; get new stuff - no
@user1803405 Can you define that everywhere else?
You edited your question @AlmaDoMundo. The other guy probably got his votes before you edited.
@Leri I don't care :p
@DamienOvereem thank for your patience!
@webarto You can live reasonably in London on £50-60k (by my definition of reasonably, anyway, it's different for everyone).
@user1803405 Keeping with standards. The seperation with semicolons in for loops has been done pretty much forever. Php simply adopted it because it works. And since a for loop is no function, using parameter seperators (komma) would be odd too
There are actually no constructs that seperate anything with komma's in php. Well, excluding arrays.
I stopped caring about rep when I hit 3k. :P Just wanted the almighty close vote.
@SweetieBelle same ;p
@Gordon thanks. Bookmarked!
@Pheagey PHP might be weird in alot of places.. but this isn't one of em..
btw: I would ask you to guess where I am, but you know already :-) @Gordon
I stopped after 30, that's a 10 buffer for PHP chat.
Though downvotes still hurt my feelings :(
@Simon_eQ so did you pass your test?
to be honest - I care when geting downvote without comment. That makes me think that my answer is so stupid that is was downvoted, and that stupidity is so obvious that it does not requires even a comment
@Gordon I'm taking it. as we speak!
@Simon_eQ good luck
@Gordon thanks :)
to make an evening funny - I've found a chess game (with AI) written on ... sed :p
@Fabien Good to know.. So if we want you to shut up, we'll just downvote an old answer :)
@DamienOvereem lol :(
16:34.. this is exactly the right time to say: "Almost weekend!" to everyone that has to work tomorrow
Variadic function or array argument?
@webarto Yeh we get screwed in this country. But you only pay 40% on anything you earn over £32K, so (quick calc with Google) you would get £3283.50/mo after tax
@Bracketworks I usually go for array arg, but it depends. sometimes variadic is appropriate.
e.g. printf and apply.
@igorw Ok, how do you write variadic signatures? I'm doing something like function foo($arg, $arg = null)
function foo($foo /* , $bar... */)
^^ that
Really? What the value in that; doc generation, intellisense support?
@Bracketworks Well yeh, what's the point of your second $arg var? You might as well just kill it. In fact I often write the whole args block in a comment and just array_shift() the known/named args of the arg array
@Bracketworks Both of those are done with docblocks
@DaveRandom yep, array_shift at the very beginning of the function body.
@DaveRandom Right, I didn't know if a specific IDE had further support for that syntax; I'm on NetBeans, so yea, docblock based auto-complete is what I've got too.
well, see you guys
In a way it might be nice if you could do function ($foo, $bar, varargs $baz) to skip the func_get_args() step I suppose, but it'll never happen.
So, just for the sake of understanding:
function foo($bar, $qux /* , $zip... */) {
    $zip = func_get_args();
    $bar = array_shift($zip);
    $qux = array_shift($zip);
^^ That's the strategy?
@Bracketworks I'd comment out the $bar, $qux in the signature as well personally, but essentially yes
@DaveRandom Oh! So that's the math. I sometimes end month with that amount and I NEAD MOAR!!!11!
I don't use an IDE so I don't know if that might screw with all you lazy auto-completers
@DaveRandom Oh yea; good point.
Yea, I'm an auto-complete junky.
@webarto Don't we all...
Alrighty, thanks for the input @igorw & @DaveRandom
Disclaimer: never listen to anything I say about anything ever
@DaveRandom Should... should I listen to that?
I'm confused now.
@Bracketworks If I told you you wouldn't be able to listen to me telling you so I can't help you there.
AAAHHHhhh... *thud*
@DaveRandom It's listen to me, and do as you like.
@Bracketworks Do you even list, bro?
Does anyone know of a framework / plugin / whatever to implement a type of state aware design? On almost every page of my site I need to show or hide forms, buttons, etc... based on if the user is logged in or not; which leaves with a ton of IF statements all over the place checking session variables. there must be a better way, no ?
listen to me, and do whatever the fuck you like because we all know you were going to anyway, and were just seeking validation *fixed
So I linked vanilla-js.com to a collegue 15 minutes ago.. he's still trying to find out whats so special about the framework :)
@DamienOvereem Fire him. Set him on fire.
@DamienOvereem jQuery user
Yes @ jQuery user
@lsiunsuex state aware design ... :mindblown:
i have no response to that haha - just trying to keep the code clean and i'm getting sick of writing the same if statement over and over again
Is it just me or is Kolink's answer here REALLY confusing? stackoverflow.com/questions/18382965/…
@SweetieBelle Kolink should burn in HellOverflow.
wow, html5 is so forgiving. I just passed the w3c validator with HTML5 for the first time ever :)
My other HTML4 sites have like 80 errors, 100 warnings ...
@MadaraUchiha So many times he makes the laziest reply and gets instant 5 upvotes. Is he sockpuppeting or do people just see 100k and insta up it?
@Simon_eQ I was so proud the first time I passed XHTML strict validator. :P
@SweetieBelle You must had built a single page script, with 10 lines :P
@Simon_eQ 650 lines :P
Is there a way you can play e.g. movie from laptop on TV, wireless*ly*?
Assuming both devices have WiFi and are smart.
@webarto yes.
@webarto You'r welcome btw
with a (modern) mac and an apple tv - turn on airplay mirroring on the mac - use whatever video program you want. as easy as it gets
@Simon_eQ Thank you
@SweetieBelle His comment is perfectly clear, to me. Perhaps you need to learn regex?
"...Don't forget to sign up for myPlex
Do you ever leave your house? If so, you need our free myPlex service...."
No, no I do not.
@lsiunsuex It'll be LG or Samsung, but I guess there it's the same. Thanks.
@salathe Yes, I clearly struggle with regex.
@SweetieBelle Clearly! :)
Has anyone used PHP + amazon aws + elastic beanstalk before?
@Simon_eQ If you hate people why do you want social life?
@Leri He didn't say a social life with people...
@salathe He has just given a functional lazy answer that I don't feel explains the way the parser works. His answer is right, but it's poorly written.
@Jimbo related: has anyone ever tried orange juice + sauteed pickles + chicken nuggets? :P
@salathe I assumed that because hate of people was mentioned.
@SweetieBelle You're isn't written much better
@CarrieKendall How come, they're all related within the php aws sdk :P
@salathe Mine explains the flag the user is clearly trying to use...
@Simon_eQ why would you hate people ?
@SweetieBelle yes, it does
I could relate to someone hating ignorant wannabe developers .. but people in general ?!
@Jimbo mine all relate to food, problem? ;]
@CarrieKendall I've never had sautéed pickles damnit! They look like slugs
@tereško its more like, 'you can't live with them ' and 'can't live without them ' type of hate
@Jimbo thanks for bringing that to life
@SweetieBelle +1 clear and complete explanation.
@Leri Thanks
@CarrieKendall If you don't know it, google all the things ;)
@tereško And I'm little racist btw
@Jimbo i would highly recommend using caution with that.. example: 2 girls 1 cup
Or at-least thats what they probably like to say
that's your problem
blacks can't be racist
@CarrieKendall OMFG 1 cup was enough. Point taken.
I'm racist against vim users. :(
@webarto WHAT?!!
I think it, is in-fact less than a problem since I have at-least the sanity to admit it.
Everyone is racist to some extent.
The future of coding: Fatal Error: Unable to declare variable $black on line 1337
Its a human nature.
i am racist of those the with the pigmentation of idiot.
I'm not racist based on color/religion though.
@Simon_eQ What about E_INDIAN?
@Jimbo Indians => I ADORE!!
anyone got pthreads installed and have spare couple of minutes ??
not racist based on race, nice
@Simon_eQ Indians !== E_INDIAN
> I'm not racist based on color/religion though.
@Simon_eQ Sir, how do I upload my websit to root index file of the internet?
hey there!
@dschazam HERRO!
why can't yesterday be thursday already :[
can someone tell me if its possible to use composer on a linux machine without installing it. (missing root rights)
and tomorrow saturday
@Jimbo Just some people, born and raised in poor conditions, trying to hurry and make some money. On the way, you get to look like stupid. Its normal.
@CarrieKendall Have you found another job yet?
@dschazam maybe
what do you actually have there
@Jimbo nope, i am considering c# at this point.
Everyone regardless of race, religion or any other factor is allowed to be racist...
and what kind of compressions do you want to perform
@BenjaminGruenbaum would be overwhelmed at that statement :P
@CarrieKendall You're kidding right...
@Jimbo not in the slightest, unfortunately
@CarrieKendall Oh god, if you need to speak to someone, we're here for you
@tereško do u mean rights?
@Jimbo Carrie has to eat too
@dschazam no, i mean setup.
@Jimbo :[ i also applied for a RoROR job
How'd that go?
well, its a funny story actually
welcome to my chat site :p
@CarrieKendall usually stories that begin with this phrase are not funny at all
Don't try to google the words. or, else you'll fail
Porn based on religion or color?
CyberCoders who i have recently found to be a resume farming agency had the posting which I was able to sneakishly decipher the origin company so i placed an email to their HR but they don't have any job posting with their company name so its sort of a guess ;]
@tereško uname -a says: Linux GNU/Linux @x86_64 INtel Xeon @ 3.50GHz GenuineIntel
and that will tell you how desperate i am
@tereško In England anyway, when some people say "funny" it can also mean "weird" or "different"
@tereško Or what do u need to know exactly? :)
@dschazam you could start by explaining by what kind of compression do you need
i am not, however, desperate enough to go get a magento/wordpress job ... yet
@Simon_eQ so you can be racist based on hair color?
"Do you mean funny-peculiar or funny-ha-ha?"
@Pheagey what part of color didn't you understand
Sorry, 1/2 asleep. Hair type?
@Simon_eQ porn based on religion?..
@tereško Oh. I meant COMPOSER -> getcomposer.org
should be porn or (racism based on religion or color)
@salathe /b/'s Rules of the Internet #34
@Orangepill Haha, brackets are important sometimes
sorry , misread that one
@salathe except porn or racism based on ...
racism based on race is okay
you do not need root permissions to set up composer
@Simon_eQ yes... (porn or racism) based on ...
but he refuses to be racist based on hair color and religion
@salathe Didn't pay must attention to it, till now.
@CarrieKendall I hope you are aware that "race" is actually only a skin-deep description. Genetically there is only one race.
Race has nothing to do with nationality or religion.
@tereško actually, that's your definition of race
@tereško That's what they told you too, huh?
race is a highly debated term with no single definition
as is racism
@CarrieKendall Race is a contest that tells you which of the N competitors are faster. It's a very well defined term.
@CarrieKendall no single definition
@MadaraUchiha i have never wanted to stab you more.
@CarrieKendall You'll need to get through my Susano'o first :)
@salathe yes, that's better
@MadaraUchiha i am going to assume that is a anime reference
@CarrieKendall What does "Susano'o" sound like to you? :D
In the field of human genetics, Mitochondrial Eve, who is estimated to have lived approximately 140,000–200,000 years ago, refers to the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all currently living anatomically modern humans. In other words, she was the most recent woman from whom all living humans today descend, on their mother’s side, and through the mothers of those mothers, and so on, back until all lines converge on one person. Because all mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) generally (but see paternal mtDNA transmission) is passed from mother to offspring without recombination, all m...
@MadaraUchiha japanese
or an ethnic girl's name.. speaking of race ;]
@CarrieKendall Yup
> she was the most recent woman from whom all living humans today descend
In Japanese Shinto, Susano'o is the god of sea and storms. In Naruto, it's a gigantic energy humanoid armor that the user generates around himself, and is practically impenetrable (anything short of a nuke probably won't do anything)
Does someone know, how to set up COMPOSER without having root on a linux machine?
you never need root for composer
but for symlinks
i thought?
> Experience in builds developed in Java, Flash, PHP, HTML, Maven, Nexus, Jenkins, Ant, Subversion, GIT, CVS, Bugzilla, and other open source tools required.
that cracks me up
@dschazam the whole point of composer is to be isolated and non-global.
a fuck..there are other problems on this f...n server.... no phar extension... no fopen..... -.-
Debating proposing this API for a simplified and secure random number generator for PHP core. Thoughts b4 RFC? https://github.com/ircmaxell/random_compat
@dschazam just run composer locally, then deploy the result.
@Neal Rather pointless
@dschazam copy the composer.phar to the dir you want to run it from. phar is iirc a PHp ARchive.
@MadaraUchiha what is?
@CarrieKendall Whenever I read something like this I have feeling they don't have future plan. So rarely get interested in working for them.
so php composer.phar install (iirc, would need to check syntax) to install the items listed in the composer.json desc. file.
@Neal ... Closing that question, I've replied properly, haven't I?
@Lobo if a user has been here for almost 5 years and does not know the rules of Stack Overflow I deserve the right to be rude... — Neal 8 secs ago
@MadaraUchiha I guess...
hi i am unable to ask question.
hmmm posted that to the wrong room...
@Pheagey you need the phar extension to run it.
it says " Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more."
@Leri or they're trying to hire an all-in-one dev because' they're cheap
@Neal No, you still don't.
can anyone help me with this ? What can i do ?
@igorw Op! That's correct.
@VivekSancheti It means, SO is angry with you, for asking low-level questions
@MadaraUchiha Never said I did
and people are rude to me.
@VivekSancheti How about you... "See the Help Center to learn more"?
@Simon_eQ anyway to get out this ?
@CarrieKendall If all-in-one-dev is cheap, s/he is not dev in fact.
@VivekSancheti I mean, really. It's probably formatted with a nice link too!
@MadaraUchiha stackoverflow.com/help/question-bans no proper answer found there :(
@Neal Then that's not OK either.
@VivekSancheti You are suspended from asking, until you start removing, updating your low-level questions, and start answering to help the community.
@MadaraUchiha So go yell at them...
@VivekSancheti I have been banned 2 times, but I changed and now, I am here.
@ircmaxell __construct($secure = false) this looks a bit dangerous.
@Simon_eQ how you got your ban removed ?
@igorw why?
@Leri all-in-one dev at 60k is cheaper than 2 devs with varying exp at 40k
in practice you should almost never use $secure = true, only for generating keys and other high entropy needs
but with $secure = false it's still good enough for things like session identifiers and the like
How can I get out of a question ban?

The ban will be lifted automatically by the system when it determines that your positive contributions outweigh those questions which were poorly received.
@ircmaxell seems like an easy thing to miss or get wrong. it just jumped out at me.
perhaps I should re-name it to $crypotographicallySecure
@VivekSancheti I started answering questions, earned some reputations. And tried to remove/update the bad questions explaining more so, people can upvote it maybe..
You need to edit your previous questions so that they are useful, reopened and upvoted.
Do not remove bad questions.
@VivekSancheti Listen to @MadaraUchiha
@Simon_eQ thanks for the answer :) Will now start contributing to the community in better way.
It only works against you.
@MadaraUchiha thanks for advice :)
@CarrieKendall 2 devs == 16 work hours per day, while 1 == 8
@Leri i am not arguing that its a good idea, just HR hiring practices and theories commonly in play
@Pheagey thanks for your help, but there is only CLI-PHP5.2 installed, and 5.3 needed..I just hate my provider ;)
@VivekSancheti Best way is to edit your previous questions
After you edit, you can ask here or in Meta Stack Overflow for people to review your questions and see if they can upvote your posts.
@dschazam ouch...
change provider
In the meantime, try answering, it does help.
@MadaraUchiha yup i am doing it now :) Thanks :)

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