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@DaveRandom ...
I can't even
I don't
How the hell can anyone do that
@DaveRandom :)
Please tell me it's shopped
@Magikaas I suspect that's probably the closest they ever got to one
@DaveRandom Why would you put the horizontal gaps across "OOL" ?!!
@FlorianMargaine believe what you want..
It looks real, the perspective looks right
@DaveRandom Hahahaha
@DaveRandom Probably "SH Cool" -> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourne_shell
reminds me of this
@DaveRandom You'd be amazed at the skills of some digital artists and shoppers
@FlorianMargaine You ever get many issues with Drupal not loading modules? Causing fatals and stuff because it can't find the functions
Usually a permission check/fix helps but not this time.
@Fabien nope
@Fabien I personally don't get that often, even though we use quite a few contribs for our projects
Yeah seems all my added modules aren't even being looked at. Not loaded or in admin.
God damn Drupal
Yeah was just permissing on modules folders. Le sigh
@DaveRandom Madara is a spoilsport :P
@Fabien Glad you found the problem, annoying that it was something so seemingly simple :P
Well it was more the fact I switched it stopped working. So i modified permissions. Then it still didn't work. So I upped them to something they shouldnt be and it worked.
I then put it down to what it should be and it still worked
The repo doesn't have a configure script; I need to autoconf to build it, right?
... Drupal
lol, I farked ya up there @Fabien
And I will never forgive you for it.
<sad-face actuality="IDGAF" />
I think Drupal could use an uninstall plugin too
@DanLugg ./buildconf
@JoeWatkins Wow, derp. Thanks.
You suck @JoeWatkins!
Q: exit(1) in file results in script status code 0

metaOn Ubuntu machine: $ php -v PHP 5.5.10-1~dotdeb.1 (cli) (built: Mar 6 2014 18:55:59) Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies with uopz v2.0.4, Copyright (c) 2014, by Joe Watkins <[email protected]> with Zend OPcache v7.0.3, Copy...

@PeeHaa I've extended your CMS deadline for another 1.5 weeks as I am on holiday :)
YW, love Fab
thanks! :)
@Fabien You going away or just going to dick around at home?
Tenerife, Spain. If the French air traffic control get their shit together.
Leaving Saturday (hopefully)
/me is jealous
@PeeHaa no time to do anything about it :(
Are you homeless yet?
yeah :(
Where are you living now?
in a caravan on friends land, and every time I type that I want to kill myself a little bit more ...
Wow that sucks
@JoeWatkins damn. Bad circumstances or money related? (If you feel like sharing)
It's temporary Joe.
Always remember that.
You'll find somewhere much nicer and be much happier later.
Then Google is going to recruit you.
can anybody know how to get database from xamp folder!
and how we can recover database if xamp crash! :)
Things may have taken a rather unpleasant turn quickly, but things can right themselves even quicker; optimism is actually rather important.
@Hamza What does that even mean?
database are dumped and restored
mysqldump -u username -p dbname > dbname.tue.sql @Hamza
And mysql -u root -p dbname < dbname.tue.sql
@PeeHaa I have crashed my xamp and I have install new xamp but my old xamp file are save how can i get them?
fail, fail, fail :p
@Hamza Xamp might be broken but there is a big chance mysql still works
there's no righting this quickly, its temporary, but depressing as fuck ... and nearly impossible to get shit done, electric was out all of yesterday afternoon, internet cuts out four times an hour, I've gone from 46 inches of screen to 15.6 ... I worry that I won't be able to hang onto my job, they are okay at the moment but I haven't got a proper day in in the last week ...
@JoeWatkins Can't you work from somewhere else?
I don't know of anywhere
What's your location again?
Is that the region you could travel to find a place to work?
@PeeHaa can you tell me in which file xamp store it database?
@JoeWatkins Got a postcode of somewhere near by thats commutable?
xampp doesn't store anything @Hamza
you forgot that I broke my car ... I can't really go anywhere, a friend took my daughter to school last couple of days, don't really have a plan for that either ...
xampp is nothing more than a couple of separate packages combined in 1 install.exe
@Hamza Just run services.msc and start the mysql service and see if that works
Okay I will check that out
When are you going to change your name :O?
Also xampp is a bundle of programs. If you re-installed xampp, you're doomed. It most likely deleted the folder where data is stored
back to trying to code, before I do actually kill myself ... lata
@HamZa but I still have my old xamp
@JoeWatkins later. Remember if you do decide to kill yourself you 46" screen is mine :-)
@HamZa about name I still did't get good name to change.
@Hamza How about NotHamza
Or, TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsHamza
@Hamza TheRealHamza
@DanLugg that a good Idea
@JoeWatkins can you code in anything object oriented besides php?
@PeeHaa hahaha that my new name now!
@PeeHaa The Real Slim Shady Hamza?
I guess I should change my username. Something like user\d+ :P
Can we <strike>things</strike> in here?
No, we can't.
@DanLugg ---syntax---
@HamZa Yea I know. I just didn't know if we could markup it too.
@Patrick yes, what's the purpose of the question ?
@HamZa Ya you should go with It..
@JoeWatkins I am talking to my friend who is a recruiter for Google. I know you guys were just joking, but...
can't really think about changing jobs anyway, it's not realistic ....
thanks tho ...
i was sat in bath wash when paahee ring
"php is kill"
@JoeWatkins Are you sure? It's not even sure he has something open, but he can forward you whatever he has. If not for now, might be good to have a connection for later
2 days ago, by bwoebi
@JoeWatkins https://github.com/krakjoe/phpdbg/pull/92/files looks fine to me except the author field as it's mainly just manpage-formatting of help options...
^ @JoeWatkins you've gotten that ping 2 days ago?
@bwoebi take the initiative please, I didn't get it, or don't remember it ... sorry ...
sorry ...
if it looks good merge it, that and anything that comes along for the foreseeable future, I'm struggling to just do my job, I have no time for anything, sorry ...
Master repository should be the most up to date stable version of the application right?
not necessarily stable
should be the most up to date code, that kind of implies it might be unstable, if you're going to say that a version of code is stable, then tag it probably ...
@Fabien I follow the master <-> develop branching approach; I branch master into develop after initial, and merge develop back onto master after considerable work + passing tests.
So, following that approach, master should be stable.
@HamZa Now I have change my name to The Real Hamza so sorry for that!
master <--> develop <--> feature-*
okay okay, but wait a minute, what about when there is more than one dev merging their develop into master, you really expect developers to write unit tests covering other peoples changes they may not have seen written concurrently with theirs ??
@Hamza Thanks
@JoeWatkins I never said it was a perfect approach :-P
I just use that model for sole development, for the most part.
we do develop and feature branches, but it still means that master isn't really tested, we still have to test master rigorously and so can't call it stable, we don't version so we don''t really have stable ...
@PeeHaa thanks for the name!
3 mins ago, by Dan Lugg
So, following that approach, master should be stable.
^^ Much emphasis on should. You're right, it's not a guarantee stable. But the model leans toward stability on master because you should only merge to it when everything passes.
@DanLugg I'd go further and say wrong words, the words you want is "cannot be" ... past a certain complexity you can almost be certain that master is not stable, that it has multiple sets of changes not tested against each other ...
Hmm. True; perhaps all development should take place in develop-* and feature-* branches, merge back into develop and test there. And then only merge back to master when everything is merged and passing.
*shrug* I have the git-fu of an empty can.
^ @PeeHaa
Cool cheers Dan*
@HamZa hehehehehehehe
or just be realistic about what master really is, we have a similar flow it sounds like, and there's nothing wrong with that, so long as master gets time to be tested before getting deployed everything is okay, but it means you can't really point at a stable version of a whole application, while you can point at stable versions of component parts ... that's enough for us ...
@Fabien I dunno, I'd listen to Joe because he knows better.
@JoeWatkins Agree. I'm not trying to argue that master is, or must, be stable, I'm just stating that a given workflow asserts that it should be, which I find preferable.
Obviously you still must test prior to build/deploy.
this is really all that matters, whatever the name of the branch you intend to deploy, test it first :)
^^^^^^ ;-)
@JoeWatkins well, okay merged (with changes)
@bwoebi btw.. I can't test mysql 5.7 :( not available for me
cool thanks
@AlmaDo yeah, I downloaded the .deb directly from mysql site
I think a stable version of master being the last tagged of the production makes most sense for us.
@bwoebi why use 5.7? any specific reason? Current stable is 5.6, so..
@AlmaDo I wanted to try some feature…
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'trc_client.properties AS pr JOIN trc_client.versions AS v on v.version_name = 'd' at line 1
hm.. I'll try to install it. But, since it's not stable - you should not be surprised by bugs in it..
And the query: (caution, it's huge)
rs = conn.executeQuery(
        "SELECT DISTINCT " +
                "p.name as publisher, v.version_name as version, " +
                "m.mode_name as mode, pr.property_name as property_name, " +
                (includeDefaults ? "IFNULL(pv.property_value, pr.default_value)" : "pv.property_value") + " as property_value, " +
                "pr.default_value as default_value, " +
                "pv.mode_id as mode_id" +
                "FROM trc_client.properties AS pr " +
                "JOIN trc_client.versions AS v on v.version_name = :version " +
nodeJS? * runs *
The error is directly under the pv.mode_id as mode_id line
@bwoebi Java, sadly.
@SecondRikudo even worse.
But what causes the syntax error? I mean, when I dump the query out on a linter it shows nothing
I've flagged this three times as a link-only answer. Should I take it onto meta?
And I don't see a syntax error where it said
@SecondRikudo A whitespace is missing after mode_id
Thank you.
no, MOTHERF was fine. ^^
I hate languages without multiline strings. I hate them with all my heart.
How much time did you spend before you came here? @SecondRikudo
what is the difference between pure virtual function and function prototype
other than the virtual part
@bwoebi About 10 minutes
Yeah, I'm pretty quick when it comes to error finding
@SecondRikudo I recommend to debug the generated SQL string with some sql syntax highlighting editor, not the code that generates it
Either I find it within the first 10 or so minutes, or I know that I won't find it soon, and either take a break to clear my head, or come for help.
And the results are proven. See @bwoebi was able to see in 5 seconds what I couldn't in 10 minutes
I can't remember a link, but does anyone have a link to a page where you can delete something and 'Undo' appears for the first one you delete, with a kind of transparency effect?
@SecondRikudo 20 seconds. But fine^^
@AlmaDo the thing is, I fear that this isn't explicitly documented and such not a bug nor BC break…
@bwoebi if what you're saying is true, then it's a huge, huge bug. Because evaluation inside CROSS JOIN does matter
@AlmaDo the only bug that bothers me is that init-file= setting in my.cnf is always failing with 1 [ERROR] 1105 Bootstrap file error, return code (0). Nearest query: 'SELECT 1' (SELECT 1 is just a test)
@AlmaDo it's just evaluation order.
@bwoebi no. it's tables selection order.
morning @Leri
@AlmaDo yep, and, any difference here?
@AlmaDo Morning. How's it going (mysql-unit)?
@bwoebi huge difference. By doing CROSS JOIN (SELECT @x:=0) as init you're doing cross join with a row set (consisting from one row)
Nobody? I swear I used a popular site this morning that had this sort of 'undo' feature
@Leri I was quite busy with interviews :p
@AlmaDo Changing job?
@bwoebi and cross join is a cartesian product. Since it's not commutative, AxB != BxA - that's why order matters
and it should be done as is
@Leri not sure. It was just interesting interviews
@bwoebi I think best idea would be to try implement features with 5.6 version. 5.6 is the last "average free" version
@JoeWatkins back. Should I let him know that you are not interested right now? Sorry for asking him without consulting you first. I thought this was a no-brainer :)
@AlmaDo I hope offers will also be interesting. I was pretty busy also. Finals and job change (kinda).
@Leri so you're changing your job? What's your new company?
@AlmaDo I am currently do outsource for them (i.e. integrating their payment service in e-commerce solutions). If I succeed and everything goes well, I might be relocating.
I won't call them as my new company yet.
@Leri oh, good. Where will it be, if you'll relocate?
@AlmaDo Spain.
@Leri nice. So that was about your ex-boss? (:
@Leri HA! Spaaaaain
@AlmaDo Yeah. :)
@PeeHaa :-)
@Leri well, you're luckier than me (: I wish all will be successful in that for you (:
@AlmaDo Thanks. Well, you'll get your chance I believe. ;)
@Leri for now, it's not so important for me - but thanks
@AlmaDo Just wondering if downgrading presents any problems in mysql?
@bwoebi in general, it should not - if you're not using some version-specific things
@AlmaDo maybe some premature optimization in mysql…
Might be better PIB though ^
@AlmaDo no, I mean, .frm files were updated during mysql_upgrade…
@bwoebi as far as I know, MyISAM (to which you're referring via mentioning .frm) was not changes since .. 5.1 or even 5.0
so it should work. But - yeah, create a backup :p
will do^^
So, today's lunch consists of a tube of Pringles and 8 KitKat chunkys
@DaveRandom And as a dessert a tub of vanilla icecream?
@SergeyTelshevsky That must be a troll
Clearly that person thinks "Web Development" is the same as "PHP web SAPI"
@PeeHaa judging by the comments, it's not
> Clearly that person thinks
^ I doubt it
r/php is so stupid.
r/php is awesome
$rPhp = "so stupid."; // <-- discussion
first time I visited this and soo much lolz
I suspect "r" stands for "reddit" ?
r/* usually means *-subreddit
so r/php would be php-subreddit
@AlmaDo cat r/php > /dev/null
Unless if context says otherwise or there is a namespace "r" defined within the current chat environment that people are referring to
@DaveRandom why so? may be much easier rm -Rf r/php ?
I'm familiar with reddit only with one meeting. I wanted to know what it is. So, googled. Opened. What the hell was that? Closed.
@AlmaDo No it's much safer to leave it there and blackhole it, lord knows where those people would end up if we took it away completely
found this amazing explanation of why you should use php on reddit: tech.pro/blog/2064/…
@DaveRandom hm.. then... init 0 may be ? So to be sure
Somebody should write a php engine in JS for teh awesome
@SergeyTelshevsky read my .md for mysql-regexp (:
@AlmaDo link please

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