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hey guys a small thing: it's possible that $stmt->affected_rows returns -1 (it means it's an error) and errno of mysql/stmt are both 0?
->rowCount() ?
@DaveRandom But but but but isn't the font fix in there :(
@PeeHaa dunno, try it. Not sure if the font fix is directly in there or only related
Strange thing is it kinda works now again (after reboot). Will see what happens and burninates dw if the issue comes up again
@MarcoAcierno ...meaning that this happened to you or...?
iirc affected rows is not relevant to SELECT statements, there's a different prop for that
2-0 for @webarto's people (close enough) :)
@PeeHaa Quite a few people reported simply opening the same page in a new tab fixed it, I guess there's a per-process issue
They better start getting their act together instead of working on some stupid glasses project nobody wants
I think the sub-pixel stuff is Chromium and not just Chrome
Pfff potato potatoe
Or however you can write ^ that
Let's just call them "the blink morons" :-)
@PeeHaa Extra e only comes in for plurals in UK English, fyi
@PeeHaa I think you write it the same ... the difference is in how you pronounce the "A"
And it's only certain words
(potato and tomato are the only two I can think of)
Thanks both :-)
I've seen Americans write photoes when they think they're writin UK English, which is not valid
We really should write all these rules down somewhere...
It would be two pages of rules and 5 volumes of exceptions though
muricans trying to write UK english. That's just funny
@DaveRandom you have .. it's called "dictionary"
I'm wondering if there is anyone here that has done a beta program with users for their website developments.
Mine are called clients :P
I want to get people to sign in to something that will track a beta program.
Maybe some kind of free service of open source thing.
@tereško I was being facetious :-P (although that's not exactly what a dictionary is, I'm sure there must be something that lays out the structural rules)
But nothing as complex as a issue tracker..
@MathewFoscarini it seems a viable option only if you manage to sell a "full scrum" to the client
@tereško it's not for a client, this is my own project.
The Word list of the Dutch language is a list of words in the correct official spelling of the Dutch language (Dutch orthography). It is officially established by the Dutch Language Union (Nederlandse Taalunie), and is published in dictionary style. Because of the colour of its published form, it is better known as the Green Booklet (het Groene Boekje). It differs from a dictionary in that it does not give the meanings of the words. Editions The Green Booklet is published by Sdu in the Netherlands and Lannoo in Flanders. It is available in a paper edition and on CD-ROM at a fee; the D...
So I have a website I built with PHP as my own project, and I want to get friends/family to register as beta users.
Yes my language sucks that bad they had to write and entire bible
But I don't want to build a beta tracking system..
@MathewFoscarini What about a simple non intrusive button somewhere "feedback"
@PeeHaa yes, I've been using UserVoice.com with a button in the lower corner. No feedback received :(
4 mins ago, by DaveRandom
It would be two pages of rules and 5 volumes of exceptions though
^ probably applies to most languages, to be fair
Maybe everything is just awesome? @MathewFoscarini
I wish
What is the site about
anywho, I need to go do some crap, laters
@DaveRandom I'm 99% sure my language is worse
it's a news reader for computer graphics
Why isn't it centered?
Oct 3 '12 at 12:49, by DaveRandom
Also the menu is already annoying me
There is some delay when hovering it. And just when I click the thing the menu slides in
thanks, you'd prefer to just click or just hover?
@peehaa what isn't centered?
@MathewFoscarini Either way. As long as I don't accidentally go back to home
maybe I don't need a beta program. I can just come here ans ask people to give it a try :)
ah, okay
Also the title in the content steals screen real estate imho
ah, okay. I intended it so that the menu doesn't cover anything but you have that distracting. interesting thanks.
Also I don't see any uservoice thing btw? Should it still be there?
Might be ghostery blicking it htough
it should be in the lower right corner.
yea, it's third-party so it would be blocked.
Ah well. That might be an issue :)
PO TA TO, POTAAAAAAAAAATO (to the key of the Wizard of Oz soldiers)
I have no way of tracking how many users run blockers.
BTW you have an encoding problem
@PeeHaa it's probably because you have some kind of ad-block
yea, I know.
@MathewFoscarini if you ajax in a file called ad.html , most ad blockers block it. Use that to check if the user is running a blocker
@MathewFoscarini Render some 3rd party thing that probably gets blocked. delay 1s. check if element exists on the page
that ^ :)
that ^ =]
@DanLugg :P
thanks, I'll look into that. For must of my tracking I use google analytics but if that is blocked then I'd have to record things on my server.
is there any good self hosted analytics thing?
@DaveRandom yeah. it happened to me
My biggest complaint about google analytics is that it does not record a log for each single visitor session. I'd like to exactly what visitors are doing.
@MathewFoscarini It does
I think
@peehee it tracks sessions, but I can't see how to show a report of all pages view and in what order for a session.
Apparently you are kinda not allowed
Q: Google analytics - follow a single users path?

SultanenHow can i track a single users path through the webpage with Google Analytics? I am not interested in who that user is, only what path the user went.

return  md5(hash('sha512', $password, true));
dat hashing
agh code paralysis
@PeeHaa Needs a substring too; substr(hashing_primitives($data), 0, 8)
Because, y'know, security.
any of you guys good with the rubiks cube?
@DanLugg `:-)
@RonniSkansing Nope never had the need to :P
@PeeHaa I hate it
So.....PHP calls ob_end_flush for you if you exit with an output buffer still enabled - 3v4l.org/IeNZl That seems fucky.
Yo dawg I see you have some buffered shit. Lets help you!
More like...Oh it looks like you're buffering stuff to prevent incomplete data being sent to a client.....let me send that incomplete data for you then.
Yeah good guy PHP :-)
Damn I was google image searching for scumbag PHP and the results are... awkward
Or is that retargetting and is it just me :P
@tereško Your post on what the model layer is in mvc
Q: Is it an good idea of Using password itself as an salt

SubhankerHopefully this question is not to bored. I have read in many articles that we should combine an unique salt to each passwords before hashing and store the salt in database for verification but How about using the password itself as an salt ? Doing this will benefit as the salt will be unique fo...

^ at least they ask…
Q: HTML marqee tag width in 'em' behaves weird

UlrikMarquee is one of the most hated tags in html, and that hatred probably has roots back in the 90'ies, when everybody had their own web page, and everybody abused this tag. During my years working as a part-time web designer, I found this tag very useful for some tricks. "Lack of compatibility" i...

Seriously the idiots are getter worse:
Dat demand
^^ I think I'll use this regularly.
codepen.io/pigeonhole/pen/LEeqc can i get some improvements on this thing? design or performance so that people find it more like a news app
@shortCircuit Make your channels a multimensional array in the format: ['name': '', 'url': '', 'originalUrl': '']
@Jimbo s/array/object
@PeeHaa Or that, but they would just be simple entities with nothing else in there
yeah but JS doesn't have a thing called assoc arrays ;)
ok.. i thought of that once..
@PeeHaa JSON
Wait.. JS doesn't have assoc arrays!??! Fine. Object. Whatever.
Hey, I'm using the latest version of the Laravel framework. Is there any way I can send a non-json response ? I'm trying to return an array with the Response::make($myArray) and it keeps escaping my slashes and putting it in brackets. Even with simply doing a return $myArray it still does that.
$response->header('Content-Type', $value); // Try changing this to NOT application/json
@TristanDube Wait, if you want to return an array to client-side JavaScript, you should use JSON...
I did, it is set to $res->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); Same results
I have a really basic question here. How would I create public profiles? Would I do a query then use GET, to get them into the URL? I'm not really sure what to search for so if you link me a tutorial that would be even better
@Jimbo :-)
@Jimbo Yeah I know, I'd like to use json but I need to output plain text. The client expects a duo of values with the second one being an xml string. So I am trying to echo the whole thing as a simple string. Their wish ^.^
@TristanDube Is there a Response::xml()? Response Macros
Would i post that as a question on SO. Or can someone answer it here?....
@Jimbo Unfortunately no, only json. Or not using any at all, which I thought would output plaintext or whatever. But the framework stubbornly outputs everything as a json array.
@PeeHaa congrats
@PeeHaa You're such a rep whore.
Ah I found a way, I have to use echo element-by-element instead of any Laravel methods like Response::make. That way nothing gets escaped by sending the whole array.
Thanks y'all
Shouldn't have to do so much stuff just to return a response type you want though :/
Glad I don't use Laravel, :: was enough already
@Jimbo But it isn't a response type the framework wants you to send in which case of course you're gonna spend that much time on it.
@cspray All I know is, Symfony has JSONResponse, BinaryResponse, StreamingResponse. But either way, it doesn't matter. It defaults to text/plain and whatever type you set it to it'll return it as that
And not once do I have to use ::, or anything in the global scope, or any static calls with symfony components (not the framework)
@Jimbo Yea, I was being facetious. I've never used Laravel and the rampant use of static that isn't really static because, ya know, facade smells funky to me.
I can't say anything about Laraval's facades, but facades can be a useful pattern.
Do Laravel's facades == the pattern?
@LeviMorrison Laravel "facades" are not what you think it is / does
@PeeHaa nice ;D
@hakre The next one up is stackoverflow.com/a/10585811/508666. Which is kinda "How the hell did that get that many upvotes???"
@PeeHaa reminds me of: stackoverflow.com/q/13129817/367456 ^^
hehehehe :P
there is also a nice comment underneath.
Yeah saw it :D
sometimes I love it when I find a bug that breaks my code :)
Tnx @HamZa I always assumed that was just something on my screen :P
@PeeHaa hehe welcome :P
@hakre and this stackoverflow.com/a/13008332 . The least interesting answer gets upvoted -_-
PS: I never used twig and just checked the manual
+1: HamZa is the Twig Pro! — hakre 20 secs ago
@hakre ehehehe
Anyone remember the name of the server that allows you to send rest requests to it, and it just returns the data, for debugging purposes?
When you start with "I'm not a stalker" you're a stalker.
oh found it - httpbin.org
BTW the French air traffic controller strike ends tomorrow
So yay for not gimping up my holiday
@PeeHaa Wow, that's pretty brutal
In their position I would've rung Amazon and asked them to shut everything down to fix. Assuming that would be possible
What a fucker though.
@Fabien Yea, but part of that is also if you're gonna market yourself as a secure platform you shouldn't lose everything because of this type of attack
In the wake of it all I would be interested to know what/how other similar companies up their security.
Add '1234' to their passwords.
Actually makes me wanna call our sysadmin and talk about our backup strategy ;)
I'm wondering how they got powned? They state that there was no machine access
Yea, I was wondering about that too. Just says gains access to the Amazon control panel.
They're probably also wondering it.
Stupid script kiddies
Would something Web Socketet based handle DDoS any differently or no difference?
wtf wtf?
that question is absurd
You're absurd.
..., no seriously…
Then elaborate rather than
If there's a clear lack of understanding on functionality of DDoS attacks or web sockets feel free to point me in the direction of where I could learn more. doesn't really do anything for me or the conversation.
defcon videos are a great resource
Aaaand gitlab of our school is down for several hours
@Fabien I would think there's no major difference but I can't provide an argument. Just instinct
Fair enough. Looking at some Defcon stuff anyhoo
@Fabien "ddos" is just a general concept of "distributed" DoS. Most of the times we think about it as some zombies flooding some packets to a certain machine/server. But DoS could also be achieved using exploits to slow down/stop a server. Since websockets are just some full duplex channels over TCP, I would think it will not make any difference
Fair enough.
I've been learning Italian on duolingo; it's been really easy to use and learn.
I recommend it for anyone looking to learn a language they support.
I'm visiting Lugano, Switzerland which is in an Italian speaking canton, so that's why I'm learning.
Thanks for sharing

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