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Time until 1400000000 is less than 1 hour: currenttimestamp.com
@DaveRandom cool
@CSᵠ over how long is that? Also "occurrence" has double-c and double-r
@DaveRandom last 100 messages containing that
depending on word, for 'fuck' it was ~2weeks
@DaveRandom E_NINE
@CSᵠ Oh right. You're probably going to get IP-banned pretty quickly unless you are caching those results, if you're crawling transcript on the fly you get kicked pretty quickly
@bwoebi ?
@DaveRandom 139999... too many nines :-D
@CSᵠ I'm not even on there :(
@bwoebi Not by my count...
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 !
oic what you mean
@DaveRandom ohh well... @Mr.Alien was so nice to host it, i just coded it fast and then debugged it with him a bit :P
Actually 29 secs before it will be a palendromic timestamp with 6 contiguous 9s
1399999931 ?
@DanLugg it would appear you are a lot ruder than everyone else, you seem to be top of both the fucking and feces charts
1.4G , round and nice
@NikiC you're on the feces chart :))))
another winner for @tereško : decodingweb.com/room11.php?word=bullshit
@CSᵠ yes - but that was a quote from somebody else ...
Not particularly surprised about this though /cc @PeeHaa
I must be really bad at this swearing thing
I find the beer results a little surprising.
@PeeHaa I like pinging you
At least order the names by DESC order :P
@CSᵠ Excellent
@CSᵠ sweet :D
Banana. Weird.
@Fabien details.... :P
@Fabien i don't have control over the code anymore...
It's turned in to an AI and can no longer be controlled!
I love how, when presented with such a tool, the first thing people look for is rude words.
if any of you want the piece of crap pie code: pastebin.com/14yQdUcQ
I want star stats.
@DaveRandom the main reason i made it :))))
@Fabien change sort=newest or even bettr use a parameter
Oct 20 '13 at 23:39, by Dan Lugg
Turtle kumquat banana phone four-wheel mahogany.
For anyone else that'd be weird.
Anyone can tell me why we aren't using the GOTO executor?
@bwoebi i'm using it, and calling the code BasicPHP :))
i think it should be used with care
@CSᵠ Huh!?
@SecondRikudo barely
@SecondRikudo barely
@Gordon Could you head over to TL and see the discussion there, and tell me what you think?
what's that famous TL?
@CSᵠ thank you, but it was actually a serious question.
@SecondRikudo what exactly?
@bwoebi you can direct it to those guys, i'm using it only here and then, mostly to avoid a code block, other ppl say goto is evil, but it still got it's way into php core
@CSᵠ okay, you didn't get what I meant.
I meant Zend/zend_vm_gen.php GOTO executor creation mode.
How far back are those stats going?
The pie chart stats ^
@Chris last 100 messages containing searched word
@CSᵠ dynamically fetch them with ajax so that you're not throttled…
@Gordon Could you? I'll link to where it's starting to be relevant
3 mins ago, by bwoebi
what's that famous TL?
@bwoebi Not for mortal ears.
Fellas, stupid question, I know, trust me.
Hey there people! Anyone can help me convert a sql server syntax to mysql?
Is it possible to escape parameters in PDO without using a prepared statement?
@SecondRikudo ...
@DaveRandom Noodle emancipation beetle soup for because burlap
@StackExchange vs. @PeeHaa 1:0
Hmm, statistics show I should clean up my fucking banana language.
Statistics also show that the word shitstick has never been used here. I am seeking to rectify this oversight, and am immediately successful.
lol, I've said some funny things
Oct 20 '13 at 23:42, by Dan Lugg
@DaveRandom Blech. I have low standards, but that's like scraping a burnt wad of low standards off the bottom of the pan.
Apparently, I herp when I derp.
We need some possibility to do a 16 bit compile on php-src. We really should include DOS support again.
^ My opinion on the 32 bit discussion on internals
and xmm is underused in php-src … Not. argh, Lester.
@bwoebi anyone running 32 bit hardware doesn't care about performance, and anyone running 32 bit builds on 64 bit hardware either should have a highly specialized use-case, or believes in micro-benchmarks
@ircmaxell I totally agree.
@ircmaxell I think if people were aware what a huge difference in runtime and memory consumption x86-64 does, more people would use 32 bit builds...
@NikiC it's what, about 30-40%?
@NikiC also, I've yet to see a reasonable FPM setup where memory was the constraining factor (where that memory usage wasn't from the absurd code)
19 hours ago, by Levi Morrison
Under no circumstance should you harrass other users for your own amusement; doing so may result in a week ban. ~Shog9
ಠ_ಠ You couldn't just pin Shog's message directly?
... you really unpinned Shog's message to replace it with a huge understatement?
Dang it @BoltClock you're faster than me
@BoltClock It was formatted inappropriately.
I just pinned it but it dropped off
@NikiC No, U!
@ircmaxell I think there's a limit for how many messages can be pinned at a time
@NikiC ಠ_ಠ
@BoltClock We're not fond of BOLD CAPSLOCK around here ;)
wth, I just pinned it, but don't see it
@ircmaxell Yeah we had the same problem on HTML/CSS the other day lol
@ircmaxell I see it. It is the 7th item on the list though.
@Chris wrong one
@BoltClock it shows as starred and pinned in my transcript, but not seeing it here
pinned Levi's version, since the other wasn't working
Oh well
That's pretty stupid. The pin issue I mean
honey badger don't give a shit and neither do I. Unless folks ignore the message.
in fact, that shouldn't be pinned. I mean, it should be just known (so "pinned in memory"). Sad - if we need that to be pinned, then something is wrong :\
@BoltClock I did pin it and some other room owner unpinned it.
You can't repin something (or at least I can't)
I starred that since it's already pinned
It had nothing to do with a time limit or number of pins.
@LeviMorrison Oh OK. It did have something to do with some limit in my case at HTML/CSS since it was a new message that was just minutes old
But nvm
I really think we have too many room owners.
Apparently I missed quite the party
That makes me sad
But if I started removing people someone would just add them back.
And I'd probably get removed.
so what do you suggest then?
To start with, let me repin messages.
@BoltClock there is a bug with dupehammer: I was able to insta-close this after I already had retagged it
@tereško Welp...
@AndrewS Why not just edit them and re-tag to anything you do have a gold badge in? — J... 9 hours ago
@tereško I think only the original tags are relevant
yeah .. that actually makes sense
@tereško not a bug. dupe-hammer allows you to instantly close/reopen question which had initial tags corresponding to your badge
Oh wait, you mean you removed a tag you had a gold badge in but were able to close anyway
I had it the other way around
So apparently that's working as intended. Pretty cool if you ask me
no matter if you (or someoen else) has retagged it. Once it had at creation - you will be able to use dupe-hammer
hmm ...
So people can't just go retagging questions and closing them
How to avoid Dupehammer: Post question with some obscure tag. Then retag it to actual tag.
@AlmaDo While you have shown that you have pretty good judgement on what to move to bin, etc I really don't know why you are a room owner. I don't mean that offensively but it seems every regular is an owner now.
@NikiC shh , it's a secret
@LeviMorrison afaik, JS room has that as the "official policy"
That's because they regularly go into Gallery Mode
That's a sign of a bigger problem.
@LeviMorrison Yes ... no way to ban :( After all this time
@LeviMorrison if people whom I respect here will ask me (so they do not want me as room owner anymore) - I'll agree with that. Because - it's a matter of trust, I believe. So while good people here found my ownership as a useful thing - ok, I'm glad for that admission of my participation (& usefulness, may be?). But if not - I won't go against them. It's very good room & community. If my ownership is making it worse - then so be it, I'll leave
Alma, I'm not saying you are a problem. I haven't seen any problems from you.
I'm just saying; how is it that every day it seems we have new owners?
One person clicks a button and poosh they are an owner.
@LeviMorrison I've actually wondered about this myself
I will never ever work for a company that has only one developer (me) and is not mine! I don't even have time to look for another job. LOL
@LeviMorrison wrong attitide. Room owner is not a person "who does not make troubles". This person should be a welcome person, respected person and such person that other members will be glad to see in room owners list. So: room ownership is a privilege & an admission, not some regular thing that should be granted just to see "if there won't be any troubles with that"
tl;dr : if I'm not such person, then I'll agree to leave
A room owner has a few privileges: moving messages, pinning things, unpinning things, unstarring things, changing room status, and being able to talk in gallery mode.
That's basically a mini-moderator. So in my opinion it's more of a question of: who in this room would be a good mini-moderator?
well, it's not about just "formal privileges". As I've said, it's about status - as an admission & respect
but also about privileges too
it's how I feel that
In my mind that shouldn't be a variable at all. It's all about responsibilities in my opinion.
@LeviMorrison See, I just cleaned up!
That guy is a mod anyway ^^
@LeviMorrison Exactly ^^
hm. by the way
ask @SecondRikudo - it's him who've added me :p (i.e. - about reasons - why)
Hello everyone!
@NikiC 9999 days suspension incoming :P ;)
@LeviMorrison I think as long as all room owners are somewhat active here (i.e. are here about every day) and there is no trouble / disagreements, then I don't think it hurts
@NikiC +1
anyone can tell me why my answer is downvoted?:
and.. may be the problem is that room owner status is about "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES WITH GRANT OPTION" .. if GRANT OPTION wasn't there, may be such problem won't ever appear
A: How do I echo a var inside of a PHP function return?

Mike M.have you heard of pointing the source out as: $source = 'this is my source adding '.$phpvar_here.' and now there stands my php var'; (this does work in your example because this basicly works as fine as just putting up html and then say within the html part: <?php echo($var); ?>...

@NikiC It was a problem yesterday
People unpinned important messages.
People took the room out of gallery mode.
@Gordon With you gone the owners form a neat 4*6 rectangle. I hope you understand that this is for the Greater Good
@LeviMorrison It was in gallery mode?
it's downvoted a few minutes/hours ago (yet today) idk by who or why
@NikiC cant argue against a healthy dose of OCD
@NikiC yes, levi put it into gallery mode and was shortly after removed from it just a bit later
@NikiC I put it in gallery mode when people were in a frenzy about Niet/Kolink.
And Shog shortly after froze the room.
@Gordon What can I do about rep-raping starters?
He then said some important stuff and people unpinned it.
Oh, no, oh no
We aren't string with the rep-raping again, are we?
That's not acceptable for room owners in my opinion.
@AlmaDo which is exactly my opinion of the "pact"
I am just asking what I can do against it if it starts
@MikeM. I deleted the Q. Now the downvote is gone ;)
@MikeM. Do nothing.
If someone puts the room in gallery mode whoever takes it out had better at least have a conversation first. @SecondRikudo
because this seems a bit too obvious while both questions helped the user"s" out
-2 8 hours ago downvote How do I echo a var inside of a PHP function return?
-2 11 hours ago downvote Redirect user to login page not functioning
@LeviMorrison The gallery thing was a joke.
@LeviMorrison actually the situation generally escalated yesterday. But how often does it really happen?
It only stopped a handful of people and didn't do anything against the other room owners.
@LeviMorrison someone did that again?
I did because the room was going nuts.
so tell me if they are massivly downvoting without any reason what would I be able to do about it?
Shog froze it a moment later so my 'soft freeze' was clearly the correct call.
Yet SecondRikudo pulled it out immediately.
I did that once, and people called me an abuser of power and a tyrant.
@LeviMorrison Not a moment later. Several minutes afterwards.
No, it was not even a minute I don't think.
I didn't even get a chance to say why I put it into gallery.
And as far as I understood it, that was mainly comment on behavior that was happening outside the room without interruption.
@LeviMorrison It was pretty clear why the room was put in a gallary.
But it didn't help.
Apr 3 at 13:36, by Alma Do
@ircmaxell My thoughts weren't changed since we've introduced "the pact" so - if someone respects others and knows what means to be polite, then he don't need any pact. But if he isn't - then no pact will help. Conclusion: this pact is near senseless
So why did you remove it?
Out of curiosity, why are so many people room owner anyways? We used to have three or four. But not two dozen.
so.. we share same feelings about that
@Gordon I've mentioned this before as well.
Just put it again into gallery and remove temporarily his ownership next time that happens. @Levi
@LeviMorrison Because you stopped the normal people from speaking, while allowing the trolling to continue
Also that ^
@AlmaDo oh yes, please get rid of the pact
@SecondRikudo You took it out of gallery mode before I could do anything about the problematic owners.
@Gordon I think at some point there just was the expectation that every regular should be a room owner - everything else being "unfair" or something like that
@Gordon I want to clean it up
@SecondRikudo If trolling continues while the room is in gallery mode there are much bigger issues than the "normal" guy getting a chance to speak.
@SecondRikudo That's actually not a problem. Especially not if it's just for a few minutes to calm down.
@Gordon I won't do that since majority of people here find this pact useful
@LeviMorrison well, I'd call that miscommunication and go on. But you are right. Better sync is needed next time.
Yes, indeed.
Which is why I mentioned it.
The few of us who tried to stop it weren't organized enough, which is understandable since it kinda took us by surprise :P
@Gordon then you are sure one or more room owners are online all the time
@Gordon Hm ... I hadn't even read that one ...
I'm actually glad I only vaguely know what's going on in this regard. If there was ever a time to get consumed in work yesterday appeared to be that day ;)
some room owners go to sleep at 5AM while some owners get online at 6AM...
What pact?
@MikeM. In deep night it's anyway not necessary, everyone is then so quiet here.
@MikeM. they dont need to be around 24/7. There is still the real mods in case.
@SecondRikudo ah, that… meh. These are just evident rules.
@Gordon which don't need to be disturbed.
@Gordon actually, I'd argue dealing with incidents is the mod's job in the first place. Since we don't have any powers other than "move message" (which sucks)
@ircmaxell Yeah, and silence the room.
Which failed miserably yesterday.
@Gordon I'd understand that but what if an arguiment can be settled by the owners instead of "wasting" mods their time while they better can get out of the other stuff...
@SecondRikudo which is not a real power, since you can't actually kick anyone
@MikeM. that happens, but you don't need to be an owner to talk sense to someone
@ircmaxell No, but you can "freeze" the room.
I've only once wanted to kick someone ... I'd have kicked them in real life if I could get near them ... normally just saying stop is enough to stop someone ... strangely ...
also, evening
I agree that a mod should have intervened sooner, and I was asking for help in the mod room, but end result was, until Shog came here, no one did.
@JoeWatkins there's been at least a dozen times I've wanted to kick someone. And went looking for mods to do it
lol is there a mod room?
@ircmaxell does just flagging him quickly with a few people from here not suffice?
@bwoebi no
@bwoebi That is assuming you can arrange 6 (or more) people to flag one of his messages.
@bwoebi yes - but it's not always possible if there aren't enough people and other rooms often miss context
because all flagging does is get the C++ people to come in and complain about us flagging. And then things escalate further
It takes 6 net flags to kban someone for 30 mins
maybe we should approach it from this way then: who was the people who took active part in the incident although they should have known better?
That's hard to say.
on the occasion I'm thinking of, I should have been able to shut the guy up, he was really really personally offensive, really offensive ...
@Gordon the incident of yesterday? Me obviously
@Gordon I don't think anyone here wants to point at names. Read the transcripts.
Btw, can anyone tell what exactly the incident was? Was it those heated discussions on Kolinks comments?
I dunno what's being discussed, I have been codez all day ...
Also, you have the power to look at deleted comments. Look there.
@ircmaxell they are the root of all evil anyway. Should never have unfrozen them :D
someone dish the dirt ?
screw it, I'm going to prune the owner list. if anyone I remove has issue, or if anyone thinks someone not on the list should be, feel free to ask.
@NikiC Yes.
@Gordon :-)
@ircmaxell Go ahead.
@NikiC hmm… true…
@ircmaxell Fair, you've been room owner for a long time.
(perhaps the longest?)
@Gordon I have been quite rude yesterday to kolink but he asked for it. if you start blaming me that I follow an user when I don't do it at all and blame me to rep whore others then it's wrong
BTW, @ircmaxell that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about earlier when I invited you to a different room :P
me too? :o just surprised, not having a problem with it
@MikeM. If somebody is rude to you, you do not necessarily have to be rude towards them as well :)
@SecondRikudo then you should have mentioned that. I don't typically respond to PM requests without the person mentioning why
@bwoebi if such guys as tereško or salathe were removed, then.. (:
I know @NikiC but I got pissed of by that shit ... but I know it was wrong of me...
@ircmaxell Well, there's a reason I wanted it to be private :P
@bwoebi honestly, I've removed you several times. Others have added you back. I've disagreed with it since day one...
@ircmaxell In any case, feel like adding me back? (Or any specific reason for removing me specifically?)
@ircmaxell I agree that I have done some things wrong. But I never did it wrong again.
well, we need to remind DaveRandom so he will revoke repositore access too
This room's owner list has been cleaned up. Anyone disagree with the current room owner list (any individual member)? Feel free to say so!
(You said ask!)
@ircmaxell You should probably pin something about the owner cleanup.
That works ^
user image
Room 11 owners group photo
@ircmaxell now of those six left, are those all actually willing to be a room owner, e.g. taking the responsibility?
@ircmaxwell well @rdlowrey is hardly seen "in my opinion" I rather want @SecondRikudo and/or @HamZa and/or @tereško and/or @cryptic back@
@ircmaxell I thought you're the founder. So why anyone should argue?
Yesterday's group photo was much nicer.
becuase they are just good and alot of online...
@salathe LOL
@MikeM. cryptic wont be around for at least 90 days. she asked to be suspended today
20 hours ago, by salathe
user image
@Gordon Oh?
@Gordon that I can't say. They are the people in my eyes that have shown over time who can (and do) actively work well with it. If they don't want it, they can definitely say so :-)
Pretty sure you can remove yourself; I'm going to test it.
2 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
@ircmaxell In any case, feel like adding me back? (Or any specific reason for removing me specifically?)
I am disagree.
@Gordon well it's what I "think" about the curent list xD
(Setting myself up for disaster, I realize)
@LeviMorrison You can.
No need to try it, I already did.
xD @LeviMorrison Good Luck
Indeed, it works as expected.
@Feeds no...
I don't always give bounty, but when I do, it's on @ircmaxell.
@ircmaxell I disagree, it's missing a salathe.

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