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@Hybridwebdev Because what you are inheriting is the functionality, not the data.
Check out Charles example.
You're inheriting the definition of the functionality.
but if you want access to the functionality, isn't it assumed that the pre-created data from within that functionality should be of use too?
Each instance, parent or child, is its own individual compartment of data.
@Charles That's a better way to put it, yes.
yes, I understand the concept of objects
:16423075 Only if you operate on the same object.  For example:
$validator = new YourValidatorClass();
The $validator instance will contain whatever data it took to doStuff().
One instance of a class can access public and protected methods and properties of another instance of that class. Merely creating an instance inside of another instance does not copy data from one instance to another.
$formz = new Formz(...);
$validator = new Validator();
^This is what it sounds to me like you are trying to do.
Is that accurate?
however, the $validator is done from within the actual formz class
Doesn't matter.
the only interface one has is with the formz class
They are still seperate objects.
Think of objects as associative arrays with functions attached. 'cause that's pretty much what they are. Each is its own thing, with its own data.
(So excited about varadics, I have old spaghetti to unravel!)
@Charles That's a good way to think about them.
then that means, that $this is never truly global across classes, be-it through extension, abstraction /reflection etc
@Hybridwebdev It's not accessible across instances.
$this refers to the current instance of a class during execution.
This is why you can't access $this while inside of a static method in a class.
a class extension is always a new instance yes?
The static method is never attached to an instance, so $this is bogus.
@Hybridwebdev Wrong level of thought. An instance of a child class is still an instance.
@Hybridwebdev A class which extends another class is a new class unto itself. If you make an instance of that new class, that's an instance. You could also make, simultaneously, an instance of the parent.
so then it what circumstances, assuming classes are seperated, would $this be still global across them all
yeah I understand that
Related, IMO, PHP could be greatly improved / made far worse by allowing instances to redefine their class to any child class...
you can even instantiate a class instance from within the class
$this is never global.
$this could be synonymous with $me
$this is always and only referring to the specific instance. It's one object.
It happens to always exist inside non-static methods inside of a class, like a "global," but it's not a global.
Does not describe the class, but the instance of the class. The meaning of $this is local to instance it is used in.
Like, you can't go $GLOBALS['this'] and find it.
of course not
Perhaps the wrong way of putting it
Maybe global wasn't what you meant to say.
no, I meant accessible across all class instances that are in some way related. eg: when a class calls another class etc
The only thing accessible to all instances of a class are static members.
A child can access it's parents non-static methods with $this. Maybe that's what you're asking about..
well if I understand a method, so long as it's accessible outside the object can be referenced, but within a child class, it's actually called via parent::some_method()
No, the child can also access protected members.
is this the correct room :P
@andho Only if you're here to protect your member.
@Charles XD
Jewel encrusted cod piece ftw
what, jewels to protect the jewels. Seems logic
Anyway, is what we're saying about the scope of data in instances beginning to make sense, @Hybridwebdev?
I think I've gotten a better understanding in the last bit, than I have in the weeks of reading php.net and SO
I certainly do appreciate the help
Glad to provide.
For me, the major breakthrough in figuring out objects was when someone explained the "they're just hashes with methods" thing to me.
@Charles For me it was structs with methods :)
At the time, I was doing stuff in Perl... and it happens that, yes, in Perl, objects literally are just scalars attached to a class (package).
I just couldn't wrap my brain around something that, on its surface, was so amazingly simple for what I thought was supposed to be some huge and complex thing.
well the basic concept of OOP just came to me after a lot of playing around and reading. But it seems it was just the tip of the iceberg. Same with JS and Python, things just seem to eventually ...click
Yeah, and then'll come the few years when you think you really get it, only to realize a few years later that you had no idea what you were really doing.
Syntax always seems to be an obstacle for me
@Hybridwebdev It seems like you are trying to do this sort of thing: codepad.viper-7.com/cILw3u -- ya?
@chris, sort of, but the child class needs to have access to the parents methods, thus the extends
I've been programming for the better part of 16 years and I still get things wrong. Always learning in this profession...
@cypher yes, thus why I LOVE it so much :) every day is a new experience
Likewise. :)
The "child class" being what, in that scenario? As I saw it, "Drink" there could be a form, and "Speaker" is a validator. The validator just wants some kind of drink, and it knows what a drink is like, but it does not get its own drink.
@Hybridwebdev Why does it need access to those methods, by the way? You probably don't want to have the validator know about the form class, but instead have it given all the data it needs to operate...
because there's a few methods I want the child to have access to, such as a function to handle errors
Why is it the responsibility of the validator to set errors in the parent?
The validator should either return an error or make an error state available for the caller to check, then do what the caller wants with the error information.
because the validator parses the data given to it, and then calls parents methods to append errors and then return the data back to the parent
Plus, I am hoping to be able to chain validators together. For example, one to do a basic preg_replace on text, and then check it for a valid email, whilst keeping those 2 classes seperate
@Hybridwebdev the parent should pass the data into validator and retrieve the errors from the validator afterwards
Also, for the sake of all that is good and holy, use the built in filter functions when you can instead of building your own.
Except for email validation, then use is_email.
best thing to learn from is how others have done it. Zend Validator Chains this is old but still pretty good idea
See I've done some studying of zends form class, and it seems to borrow heavily from it's internal structure, so it was hard to wrap my head around
I have studied other classes, such as nibble form 1 and 2 (both god awful IMO) as well as PFBC (horribly convoluted and excessive forced use of JS is a major turn off).
it's been my aim to just develop something that I can use for ongoing projects, and kind of improve as I go, whilst making it as modular as possible
@Hybridwebdev In that example, we see Speaker interacting with pubic methods available on Drink. Speaker is not, itself, a drink, so there is no parent/child relationship. Each maintains a discrete identity, and there is nothing globally available.
I hate Zend_Form. that's one of the things I really really didn't like from ZF
Well, I don't like PHP classes that write HTML for me. Or SQL for that matter. :P
@chris, again thus the class extends. That way the parents can instantiate the child as needed, and the child can still access it's parents methods.
seems logical to me
@Hybridwebdev Speak to the example, because that is analogous with a validator interacting with a form (Speaker is validator, Drink is the form). Where do you see a parent/child relationship? Using that construct implies an "is a" relationship... Speaker is a Drink? No... Drink is a Speaker? Nope.
@cypher the aim isn't so much to output HTML, so much as to handle the validation and population/repopulation of the form data
the html output is just an aside if you will
@Hybridwebdev Eh, I write validation classes that validate the form's data. A lot less complex that way.
Speaker is a person. They walk and talk and do stuff. But some of the stuff they do is bad, so the child is there to tell the speaker what is bad by for example showing the parent some of their own actions. Then the parent can take what the child tells them, and act differently
checkout symfony2 Form implementation, they're pretty modular
and can be used without the main framework
the Speaker asks the child what is and isn't bad, and acts accordingly
So in a sense, while the child itself isn't a speaker, nor is the speaker a child, the speaker can still ask the child what do to
@Hybridwebdev In your code, the validator is also a form builder. Continuing the analogy, the child is also a speaker.
In 1 sense yes. The child can still access all of the speakers actions, but by itself doesn't speak. It's only job is to tell the speaker what it's doing is bad
@Hybridwebdev I think you're still confused. :)
Just because it needs to access the methods of a specific Speaker doesn't mean that it is a Speaker.
I know, Im saying it's not. Because in my example, the child is never called to speak
That's an interesting concept lol
Haha, that's nifty.
however I thought blinking text as abolished around web 2.0
Doesn't work in old Opera, but works in Next.
Is that from that question about colorizing half of a character with nothing but CSS?
Fortunately I don't see compatibility being an issue, as I don't see practical use for this. And if you have a client that wants this, I suggest slapping them until they pass out
Yeah. Someone on HN noted that it was horrible looking and then someone else suggested that at least it wasn't blinking. I suggested that half of it should blink, and, well the internet delivered.
@Hybridwebdev codepad.viper-7.com/w0joFO -- There, I used names relevant to the discussion. We see Validator implements an interface, just for fun.
Validator uses a form, it is not a form itself. It knows all (or some) of Form's methods -- if Form implemented an interface too, then that's established.
Validator tells the form... you are bad here, you are bad there.
It doesn't know what Form will do with this information, it does not care.
Form does not know how to validate itself. It only holds values, information about the fields, etc.
@Chris This is basically how I'm used to seeing (and building) validation classes.
It has a way to be told that it has something wrong with it, and it will use that information, but it does not know how or why these bad things were pointed out.
@chris nailed it
technically, validator itself COULD build the form
Validator does one thing, and only one thing
Form should not built its HTML, a different object should
of course
Form and Validator should not know that HTML is a thing that exists
well the form class does output html, thus since the child has access to it's methods, it COULD in fact output said html
but again that's not its job
Ever watch Jurassic Park?
Just because you can
Doesn't mean you should
However, rather than have each child have it's own instances of error handling, it's more...efficient to have the child use its parents methods to do that. Reason being because although it's just as easy for the child to return the errors to the parent and have the parent handle that, I want the child to possibly hand the data to another child to further process and then return the data
i'm quite confused on how you use the terms 'parent' and 'child' here.. >.<
So, a couple of misconceptions there. First, "efficient". Processor-wise? No. For you as a programmer? Maybe. Now. The thing about best practices that people will tell you is that they are mostly built on the premise that this thing you are coding today will get bigger and more complex in the future. So maybe it is more efficient for you to only manage one or two files, but spreading your code out into reusable, single-purpose objects increases the overall efficiency of your architecture
why would the errors be returned from child to parent?
or am i missing something..
Second, you are really hung up on the terminology of parent/child, but there isn't such a relationship here.
^ this
You're making your Form object, or your Validation object a "God class"
It is the defacto "parent" of everything because it knows everything
he'll end up with a singleton if he wants to continue with his plans..
anyway, im outta here. BRB
A mistake that can be made in OO is to think that only objects can do anything. That's not the case -- you'll still have some code that initializes the objects in a certain way, and uses them in a certain way... the "knowing" part of your system is external to the nuggets of functionality in the objects
And, moreover, to make sure that all of the functionality in that object is related to the data.
The validator shouldn't give a damn about the external form.
In the case of taking form post data, creating a form object, then passing it to the appropriate validator... that's work for a front controller or just procedural code in a php file.
It should validate, and then let the caller know what the result of the validation was.
Right, the objects I used in my example are still a little fuzzy on separation. Ideally, that validator would barely care if it got a Form object or some other thing... just the bare minimum it needs to look and say, "Yep, this is good", or "Nope, not good". The meaning of good/bad/otherwise is knowledge external to the object
in theory, however in interest of "Chaining" validators, it's easier to pass data across children, rather than back to the parent and then to the next chain link
howdy guys
stupid chrome got rid of the reopen all tabs button mutter mutter...
Of course, you keep pushing the knowledge outward and away from your objects, each individual object becomes reusable outside the context in which you developed it, but eventually you've got to tie it all in with some code that "knows" what you are trying to do. That's the handler, either a front controller or what have you.
@Hybridwebdev Sooo, what's the difference between "chaining" them together and collecting the validators together and then calling them in order (in a loop)? If the interface to all of them is the same, that should be easy.
Or maybe I don't understand the nature of the problem .
Also, mornin' @RonniSkansing and @JoeWatkins and @Kaii
because on the form interface, it passes a single variable "function" which can be anything. The form class then checks to see if that class is available and calls it, otherwise it just carries on as normal
Sounds like mixed concerns, but maybe @Hybridwebdev could make a minimal example in a bin of some kind.
@RonniSkansing There are a few pastebins involved...
I will read up then, thanks
Basically, the tl;dr is that @Hybridwebdev was trying to figure out why the $this of an instance of a child class was not the same $this as existed in the scope of the instance of the parent class that actually instantiated the child.
The core reason being... well, this.
Well intended design that tries to do everything at once.
The validator should be passed data, not the form.
If you need to validate multiple form fields together.../
composition over inheritance
.... well, perhaps then, maybe, the form could be a valid thing to pass.
Regardless, the validator does not need to inherit from the form class, it just needs to be able to get data from it, which it can through normal non-inheritence means.
=] yea
I understand the flaw here. With the child accessing the parents classes, if the parent is recoded, then the child might have to be as well, which somewhat defeats the purpose of the child
not classes, methods
@Hybridwebdev codepad.viper-7.com/oCsODK -- there is chaining validators, reusing the established Validator interface to make a ValidatorCollection
And still, Validator is not a Form, and Form is not a Validator -- no parent/child relationship exists
Your use of "parent" and "child" causes confusion. That is a very specific set of terms when speaking of OOP.
@chris, that just made my head explode
@Nikic I actually have a class I found that does that lol
lol that second question.
Stackoverflow ≠ PHP tutorial
Now that the aftermath wouldn't be super-painful, consider breaking up this omnibus into questions that are more easily found in search - ask for mod assistance if needed.
@Jack isnt it subscript 0
oh nevermind =]
@RonniSkansing meh :)
@Hybridwebdev codepad.viper-7.com/ItmRl2 -- Father, Mother, and Kid are child classes of Human. You see that they have a relationship with one another -- each of the child classes extends the parent. One of the child classes, Father, calls the parent constructor and then does its own thing too. Kid does not call the parent constructor, it implements its own constructor.
In our Form/Validator example, there are no parents or children, because there is no inheritance going on. No instance is a parent or child of any other instance.
Also, lolpluralization
@Shog9 I still wish we could close vote and point at the tag wiki, would save time and effort coordinating canonical answers/dup closing
@Chris that would be useful occasionally. There are a lot of deficiencies in the design of tag wikis at present, however: best to think of them as directories more than repositories.
Although it does open up frontiers for repwhoring to gold php badge, if I can refrain from CW'ing my answers.
Maybe we should add something on the cv-ring extension; a progressive-searchable directory of canonical answers
At least some of us would be on the same page then.
@Chris We have this :)
I didn't know about that list. Nice if that could be progressive-searched on the page through the extension :)
Seems legit
How I feel after before clicking a question
Night Chris
Anyone may share the knowledge of the default web page size (height + width)
@MikeM. 100% and 100%. There's no actual "default".
Morning everyone
but I mean like the most used one ("default")
@MikeM. Search CSS-Tricks, I remember him doing that research.
Thank you.
@SecondRikudo what do you always use
I think 960PX x .... PX is most likely "default" nowadays
@MikeM. I start with a solid 1100px as a container width on my pages.
If I don't need mobile.
Can you show me one of the 1100 PX ones
If I do need mobile, I act based on what the situation calls for
I don't think I have one handy, sorry :(
No need to be sorry
whoa whoa, things have seem to gone overboard
I think I am going to stick with 1024 PX
seems like it would be a bit too slow....
maybe 1100 will fit better following the pixel meter
@MikeM. how did you choose exactly that size?
or I mean why =]
Completely arbitrarily.
It worked and no one complained, so I continued with it.
@RonniSkansing Just a guess to test it with users

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