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like if we have wamp then we place the code in c:/wamp/www
so in case for IIS where should I place my code and how to access those files using URL localhost
Which is considered standard: \Namespace\Class or Namespace\Class?
one is absolute, one is relative to current namespace
The former imports global namespaces (ie from SPL) and second is relative. So for local classes the latter is correct
@Padyster Open IIS (shiver). Go to the site in question. Look up path
just reading the manual now: "the leading backslash is unnecessary and not allowed" (for local namespaces)
@tereško the guy in first lecture is too funny (: even more that yesterday "serbian comments" guy .. lol. Nice lecture
I do not find anything like IIS (shiver)
I can see IISExpress
"a momentary trembling movement." :P
@PeeHaa You can shortcut that entire procedure with "kill self"
@PeeHaa 6 more to go?
@SecondRikudo Minimum characters for comments :P
@DaveRandom :-)
@PeeHaa ​
I see your :16141375 and I raise with :16141385
what whitespace character did you use?
@PeeHaa ​
This one ^
fuck you! :P
Ow wait. I think I can get it
THE BEGINNING OF EMPTY COMMENTS!Amal Murali Nov 28 '13 at 16:22
When writing phpunit.xml.dist config files for community projects, should you enable code coverage by default (i.e. assume that people want it)? Or should that solely be the decision of whoever wants to add it in
@hohner Are you the project lead?
@PeeHaa no we're using Gerrit for code reviews, so we basically have to argue the pros and cons of everything. So irritating
I don't want tests to be slow by default. If people want coverage, cool - just put it in your own personal phpunit.xml version
@hohner Knowing the CC of a project is a good thing. Whether you want to inlcude it is basically up to the maintainer(s)
@hohner How long are the tests running?
> * @throws \RuntimeException When the developer is a dick and doesn't document stuff properly
I love reflection
@PeeHaa I am a maintainer, but there are 3-4 others. 2 of which are from a different company, so they tend to argue everything...
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ — Second Rikudo 10 secs ago
Well currently they're mixing integration tests with unit tests, which is horrible. So it's taking 2 mins to run the suite when it should be taking 1 second. I grouped all the integration tests under a @group annotation and excluded them by default. And now I'm looking to disable coverage by default
@Jack yesterday you helped me debug problems with transferring an object from JavaScript to PHP. Now I'm getting "expected instance of xxx, array given" when I try to do the data transfer. (The object has an array of objects of another class - could this be why?)
you passed a array, not a object
I'm passing an object
Array given
at least that's what console.log says on the JavaScript side
typeof(xxx) returns object
@Kensing typeof is not a function
in JavaScript :)
No it is not a function in javascript
when I do console.log(typeof(xxx)); I get "object"
So does console.log(typeof xxx);
Link-Only answer DV please. I flagged.
@Kensing But what are you trying to do and what does the data look like?
@AmalMurali You shouldn't use your own salt unless you're sure it's a good one.
I'm transferring an object A from JS to PHP with $.post(), and had it working until I added an array of object B to A, so just trying to determine if that is the (only) issue
@Jimbo It's not nice to ask for dv :)
@Kensing What does the received data on the PHP side look like and how are yuo trying to access the data?
actually I haven't yet set up my PHP debugging environment.. finding it a bit of a hassle with aptana
I'll give you a pastebin
hmm .. define "debugging environment"
/me is usually using only var_dump()
@tereško Amen.
@tereško var_dump(...);exit;, no?
echo '<pre>';var_dump();exit;
What did I win?
Nothing. Because you're missing a semicolon after var_dump() ;)
^ it was a noobs nomination prize :D
God damnit :P
lol, an answer that doesn't work with 12 votes
A: Making PHP var_dump() values display one line per value

phirschybaryes. do: echo '<pre>'.var_dump($variable).'</pre>';

general observations about my codestyle and realistic critique is very much welcomed :)
are ISP's really allowed to run tests on your equipment whenever they want ?
For one stop using static all over the place. If you want to use global functions use functions and not static methods
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We're always looking for ways to improve our service and better protect our customers. While there are numerous scare stories around about online security, TalkTalk homes can rest assured that we're taking steps to go the extra mile, to help you stay safe online.

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I don't remember saying anyone at talktalk could attempt to infiltrate my network, that should not be allowed, I'm sure it shouldn't ?
@PeeHaa was that aimed at me? static?
@Kensing that's a lot of code. Where is the specific problem part?
@AlmaDo: DV please?
@JoeWatkins yea should not be allowd, but maybe written in the fine small print
@AmalMurali so we'll be able to remove it
Oh, I was confused what DV meant.
@PeeHaa I realize, didn't know how to narrow it down.. look at line 70 and where it leads to/from
@AlmaDo: Why exactly should that question be removed?
also, where would I run into problems using static specifically with that code?
@AmalMurali being crap isn't enough? (together with useless answers)
Makes sense to be closed, but not sure about deletion.
Hi all
Is someone here who knows Smarty?
@PHPLover: Just curious. Do you use multiple accounts here?
function d($var) {
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
    echo ob_get_clean();
@AlmaDo Something like this could be an answer to it:
@Kensing Can't you just show the raw data you are working with instead?
@AmalMurali it shouldn't
@PeeHaa not sure how
@PHPLover: I was wondering about this one: stackoverflow.com/users/2838698/phpgeek
Especially this question:
Q: How to convert an array into comma separated strings in smarty template?

PHPLoverI've an array titled $preview_data assigned to smarty template as follows: Array ( [applicable_states] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 3 [2] => 4 [3] => 10 [4] => 11 ) ) Now I want to show the above array elements as com...

PHPGeek answered that question minutes after your comment and it was accepted in the same second. ;)
@AmalMurali:Yes, he answered me the way I wanted. So I accepted answer from PHP Geek quickly. The answer was just a single line.
That seemed a ... little suspicious.
Both of you were from Pune, India. Almost identical usernames. Answering the same question...
Also, looks like the PHPGeek account has been deleted.
@AmalMurali Tiny avatar is tiny
isn't there going to be quite a lot of users with the same kind of username PHPSomething ?
@AmalMurali: I don't know about PHP Geek. Who is he and whatever. I only know that he/she given me the answer I wanted and I accepted it quickly that's it.
@Jack Not for negative reasons - just so mods don't instantly decline because there are no DV's :)
@JoeWatkins Unfortunately the usually accurate "Twat", "Troll" and "Fuckwit" don't get used as often as I would like, it would help if people labels themselves as what they are.
> it would help if people labels themselves as what they are.

yes, chris, it would ...
@PeeHaa I guess I'm not making it easy helping me :)
@Jimbo Link-only answer !== not an answer :)
@JoeWatkins hehe, burn
@PeeHaa but perhaps you could give some advice on how to structure my application without using static?
ChrisFuckwit doesn't have the same ring to it, tbh
^ that
@Kensing Well first part of debugging code is isolating code
google doesnt give me much on s/static//
yeah so put the code in a folder on it's own ... meditate for half hour and see how things are going ?
@Kensing search for sed
@Kensing are you kidding !?
Alot of zen moments in programming
@PHPLover Okay, I was just wondering. :)
@AmalMurali:Can you help me in optimizing Smarty template code I've written?
@PeeHaa can definitely help you potimize anything ... he's totally in the right part of the world for that ...
#Programming in movies vs. programming in real life with @m_janko. #hacker https://vine.co/v/hPXTA6l9AqQ
Related? :)
@JoeWatkins no. :)
@Jack: Did you finish it? :D
Heck no
I only have an idea on one.
Did you solve the 5th one?
@PeeHaa sorry, could you please elaborate "If you want to use global functions use functions and not static methods"
@Kensing Do you know what the static keywords does?
yes, if you're talking about the PHP bit?
Why are you using statics?
it's the only way I know to overload constructors in PHP
trying to use the factory pattern
@Kensing Constructors are never static so you two are talking about two different things.
@Jack Link-only answer == not a good answer, and most likely should be discarded / converted to a comment as new users may think this sort of answering is acceptable, when we know it isn't
Also, factories don't need (and actually should not) be static.
@Kensing You are not overloading anything
@Jack HOW?
@SecondRikudo I don't know why people make factories static. Absolutely no idea - but I see it all over the place
@Jimbo Let's just say that not all mods agree on what it means :)
@Jimbo "convenience"
@Jimbo Because "it makes sense" that you don't need an instance, because it looks more similar to new Object()
well I do provide two different methods of instantiating objects (which is what I would call constructor overloading) by calling the constructor in those static methods and treating the new objects differently in each
@AmalMurali Well, it's bcrypt and the method, strength and salt are already given .. and it changes for each pass/salt combo, so that means the password contains both arguments in a particular way.
@Kensing PHP does not support constructor (or method, for that matter) overloading.
I don't understand what you're trying to do. If you need a factory:
which is why I'm doing as you see on line 122: pastebin.com/c5idGSP9
$factory = new UserFactory; ......... $factory->createUser($email, $password);
Why not make them instance variables?
Why must they be static?
I'm starting to believe they mustn't :)
Also, your Factory and your Object should be two different objects
i.e. PostFactory and Post.
Although I'm not sure what "Post" is. You should pick a better descriptive name.
all right, it's like a forumpost but not exactly that
@Kensing I hope you are not confusing "factory" and "factory method", because one of those is an antipattern
^^ This is probably what's going on.
I'll look into that distinction
anyone have issues with PhpStorm not pushing to branches?
use CLI
@PeeHaa @SecondRikudo anyway, why is it a bad idea to create my objects through those static methods?
puu.sh/8s5b4.jpg lol... It's contantly looping this giant gif. Was even seeing that on the sidebar in the main site. Caused by imgur to gfycat extension. heh
While I'm a big CLI fan, PHP Storm GUI should be fine for trivial commit/push
that's what I did
@Kensing Static methods are global.
@iroegbu Do you have an error message?
Just like normal functions.
@iroegbu Did you check the checkbox?
What, if anything, do you use to generate API docs? The state of phpdoc(umentor) confuses me.
that's what I did
Hmm ...
Meaning, you can invoke them from wherever in the application.
Then check with the console :)
That creates invisible dependencies
Think about the difference between:
quick question.
@DanLugg I don't ... then again, I haven't really written any documentation
@Jack the "Push current branch to alternative branch" thingy?
if I do a for like this...
foreach ($_FILES as $id => $file) {}
how can I then compare the files properties with each other?
@SecondRikudo aye, but making it static, it means they can only be invoked on that class, as opposed to a global function, which makes sense for object creation?
@SecondRikudo I'd call them explicit dependencies; they're not really "invisible" comparatively.
@iroegbu Yeah
@Kensing False.
I can call them from wherever I want.
oh! I didn't. I just tried once... didn't work, I just went ahead and used console. Thanks
The only difference for you is that you need to add class:: before the function's name.
Other than that, there's no real difference.
@SecondRikudo Well, good morning to you too Mr Pissy Pants.
@DanLugg Invisible in the same way that properties that arrive from a Singleton are invisible.
Also, you may have meant "implicit" dependencies, because be sure they are not explicit.
Naw, I meant explicit; the type names are hardcoded.
And by invisible I mean that you need to dig into the code to realize it's even a dependency.
^^ Okay, that makes sense.
Invisible if they're behind a method boundary.
To a consumer of said library.
Sorry to interject ;-)
@Purify Let me asks you this: public function getUserFromDB($userid)
What does this method need? What does it ask for?
It also needs a DB connection, and it also needs the UserFactory
But you didn't know that, because they are global.
i'm confused as to how that's related to my question.
This is a better function: public function getUserFromDB(PDO $dbConnection, UserFactory $factory, $userid)
@tereško Alright, I'm trying to figure out which annotations to use, but support seems to be hit-and-miss.
^^ Mispings. Mispings everywhere.
@Purify Do you know what "Dependency Injection" is?
what's this? an interview?
@tereško do you have a link to the "Don't Look for Things" talk?
@Purify No, it's a design concept that simply says "whatever your dependencies are, just ask for them"
If you depend on a static factory, you don't pass it anywhere. This is valid code:
@Purify youtube.com/watch?v=RlfLCWKxHJ0 //cc@SecondRikudo
public function getUserFromDB($userId) { UserFactory::make($userId) }
Here, you depend on UserFactory to exist
But you didn't ask for it, so you can't really know that it does.
I think you all mean to be pinging @Kensing not @Purify
here you depend on class with "UserFactory" name to exist
where did this conversation come from.
@Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify @Purify
You're right
idk how i got involved in this.
Sorry about the lecture @Purify
fucking @Purify
Anyway, @Kensing all of what I said above applies to you
lol, I'm watching this shit go down and am like "WTF are we harassing him for now?"
@SecondRikudo got it :)
@Purify What do you mean by Kensing?
finally, interesting CLI-php related question
Trying to understand what the fuck just happened is like trying to read another language.
@Purify That happens a lot here (the other language part, not the persisted mispings)
@AlmaDo Simulate a backspace? hehe
@Jack no, won't work if tty already printed new line
so you need to capture (:
ANSI escapes can move the cursor around (IIRC) but that gets tedious fast without a library.
@Purify What the class requires to function should be available from the signature of the constructor/methods and the signatures of the constructor/methods only. It means you can hand your object to any other developer and they can see instantly exactly what that object requires to function properly.
alias Purify=Kensing
whoa, whoa, back the fuck up.
I'm way cooler than Kensing.
Would there be any negative implications to a closure feature such as use implicit, which would auto-reference the enclosing scope?
such that $f = function () use implicit { };
and what will you do with objects that happen to be in the outer scope ?
They'd be referenced, in the closure.
For clarity:
$a = 1; $b = 2; $c = 3;
$f = function () use implicit { };
Would be analogous to:
$f = function () use (&$a, &$b, &$c) { }
you guys are pretty set on asking me questions, but I get no help when it comes to me asking.
@SecondRikudo Where is my manga? :(
@tereško I can't think of why you'd want to treat them differently. The only corner case is $this, but we'd just need to continue using the current implementation of rebinding.
because you should not be passing objects by reference
@Fabien I actually got confused about the day too :D
Oh :(
@tereško The point is you're not "passing"; this would emulate the more familiar behaviour of closures.
Just a gentle reminder in case any of you have forgotten, subversion is absolutely fucking terrible.
@DanLugg Please make this exist
@AlulaErrorpone lol, must brush up on C-fu.
@DaveRandom s/subversion/php :D
@AlulaErrorpone Does that make sense though? All by reference? I can't think of a circumstance (aside from $this, as mentioned) where you'd want values brought in.
I mean, if you reassign something in the closure, then that's your fault; be it an object, a scalar, or @Lusitanian's mom.
emm ... guys
is it normal to have multiple php-fpm processes running ?
@tereško for the "m" meaning in "fpm" - I say it's not
I have 4 of them running
wait, are you saying me that W3C ENCRYPTS passwords?
I suspect it has something to do with apache
@tereško yes
i have 4 FPM's running, each eating 300MB ram
@tereško What's the server load like? That RAM usage does not sound normal
0.88, 0.65, 0.51
99.6% idle
Fuck, I have to close "System Idle Process", it's eating too much CPU.
fpm uses worker processes for concurrency (fast process manager) and it keeps some hot workers (how many depends on your config) but if you have 300MB used at idle state that suggests a pretty epic memory leak
It's been a while :) Hi all!
Mem: 20M Active, 342M Inact, 100M Wired, 2064K Cache, 61M Buf, 12M Free
Swap: 512M Total, 438M Used, 74M Free, 85% Inuse
it's a VM with 512+512M memory
@tereško Presumably the server is loaded enough that restarting fpm is out of the question?
you presume wrong
"server" can be reinstalled, suspended, crashed and decorated
it's a development VM in VirtualBox
@DamienOvereem hehe, nice to see you (:
but it's giving me 503 all the time, which is annoying
Then restart it and monitor it. It is theoretically possible for those values to be normal operation, but only if you are running some scripts that do some pretty serious heavy lifting memory-wise.
@DamienOvereem did you tried with cygwin? (not sure if it's possible or if stty is available there)
I suspect it's just fpm being shit (which it is)
@AlmaDo errrrmmm... wut? misdirected ping?
@AlmaDo :) .. Cygwin migt allow for some tricks, but would be more trouble then its worth. The thing i was building was actually a build script for our environment.. Checks current version numbers, increments them, checks if they came though staging as they should etc etc.
oh rite
So its fine as it is :) Just would have been a bit more pretty :)
@DamienOvereem oh, I see. It's "those little shiny things" - to get which you'll need to redesign whole application structure :p
Oh.. and considering the fav'ed line there.. we use subversion for that :)
@DamienOvereem long time, how you've been?
haha, just now:
15 mins ago, by DaveRandom
Just a gentle reminder in case any of you have forgotten, subversion is absolutely fucking terrible.
Fine. Just extermely busy. One of those times where you refactor backend, replace website, replace frontend.. and have to replace big bits of the backend because you refactored...
But in the end it'll be well worth it :)
yeah. I've watched lecture about refactoring today
@AmalMurali lol
> I hope you're fine. I'm in some kind of a dilemma and would like you to help me.
@DamienOvereem cool. don't forget us (: of course, such slackers as we are, who sit here all days could not ask that, but.. just visit us (:
I can't cv anymore :) Co-workers plus voted a bunch of my questions ( not that i asked them to..) Last week mods removed pretty much all those votes :) Dropped me like 1400 rep ;)
Oh, please kill me.
A: PHP - Expressing / Using a variable in a Regular Expression

Amit JokiHave you tried this: addExcludedLink('[^'.$url.'].*');

atleast preg_quote the bugger ..
Nah, the logic is wrong.
^ read that as "preg_quote the burger"
Didn't read the rest :)
function addExcludedLink($str) {
    if (preg_match(...)) {
        # code...
Should be something like that. You can't perform the check call time, AFAIK.
@AmalMurali Repwhores are just a joke sometimes :')
@Jimbo: OH. 10K?!!!
@AmalMurali :D
stackoverflow.com/questions/23363463/… .. where the fuck people get all these ideas.
is there any flaw in my query class?
.. and they still want to remove all duplicates (: if do that, all our rep will be reduced to hm.. 100..200? :p
I lost some 630 reputation when I deleted this answer :(
@tereško We have a bunch of sayings that would perfectly fit that.. in dutch though. But im sure you have a bunch of equivalents..
Nice comment ;p
@AmalMurali Why'd you delete that?
@Jimbo: Because people thought it was useless. Had 10 downvotes :p
it's quite a dupe of another answer, so..
I wouldn't call it a dupe. It just rephrases what's already in the other answer, with some extra details. But those "extra details" weren't much helpful though :)
I wonder how it got 65 upvotes in the first place :p
I'm sorry, that question has 262 upvotes?
And that answer has 495??!?!?!?!?
same way as fastest-answer-in-the-west got 500 upvotes
@DaveRandom because SO likes "short questions that seems to be tricky". Either it's about "<-- operator" or about "why ~true is -2"
> It's my password for facebook.
LOL, best answer on that thread, hands down
questions/answers with significant efforts are usually long. And they are upvoted to 10+ only if they are old or "lucky to get attention from external resources"
@AlmaDo On the plus side, they attract the more intelligent people who actually know what they are doing
But seriously, it doesn't even take a second look to know that the string is base64-encoded. The capitalization gives it away.
@user3123545 I don't really get the point of it. What does it add?
@DaveRandom yes, but: votes have no faces. They are just numbers. And they can not help and say "those 100 upvotes was from reddit noobs while those 3 - from Nikita, Anthony and Joe!"
best chances are - answer with 100 upvotes will be "treated as useful" while with 3 upvotes from enlightened people.. well, just "ordinary" answer
@AlmaDo Over time the balance does tip though
The guy with 495 votes didn't probably get any of that rep because he'd already hit repcap early in the day from his other answers :D
@DaveRandom: Did you see ircmaxell's hashguesser thingy?
@DaveRandom partly correct. But, again, 100+ "answer" has much more chances to be upvoted in time - just because it's "100+". And such thing is done by noobs who aren't about even read and understand the post. Since count(noobs) >>>> count(professionals) .. hm, you've get the idea
@AmalMurali Yeh that is also true, upvote floods from reddit/HN will hit the rep cap pretty early on
@AmalMurali ?
@AlmaDo Yeh I know, I mean my highest voted answer is one of my worst ever answers in a number of ways, hence the reason I disowned it a long time ago so I don't collect rep that, frankly, I don't deserve
@DaveRandom You're right, my bad. theres no point in it as it duplicates the PDO class
hm. My answers with highest score are not so bad, but - still in comparison to answers which took a lot more efforts and are much more useful - they are crappy ..
Surprisingly, my highest voted answer is not even in tag.
@user3123545 It's not that it's necessarily useless to add functionality, it's just that I don't see anything particularly valuable in you code there. Note also that you can extend the PDOStatement class and tell PDO to use that instead (so instead of decorating PDO you change the way PDO itself works). I don't recommend changing the way it works, but you can certainly add to it.
(In saying that, I actually do have a class that I use that changes the way it works :-P)

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