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@JoeWatkins Not sure if you've seen - news.php.net/php.internals/73835
Or possibly even if relevant.
Seriously, dafuq is going on there?
@DanLugg it's randomly, but predictably, choosing a basepath
Good evening.
@ircmaxell I figured that, I would assume throwing an exception for immediately predictable behaviour would be appreciated...
Or perhaps I'm just not understanding the context; the basepaths should all yield the same assets...
wait what? exception?
Nevermind, I'm just not understanding the context.
What's the advantage here? Or rather, purpose?
distributing assets (or whatever) evenly amongst multiple paths, while still maintaining a defined and predictable relationship (it's 100% determinsitic)
@ircmaxell So, it's like the logic for a poor man's CDN.
Then I'm still failing to see the advantage of the distribution.
most systems have reasonable limits (via performance at least) against too many files in one folder. This lets you add multiple folders to retain performance.
Ah ok.
You'd need a fairly large number of files for such a performance hit to become a reality though, no?
For the purpose at least; as I'm understanding (again, haven't perused entirely) this is intended for static assets.
a few thousand
aka: not nearly as many as you'd think. Filesystems suck at large numbers of files in one directory
Even hundreds can cause problems if you are already experiencing issues.
What's the bottleneck, lookup?
Interesting. I'd personally think if you have 1000's of static files, you might need to reconsider the approach...
I had some systems where ls -l tool literally hours to return the first byte
Understandably; I could see situations with long-lived file caches, etc.
@DanLugg It's called compression ^^
Though, that probably wouldn't be the best use given the nature of the bottleneck.
@LeviMorrison Well yea, exactly.
Combine, minify, etc. (perhaps during build)
@ircmaxell Yes, yes. We've all gone through that 'collect ALL the porn' phase.
I learned very quickly to let the internet do that for me.
gone through? You mean there's an exit to it?
I thought the phase was called "life"
^^ "married life"
So, it seems to me that if you reach a point where the behaviour of that class yields a benefit, you're probably better of refactoring your static file delivery anyway.
not at all
5 mins ago, by Dan Lugg
Combine, minify, etc. (perhaps during build)
There are a ton of reasons I can think of where that's not the case
Especially for small sites which can't afford a CDN
One, of the top?
You can't combine or minify user-submitted assets
So, I wasn't completely off-base with the suggestion of a "poor man's CDN"
no, becuase you still need to store that CDN's content somewhere on your master
additionally, you could use that system to balance between CDNs (for a more distributed system, where you serve some content from multiple domains to better utilize browser pipelining)
just pointing out it's not crazy. And it may be overkill for 95% of usages (like most of Symfony), when you need that functionality, you're glad it's there
/me is off to bed, later
See, that's the way I'm looking at it; most of everything built with Symfony (I'm guesstimating) as you said.
Night @ircmaxell, thanks for the insight :-)
I must learn. But first, I must fold laundry.
Check y'all later (or tomorrow)
(Also, it appears my star-nazi behaviour has backfired ;-) Oddly, I'm glad)
1 hour later…
For those curious, using ReflectionClass to get an object’s shortName is faster than string manipulation: http://cl.ly/image/142p3C0F0u1M
I don't know if that's good or terrible.
0.0003ms difference?!
For most other languages reflection is slower than 'not-reflection'.
What's the code?
Who want to try a non-sql database management ? 100% php :)
ah, that's a pretty bad way of string manipulation heh
and it gives the wrong result too
But it's fast, right?
The string manipulation is doing more in that code. It has a pointless additional explode and reset
hold on.
Starting Benchmark: Reflection-Based (100,000 Iterations)
Total Time: 0.1038s
Mean Time: 0.0010ms

Starting Benchmark: get_class-Based (100,000 Iterations)
Total Time: 0.0787s
Mean Time: 0.0008ms
$name = substr(strrchr(get_class($testCls), '\\'), 1);
/cc @rdlowrey @Danack
@Jack I get similar results.
The benchmark in the tweet wasn't playing fair.
$clsName = get_class($testCls);
substr($clsName, strrpos(get_class($testCls), "\\") +1);
Hmm, better memory wise
But somehow slower ...
Yeah, in truth doing real string manipulation and not adding array hashing for no reason is 25-30% faster than the reflection method.
On Windows, basename('Foo\\Bar\\Baz') == 'Baz' lol
This is why all benchmarks you see on the internet are a waste of time.
People performing them invariably don't know what they're doing.
It's good to know that reflection is pretty fast :)
Reflection is only slow if people do it wrong/excessively
Like most expensive computations the negative effects are easily mitigated through sensible caching and code optimization.
I never understand the people who parrot "Reflection is slow" like they're breaking some big news story.
hmm, how should you encrypt your files in a way that when the box is compromised they won't be able to simply decrypt them?
Extra, extra! Read all about it! Reflection is slow!
That's actually a topic on which I'm embarrassingly ignorant (disk encryption).
one way or another, if you want to read something you would need to access the decryption key.
so if someone hacks your server, they could access it too.
so, one process will start downloading all the things while another searches for the key :)
maybe i'm oversimplifying it heh
Perhaps @ircmaxell could shed some light on this? ^^
@Jack can't you just use a public key? As long as private is not on server all they can do is just encrypt with it. Unless you need decryption for the server?
Putting a text file with the contents of "nothing to see here, move along" is also a good way to deter attackers.
@crypticツ Yeah, so I'm assuming that at some point you would need to read it.
amazon.com/Apricorn-Validated-256-bit-Encrypted-ASK-256-4GB/dp/… 256-bit AES encrypted USB drive (w/ keypad!!)...accepts only numeric 7-15 digit key >.<
> "I suggest everyone purchase this type memory stick - it gives total peace of mind." --Richard DeCario
holy crapo
it's a bit clumsy though
if your pc is on the floor you have to crouch down to key in the code
See, that makes more sense lol
Hi all
Is anyone here who has good command over Smarty Template Engine?
General Smarty is currently in command, but he is on vacation.
@LeviMorrison I may do that once they provide an online HHVM evaluator
It's not like I'm going to install HHVM just so I can report some bugs to them
@NikiC dude, it's way early ... go back to bed ...
I installed hhvm once ... I only ran echo hello world, it took about 5 minutes to run and I thought "this is wank, why bother" ...
@NikiC before you go back to bed ... en.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/2480rv/…
@JoeWatkins Seen it, seems adequately answered already :)
@JoeWatkins Totally...
  $fn = $a ==> {$b = mult($b); return ($a + $b);};
I do not understand why that exists ....
also, it's gross ...
good morning
@tereško where's your delv then :p
it first needed a downvote
yeah, deleted now. @tereško do you have in mind some good lecture links (like yesterday about integration testing) - about OOP concepts (if any) ?
not necessary video (:
there is the "mvc for advanced devs" answer which contains almost nothing about mvc and a lot about oop
have you seen and understood all of the materials listed here: stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/727208 ?
/me will be AFK for 40 min .. going to wok
hm.. well, mvc isn't even comparable with oop (with my understanding - those two concepts literally have nothing to do with each other) - but if that will include mvc too, then ok. do you mean this ?
oh, I see.
I'll check (may be I've seen some of those lectures) - thanks
@AlmaDo mvc originates from Separation of Concerns principle, which, while having nothing to do with OOP, is virtually unknown for people who have not learned about OOP principles
hm. I'm not very good in OOP - but fortunately good enough to realize that those two are independent of each other ..
ok, I'm reading now (:
Seems today is a work home day
^ to make sure del-voters will pay attention and won't vote delete anymore
Damn it! A hash guessing puzzle =/
-1. Exact copy paste from my answer. — Amal Murali 6 mins ago
@Jack 2048 sucks ..
Are you talking about the game?
@AlmaDo Hehe yeah, this makes you feel more like a h4x0r
@Jack: How do you play it? o.O
@AmalMurali like this:
function hashGuess($password, $salt)
   return md5(md5($salt.$password));

function checkGuess($password, $salt, $answer)
   return hashGuess($password, $salt)==$answer;

$password = 'password';
$salt     = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345';
$answer   = '90f628bde8d89d21a3b8bb41524fade71624a123';

var_dump(checkGuess($password, $salt, $answer));
you're playing with third line of this code (:
I mean, what should be the input? Under 'hash guess'?
@AmalMurali Password = foo Salt = barbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarbarba
Oh, then you have to type that resulting hash in the input box?
nvm, I can't read
> Enter that hash into the "Hash guess" input field. If it is correct, the box will go green, and the result will be logged.
I've guessed 5 so far :)
Hello @Jack good morning.
I guess you helped me a while ago with this question. But Im not sure about it. When you have a domain foo.com/bar/page and you bought a new domain stackoverfoobar.com and you want to link stackoverfoobar.com to foo.com/bar/page
@Jack well, it's "0 found" for third hash for me. I thought it should be 1 if you've found it
Then the host asks the RECORDname for foo.com/bar/page ... What is that ?
What is that thing? "X found"? For the first one, it is 14 found.
how many people guessed
@AlmaDo If it's green it should be at least 1 :)
Ooh, I've got 6!
Damn. The second one looks like SHA1 but that's not working. I suck at this.
No one a suggestion for my domain issue?
Link how? Manually?
Not sure I understand your question.
Oh hey, @SecondRikudo!
Playing hash guesser
@AmalMurali I haven't figured that one out either.
hai am new in php please help me
how to work drop down from database
give any example ?
@Jack: ooh, I see. I didn't know you could skip levels
I register www. green.com
Currently there is registration page live @ www.yelllow.com/foo/bar.htm

yellow.com is owned by an other person and hosting provider then the one I Registered green.com for.

Now my hosting provider where www. green.com is registered ask the RECORDname to link it to the page...
What should I expect from that I have no idea what I am going to receive.
And why they are asking that.
"ask the RECORDname to link it to the page" — This part is what I don't understand.
@Angel What have you tried?
@AmalMurali He asks (my company) 'Let me know which www record I have to create.'
I'm sorry, but I still haven't got a clue what you're asking. Maybe someone else can help. /me eyes Jack
@Angel Code please. Images have little use when programming PHP
@SecondRikudo u need full code
@Angel I don't "need" anything. If you want some help, please show us what you've done to achieve your goal so far.
@Duikboot There's no such thing as www record.
@SecondRikudo i will give
What is the guy from my hosting company then asking?
@Duikboot It seems that what you want to do is let the new domain name serve from a particular directory.
So you would want to set up a new virtual host to take care of this
Then the DNS record will point to the same server.
domainname.com should refer to olddomain.com/page/xyz
@Duikboot Ask him WTF he wants
I have given some nameservers for the domainname.com but now he asks the WWW record... And that is something I have to ask the the other person who owns olddomain.com/page/xyz
You have given some name servers? Ehmm
I don't know what you mean by that.
"On name server can be create WWW record pointing to address or IP address or server name." it says
Then on the server where www.green.com is running someone has to provide directions to the required folder /foo/bar/, please contact their hosting admin what is necessary.
it drives me crazy
Oh, well ... both <domain>.com and www.<domain>.com would point to the same server as you will be serving the pages from.
Then, on the server itself you need to create the necessary virtual hosts to point to the correct directories.
Damn, I find myself Googling for bad password hashing implementations lol
@Jack: Can there be multiple levels?
I mean, like sha1(md5(sha1($salt.$password)))
@Angel Where did you get stuck?
the thing is don't have to create anything i have to ask the other owener to do that
but Im totally confused about the "www record".
@SecondRikudo i dnt know how to work "Cascade Dropdown 3 Levels: Generate 3 linked select inputs from database data " if u have any example plase give me
and validation
@Angel Is this homework or something?
home work
with my work
Okay, so you don't mind if I don't give you full answers but guide you towards your own solution, right?
@Duikboot it's just a dns record
^ Mornings
@PeeHaa おはよう、PeeHaaさん
@Jack So I have to ask the DNS-record for the domain where green.com/foo/bar is hosted once they give me that my hoster can setup the forwarding? Thanks for your assistance @Jack
The DNS record can either be a CNAME or A record (IP address).
green.com will always be a A record
isn't a CNAME for a subdomain?
The A record maps a name to one or more IP addresses, when the IP are known and stable.

The CNAME record maps a name to another name. It should only be used when there are no other records on that name.
AFAIK the "main" domain must be an ip
Yeah, the apex must be IP
Which really sucks if you have clients with shitloads of domains all poiting to the same thing
Why does that suck?
Ah, we use API to update DNS :D
it's a horror here :(
@rdlowrey name for sapi, gonna start writing tonight ...
@Jack I'm with brute force :p
Ehh okay
I've found most with searching actually.
lol, what's the interest then :p
It's not that easy.
Though, it does state that some are trivial
Like: 12, 13, 14 are pretty simple.
Algorithm 15 doesn't seem to be a standard hash function, because the distribution is off
I'm cracking second :\
Second can be cracked with this.
That page is actually very useful to see what whacky combos you can make lol
@Jack I've written my own class for that..
Cracked 2 so far.
fileformat.info/tool/hash.htm I've been using this lol
@AlmaDo To iterate over all combos? Nice
What about the ones which doesn't have an in-built implementation, @AlmaDo?
@Jack yes, all function & strings combos
hehe cool
i was thinking about it, but didn't have a need for it yet
@Jack very little snap:
  array(1) {
    string(32) "90437a3ff1021ae54b421345a0de1212"
  array(1) {
    string(40) "b21ec1601486fa936d2d8b84bf00bf60987c7798"
  array(1) {
    string(32) "0d856eec7463608e32537b8878aa3bf5"
zzz is also a combo
yay. 3 so far.
@Jack That's the smart way to solve it. I don't like smart ways :P
@AlmaDo right, so zzz can also be pass, pass+salt, pass+@md5(zzz), etc. right?
@Jack something like that
you wrote this just now? heh
i'm with strings only right now
planning to add function results too
that's insanity
algo 7 is funny haha
Is it easy?
it takes some analysis.
I've just added callbacks, like
  $this->callables = [
     //function($x){ return hash('sha256', $x);}
so all the job (I think) would be to guess callbacks ..
It gets fun when you start concatenating hashes together lol
Just found one that way, lol
I'm over 50% :D
oh, first was cracked as (obviously) `string(24) "@md5{$0(password, salt)}"
Good morning.
here $0 is concatenation
@Jack: Does the winner get a prize?
Yes, they get immortalized on the page
morning, newcomers :p
> with your id (sid in the cookie)
What is my id? o.O
It's ... in the cookie
well, fail is because there's no full brute force :D
if someone wants, this is the code . No nested functions results (yet) are supported. But it's not too hard to add, I think
mornigni @Jimbo
@AlmaDo Neat. How do I use it?
@AmalMurali it has only one public method with obvious signature, so..
oh right
Anyone up for making a canonical?
it won't crack "tricky" algo-s because it first generate strings from passwors & salt, then applies combinations of hashes
"How to parse BBCode with PHP?"
@SecondRikudo: For?
to make it more advanced, it's necessary to include lower-depth function results into recursion
but since in common case algo can be just anything, it's near useless attempt
that's why I've stopped :p don't like to do useless work
@SecondRikudo seems cool
@AlmaDo regex to the rescue!
Anyways, wasn't there a lib or something for php? found it php.net/manual/en/book.bbcode.php
@AlmaDo: It cracks algo 1 quite easily ;)
I guess you'll need more callables for it to be able to find out others.
Oh @PeeHaa and @tereško are rocking meta.stackoverflow.com/a/252648
@HamZa lol
@HamZa: I'd remove YCS from the list, because most of his votes aren't "useful" :P
@AmalMurali not only. it's incomplete right now. it will use operators to generate strings (like password.salt.password.salt.and-so-on) and only then apply functions. But answer may be like md5(sha1(password).sha1(salt)) - which won't be included right now
Btw, how many algos did you crack so far?
it's easy to implement,. but still ..
I've not cracked even one. Because I'll better to listen some lectures @tereško gave me (:
I was stuck at 4 before going to lunch, now I'm back and I'm still stuck at 4 :P
I've found 8 so far ... I'm afraid those were the easy ones =(
@Jack I know better game (at least it's about fun, not about searching) :p
@Jack: Did you find 5th one?
@AlmaDo I've stopped searching now
Because there's not much to search anymore I think.
@AmalMurali No 5? The bcrypt one?
omg, I wrote my 4th answer this year =]
@Jack this "game" is near useless. because what's the sense to "guess" hashing algo? Much better (in educational context) - if there is some "self-invented" hashing algo and you're searching for it's weakness (i.e. algo is provided, hash is provided and it's about to create password+salt pair which will result in this hash)
I suppose the idea is that in the case of a data theft, how likely will the passwords get hacked?
How I feel when suddenly I see a .tar.bz2 instead of a .tar.gz compressed file:
tar -xjf
j instead of z
you are a noob, @PeeHaa, you should feel ashamed
How the hell do you poeple know that. I never see a bz in the wild
Like ever
hai der
but I have non-programming game. It's available to play right in chat. Rule is: you need to guess the full string by given abbreviation. Abbreviation must contain numbers (they are hints). For example, I say "365 d i y". Answer is "365 days in year" - simple :p
@PeeHaa tar --help
@tereško I am and I am
anyone know a good method of only allowing a certain file type to be uploaded?
@DaveRandom monring
$file['type'] === 'application/pdf' seems like a pretty bad method.
@Purify That depends on the type you want to allow.
And how bad you want to keep unwanted files out.
@AlmaDo Hey, I know that one ... 13 i a b d
@Purify you should use FileInfo for detecting mime types
very badly.
@Jack no clues :p ask others
well, mime types seem like something to easily spoof.
@AlmaDo eh?
@Purify finfo_file() is a good start.
@Jack this game is for many players
file extensions are something that can be easily spoofed
round winner asks next question..
@Purify However, to be completely sure, you'll have to read the file and look for allowed patterns.
fileinfo is detecting mime type by file's header
well, files are not bad. applications that are using files may cause bad
that is: place your .exe file in unix and be happy (:
$options = [
    'salt' => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345',
echo password_hash('password', PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options);
@Jack: Am I doing something super stupid?
Can someone guide me where to place the code, if I have IIS server installed in my machine for accessing Localhost rather than Apache?

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