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best option, but that says nothing about the quality of the option
@DaveRandom lol. Everyone loves Wales. And if they don't, it's because their flag isn't as awesome as ours.
@JoeWatkins why is a bad quality option the best option!?
@Fabien I'm not a huge fan of Swansea. Firstly it's a terrible place, and secondly the DVLA is there.
@bwoebi because php ... literally, because php ...
I was thinking about mutual constructor dependencies, where Foo depends on Bar depends on Foo, and about a language construct that would permit the "simultaneous" (as far as the smallest divisible unit of observation in user-land) construction of such dependent types; something like new $f = Foo($b) : $b = Bar($f); where the colon delimited expressions are evaluated "simultaneously".
@bwoebi bugs.php.net/… looks at the nature of them "segfault" "can't start under load" "cannot catch errors" "runaway spawning" "not handling signals" "not responding" "timeout" ...
these are the kinds of problems you get in production with fpm ... nobody is doing anything about it ... it really is terrible ...
^ agh
@JoeWatkins a ton of bugs assigned but not fixed
i run fpm in production
@DanLugg Not really viable. Each constructor can depend on the state of the other object after its constructor has fully executed
@DaveRandom I know, just contemplating the subject though.
It would require state assertions and reentry to verify that each type in the dependency cycle is in a certain state at each stage of their respective construction.
@RonniSkansing best advice ... don't look at logs :D
Although, reentrant constructors would be interesting a neat thought experiment; essentially language support for builders.
@JoeWatkins well now I will not dare...
it just so happened that the popularity of nginx went hand in hand with fpm, and it just so happens that a normal setup with +1 machine nginx+fpm will hide most of these failures, because that's what it's for ... so everyone runs it in production but nobody is doing anything to improve documented problems the thing has, and there are many ...
@DanLugg Maybe it could be viable if you mandate that one of the constructors does yield $this;
I don't go after it because it's a flawed design, and I don't like it ... I'm on the lookout for a better way, I found one, that onion library, there's a SAPI in the making there but I got distracted by something shiny ...
@DaveRandom Yea, that's what I was thinking; along those lines. Evaluation could jump between an arbitrary number of constructors, like passing a token around until all have returned.
It would be an IoC violation though - you would have to make the order of the caller statement significant (so that if both ctors did yeild $this; it would happen in a defined order) which would basically mean that the calling code would have to know how the ctors are implemented @DanLugg
github.com/krakjoe/ponion <- as fast as fpm, single process, thread safe ... no strangeness, but incomplete ...
@DaveRandom That's where I was thinking implicit jumps would be interesting; such that if one could analyze that a particular state component (a property, say) of one of the dependencies isn't initialized, but is dereferenced, priority is passed back to the dependent type to continue initialization.
@DanLugg Sounds like a recipe for segfaults
Foo and Bar are dependent; Foo::__construct asks for Bar::$qux; the Bar::$qux property is uninitialized, Bar::__construct is reentered until such time that Bar::$qux is initialized; Foo::__construct is reentered; wash, rinse, segfault.
anyone know of a good resource I can recommend for someone to use to learn oop
@iroegbu I would recommend against 98% of StackOverflow.
language independent if possible
@DanLugg The problem is that there is no such thing as an "uninitialised property" in PHP (at least, nothing that is detectable outside userland)
@DaveRandom Precisely why my idea wouldn't work here.
Just thinking out loud though. The idea intrigues me.
@DanLugg Maybe public constructed $qux; // must be assigned a value by the constructor, otherwise E_ERROR
readonly would work, and that's an idea that's been around; only allowed default and constructor assigned values.
Docs rebuild on Friday?
Our Friday is Thursday this week :D
4 day weekend! + 4 day work week next week
@Jimbo 'cause Easter? Nooooice.
unable to find the wrapper https when openssl is loaded, clues ?
Well, shower time then work.
@TOOTSKI Yeah man, do you get that too?
Check y'all later.
4 day work week, 4 day weekend and a 4 day work week.
If only that was the norm :(
@Fabien lol, was about to say "= 12 days of what it should be like all the time"
Imagine taking 6 months a year off
@Jimbo Calendar says so, but I have no vacation nor sick days, I am not worthy as the 'mericans ^^
@JoeWatkins OpenSSL needs to be statically compiled in for the wrapper to registered IIRC
it is
Gah that sucks
Then no idea
persistent extension <no_version>
@Jimbo Do you have vacation days + holidays or? (and how much)
We don't have "holidays", you pick whichever or none, 'cause it's 24hrs operation.
@TOOTSKI Yeah, I started with 22 in a year (-3 you have to take at xmas), +1 for your birthday off, and it goes up 1 day per year you're with the company
Last year I just saved them all until December and had from Dec 9th to Jan 2nd off :D
Thing is, I really want to live & work in US / CA - but they just have no holidays over there
My uncle lives in Seattle and he's lucky if he gets 9 days a year, which to me is just ouch
@SecondRikudo Hnnng! New Naruto looks so awesome!
@JoeWatkins ?
@Jimbo LOL ... not sure how it is in CA, but I got about 20 days, becomes 25 after 3 years, actually that was in Site5. Now, you can take off whenever but you need to finish your duties/tasks, so I guess taking around month wouldn't be possible.
20 days + 8 bank holiday is the legal minimum in UK.
@Jimbo wtf
This is the first job where I've had more than that at 23 days + 8
I'm still waiting for a +1 per year company
It's one easy method to help ensure longevity of employees. Otherwise what makes the difference between leaving at 1 year or 15
Pretty much only salary
Rare to get any other benefits here.
Fuck all "benefits" if you get compensated in money for that.
But if you don't :P
In my case, vacation is a relative term, I can work wherever there's internetz, and you can probably manage to work at least hour a day :P
We're all still waiting for you to employ us all.
If you work 2-3 productively, that's it. Rest is pretty much wasted time.
If you work 8 hours constantly, you'll burn out after 2-3 days and be useless for day 4-5.
@DaveRandom They hardly get any time over there
@TOOTSKI It's awesome you work somewhere that realises this. Paid for brains and not for hours behind a desk
Many companies are still bureaucratic asshats
@Fabien Benefits include national + international conference attendance? :P
I was unfortunate work in such in January (German company), they expect 8 hours and you need to make sure you've logged them, later they review and cut your hours, pretty much asshole moves...
So it's impossible to theoretically get "full" salary for month.
@Jimbo There's 'some' budget but I think not that much
@Jimbo That's a reason I don't want to work for large company. But they are the ones who pay well (in my country, at least). My current salary is so low, atm, that I kinda feel awkward when I am asked about it.
@TOOTSKI Sounds like a good reason to work slower.
@Jimbo I asked the bose to sponsor me for Dutch conference, instead he sponsors the conference :D
@Fabien Do you not ask this? I've not been doing this for too long, coming on 2 years soon, but the first questions in my mind if I ever go for another job is "What is the culture like" and "Can I go to conferences" :P
@Leri You're conditioned to
We all are
@TOOTSKI LOL. With free ticket of course?
@Fabien That won't work because they are good at estimating, so if you're "slower", they'll complain. I've tried it too :P
@Jimbo I'm not confident enough.
@Jimbo Haha, not sure if they made a deal actually. The conference timing is now unfortunate for me :(
@Fabien You should be - it's about you as much as it is the company
> Secondly, you should only want to work somewhere that values growth and the ability to ask the right questions. Have a little more confidence - the ability to search for what you need is a skill in itself - and start looking for employers that are worth your time and your effort, rather than being worried about those few who judge you... Sauce
@Jimbo In February, I wrote about 300-400 lines of code, when boss wanted to review, he said "Only?", after he reviewed he said "AWESOMESAUCE". Those companies are rare. I've applied at about 15 companies for sure.
@Jimbo It's also about rent :p
As @TOOTSKI says, those companies are rare
Even rarer if you don't drive :P
I guess I'm lucky lol
How do you even find places that need php devs but aren't website factories
They say you should take a 5k pay drop to remain happy though
Happiness > 5k
@Fabien Nice term, website factories, that's it :)
@Fabien "Application Developer", "Software Engineer" ... don't look for "Web Developer"
Software engineer isn't strictly php though
Course not, but look for ones that ask for php of course
but I guess it's part of the search
Then there's also the lack of profile on my part.
@DaveRandom is definitely loaded, persistent, for some reason no version for extension but it's there, and I can php -r for https stream at console but inside apache it's as if openssl is not loaded
I think web devs are asked to be jack of all trades master of none
Need more open-sauce
No longer is it about making websites. You have front-end devs, back-end devs, UI, UX
@Fabien Not really, you need @php.net :P
@TOOTSKI I need this :(
@JoeWatkins How are you running under apache, mod_php?
@Jimbo here we're everything but a designer. i've been tasked with deployment now too.
@Jimbo I can hook you up, for a price. :P
@TOOTSKI lol. Yes. Well I am part-in-part trying to learn C :P
@TOOTSKI I've never paid for bum sex, how much do you charge?
Just kidding, you can request the account.
Getting to vote on things should be other thing.
Account request for @php.net: Reason - I need a job!
I did request an account a while back - to vote for rdlowrey
wtf phpinfo shows htttps
They didn't give me one unfortunately
Haha, well Sirs, truth be told, I don't matter much if other party don't know what it is and doesn't appreciate.
People think you can register for mail at php.net
That Webarto? :O
Porque the name change!
@PeeHee called me @webfarto and I had to stop the trend.
New brand name for the Services Jimbo mentioned or .. :|
I am unofficial distributor of Tootski for my region, rebranding.
hehe ;)
He hides it in fake prosthetic legs.
You'll need to change your github, twitter etc
I would have picked dm, but that was taken 5 years ago, everywhere.
If you tweet "boostrap", you get this back. Is this you?
Boo! strap. Looks like there's a typo in your tweet, @J7mbo
No no.
It's really quick on the uptake, must be using streaming API
Kill me now.
SharePoint development is turning me into hating programming all together.
@JoeWatkins what are your re2c options for phpdbg_lexer.l?
@TOOTSKI Is there any way of getting in on php.net then? I came up with the idea for arrayOf that joe put on there
Or do I need ZCE first :P
@JoeWatkins getting a lot of unrecognized rule…
Yesterday we talked about semi unreadable if constructs, today I come accross this func_one() || func_two();
@Machiel == if (!func_one()) { func_two(); }
@bwoebi More readable by far :-)
@Jimbo and more verbose by far
@bwoebi Exactly, I know it's equal to that. I prefer the more verbose way of writing it, since it's better readable. And readability is in my opinion far more important.
@JoeWatkins oh, well, just going to change syntax a bit, works too^^
Q: Imagecreatefromstring is not working properpy

Muneem HabibI have bitmap instance of an image and i am converting it to base54string. private void uploadLayerIcon(Bitmap icon,string LayerName) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); ...

please help
@MuneemHabib It is PHP room
Try C# room if it exist
@MuneemHabib base54string ...
@VarunAgw i am having issue on php end
@HamZa why base 54 string?
don't use any, use flex
don't use it*
@MuneemHabib that's what you wrote there
@HamZa no i have written 64 there is no base 54 thing
@Jimbo Nah, screw ZCE pretty much, that's just bait for recruiters, also, it lost its value.
@TOOTSKI I still has a ticket bought for me though - need to do it for 5.5
@JoeWatkins I'm making it re2c and flex compatible.
re2c and flex ?
yes, pretty similar syntax
oh right cool ... sounds delicious ... I know we can't rely on flex anyway
@Jimbo I have 2, for nearly a year now (going to expire), need to get out for 5.5 too. Tip: just do it. You probably know all the stuff in there by now. Just update yourself on password hashing etc. New things.
Are you always using MVC pattern for projects?
@JoeWatkins at the same time I'm adding the right things to the Makefile.frag to make it invoke re2c if it exists and yacc …
@TOOTSKI I dunno, I was looking at some test questions and there are plenty of things that I didn't know off the top of my head like hexadecimal values and ASCII
I now know that 96 is 'A', I think...
A is 65
I meant 'a' :P
and 97
@JoeWatkins got to the bottom of the https thing yet?
my fault, ignore me ...
nah heartbleed -> yum update -> overwrote php ...
so not my fault really ...
openssl's fault ... still ...
We here at room 11 don't point fingers to blame, only to solve.
I'm not above blame ... it's entirely appropriate, they just cost me another hour ... another one ...
it' not even the fault of openssl
but everyone else ...
everyone that could help but doesn't ...
@Duikboot most of people here use some implementation SoC, but even when you try to use anything MVC, you will probably end up with something "slightly mvc-ish"
I genuinely couldn't help ... it's not my thing, you need to be an expert in crypto to be useful at all, since such simple mistakes present security problems it's not enough to be good at C, you have to really know what you're doing ...
System on A Chip
Separation of Concerns
ah ... I think ioc ...
@tereško ?
@JoeWatkins Given the subject matter was MVC, I suspect SoC is accurate in this case
IoC applies to object interaction, SoC applies to layer interaction
.. fuck .. had to edit 5+ times
never seen it written like that ...
oh ok,
http://www.sitepoint.com/the-mvc-pattern-and-php-1/ Based on that article.
Arrays challenge: remove all empty arrays from multi-dimensional array. Loops aren't allowed. Array functions are.
^ shortest code
@Duikboot you have been in SO chat for more then a year .. how is it possible that you do not know what SoC stands for !?
@Duikboot that article is bullshit
@Jimbo It think that's crap, why would you need to memorize that? :) Questions are pretty sane. I found them to be not hard.
they are no explaining MVC
@rdlowrey I hate to poke you about it, as I know you're pushing a lot of repos around, but do you have any ETA for a public repo of Aerys?
@Ocramius two weeks, or a month, or seven years ... we're not sure ...
    public function output() {
        return '<p><a href="mvc.php?action=clicked"' . $this->model->string . "</a></p>";
@tereško O_o
@JoeWatkins heh :P
I'd be fine with a or something :)
@ircmaxell no, the depth is just any. Like:
$data = [
   'foo' => [],
   'baz' => [
     'bee' => [1,3],
     'feo' => [],
I was worried about that return too so dirty?
@AlmaDo changing requirements...
@ircmaxell ? I've mentioned, multi-dimensional. that's "any depth" no?
@TOOTSKI whenever someone tries to pass "controller" to a "view" and calls it "mvc", you know it won't be good
what happens to array(array()) ?
So.. SoC* !
> You know.. PO-TAY-TOES - Sam Wise
@ircmaxell result should be array. So if in process of elimination we'll realize that top-level array became empty, we still should result in []
$c = function($a) use (&$c) {
    if (is_array($a)) {
        $a = array_map($c, $a);
        $a = array_filter($a);
    return $a;
yeah, that's like my current thought :\
@ircmaxell That'll drop falsey values though, no?
@DanLugg yup
but I've used count, not array_filter
I thought the intent was to keep falsey, non-empty-array values.
@ircmaxell oh.. that shouldn't be done
^^ Yea
also we need to actually call that
@AlmaDo Got few minutes?
while in expression we won't be able to do it. I.e. best will be to do it in one function call somehow
21 hours ago, by rdlowrey
@JoeWatkins I'm constantly working on it ... should only be a few more days before I can give you repo access on it so something like "Reproduce script is @rdlowrey Aerys" is actually useful
i have a excel file with id's, can i do a delete statement using this id's from excel file?
oho oho
He's targeting the 5.6 release data for full public
$c = function($a) use (&$c) {
    return is_array($a) ? array_filter(array_map($c, $a), function ($b) { return !(is_array($b) && empty($b)); }) : $a;
@Leri yeah. I've finished some learning stuff and now having some rest with arrays challenge
Thanks @DaveRandom
@ircmaxell I've got the idea, it's good. But the bad thing is: we should call $c :\ So we can't use this method in an expression :\
@AlmaDo what do you mean?
@AlmaDo I've added personal statement. Review, when you have time. link
@ircmaxell well, imagine that it's one-level array. Then our code will be, as you've already mentioned: array_filter($a) (ok, that'll drop falsy values, but that's just sample). So we can do this: if(array_filter($a) == $b) {...}
while with function call.. no
HUH? if ($c($a) == $b)... works fine
@rdlowrey ...
@JoeWatkins I've set version number to 0.4.0 in phpdbg due to the major changes we had here…
and you can turn it into a named method if you need as well
@bwoebi yep okay
Jesus, shame on me. $c($a) is the thing (:
I'm a bit tired, it seems :p
Btw. I've removed parser.c and parser.h and made them being autogenerated via Makefile (php-src needs yacc anyway)
it only needs yacc for vcs checkout
keep it same
distribute those like php does ...
thanks, @ircmaxell for reminding basics (:
@bwoebi autogenerate them via buildconf, by make it's too late for distributution
function f(array $a)
    return array_filter($a, function (&$v) {
        return is_array($v) ? (empty($v) ? $v = f($v) : true) : true;
eiw. nested ternary
@krakjoe I got you. But I’d like to share thread instance among php page… It like a singleton. Can I do?
@ircmaxell php-src is also doing it by make?
@ircmaxell Come at me bro.
well, I thought I may do this without separate callback definition, i,e, like some tricky array_map call, but that's not worth it
god no, don't do that ... but yes, you can ... I don't think i'll tell him that ...
Also, anon:
$f = function (array $a) use (&$f) {
    return array_filter($a, function (&$v, $f) {
        return is_array($v) ? (empty($v) ? $v = $f($v) : true) : true;
@Leri hm.. read it, have some points. Good and bad :p
@bwoebi I don't think so. I think they are doing it at buildconf, because you don't regenerate the parser at compile time in distributions (it's pre-built for you, I think during buildconf)
@ircmaxell <- this
^@bwoebi there .. that ... this ... whatever ...
@AlmaDo Anything that can be changes/improved?
@DanLugg inner closure should use($f), not accept it as an arg?
@DaveRandom Oops, correct.
@Leri not sure that I can say some certain things. But I feel that you have lack of motivation description there. Only bio facts. I may be wrong, but .. :\
Bah, edit window.
@ircmaxell lxr.php.net/… I cannot find any references to it in any buildconf or so file
@AlmaDo Well, when something is your life that should speak of motivation by default, imho. I might be wrong as well... :/
I'm hungry and feel the need to ask everyone what they're having or have had for lunch?
some spicy indian thing
black tea :D
sausages ...
Spicy indian thing require microwaving?
I'm so hungry. It's midday and I've not eaten because everything is a fucking kebab and I'm not drunk enough for that.
phil had a kebab ...
I love a good kebab.
Sober or drunk.
@Fabien Chicken Vindalo and Tom kha kai
Curry at the office = odours everywhere.
Windalo? Unsure if that's vindaloo or not.
Perhaps it's named after the side-effects.
Wind and loo
no, it was really nice
Ugh I can't wait till my diet is over and I can stuff my face.
Though I fail and do that too often as it is.
rice+ beef
@JoeWatkins Where's he?
> from İstanbul
Being in Instanbul is a perfect reason to eat kebab.
I ate a Gyro in NYC and some guy felt compelled to tell me it was rat-meat as he walked on by.
@Fabien Instanbul? Is that like Istanbul only quicker?
If it was I still enjoyed it.
@DaveRandom lol. It's still editable but I will leave it.
btw @Fabien I just ate way too much food from Greggs, if you're still asking
Greggs mmm. The cookies are in my top 5.
I still have a sausage roll left but I may throw up if I attempt to fit it in
Cheese and bean pastry doesn't go amiss too.
@DaveRandom You seem like the naturally high metabolism type.
/me looking for a good autoloading and bootstrap example on github to learn from.
@Fabien Yup. Many people hate me.
"Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Cthulu?" http://t.co/aXAUvntG67
^^ See image, immediately.
@DanLugg wtf
@DaveRandom You know it'll end one day. Then you'll get rotund.
@Duikboot Checkout PitchBlade and Requestable which implements it.
Thank you @Fabien :-)
@Fabien So people tell me. And they say that to me as if "hey, you should stop eating shit because..." which is such a convoluted logic to me. Since I can do it at the moment and won't be able to forever, surely the best thing to do is to enjoy it?
A: IP switching over PHP crawler

Joe WatkinsMulti-threading is possible in PHP Some might even call it trivial ... <?php define('LOG', Mutex::create()); /* make output when writing to stdout thread safe (so, readable) */ function slog($message, $args = []) { $args = func_get_args(); if (($message = array_shift($args))) { ...

@Duikboot Also there's this which is using Fracture
@DaveRandom Oh definitely pig out while you can.
We only say it because we're envious
I am alway impressed the way how clean code is writting in the projects you've send me.
Yeah, I really think that every time I see something written by the guys in this room there's some hidden file or file in .gitignore that contains all the ugly code I somehow end up making when I try to build anything.
@JoeWatkins I think the OP will enjoy that answer
Wish me luck. git rebase -i HEAD~5
/me sighs.
Ran into a bug earlier with Firefox today.
Checked if there already was a bug report for it.
And there was... Seems I was around 12 when it was submitted.
I feel old now :(
New guy in our office showing me a controller method with new $object in it, me telling him to use Dependency Injection, him insisting his code is good
@TOOTSKI alias fuck-you='git rebase -i HEAD~5 && git push -f origin master'
Cannot detach HEAD...
@Jimbo Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'die' (T_EXIT), expecting '(' in ...
@Jimbo lol.
@DaveRandom You just will get a fatal error. Except if there's a __call method.
@bwoebi Oh, right, only the declaration would be
Today? Yea, today seems like an rm -rf ./src day.
@DaveRandom exactly
@bwoebi Yay consistency \o/
@Fabien it's called street-meat. And you don't question what's in it. You just enjoy the flavor
@DaveRandom you know… my keywords as identifiers patch :-)
@bwoebi Hey, I voted yes...
@ircmaxell more duck photos please
@DaveRandom you voted on the feature, not on any implementation ^^
@ircmaxell lol. It was lovely.
@RonniSkansing most of them came out bad, due to too low of a shutter speed
tooo bad...

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