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nice pic i will hangup on my wall
@ircmaxell getting 503 error
@bwoebi not here
yes, after the fifth reload it worked…
if you can give your younger self 1 piece of advice relating getting job as developer faster what would it be?
Works from USA
Introducing another bug by a bugfix <3
99 little bugs in code...
take one down, fix it around, 113 little bugs in the code!
It was just one…^^
no, it were two, I see now…
soon it will be 99
no, the bug was already before there I see now
Is there a function to know if a variable is a reference? And if so, that two variables are references to the same value?
@ircmaxell For a moment I thought that Ralph Fiennes is working for Maps team.
@LeviMorrison Not really I think, you have to unset them or something to check.
Ugly hack, anyways.
That would be helluva function to be added if possible.
> I have been developing in php for over 6 years. Usually when developing I look back at my older code and copy and paste and then update the code. I am deathly afraid of going into a PHP technical interview and being handed a blank piece of paper and being asked to write some code. I can produce good code, but not from memory. For instance I couldn't remember how to grab a file by FTP without first looking it up on php.net or looking at old code.
I can only think "You've been copy and pasting the same code for 6 years?"
Memorizing such things is stupid...
> I can produce good code, but not from memory.
That doesn't even make sense.
It means he can't :D
Ah well. A good interviewer will find good employees.
thats comforting to hear as a leaner i dnt have i memorise everything
Pretty sure I just found my current companies job advert for a front end and the minimum salary is my starting salary :-/
After this Twitter redesign, it's the first time it worked for me.
Thoughts on debug_backtrace behavior outlined here: bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=24214 ?
(Specifically thinking of @bwoebi and @JoeWatkins ^)
@LeviMorrison Actually unsure… Could break a lot of things…
Sigh too many digital agency jobs
@LeviMorrison FYI closed is for fixed bugs, implemented features
That's not documented anywhere.
if something wasn't implemented, close as either NaB or Wfx, depending on what seems more appropriate
And we dont' have a 'declined'
@LeviMorrison Declined = Wfx
Except that sounds final.
We will not fix this is a pretty strong statement.
it's about as strong as declined I think ^^
Honestly we need to rethink the categorization and other things for bugs.
@Fabien hey, it's the @tereško cat.
:P Grumpy cat is quite famous.
@Fabien what.
Why do you guys make fun of teresko for no reason?
Let it go.
He's been far less grumpy lately, please be nicer to him.
That's the name of the cat. Grumpy Cat. Well real name is Tardar Sauce
I'm not making fun of him. I don't associate the cat with him.
@LeviMorrison I like @tereško , he is one of my favorite people in chat. He's never afraid to voice his opinion even when he knows it'll be frustrating. That comment wasn't an insult.
Although I'm pretty sure he hates the living hell out of me :D
I think it is an insult, intended or not.
Why? We all make fun of each other for chat behavior reasons.
Except for @ircmaxell since he works for a company that has all my chat history and can call my mom and tell her what kind of porn I'm watching. That's scary business.
Now I'm even more scared :D
Oh come on, there's no reason to be afraid
unless you're in to that sort of thing...
First world IT problems: A Nagios check is failing because the machine is sometimes only using 9% of available memory, it's doing left zero padding on that value, and trying to convert the resulting "09" into octal.
I love bash.
And by love, I mean hate with the fury of a thousand suns.
I never knew suns are angry.
is there no hhvm codepad?
Anyone here have a good laptop cooling pad which lasted over 6 months?
I got the most expensive one I could find about 6 months ago and the piece of crap broke
@NikiC not afaik
just had done a bad commit… then wanting to revert it:

git reset HEAD~11
git push -f
It's great that git has a reflog…
32GB of RAM, about $1000... buy?
@TOOTSKI What sort of shit would you be running to use 32GB
@David running 5 or 6 VMs
I currently have 4 running
and am at 12Gb used
Oh yeah I suppose
I have 6GB but no VMs.
@David chrome ....
@tereško I was just thinking about that today. Every tab I open a new process i created
Currently have 6GB and it would cost me $300 to upgrade to 16GB (2 slots only).
My RAM gets eaten up
Would 32GB in a laptop cause much of a temperature increase
Hm? Why?
Just a thought
My laptop sucks at cooling. I had a cooling pad until it broke. I'm shopping for a new one
@BenjaminGruenbaum stars are fucking scary. Learn about them.
I clean the fan and heatsink about every 6 months but the laptop is just awful at cooling by design
A: Why this gives 0 in php?

Amal MuraliIt would never produce the output 0 for any value of $n greater than or equal to 0. The only possible case where you'll get 0 as the output is when $n is -1. (-1 + 1) ^ 2 = 0 The function b passes the argument by reference, meaning it can modify the value of the passed variable directly. Thi...

Is there something wrong with this answer?
@TOOTSKI I'd rather eat my own face ... get a proper pc ...
@TOOTSKI by the way, a little expensive, but maybe take a look at dell.com/us/business/p/xps-15-9530/pd
it's better than the top-level MBPs
Man I really despise writing covering letters
@Ocramius Describe how it is better.
@LeviMorrison take marco-pivetta.com/screen/caps/ea302f.png and compare it to those specs?
the screen res of the dell is already amazing :)
I have a 3200x1800 screen (a different model) and I would not say it is better than a MBP
(Which I also have)
You haven't used the XPS 15?
Really? I tried it out (sadly after having bought my MBP) and I think it's better :\
found any quirks?
well, assuming you removed windowns
lol windowns
Windowns 9, Potato Edition
Windows 111!1one!, Potato Edition
Going to submit a covering letter. How does this sound?
> Do people really read these? I'll paste a reference from my previous employer below as it's more reliable than my own opinion of myself.

-- Reference here --
Too cheeky?
@Fabien Depends on how uptight the company is, and whether HR filters resumes.
They don't seem uptight.
I'm in no rush for a job either. A company that sees the humour is more my style than one that doesn't.
@Fabien the goal of cover letters is actually verify that you know the language
Personally I'd replace "do people really read these" with "In my experience, people don't actually read the cover letter." Less potentially offputting.
^^ This
Cheers. Going with that.
If they want to see my ability my github is in my CV which is in there too.
Also this is another Digital Agency, so no real desire to get the role.
Now for a thousand calls from recruiters.
Be glad you're in the UK, you wont' get a call from our recruiters.
Oh, that reminds me.
I'm hiring a mid-level PHP dev in the Seattle metro area.
Working on getting our Career Overflow ad up again.
The commute from UK might be a little tough but I could apply :P
and while I'm working remotely, we're not sure we want to do that for the next hire
not to mention timezone irritations
heh I wasn't being overly serious :P
s'ok, more of a general statement for anyone else listening
A lot of the regulars here aren't USians.
Some people in here would be worth a remote hire IMO
oh, easily, but on the other hand I really don't want to expose anyone I like to this codebase :)
I know them feels :P
@Ocramius I had 2 of Dell XPS M1530, both pretty much died after 2 years :( It was great for the price, tho.
@JoeWatkins Haha, can't Sir, on the move and shit...
@Charles Well, if they have algorithm, someone else might too. But I think it just detects the number and pigeons type in correct one.
@Ocramius MBP is just too god damn expensive.
@TOOTSKI yeah, I got a MBP because lenovo's support service is just plain shit
and the alternative was HP, to which I'd say "NO" every day :)
then a co-worker told me about that XPS the week after I bought the MBP =_=
For me it's .. Asus, Toshiba, Dell ... Would love MBP but it's too damn expensive here and support is non existing.
I personally thought I'd never own a MBP, but I got a deal on a used one and I'm not sure I could go back.
It's like better supported Linux
@Charles I hope this doesn't lead to even more distorted captcha puzzles...
It'd better damn well not.
As if existing captchas aren't hard enough
Pretty soon captcha will be solved if you are a bot instead of it you're not. :P
And THAT will be the real test!
but I'd rather see a captcha that I can kinda read, than have to play one of those stupid smart captcha games
@Charles captchas were never a problem - easy enough to outsource
@seagoj that not. Except for the UI, MacOS is a mess :\
@BenjaminGruenbaum Except if you're a human.
I mean, a non-malicious human.
@Ocramius I just mean a *nix terminal that works. That's all I'm really after.
@Charles lol
The number of functions we have in our codebase that use "real" in the name and have angry comments about PHP is too damn high.
These were all written before most of us realized that the infamous "real" that makes us roll our eyes came from mysql instead.
What are your opinions on DI containers that use reflection to automate the process a bit
@David Works nice
@Charles :D
I made my own and then for a param that's a string for example I can just set that param to be used when instantiating that object or register a callback which will return the dependency. It works very well but funny enough I prefer the old manual way I used to do it.
/me facedesks real hard
searching for JS code with a file-mask of "*.php,*.phtml" is real hard
@David Not everything needs a DiC
You'll know when you really need a DIC
@SecondRikudo It makes it much nicer though to encapsulate all the wiring up of the applications components
@David And yet you prefer the old manual way :)
@Ocramius Using Ubuntu
That's what Dell offered on it.
When you have 5 different objects of the same type, that gets generated by some input, without knowing which one you need, and each has its own dependencies, that's when you need a DiC
@SecondRikudo But when I say manual I don't mean doing it outside some sort of container. I would have a method in the container per component which is responsible for getting the dependencies and returning the object
We have had some hardware support issues, but nothing truly bothersome.
Eh, I got my lenovo shipped borked. Twice. :(
That's also possible, and is slightly less "magical" in a way.
I have no real preference for one over the other.
@SecondRikudo I would $container->get('SomeComponent') which would call a private or protected method call getSomeComponent() which takes care of wiring up the SomeComponent object. It's not as magical but I sort of like that. Keeping it simple
I use loads of interfaces too so with the "magical" way I have to add in config for mapping the interfaces to actual implementations otherwise they don't know what class is needed
Well, with interfaces it doesn't sound like much of a choice.
You have to manually map, whether you like it or not :)
(Or actually inject manually)
I tricked around that (mapping)
I implemented __get(), created a class with @property definitions, added that class in the phpdoc comments
result is code completion for the DIC (or service locator in my case)
@ThW By parsing the annotiation?
real dic would be nicer, but I have legacy code ;-)
not me, but the IDE
But if you ask for an interface, you would need to tell it which concrete implementation you want regardless
@ThW ... How does that trick around the mapping?
I mean other side of the mapping,
I put in profiles, so that stuff is explicit, but get($name) will always return something generic, breaking your code completion
Implicit create from names is something I would not do today. Actually I removed that source from my SL some months ago.
It is easier just to use an anonymous function
@SecondRikudo What do you think about that way to create XML? github.com/ThomasWeinert/FluentDOM/blob/master/examples/…
Does PHP DOM do any kind of namespace optimization, or is this part all libxml?
@ThW Fucking awesome this FluentDOM.
@TOOTSKI Thanks, ... I think
$string =
'<table id="' . $module . '-list-table" class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover">
' . trim($string, "\n") . '

file_put_contents($file, $string);
Going to use it to rewrite this.
Was too lazy to search because I thought it would be overkill.
people still do this nowadays... omg
Yes, it's called getting shit done.
I get my shit done alot quicker than writing... that :-)
@TOOTSKI So more the DOM extensions and not the jQuery port. That part is new in the upcoming version, so the documentation is somewhat limited. Working on that, drop me a note if you have a question
Still need an idea to explain the Appendable/XmlSerializable interfaces
Everything I need is contained in examples, I have... probably a hundreds template files (there's a pattern). Front end devs change the HTML and everything but keep the # selectors intact, I often need to modify the contents, and regex or anything just won't work nice there. I'm not versed with DOMDocument so didn't even dare to try, this is great.
Well, you could ask me for a usergroup talk about xml :-)
Shhhh... we don't talk about XML here :P
Q: Just found out my 13 year old girl is Bi and dating a 17 year old girl in an "open" relationship. Huh? Now what?

user7283A little background- my daughter has never had a boyfriend/girlfriend or relationship and is in 8th grade. She has always been young for her age and had a tough time identifying with other girls and kids at her school (we had issues of bullying- mostly to her being shy) in which we switched her s...

@HamZa instinctively I went for the "close" link, and didn't see it. Only then did I notice which site it was on
Haha, you trolled us both.
Autonomous reaction
@ircmaxell @rbairwell that suggests you're only working with either (a) code you've written or (b) small volumes of code written by others
I think it's pretty safe to say neither of those is true. As php-src is enough of an example of both :-)
I had a perfectly nice piece of code at noon, with a few improvements to be made

And now I have a mess
And now php is telling me that the session id I'm trying to set is too long, even though it worked fine earlier
This is freaking stupid
eh, time for dinner

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