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@TOOTSKI hi, pls help me too
@reikyoushin hai vacation boy :D
@TOOTSKI it's technically not a vacation. it's just a break from work. :)
Details :P
I just booked here.
Will still have to work tho.
@TOOTSKI where's that?
you have an underwater laptop ready?
@reikyoushin It's Trogir, Croatia, small town ... it's 400€ for 10 days, it's nice.
I bought waterproof camcorder, after, I read the reviews, and it seems like it's crap :D i.e. get's salted
@TOOTSKI it's waterproof, not salt proof though.. :)
Yes, they failed to mention that :P
next time buy a salineproof camera
I'll just duct tape seal it. :D
Lucky you, you don't have to pay to go to seaside :D
@reikyoushin Still better than nothing :D
@TOOTSKI well, you still need to go to some parts where the beach is fine, it's not as if you can swim anywhere there is water..
I think people just don't cleanse it after with fresh water, and that's the problem.
@TOOTSKI then it will rust.. yeah. rinsing it might do the trick most of the times.
@reikyoushin Sure, but you have lots of options and it's relatively close :P
Does anyone have any advice on converting a shit load of tables within tables to DIV? I'm smashing my head through my computer.
Yeah: take a break :)
pornhub brbrrbrbrbrb
Dns/Record/Model/Template or Dns/Record/Model/RecordTemplate ?
Template as in DNS.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB3xM93rXbY awhhhhhh
hello guys :)
which room is suitable to share code and get help ?
At this time of day you are unlikely to get help.
Pretty slow room right now ^^
undestood... thanks levi
i have a problem with my PHP and jQuery project
@TOOTSKI get a gopro
@ircmaxell Unfortunately it's a bit expensive here. I bought GE DV1, got it for $100, it's OK, but of course, not comparable to GoPro. I use it as dash cam too.
So f* awesome...
Adobe After Effects FTW
2 hours later…
@Chriskonz don't ask to ask for help just ask your question
1 hour later…
Error installing php55 through Brew. Error: GD build test failed...
Good morning.
Hello, all!
helllow guys
While developing with PHP+MySQL, I faced several optimization problems with SQL. Can some body list me the topics important for DB optimization?
@Duikboot yo!
@abmmhasan Maybe you can tell us where you ran stuck?
I have a question regarding updating SQL with the jQuery checkbox. anybody can help me??
@Chriskonz room-11.github.io/#dont_3 What is the problem exactly?
well, the fact is I have designed a ERP solution as a test!
now I need to optimize the DB
I am kinda new here so pardon my posting...
No problem. :)
So i want to update oracle on the other page when the user click the checkbox. But the problem is the checkbox is inside oci_fetch_assoc. its making me impossible to send variables
can you guys give some code review ?
on check box click or on submission?
@Chriskonz It would help us if you could post a snippet of what you have tried already. :)
checkbox. so when user check the checkbox, it should automatically update the database and disabling the checkbox
allright @Duikboot
so can i do pastebin here ? or no ?
'nin @tereško
'nin ...
monring *
good morning
@JoeWatkins is return_value kind of pre-defined name? I mean Z_TYPE_P(return_value) = IS_STRING; - to set type to string. return_value wasn't declared anywhere, will it be "returned" ?
its declared in every function/method prototype as a parameter to the C function
now this is strange ...
the op could have been talking to any one of us ...
that's not mentioned in internal book explicitly
or I missed it :p
and yet the answer with the most votes says that opinion is wrong
on a mission ot learn internals then @AlmaDo ?? to what end ?? gonna join in the fun are you ??
@JoeWatkins I want to implement some thing
something specific, or just have the knowledge to implement things ?
specific. $array1 - $array2 to result in array_diff($array1, $array2)
oh, I don't plan to join. Not yet. I've forked php-src, looked there and realized that it's just too hard for me now (normally, there's a chance to get involved when code understanding is at least 60%. But not 5% as in my case)
you want to overload operators for arrays ?
not (?) overload. Implement. As we have + for arrays
may be * also makes sense
I don't think we like overloading operators in general tho ... we're not allowed to have a userland implementation of that ...
but for now - only -. array_diff(), however, is hard to understand in full sense for me. Too many macro / unknown things, de-references or even goto stuff. Learning
why are there no set operators on arrays? or did i miss something?
@JoeWatkins well. We have + implemented. So what's wrong?
also - I don't think it's going to be RFC or something else
^ morning
hi, @Leri
hi guys, how to pass variables inside the oci_fetch_assoc() loop with jQuery into the other page ?
@AlmaDo + for arrays is rather syntactic sugar than actual operation. Which is implemented badly as it stands now. I would not really like the same thing for -. However, for learning things it's good to do that.
But better choice is to rewrite userland lib as an extension.
@Leri well. What should be - for arrays then?
Like that you get the most basics.
or do you think it shouldn't exist at all?
I think + is working fine for arrays now (overwriting)
@AlmaDo It should not exist at all. array is not primitive type. Language can't know how to subtract or add them unless it overloaded for arrays. And as you know, php is not big fan of operator overloading.
@Leri actually, I don't know that PHP is not a big fan of overloading. But - why then we have + ? It has specific sense, btw
@Chriskonz Sorry, but your code is so 'messy'.
@AlmaDo I don't see in any sense in having add_function for arrays.
@Leri but yet we have it. And - more, it's justified as overwriting operation
@AlmaDo It does not overwrite it merges two hashtables. :)
@Leri yes, with overwriting rule
@Chriskonz http://paste.jesse-obrien.ca/Ap line 13 & 14.

Further... ::What happends now when you click submit?
@AlmaDo And how is that justification?
@AlmaDo inner join?
adding arrays can have multiple valid implementation(s).
Yo, @iroegbu ! ( Thanks again for the lesson from yesterday ).
@reikyoushin doubt. it has no equivalent to SQL because SQL data set has nothing to do with hash table
i was thinking + should be full join, - should be inner join, * can be outer join, or something like it
although it would only make sense on non-assoc arrays
what have I missed in past 48 hours ?
+ is actully a "union". Merge. And there's no such thing as "non-associative arrays" (:
@Duikboot don't mention it... was nothing
@reikyoushin php arrays are assoc arrays. However for arrays with long keys, you'd get a mess.
@AlmaDo then - should be intersection
im using joins from mysql but the thing in my head really was union.. just forgot my set theory stuff. haha
Is someone working here as developer on your own?
@reikyoushin doubt. It has math sense as a subtraction of two sets
For anyone who's not seen this yet: scotthelme.co.uk/certificate-revocation-google-chrome
TL;DR: Chrome is probably not checking certificate revocations effectively. To fix, go to settings > advanced > HTTPS/SSL and enable "Check for server certificate revocation".
@DaveRandom thanks!
btw, what is the best way to explain to a non-tech person about heartbleed?
tell him "you must revoke your certificate"
@AlmaDo best way to "explain", hehe :)
@Duikboot ignore that submit button then... im sorry for the messed up..
@reikyoushin Last Friday's xkcd is quite a good explanation
Everyone loves a cartoon strip
xkcd.com/1354 no onebox for you
@reikyoushin best way to explain non-tech person about something from tech is to tell him what should he do without explanation. Because the point of explanation is: that person should understand what to do. Thus, such explanation makes no sense and you (as tech person) should just tell what to do
thanks @DaveRandom
@AlmaDo well, okay. i won't then. :)
@reikyoushin oh, educational purpose is an exception
okay then. :)
@DaveRandom None of the browsers actually do
s/none/almost none
I think only IE does it correctly
people are starting to arrive..
@PeeHaa So, in the ultimate irony, M$ total disregard for performance finally achieved something good?
and i'm about to go.. (oooh it sucks to be dayshift, now i'm on the wrong time against most of you guys)
@DaveRandom Correct :)
@PeeHaa yey! IE finally did something correctly!
Here, have some responsive design: niravigad.com/responsive_man
guys, can you for my this question? I know that it may have some sense (we discussed it yesterday) - but it's a part of meta-discussion now - which isn't ok for me (because I don't want to be "bad example)
@reikyoushin :P
My gf works in .net, I was explaining heartbleed to her a few days ago and she was like "shit, how haven't we heard about this? I need to fix my shit up!" and I was forced to concede that because she uses a MS stack she's not affected :/
@Ocramius White page with blocked popup
It's super responsive :P
stop being an iOS fan, @PeeHaa
Far from a fan :)
I'm a hater :D
maybe she's not affected by heartbleed, but at least you didn't sell your soul ... if anything comes along that requires the use of a soul, she is fucked ...
OSX is a ugly man imo
fugly and works like shit
@JoeWatkins I really hate that I don't hate C#
yes, it's responsive..
I don't either ...
@JoeWatkins need a bit of your help. Stuck with "zval “owns” its value". What does that mean? I.e. why should we apply Z_STRVAL_P(return_value) = estrdup("string"); and not just Z_STRVAL_P(return_value) = "string" ?..
So why estrdup is needed
Every OS has its issues unfortunately.
ah well, because of refcounting when that return_value is dtored, efree() will be called, because it's assumed possible ... I'm not familiar with the terminology used there "owns" ...
ok, I'll try to understand it, thanks
so, gave a fix for something in github, it's local now, how do i update it in my repo, then offer it to the original repo?
didn't use git for a while
@DaveRandom C# is the best language I've ever worked with. So one should not hate C# just because MS stands behind it.
git checkout -b hotfix
git commit -a
git push mystream hotfix
put in pull request upstream ...
Also .net on its own is the most powerful framework when it comes to windows.
@JoeWatkins do i really need -b ?
creates branch
think so ...
moin @Jimbo
@CSᵠ -b creates a new local branch. You don't have to do that, you could just change your master, but that's generally a bad idea, also if you do do that you would need to do git push -u mystream hotfix when you push it to your fork to ensure the new branch is created remotely
@iroegbu Talking about projects and git like yesterday. What if a company has a local webserver? With GIT / GITlab installed on it? When you first start a PHP project you push your project to the local webserver? And then you pull it to your own system and make changes and you can push them again to the local server?
@DaveRandom bad? ok...
@AlmaDo Because in C string would be destroyed after you exit function while zval will survive.
@DaveRandom so long as remotes match branches are created aren't they ?
Also note that with github (and indeed most of the time) your remote name (the mystream part) will be origin
instead of hotfix i could name the bug (eg. ereg_deprecated_fix) ?
@Leri I barely remember what's going on in C :\
@JoeWatkins I was under the impression that you have to do -u, maybe I'm wrong, I've done that for ages but it's possible that it's something I picked up when I sucked at git and isn't really necessary
(I still suck at git, btw :-P)
@CSᵠ Yes you can name it any valid name for a branch
me too ... I get away without -u so long as branches match
@AlmaDo I spent some time refreshing my C knowledge. It was good feeling at the end.
@Leri ok, from another side: what will happen without estrdup() ?
invalid pointer
@JoeWatkins Just tested and you are correct, -u is not required
@JoeWatkins because.. assignment to a string is assignment to a pointer for it's first symbol, right? (i.e.: we assign this pointer. Exit happens. Pointer destroyed. zval persists, but assigned to no longer existing pointer. Fail.)
@AlmaDo zval will point to non-existent string. On the receiving end you'll get bad gateway.
@Duikboot uhmmmm... you don't have to pull if you are the only one working on the project
everything works just like we did yesterday... I edit, you need to update. You edit, I need to update.
The thing I don't get yet it the 'webserver part' And the 'setup of a project'. Assume we got a new UberC00L Wordpress website. We download the source code. And we put it on the local webserver with an hostname like irgoegbu.local.dev.

Cool it's now there and I can surf with my own computer to that URL and I see the Wordpress installation is showing up.

I do the installation and the basic wordpress theme/
site is showing up... but now I would like to start theming and writing custom plugins.
So in GIT terms I pull the project once to my computer?
On wich database am I working? Is there also versioning for databases?
What If I break the whole system?
@JoeWatkins what args should i give: git push ?
git push remote branch
where remote is probably origin, cat .git/config to check name of remote
and branch is whatever the argument to checkout -b was
@Duikboot it depends on how your database admin set things up
ereg_fix (less than a minute ago)
I wouldn't meddle with live db if I were you
@JoeWatkins "compare and push branch" buttn, should i click it? :)) and thanks btw !
@CSᵠ button ? I never use buttons, I know nothing about the ui for git ... put probably, then on github compare and create pull request button ...
@iroegbu It's all new to me. Im doing currently most of the time front-end work and sometimes some other small PHP projects. But we would like to have a local development server. Now everything is running for me with MAMP (Wich currently is not a problem because i'm doing everything on my own.)

So we are looking for an other infrastructure to have a safe workflow with backups/ versioning.

Currently the setup for databases is just CREATE database; etc :D
But when I have to do changes I am sometimes in trouble because then I create a new table I try new code but then I don't need it anymore
@JoeWatkins thank you and @DaveRandom !
@CSᵠ Oh you're not using that stupid Windows UI piece of crap are you?
@Duikboot you can agree with team on how to exchange db
Okay. SVN. I can ignore changes to a file locally with svn:hold. But as soon as I do that, the parent directory says it's got a change then and that wants to be committed. Fml. Any ideas?
;) Im most of the time alone.
I use schema
@DaveRandom i'm on linux, used commands, then in github webpage i saw the green button
if you are alone then, there's no problem
@DaveRandom btw, what to use on windows 'for dummies' ?
@CSᵠ oic. Carry on then
Im a bit worried only for the local dev setup... Im not a network engineer or something like that.
me neither :p
@Jimbo I have an idea. Migrate the repo to git.
@DaveRandom Work asshats -F git. So I use this as my FU :P
morning @JoeWatkins
[cwright@dnvm053 ~]$ asshats -F git
-bash: asshats: command not found
That's caus you need asshat extension
@iroegbu Are you setting up projects on the local dev server? Or are you not using that flow?
@Jimbo Mustn't... make... your mum joke... nggggrhrhh
I'm using bitbucket, no local servers
@DaveRandom Since when did Lusitanian's mum become part of the convo
hi everyonoe
Here they want to have the code locally accessible.
She's always part of the conversation
@Duikboot you can use local server or setup local system such that you can pull to it at the end of everyday
Let's start with step 1.
We have a local server with git running on it. Where do you start creating your start project Locally (= on my computer) ?
And then pull it to the localserver
in your case, maybe
create project locally, yes
Why does this code: foreach($array as $i => $a) produce the warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()? Is syntax correct? $array is empty at the moment, would this cause this warning?
It's not an array at all
you should see this book
$array is empty or an empty array? -_-
empty array
@iroegbu Yeah but that is to digg deeper in GIT.
@KevinDuke No it is not
Im going to read it but.. now it's about git globally and the workflow
I'm with @PeeHaa
As in : you say create the website locally but where is the database running ?
Ok, thanks. Must be an empty variable then.
@Duikboot I have local copy... then I export stable version to server
@KevinDuke like foreach((array)$array as $i => $a)
How do you migrate? I assume that the ' server version' is the stable versio
And the old version => gone?
2 ways... export queries or schema
the first setup usually I use schema
To run migrations?
As in something like this? paste.jesse-obrien.ca/Ar
@PeeHaa End in sight for work?
how do I get a file to be included in 'vendor/composer/autoload_files.php' without manually typing it?
whatever that is... it might work.
I just use workbench to export schema
that should do it fine for you if it does what I think... it creates your database?
Indeed it creates a table.
( it's part of the oh so awesome Laravel framework ( Wich is hated by most people in this channel) .
aha! That's all you need then, if you'll stick to that framework. Commit anytime you change that and tada! updated db
@iroegbu Add it to your composer.json?
@Machiel That's manually?
Server specs;::
Apache or Ngnix

Are there some things you would have installed on a local dev server? Vagrant?
@Duikboot That's true, but so far I know the only way.
@Duikboot You could use vagrant as a local dev server, but if you've already got that installed and want to use that as a local dev server, you do not require Vagrant
@JoeWatkins damn, typo, send a bug to be pulled? can i cancel the pull request?
@DaveRandom heeelp :))
@Fabien I think the worst business will be over in two weeks or something like that
Machiel are you dutch? { Your name sounds dutch }
@Duikboot Yes I am
@PeeHaa Got a notice period though?
@Machiel I just created a namespace for the file and added to composer.json. I wish I could add without going the namespace route
@CSᵠ Just push the fix to your branch and the PR should be updated
@iroegbu You added a namespace in a PHP file?
It should say on the PR page something along the lines of "You can update this PR by pushing to the branch <your un>/<branch_name>"
@Machiel yep
SwiftMailer doesn't use namespaces, check this composer.json file: github.com/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/blob/master/composer.json
"autoload": {
        "psr-0": {
            "pagination": "vendor/"
@CSᵠ you can also safely squash the commits in that branch to keep the PR tidy, as long as no-one has based anything on your fix branch
(git rebase --interactive)
@iroegbu Im drawing a sketch but some steps need to be cleared out a bit more. When I start a new project. >> then I just create a new folder on the webserver or how is that working most of the time?
@Fabien Yeah three weeks
@Machiel Thanks
i'll need a crash course in git\
^ there is a great free book =]
@Duikboot depends on how you want it... I could create repo in bitbucket then pull that to local machine and start work.
anyway you like.
@andho tyvm
Yeah but then you are talking about the project.
@PeeHaa Thinking min 5 weeks then I guess unless you preemptively strike!
I mean about the hostname configuration structure when using a server.
that's a different thing all together I guess
@Fabien Something like that yeah
I have server on DigitalOcean
I set up my hostname and thingy normally then create repo as well... when I have stable build of whatever I'm doing I just update server version
It's kind a weird when you do local change you 'pull your project to the server' in git.
Not even with a 10 foot pole would I touch this (Warning: PHP Redditers)
@Fabien Thanks for reminding me this song: youtube.com/watch?v=N_51zmirRO8
Anyone recommend any libraries for mobile detection in PHP?
@TOOTSKI Yo nigger
Ah, same thing :)
:P dang
@PeeHaa Might need to watch that, someone just looked over my shoulder and said "wtf chat room are you in", looks kinda bad to outsiders :/
Why bad?
@DaveRandom Should I have tagged it ? :P
yo bitach!
Who you calling niga biaaaaatch!?
East Side 4 Life
@PeeHaa I believe you should have said "good morning fine sir, how be you on this fine morning? I trust you are in no way racially biased as always?"
@DaveRandom Sorry, we forgot someone is actually working from here.
we suck at this....
God I opened pandoras box :D
@DaveRandom :-)
morning @bwoebi
@CSᵠ you can close pr on github yeah ...
@DaveRandom It's all about the reverse bluff. Say it would be racist to exclude a race from jokes just because of their race.
@Fabien So it's open season on Englishmen with French names then, is what you're saying
morning others ...
morning Joe
@DaveRandom Sure is :D
Good thing I am not English.
@Fabien FOREIGNER!!! deport him, deport him, deport him, deport him
lol. Do they do deportations to Wales?
@JoeWatkins I'm having fun fixing phpdbg bugs… are you testing phpdbg? :-)
user image
@bwoebi I saw, haven't done any php yet today, I'm waiting for fpm to crash lol ... so will be and will do ...
@Fabien They should deport the entire of Wales back Basque country, where they belong
anyone have any script that can help with pagination... mine is old and looks crappy.
Actually maybe if they just do Swansea on a trial basis
@JoeWatkins why do you want fpm to crash!?
I don't want it to ... ever used fpm in production ?? crashes all the time, it's terrible software by the way .... we got zend_mm_heap corrupted randomly in logs, intend to find out why ...
never used fpm… why do you use it?

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