I get Illegal Instruction: 4 errors with binaries compiled with GCC 4.7.2 under Mac OS X 10.8.2 ("Mountain Lion"), when those binaries are run under Mac OS X 10.7.x ("Lion") and earlier versions. The binaries work properly under Mac OS X 10.8.x.
I added -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 to my compile fl...
> The "illegal instruction" message is simply telling you that your binaries contain instructions the version of the OS that you are attempting to run them under does not understand.
so that answer definitely tells you how it's possible
@JoeWatkins try running the phpdbg binary (no args) and write "ev get_defined_vars()" a few times. Sometimes I get empty output, sometimes output which is cut at the top and/or at the bottom…
hello, how to print this <p align="justify">The South Beach Wine &amp; Food Festival is here once again!&nbsp;Is a four-day in normal html, I tried htmlspecialchars, end echo directly I got <p align="justify">The South Beach Wine & Food Festival is here once again! Is a four-day destination
Check out this article...
Personally, I use all of those that he lists there...
PHP Metrics - Provides general overview and graphics of quality, according to different metrics like Maintenability Index, Halstead's metrics, Coupling or Cyclomatic complexity.
PHP Code Sniffer - Basically ensures...
I tend to solve it with a message queue and most of the time NodeJS - but that's only when I can avoid rewriting code in javascript, or any other language for that matter.
@ircmaxell Are you referring to the part where I mentioned rewriting the code base partly in another language, or the part where I am unable to run a decent daemon?
My array looks like this. I need to make a new array that holds all member id's with total of all work done. What is the best way to do this? I first made a new array that was simply user id with all work in an array inside it, but I dont know if thats the best route
[0] => stdClass Object
[member_id] => 319563
[work] => 0.25
@bwoebi It's not that it is hard, I usually tend to run in more problems writing my daemons in PHP than for example Node or even Java sometimes. But perhaps I should reflect that on myself instead the language.
@JacobRaccuia You mean like this? $workDoneByMember = array(319563 => 0.25); ?
@ircmaxell I have never seen the array_reduce function before. what you have done makes perfect sense, but doesn't return anything. I'm troubleshooting it as we speak. I could technically just use a foreach for this as well, I think
I have one user class which holds all sort of data. there is a login function inside the class, which is executed by login.php and if the entered parameters (email, pass) have a match, then it gets all sort of info from the db regarding that user and puts it into public variables within the class. I then access those public variables from outside. However, I was able to access those variables up until the login page and when move forward to another page, I can no longer access them.
A quick print_r returns those variables values as empty.
Please, always be explicit about your initial value with reduce. If you want the initial value to be the first item in your list then extract it out and pass it.
As I know, PDO_MYSQLND replaced PDO_MYSQL in PHP 5.3. Confusing part is that name is still PDO_MYSQL. So now ND is default driver for MySQL+PDO.
Overall, to execute multiple queries at once you need:
PHP 5.3+
Emulated prepared statements. Make sure PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES is set to ...
@LeviMorrison My workflow is basically, I don't merge to master unless it's a release; I have a develop branch, off of which I create feature branches. I had 2 feature branches, and some core stuff on the develop branch. I was looking at my untagged initial commit in the GUI, right-clicked, "Add Tag". Now, both feature branches vaporized exist with no files.
I was assuming that since this file is being included in another file and that file already includes the inc.php file, then this file would automatically get access to it too. It didn't, so I thought I will just do a require_once on this file too. Guess what, still didn't work
Whats the best function to take an ID inside a multidimensional array and set that as the new key? so if its array[1] = array(id => 1234, name => 'jacob'), I'd end up with array[1234] => array(name, jacob); I know I can foreach and create a new array that holds the values, but again, I don't think this is optimal
I have a class called "User" which essentially is a database that retrieves from a mysql db and contains info about the user, like name, age etc. However, I am having a problem regarding one of the public variables inside the class. The following is my code:
login.php (runs after user submits fo...
@NikiC I am not quite sure that I understand you correctly, but I think you are thinking of something different.
class SLinkedList {
public $head;
public $tail;
function __construct() {
$this->head = $head = new SHeadNode();
$this->tail = $tail = new STailNode();
Thank you guys, know what you're talking about, currently there are no "too long" methods, most of them are few lines, but some are even 100, the things that were complicated, but there wasn't time to make it simpler. Now, the goal for initial refactoring was set to half year (in time) and everyone agreed it's doable.
Boss said it's better we break deadline than go back to fixing a lot.
yes, all okay, like I said nothing to report, I wasn't doing anything super complex, just walking through code ... are you gonna spend some time in windows testing, because I have no reason to be there ...
Hmm, I wonder... why PHP manual doesn't have a separate page listing all the format characters for date/time functions? They're all the same, but right now, it is listed in the documentation for date().