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You can only see Bjori, and he's like maintaining it for 10 years.
Marcus Boerger is good people, he replied when I asked something 'bout re2c.
> Streams Abstraction Layer Wez Furlong, Sara Golemon
Ah, it's because they generate the page from phpcredits.
I mean, they both work for Facebook ^^
> Date/Time Support Derick Rethans
"Social" networking \o/
This should be the on top.
This chat has some very weird formatting.
This chat has some very weird people.
AdultFriendFinder ftw
... I just earned
I haven't answered a JS jQuery question in years now, I think.
It's nice that Facebook bought Oculus Rift though.
I just showed up after checking SO to see if a problem with my PHP was answered in another question (it was) and I saw I earned that privilage.
I doubt Facebook will do anything good with Oculus Rift or they will just cancel it.
@bwoebi I've written up a comment about that several times and always ended up not posting it.
@bwoebi Word, I really hate these comments from brainwashed people.
My recommendation: stop posting projects to r/php. If its any good it should be able to make r/programming.
@webarto and then these comments get 10 upvotes :-(
Alternate recommendation: don't click on anything in r/php that is along the lines of "Here's my project."
@webarto I believe you have php.net karma, right?
@LeviMorrison Yes, yes.
@webarto brainwashed is the correct word…
I'd appreciate it if you could find some time to go through php.net bugs and see if you can fix any of them.
Anyone volunteers to brainwash these people again… but now to hate these comments?
That list is far too large.
Any of them that deal with php.net (not a subsite of any kind).
@LeviMorrison Bookmarked, I will, really miss it, I started new job and have to prove myself, I was lean on last one because I was there for 2 years and wasn't much work :)
Ok, noted.
No worries.
Not sure if I can filter that list down somehow.
Would be nice to limit them just to php.net proper.
Actually php.net got me my job, I was looking at mirrors page, and find myself a good company :)
Morning Everyone....
My Windows VM BSOD'd, and one of my git repos shit the bed.
> git is kill. no.
> fatal: loose object ... is corrupt
And I left the corrupted branch, checked out master with force; lost the local files.
Oh noes.
Any idea on how to recover @webarto?
$ git checkout develop
error: inflate: data stream error (unknown compression method)
error: unable to unpack 8a356c35b5351783e8f5de518885e48f80d291d2 header
error: inflate: data stream error (unknown compression method)
fatal: loose object 8a356c35b5351783e8f5de518885e48f80d291d2 (stored in .git/objects/8a/356c35b5351783e8f5de518885e48f80d291d2) is corrupt
how many products opencart can handle & beyond what figure magento is suggestable.
@TheLuckyGoof 42
@Gordon 42000 products?
@TheLuckyGoof no, just 42
Fixed it: rm -rf .git
@Gordon stackoverflow.com/a/9250610/1158603 here it is insufficient for 4000 products & sufficient for 75000 products here forum.codejoomla.com/open-source/opencart/…
@TheLuckyGoof see, I was right.
@TheLuckyGoof Generally speaking, these are stupid questions. The only way you can know is if A) the software describes a limit (imposed or suggested) or B) you test it.
So unless OpenCart says "I will run over your family if you try to load more than N objects", or unless you test it until your machine catches fire, there's no way to realistically expect someone to tell you.
@DanLugg scalability wise many go for magento over opencart, so i got this question
@TheLuckyGoof Then go for Magento.
@DanLugg client prefered opencart as he is familiar with the interface but he said it has to handle millions of products
@TheLuckyGoof I'm not going to lie, your client is probably wrong about the number of products.
If I had a nickel for every time a client said to me "Yea, this database needs to handle upward of 300 million users", I'd have several nickels.
its can be compared to ebay with different business model
Then they shouldn't be using Magento.
Or OpenCart.
True, but client wants in short time, I failed 2 convince him 2 agree to any framework or core.. (my bad time started)
@TheLuckyGoof So, they want an eBay clone, for a different business model, up and running in a "short time"?
Look at the comment thread of this answer, the part about nesting ... am I wrong there or what? I can't tell anymore.
The idea I rejected is the fact that a ? b : c ? d : e is not considered nesting.
To me it's nesting because it's really a ? b : (c ? d : e) ... but I'm having a hard time convincing that guy, so perhaps I'm wrong?
The expressions are "nested", but it evaluates as a series.
I dunno, chock it up to semantics.
@DanLugg yeah my manager is particular in delivering this in time, so wanna make a strong note with few valid points. sadly with my exposure I found poor documentation, poor community support & problems in upgrading versions with opencart
@TheLuckyGoof All I can say is, good luck :-)
@Jack I think it's just a matter of how it's read.
But you agree that the expression itself is, in fact, nested right?
good morning
Because if it wasn't nested, it would evaluate both a and c all the time.
They are evaluated in a "nested series", if that makes any sense; evaluating deeper and deeper.
why this is a notice: $f = function($x) use ($f) { }; while this isn't: $g = function($y) use (&$g) { };
@DanLugg thanks, gd day
But one could argue that the if/elseif approach is the same, merely visually different.
It is the same, and it's also nested.
^^ That works.
The fact that you don't see the nesting level in most people's code doesn't make it sequential :)
They're visually serial, but evaluated deep.
Yep, I agree with that.
@AlmaDo Hmm, references, the secret sauce.
I also agree with your stance that "nested" (or whatever) ternaries are garbage sauce.
@AlmaDo Lazy evaluation.
@DanLugg and that means?
@DanLugg Nope, reference on an undefined variable makes it defined but null.
@Jack it's unclear
@AlmaDo ^^
The reference holds the spot until the expression (assignment) is evaluated.
Ugh, that doesn't sound right.
ugm.. could you write an order of actions in case of using reference?
It's 3AM and git fucked me pretty hard.
Indeed, it's like: $a = []; $b = &$a[1]; ... when you print $a you will see one element inside @AlmaDo
@Jack yes. Question: why?
@AlmaDo Because ... references.
Night folks!
@DanLugg night
@Jack poor explanation :D
lol, okay, bed. Check ya in 8 hours-ish.
@AlmaDo Okay, the reason is that a reference will always have a value.
And so, if it points to something that doesn't exist yet, it will make that thing appear.
@Jack but which value? I don't want to know if this is a notice.
this will work:
$g = function($y) use (&$g)
   return $y<=1?$y:$g($y-1)*$y;
The value will be null if it doesn't exist.
while without reference it's a fatal
Because &$g will create $g with a value of null until the function itself is assigned to it.
Once the function is executed it will have the right value.
so with some reason.. it will be executed before assignment? how so?
The first to get evaluated is &$g.
And the evaluation causes $g to be initialized as null.
Then the Closure object is created.
And only then it's assigned to $g.
ugh. so your point is:
1. We create &$g ---> (address name "$g")
2  We assign $g. So address name "$g" became some value
3. Now &$g refer to proper value.
but what about - how $g is used inside function. There it's not assigned yet
But the function is not run during the declaration.
thus, it's not a problem, right?
@AlmaDo Your step 1 is wrong.
The step one is not "we create &$g" ... it's a variable expression.
ok, it's created during expression evaluation ?
so that was what I mean
oh okay
at the end.. reference is explicit way to declare variable? e.g. :
$f = function($y) use (&$g)
   return $y<=1?$y:$g($y-1)*$y;

var_dump($g);//null, no notice
(we'll left behind this sample how reference works)
how do we loop height in decimal, kinda 4 to 7 feet, should go like 4.00 4.01 - 4.11, then start 5.00 to 5.11 and so on, I guess we have to use nested loop right? $height_from=4; $height_from < 7; $height_from+=0.1 but ofcourse it gets stuck at .9
@AlmaDo Oh, just realized I made a small mistake earlier, I thought the function declaration was later assigned to $g =/
So yes, that output makes sense.
@Jack o/
good day :)
hi, @Leri
aaah I did that with nested loops, not sure if its optimum
@Jack huh?
for ($height_from=4; $height_from < 7; $height_from++) {
	for ($i=0; $i < 12; $i++) {
		echo $height_from.'.'.sprintf("%02s", $i).'<br>';
Oh, who's back! @Mr.Alien, how are you?
@Mr.Alien Magic numbers, yay!
@Leri yea long time, am good :) what about you....
@Mr.Alien Doing great. For the first time I published something on store. Also looking for new job.
@Leri yea, wanted to loop and assign selected attribute, programming local search for website which requires height from and to..
@Leri woah, gratz....is that the chat app you were programming? give me link..
@Mr.Alien No, chat app is for job. I've just published chrome extension. Here's the link
@Mr.Alien you can do it with one loop
@Leri that is so useful.. :D
@Mr.Alien Not sure if serious or just troll. -.-
@AlmaDo yup, am aware that the code is not optimum but I can't get my head around to exceed the float to .11
@Leri nah am serious, will download to test...
and you can do that without loop, I think (;
@AlmaDo O_O
@AlmaDo Hmm? You don't understand that I make mistakes? :)
@Mr.Alien Thanks. I'm going to redesign it. After that will do little marketing. :p
@Jack all that was said seems logically ok. Point where is the mistake
@JoeWatkins It's also mind blown that you have no time for phpdbg :-(
@Leri let me know if you need some hand with CSS...
@bwoebi I'm getting to it ... also, stop ...
how recommendable is this "Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages (Pragmatic Programmers)" chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=14611#14611
@Mr.Alien Sure. I am planning to make it open source. So I'll link when I will.
@Leri sure
@JoeWatkins actually beta1 is not yet tagged… might be nice to get that new feature in before beta…
yes it will, but I do have many projects and a job and a family, I don't need to be reminded that I have projects to work on, I'll do it when I have the damn time ...
@JoeWatkins I understand… it's just annoying to have to wait weeks…
for ($height_from=4; $height_from < 8; $height_from++) {
for ($i=0; $i < 12; $i++) {
echo $height_from.'.'.sprintf("%02s", $i).'<br>';
if($height_from.'.'.sprintf("%02s", $i) == '7.00') {
How do you refactor this ^^^
@bwoebi you mean it hasn't occured to you that I am waiting to work on it ?? think I want to get up at 7am and have to think about pthreads bugs ... no, no I don't, i have to prioritize, however unfair it feels to you to be waiting for a code review, the guy stuck with a pthreads bug in software he doesn't have a clue about is in a much worse position ... chill, I am waiting to work on it too ...
@Mr.Alien for ($height_from = 4; $height_from < 7; $height_from++) { ... }
Oh wait, is that a break of the inner loop only?
Dear God, why?
@JoeWatkins which issue id?
I introduced a stupid leak on the last release
@Mr.Alien Mother of brute force?
and 274, which must have been there for ages ... but no one ever uses trait ... we can prove it :D
@Jack for won't output 7.00 also break to stop iterate .01-11
oh, you fixed #272 already…
@Leri lol, I don't get any other way, I'll try to refactor that
the point is I'm getting to it, every day I get up and try and use the hour before I have to start work to be productive, nobody is using phpdbg yet so naturally it comes last ...
@JoeWatkins and nobody will use phpdbg if xdebug already fits all their needs… watchpoints are the first really unique feature of phpdbg I think…
I'm not so sure ...
went down well at phpuk ...
I never talked to davey before his talk, he said it was advanced and fully featured ... I'm not in competition with xdebug and nor are you, those people who are bound to ide's will probably continue to use xdebug until phpstorm do something about it, real programmers however will enjoy the use of a real debugger, like every other language since the beginning of time has had ...
hm, you might be right…
the video is on youtube of his talk if you wanna see it ...
@JoeWatkins hehe, but I'm not so good in listening to English… if there's occasionally some transcript, I'd like to read it though…
Good morning
@Jack looks clean..
youtube.com/watch?v=zX_U5mymWAg from 10 minutes ... his language is no more complex than the written english you comprehend when communicating with me or niki or ircmaxell ...
good meurning¨
I have a subdomain alpha.mydomain.com is it a bad practice to develop website on alpha.mydomain.com/mysite or is it better to do: mywebsite.alpha.mydomain.com ?
The first seems saner.
i store my websites on one domain. It's not a good idea to create domain dependent website
Oh, I was thinking the second one. It's for a ##$@!@ Wordpress##@! site but I should be thinking already about migrating to another domain.
@JoeWatkins that's not the problem, but I have hearing aids… and listening to a language I hear very rarely is more difficult to me…
<-- has also hearing aids \o/
oh I didn't know that
@webarto nice way to start the morning :)
morningi all
@JoeWatkins now you know it… but I'll try…
@JoeWatkins is the screen intentionally blurred? :)
actually I'm alone at home so I can make sound louder…
do you not have utilities to hear sound from PC/TV better ?
It's interesting how use is being regarded as importing something ;-)
the word says what it does ...
so phpdbg or dbg SAPI

this is a toss up for my favourite feature in 5.6

basically its a new server api that sits alongside cli etc

and it's a standalone gdb like debugger

so you just run it from the command line and you can start debugging code ...

it's not an extension, so if you used xdebug or zend dbg it's doesn't work in the same way, it's not part of the standard ... if you're using apache for example it's not in that process space, it is standalone which is really important to understand
^@bwoebi there ya go...
did you just write that or did that come from a tool? ;-)
I wrote it
wow :) okay
+1 for helping persons with hearing probs
@JoeWatkins nice, thank you :-)
me work now, I'm getting to it ... I wanna work on it too ... ;)
Man, I'm definitely going to use SPLAT everywhere >D
I learned something this morning ... whatever that person in court is doing with a typewriter, they are not writing what is being said, fingers do not move that fast and keyboard won't put up with it ...
in the Netherlands, they are using an adapted keyboard which allows you to write faster then the standard keyboard
but when using standard keyboards, the text isn't 100% to what it got said, true
Yeah, they type phonetics or sth.
I type pretty fast, they must not be using normal keyboards, didn't think of that ...
I can't imagine a keyboard that is going to make it as fast as you need to be .... and he got interrupted, how could they keep up with a lawyer going on and on and using big words ... impossible ...
An adapted keyboard? With colors etc?
I think they are either wizards, or out of work authors ... probably working on their own stuff ...
Yeah, it has like 22 keys
@KarelG And you are from the Netherlands?
how could you deconstruct the language and put it back together so quickly ?? it must be a very very rough transcription of what is said ... that makes it even harder surely ...
@Duikboot : i'm from Flanders, Belgium
i've already seen that you are a dutch person, judging your name :p
That's what he want you to believe :D
well, that's clever ...
Karel Gonnissen ;p says google.
@JoeWatkins Yeah, too bad you can't do programming with it, though heh
yeah was looking ...
due of belgian standards, i've an azerty right now. Really not suitable for programming ... be happy with your qwerty >.>
there is punctuation though ...
Woah, didn't realize that HHVM can do inline XML ... crazy
php can do inline html ...
what ?
In code
oh I don't care, I'm bored of it already ...
Like, $x = <li />;
i wouldn't do that, it might confuse ppl
ReactPHP is getting good attention ... nice :)
I learned myself QWERTY instead of Azerty.
well ... why is that even good ?? didn't we spend since the beginning of time trying to get people to separate concerns ?? ... bored, I don't see the point in it and I'm sick of it being shoved down my throat like it's the best thing since sliced bread ...
@JoeWatkins that's why i called it crazy heh
i can use both qwerty as azerty without props
@JoeWatkins I fully agree…
nobody went apeshit went any of the other implementations came along ... why do we care about this one ... we don't, or shouldn't and I won't ...
How about dvorak?
although i prefer dvorak
@Jack : ninja !
Never used dvorak.
Hey… You forgot the nice QWERTZ ;-)
Anyone have experience with taking 2 parts of a streamed file which is base64 encoded and sticking it back together?
you should have replied with "you can ask it to google, the master of bots"
@bwoebi I traded my quertz for a querty :)
on a quertz all the symbols you need are in such weird places...
@Patrick actually, that depends on the language you usually write ;-)
@Mr.Alien well, I'm back. About loop.. you may just use
echo join('<br/>', array_map(function($x)
   return sprintf('%.02f', 4+floor($x/12)+$x%12/100);
}, range(0, 47)));
so you don't need any loop
@AlmaDo hidden loops are still loops…
@bwoebi yeah, they are :p
@Mr.Alien You around?
made an update for my PHP example code
which one do you guys prefer:
or gist.github.com/teresko/8360b1a0866b3ea93687 <- this is the new version
@Leri yap
@tereško you're kidding us by asking that :-D
@AlmaDo freak that's alien code to me, looks interesting but not sure how that really works... will try to get my head around
I think the second one is a bit less scary
@bwoebi I need a code example for "how would you fix this code?" task for the interviewee
I feel that the first one is way too discouraging
yeah, then take the new version, it looks just more realistically
@Mr.Alien how that is possible that alien's code isn't clear to you ?
any improvements, that you would suggest ?
nobody uses so much global in objects… but there might be in procedural code etc.
why are you still using mysql() functions ? :|
@KarelG It's to test someone else
@bwoebi they actually do .. you obviously are not reading the + stream
@tereško mysql_ ? ugh..
(just noticed it)
morning btw
the second one is clear, but less challenged imo
@Mr.Alien I made project public: github.com/leri/Easy-Replace
@AlmaDo you are aliens to me as am to you :p
Well, I am sorry for awful javascript.
@Mr.Alien this is simple. just iterate and get integer part together with fractional
@Leri starred, will take a look at that once I reach home..
@Leri : why aren't you using prototypes ? Would make some things easier i assume
@AlmaDo what does 4+ do there
@Mr.Alien because you want interval [4..7] not [0..3]
@tereško actually apart from a lot of bad practices I can just spot one single mistake there?
Is anyone aware of an actual tool that will say which .conf files are loaded by Apache?
@bwoebi actually there is one
the inner if (!email) will never be true
@Mr.Alien Cool. Thanks. ;)
@AlmaDo ohhkk, @Leri anytime :)
now I need to add few syntax mistakes, for peopl who do not see it as "bad"
@tereško well, then there are two…
what else did I miss?
@tereško if you gave the new one to me I would assume that you don't even use OOP in your company. For that reason I liked the class better
@KarelG I.e. why I created Element when I could add functions to dom element?
@tereško You're also trying to include there not_found.php</xml> file
@Patrick Some companies don't use OOP :P
(precedence of include operator)
@bwoebi i know
that is intentional
@HamZa yes and you probably don't want to work for them ;)
@Patrick I did internship at one company :)
while you want to weed out the bad prospects, you also don't want to turn the good ones away
last summer
@tereško btw. I'd change the order of the $email if statement
that would make the "AND" to become an genuine error
if ($email = has_valid_email($email) && orderExists($id))
but I like and there ... it adds bad taste in my mouth
and make has_valid_email return some value you need later
@tereško ; go sign in @bwoebi for the vacature
@AlmaDo mhm.. That's still looping just not in the userland.
@Leri tsss
it returns the email address, if it is "valid-ish"
@tereško what about codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/23621 :P ?
oops, confused orderExists and the other func
No PRs for phps.io... I'm disappointed in Room 11.
hi, @Fabien
morning, @Fabien @salathe
Double ping. Yay!
^that's why I'm using array_map() for that
@HamZa : good reads. didn't knew about that Q
@tereško maybe add also some sql-keyword unescaped as field in the query
@KarelG there's always good reads on SE :P
@bwoebi table name already is unescaped
@KarelG You will like this answer, read the question first :P
@tereško I'm blind… well… I hope your interviewee can try it on the computer and doesn't have just a whiteboard
@tereško How much did it hurt to write out that code?
Also, morning
@tereško and don't forget the include $_GET["page"].".php";
@HamZa : nice one. i didn't knew that though
/learned something

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