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@tereško I just wish stormpath had a decent API... they go around doing talks about it and the API itself sucks :-(
guys what do you think of domain objects that also sanitize data? not just validate it?
like idk a simple trim() on a string
if you put all your code in one file, is that just unneeded micro-optimization?
in response to this question -> stackoverflow.com/questions/22649612/…
@Wes meh - destructive operations going on
yeah? why?
@Wes sanitizing swallows data
I wouldn't give data to an object if I know it's gone forever :P
but maybe it's just me
let's say i want to store that data in a varchar column, it would be trim()ed anyway
I'm having something like that in a current project that has domain objects containing an input filter
no, it wouldn't be trimmed
you'd get a DB-level exception :)
because you run in strict mode, don't you?
i didn't even know :P does such thing exist in mysql?
anyway that was just an example... i'm talking about not actual data loss, but just data "normalization"
@Wes normalization is a destructive operation
well, in this case
but i could consider it part of the actual data domain... like casting a int to a float. makes sense? :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol, nice
Hello guys , any one have idea for my sql nested cursors stackoverflow.com/questions/22640228/…
I've written select distinct name,category_id but its returning
[0] => Array
[name] => Pickle
[category_id] => 64

[1] => Array
[name] => Sweets
[category_id] => 59

[2] => Array
[name] => Sweets
[category_id] => 59

[3] => Array
[name] => Sweets
[category_id] => 59
how do i avoid this?
@TheLuckyGoof - Please post your query too.
@Rikesh Thanks I solved it by some poetry with array's unique & keys
Cool :)
1 hour later…
Hi guys..
anybody there?
@tereško :(
what is with the floods here !?
@tereško floods???
flood of javascript , html and all other type of "not php" crap
<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'] === 'submit'))
@CJRamki That isset does not make any sense
yay .. I had forgotten one could do that
morning room
I have a problem, can anyone help?!
is it ok guys...??
Post a question. :)
i'm dynamically adding text boxes using jquery...
i'm using my text box name like, "dynamic[]"
when i'm getting value after form submit in php, it shows only the first value
Array ( [dynamic] => Array ( [0] => first input )
any one can help?
see the network tab in the inspector
make sure that the request, that goes to your server, actually contains any values
btw, morning, @Achrome
Morning @tereško.
in parameters
dynamic[]	first input
submit	sumbit
in source
then problem is with your form
There's your problem
inspect the form's HTML
look at what you made with jquery
probably your form doesn't end up looking as you expected
any alternative solution to achieve this?
aside from looking at forms HTML code ... hmm .. have your tried divining by chicken entrails, @CJRamki
@tereško sorry... I can't understand...
did you looks at the HTML code, which is produced by your javascript ?
@tereško in view source?
only one element...
"view source" contains the snapshot of the original HTML, as it is before any modifications are done using JS
to see the "current HTML" you have to inspect the form using firebug/dragonfly/inspector
@tereško yeah its added...
i checked in firebug...
it is showing dynamically created elements.
then try to make it valid HTML, and check again
I hope you are aware that IDs must be unique per page
i'm not using id attribute in that input element
did you mean hard code those dynamic elements with name contains "[]"?
yeah... i checked... its working with static elements...
you are cloning the whole row , which includes <input type="button" id="add_rmv" class="addrmv" value="+">
@tereško yes...
good mornings
how did your story telling go yesterday?
@tereško got any idea on my issue?
@iroegbu fuck you too
musta been a nightmare
@JoeWatkins Sorry for disturbing. Have you ever worked with jboss?
@Leri long ago, yeah, why''s that, what you doin ?
no one faced this issue in your experience ???
@JoeWatkins Thinking of applying for a job and that's one of their requirements.
@Leri it's no more of a headache than any other enterprise java software, it's all much of a muchness ... it's not fun, doesn't do anything cool, isn't particularly performant ... so standard java kit ...
@JoeWatkins Thanks for review. Well, since I have not done any j2ee stuff, I think I won't apply for this vacancy. :)
morning @Leri @JoeWatkins
@AlmaDo Morning.
A: Is each php require a separate request?

Joe WatkinsAs the first comment mentions; requests are only served in response to clients; none of the language constructs of PHP should be described as requests. A cache improves performance by usurping those parts of Zend normally responsible for loading files from disk, such that if possible the compila...

wtf is that comment ?
@JoeWatkins while that dv is a bullshit - you forget to mention that additional request may appear if require/include will be done to remote host. But that request will have nothing to do with original client's request, of course
@JoeWatkins +1 imho, you should be mentioning op cache rather than just cache. Because the latter is pretty vague. For example, you might have custom configuration so that server caches output from previous request and sends it without even invoking zend.
morning, @PeeHaa
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand yes people I officially made it (nobody would have thought) as of today I am officially an old fuck
so your birthday? and you're 30? :p
@PeeHaa my condolences
congrats @PeeHaa
chaps, we can talk about opcode caches all day long and understand each other, read the question, he's not a programmer, doesn't really know what anything is, a simple understanding of what constitutes a request would have done, but the nutter who answered the question first brought up caching in a confused way, so I was clarifying confusion and answering the question ... I don't want to make it too complicated for the OP to understand ...
happy birthday @PeeHaa ... smoke a fat one for me :D
ah yeah, call it an opcode cache ... done that ...
and I am off to the office cyas
well, then I can't say nothing (:
user image
@JoeWatkins As a general rule, I consider future readers as well when answering questions here. If I feel I can answer so that OP will understand and also it will be useful for future readers I don't answer at all. Also when OP states that s/he is not experienced I try to give them keywords they can read up on later.
Thanks all!
@tereško That is exactly how I feel ;)
@PeeHaa Can you implement this interface: interface PeeHaa { public function getAge(); } ? :p
^ we all are implementing it :p
@AlmaDo We all are instanceof PeeHaa? :D
@Leri no... PeeHaa is child of another class :p
like we all :p
Well, even if everyone and their dog write a PHP engine implementation, at least maybe we'll end up in a situation where we have a language spec becoming adopted.
... was I ever so naive?
such a shame (:
Honestly, I can't see if php as open source language has future. :)
@tereško Was that at me? :-P
@Leri why so?
Also, so much lol:

WordPress is the new Google.

yesterday, 14 minutes total – 32 messages, 6 users, 11 stars

Bookmarked 14 secs ago by Dan Lugg

@PeeHaa Happy birthday
Happy Old Fart Day @PeeHaa
@PeeHaa Fappy hat day!
@AlmaDo Look at other popular languages.. Most of them are multi-platform and that are not actively going to become one. Also they are consistent in their guidelines.. PHP is not consistent even at API level...
@DanLugg For all that Google is worth, a 'multi-million dollar' company will definitely surpass it, riding the awesome power of Wordpress and farting rainbows into the distance.
@Leri when why is it living since .. um.. '92 ?
@AlmaDo Because it's easy to learn, by which I mean it's easy to mash PHP code into HTML pages.
@AlmaDo Because it's easy to put your nose in.. Startups take it and do some projects with it...
@Achrome I tried to find a "farting rainbows gif", but all I got was Nyan Cat and Rainbow Dash... fuck this world.
PHP is good in doing sh*t. People usually are doing sh*t. Thus, PHP's future is guaranteed
@AlmaDo Guaranteed is a strong word. Let's say "prolonged"
@AlmaDo That's a sound argument
@DanLugg so you believe that there will be time when people will stop doing sh*t? you're an optimist (:
hi, @Fabien
However, people will find a better language to shit on.
Morning @Fabien
is there a language which is better than PHP in doing sh*t? That's a discover..
@AlmaDo That's not an argument. :) And more shit is in language less popular it becomes for large-projects
And don't mention facebook now, please.
Facebook made a mistake for which they have been paying for since 2006
@Leri yet again. So you think that in large projects there's no sh*t? I say: the larger the project - more sh*t it contains! (;
@AlmaDo Perl, you do sh*t in an obfuscated manner. ;)
Hi anyone there?
lol, mentioning Facebook in this context is like the Nazis in Godwin's Law.
@AlmaDo Yeah, but it's project specific sh*t. Language should not be adding more...
^ what is it? E_TOO_LAZY_TO_GOOGLE
Shit can be done in any language, no matter how akin it is to theoretical CS
@Leri it usually does
@Achrome it can (: only the thing that PHP is better in doing it heh
@tereško pmpl ... that too ...
@AlmaDo Not it's arrogant developers's fault. And, yes, they are actively hired by large companies.
hi i need help
$host1 = "xxx.xxx.xxx.219";
$host2 = "xxx.xxx.xx.170";
$port = 9889;

$command = "LR";
$no_of_rules = 3;
$Rules_length = strlen("Ruleone#Ruletwo#Rulethree");
$com_byte_array = unpack('C*', $command);

$message = $command .
pack('S*', $no_of_rules) .
pack('S*', $sequenceNo).
pack('S*', $Rules_length).

$message = $command;
echo "Message To server :".$message."<br/>";
// create socket
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP) or die("Could not create socket\n");
Well, Java/C# are equally badly hated.
this is my code for send request to the server
using port
Because anyone can pick it up and write shit
but its change the port every time i send the request
PHP forks/derivatives do at least one thing for PHP if they don't themselves succeed; and that is act as a living, breathing implementation of features that may be sought after in the PHP community anyway. Consider them massive patches written for unpublished RFCs.
less posts than I thought there would be ...
Received Request From: PortNumber: 54245
@Achrome C# is a good language, Microsoft is a terrible company; make sure that the distinction is clear ;-)
i need to send the request to 8888 port
@Senanayaka Have you asked on the main site?
hmm not
@DanLugg I never said it's a bad language. I just implied that there are a lot of shit devs working on it
there are a lot of shit devs everywhere :p
^ and we should thank them
^ why?
because of theit stupidity our knowledge is valuable and that allows us to receive our salaries (:
@Dan is there anything i should know when i send the request to the ip and port?
@dan im in hurry
@Achrome You can say that literally on every programming language. Everybody can do sh*t. Basically, this is why developers are downlooked.. I don't want to sound rude or anything but I hate being a programmer more than I like it because I am downlooked by society.
@AlmaDo Not always the case though unfortunately :(
@Leri The implementation would like like return 30; hardcoded because...
Sometimes their stupidity is injected in to clients as a trusted opinion.
tnx all!
@PeeHaa Are you drunk yet? Also, why aren't you drunk yet?
@Leri True, but some languages inherently have a larger percentage of shit devs, while some don't.
@Leri downlooked by society??
One new client wanted to get me to build him a website (with small CMS) I gave him invoice and timeframe. He replied saying my fee is 100% higher than others and my timeframe higher than others. I didn't bother replying and then he engaged someone that did his site in WP!
@Patrick Yes. When I mention that I am programmer usual reaction is: sits all day long and gets paid for nothing.
Yea, PHP isn't ruining web dev, WordPress is; apparently it's a contender for big data management.
^ too bad..
@Leri weird... I get different reactions
@Leri that's a good description of my workday :p
@Patrick Well, my country sucks in several ways. I would not be surprised if that was one of them. Anyway, I am glad to hear that.
Might also just be a phrasing thing. If you say "I am an [insertJobHere]" it sounds pretty boring. If you get more specific / explain what you do in layman terms it already sounds better and people get an idea.
hi, @SecondRikudo. I've noticed you're slacking from our room last time :D
@AlmaDo Heh
@iroegbu I quit doing those kind of websites because there's always some genius that will do it "5x faster and cheaper".
ChrisChross is gonna make you...
hmm ... if class is missing, should I return null or throw an exception
.. it seems an exception would be a cleaner approach
@PeeHaa I understood that reference.jpg
@tereško For? Some di thingy?
I would indeed throw an exception in that case
Noob question, composer.json is the pretty much only file that should be edited for the whole thingy?
@webarto Yes
"use-include-path": true ... it was overwriting, and I need it for "backwards compatibility"...
@PeeHaa We should make ChrissCrossVM for PHP
@Danack Yup, that. Just changed it. Thanks.
@PeeHaa Damn straight mofo
I'm namespacing everything, and some things are hard to move atm, hacking to make it work.
@AlmaDo you need to specify the delimiter when using preg_quote() otherwise it's useless
preg_quote($input, '/')
it's not completely useless without delimiter. (it will escape dots as a sample)
but- yes, updated (just in case)
hmmm ok
anyway, I'm late :p
Good morning.

user3462604I need to help for Bengali font embedding with tcpdf correct way. Also i have already create and connect bangla font Kalpurush but it's dose not work properly for connecting character and out put as bellow: Input character:মিঃ রুবেল আলম অক্ষয় but out put not get as per input it will be show ind...

What a hell of a question.
@tereško There're cases when you don't need exception. So, I'd have two methods in container: resolve($arg) //throws exception, tryResolve($arg, &$result) // returns boolean.
I don't always bangla, but when I do I মিঃ রুবেল আলম অক্ষয়
@PeeHaa Happy Birthday! :-)

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