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@reikyoushin ahahahaha
@reikyoushin : :D !! cat got trolled!
@reikyoushin :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
the question is who got to live at the end.. :P
and, for the most recent news.. flappy bird is coming back
@mAsT3RpEE been using it for a while. It's a huge time saver if you want to build something very stable
@Ocramius Nice to know. I normally use travis. But I saw it one day and it peeked my interest. Any advantages? Besides emphasis on analysis of code?
have anyone been able to run behat, mink and selenium on multiple browsers in parallel?
I'm able to run in firefox
but when I run in chrome e.g.:

base_url: 'http://drupal.org'
it opens chrome with the url like this:

instead of only drupal.org
Hello everyone :)
Hi Tomas
I have some question..
I want to load all .js files.

I would like to use glob() but it will load all .js files from one directory only.

Any easy way how to load all? It will browse sub-directories too :)
@TomášAresakMalčánek You could index the folders as well.
Yeah I know but this is not so easy I mean is there easier way? :D
(it's easy but is something easier? :D)
For ex. a function?
@TomášAresakMalčánek Sure, if you can find gandalf the grey.
Use scandir?
Make them symbolic links?
Hmm yeah
I'll try it :) Thanks
@mAsT3RpEE scrutinizer-ci is NOT a replacement for travis. It is just an aid in lowering technical debt
You should always prioritize travis and then work on scrutinizer-ci to clean up your bobo :-)
okay. but thanks. I'll look into it now. good to know it's worth the time.
@mAsT3RpEE setting it up takes some time (couple of hours of "try 'n fail"), but then it's giving you shiny results :)
@Ocramius How do you get project files manged by VBbox hosted localhost?
That is, if you are using Vbox..
> proc_open(): cannot represent a stream of type MEMORY as a File Descriptor
^^ Neat! :-(
@Simon_eQ that's what you get with the normal "bridged" network config
I think it is the same for me, whether I use bridged, host only or NAT.
It gives me some weird .vdi files I don't know what to do with
you don't care about any of that O_o
I'm newbie remember ? :)
I tried to mount the file with powerISO first :)
1 min ago, by Simon_eQ
I'm newbie remember ? :)
@Simon_eQ what exactly are you using there? Why not simply vagrant up?
@Ocramius I only heard about vagrant a couple days ago. I've downloaded it, but still need to know more CentOs. I'm confused. How did people upload their projects before vagrant came up?
I can use/edit/write files and everything works, but the only thing I see is a vdi file.
@Simon_eQ it was a frikken mess :D
and no, using virtualbox manually won't help
just install vagrant, pick a standard ubuntu VM and go
@Ocramius I'm using centos. I've been using it for a month. Why Ubuntu ?
@Simon_eQ mainly because most people using vagrant use that one, which means that you get more support
it doesn't matter much, you can use whatever you prefer from vagrantbox.es if you really want the pain
This is too complicated for a newbie. I've a VPS with tilaa, CentOs 6.5 in it, which I use daily to upload/download files directly from it using filezilla. The problem is using Vb on my machine.
I will just go with the stone age way and get winmount.com
No, you are making it more complex than needed
vagrant init, then edit the Vagrantfile to use a VM from vagrantbox.es, then vagrant up. Then you got access to the VM via vagrant ssh, and the CWD is shared with the VM and mounted at /vagrant
and also, winmount? wtf? O_o
@Ocramius Out of options :)
.vdi images are virtual disk images for virtualbox. You don't even manage them manually, ever
virtualbox is NOT a deployment system, it doesn't build deployable VMs because virtualbox is slow as hell. It's meant for development only
@Ocramius I'm not using it for deployment, but only for a dev environment. Plus, I was told that .vdi is the file where Vbox stores everything.
yes, and you are not even supposed to know where the .vdi file is
except when you filled your PC with pr0n and you need more drive space.
I guess vagrant is worth a try then at the expense of yet another trial and error hours. Btw: I've already downloaded and installed vagrant.
I just got scared of it somehow :)
doing it manually is just a waste of time. You need a tool, you don't need to build the tool :P
@Ocramius nice blog posts, btw!
@hd. I don't blog since aaaaages D:
New reads for me though!
@Fabien while reading the comments, I was unsure if "I was taking masters in SE" mean "Software Engineering" or "Stack Exchange".. :)
Are you prone to pron?
@reikyoushin heh
Does anyone have a screen shot of Bender from the future - before they changed the details?
oh found one:
lol, again?
nah an old one.
Use the #modernIE URL scanner http://bit.ly/1oJtX0T Detect outdated frameworks, common compat issues and more http://t.co/RISHSXO3FQ
Not sure if troll...
But they fixed it so it doesn't look as impressive - github.com/rails/rails/issues/5239
@ircmaxell this is related to getting to 100% code coverage. The lovely people of Reddit didn't agree though.
Not blah?
I mean it makes perfect sense, but it's not related to what I was talking about (coverage for applications vs coverage for dependencies)
Yeah I meant it's of relevance to "getting to 100% code coverage vs doing other stuff that needs doing in a project"
yeah, in a project, ++
hi, guys
I have a Doctrine question - can anyone help?
the issue is with the Doctrine cli
I constantly get access denied for all comands
@t1gor you just posted the same exact question on the doctrine issue tracker
don't spam it around like crazy :P
) sorry, I just really want the answer. Cause it is supposed to make life easier, right? And I can't event configure it ...
^^ because even if he posts it here, it'll still end up to you. hehe
@t1gor Do you understand the problem an ORM like Doctrine solves?
@t1gor first guess: you installed it with a user different from the one trying to run the CLI command
Ocramius - the same user - I am running it manually
@t1gor Try $ ls -l vendor/bin/doctrine
hello All hmmm i have a question I made a Modal with help of css3 modal contains form but after submittion i want to close that modal modal close is like <a href="#close"></a>
why would I need a directory listing?
@Maria That doesn't sound like a PHP question.
@t1gor because it tells what is going on. You are having a problem even before doctrine started running
@t1gor That will allow you to see the permissions for the file, as well as the owner.
@t1gor another possibility is that the php command is not accessible to you
Also, what PHP version are you running?
@second rikudo Submittion is php and after successful submittion i want that
@Maria But that is not a PHP question.
the doctrine file has -rwxrwxr-x, php 5.4.6 under Ubuntu 12.04


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
PHP Version 5.2.3
oh good lord
Anybody here familiar with setting up composer in Netbeans? More specifically how to get it to include vfsstream for my unit tests? It downloaded the package but I can't get it to actually work. Do I need to manually include something in my phpunit bootstrap or anything? The vfsstream docs are kinda minimal.
@Maria did you shovel dust to find that out? :O
@Maria I wasn't asking you, but please drop whatever it is you are doing, and upgrade your PHP version.
hmm i am beginner in that sir learning
@t1gor what about /usr/bin/env php ?
I'm interested, why did you install 5.2 in the first place?
Did you get provided with a download at some tutorial?
lol yes @ocramius not shovel a google search
@second rikudo hmmmm I am doing web designing and development course ONLINE my sir gave me this
@Maria Your sir needs to get punched, tell him we said that.
@Ocramius, not sure what is it you're asking about .. sorry :(
Are you programming on Windows?
I mean /usr/bin/env php -r "echo 'hello world';" - can you run that? — Ocramius 1 min ago
@second rikudo i will consider that as soon as i will complete my this project #faint
@Maria Anyway, the question you asked is a JavaScript question, you close a modal or otherwise interact with a webpage in the browser using JavaScript, not PHP.
@second rikudo yes i tried javascript like that echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location.href = 'http://localhost/ourwork/photoshoot/new.php#close'; </script>";
Second Rikudo what php version i should Use ?
@Maria At least 5.4. Latest stable version is 5.5
Version 5.2 is dead for years.
mine is alive a bit thank God ok Thankx again
@Maria By "dead" I mean discontinued. If a serious bug or security vulnerability is discovered with it, it won't be fixed.
I stand corrected, there are bugs and security vulnerabilities not fixed in 5.2 which are fixed later.
Ah, figured it out. You need to include Composer's autoloader, something that wasn't mentioned in the docs as far as I could see.
@Ocramius - yes, I can ran that - it says hello world. Sorry- got a bit distructed
weird stuff :\
yeap :)
that's why I am here
@t1gor can you manually run ./vendor/doctrine/orm/bin/doctrine?
@Ocramius - yes,
Doctrine Command Line Interface version 2.4.2
so it is likely a composer issue
no real idea why, but you can use that command I gave you reliably
well, thanks any way
if it comes to you - please post in a question
@SecondRikudo i wanna star this. but i can't shouldn't :)
@reikyoushin Why not?
"Because I'm her sir"
@SecondRikudo because dont#7
@reikyoushin Meh, I will allow it :P
@SecondRikudo lol. there you go. :)
Okay, quick phpmd question. Is there a way of explicitly disabling a particular message for a particular method?
I've got a class with a private method that'd invoked indirectly, so phpmd reports it as an unused private method.
It gets invoked by spl_autoload_register (array ($this, 'load'));
load() is the private method?
why not just using a closure?
might be worth a try I guess.
@GordonM Why do you care?
because PHPMD complained about it :)
31 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
@GordonM Why do you care?
I know it's a guideline rather than a rule but couldn't hurt to look into ways of improving it if it's really actually an improvement and not just coding around a warning
Using a closure there would surely make it easier to avoid refactoring breakages
lol, class methods for autoloading is so 2013
ubject relational mapper
g'nyt guys!
Map all the ubjects!
GITHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB! nooooooooooooooo.com
I shall not mix emalloc and malloc!
I shall not mix emalloc and malloc!
I shall not mix emalloc and malloc!
I shall not mix emalloc and malloc!
I shall not mix emalloc and malloc!
I shall not mix emalloc and malloc!
I shall not mix emalloc and malloc!
I shall not mix emalloc and malloc!
Memory cocktail
@bwoebi that's like, totally crazy !!!
@JoeWatkins ya, had a bunch of errors on this while efree()'ing things which might be malloc()'ed or emalloc()'ed ^^
i am having a problem with this . paste.jesse-obrien.ca/ug
let me know if you can solve
@nick wow $ids = 2,3;
@HamZa ya.. :P
@nick are you sure it's fine ?
@HamZa : what is?
@nick the first line
@nick Variables are not replaced in single quoted strings
ohh.. my bad...
that was wrong.. but that was a typo.. there may be typos elsewhere.. but the main problem is my lastline..
ignore typos.
but the script is broken in many ways, sql selects should not be in a loop.
@ThW Actually he forgot the single quote in "SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE barcode in ($barcode)'"
@nick enable error reporting, fix the typos and then try to figure out what's wrong. If the foundation is crap, then you can't go further
@HamZa : ok
i will get back to you then. after a few minutes.
@bwoebi yeah that'll happen :D
@JoeWatkins cause: asprintf uses malloc internally…
<- emalloc equiv iirc
@JoeWatkins no, that one needs an already allocated buffer.
@Achrome badly designed DOM oO
Badly designed everything.
@bwoebi check again ...
that dude is ruddy crazy, thats the one always coming up with 40 ideas a week ...
and 39.9% of them are horrifically bad...
and 99.9% of them aren't implemented ...
like the change he snuck in adding a pair of new functions? Without asking or telling? WTH?
@ircmaxell God bless you, your brain and your families. This is very helpful and used follow — user3057514 19 mins ago
aww, nice when someone takes the time to say thanks ;)
because they didn't have to ... the vast majority don't ...
yeah, it makes some of the other crap worth while
@ircmaxell I'm just going to read through all your answers and +1.
I have a website that requires the user to login with his email. I was wondering if it is good to let the user being able of updating his email adress? Should this update changes his login credentials to ?
Sry..my quetions is kinda bad
@Marc-AndréFecteau That essentially depends on the scope of your website. Networking sites generally allow you to change/update your email, while most localized content sites would not. And yes, if you are allowing the user to update his email, it must reflect as a change in his/her login credentials as well for the sake of completeness and correctness of the solution.
@Achrome Well it's just that I dont know what is good or no good. Like I think facebook doesn't allow a user to change his email adress but you can link your account to a second email adress..
@JoeWatkins then what's that max_len parameter?!
@ircmaxell at least he PR'ed first
oh okay
anyway… good night
truncates looks like ...
nite :)
@HamZa fixed everything except the second query is giving some trouble.. it says it can't find column... i don't know what's wrong.. paste.jesse-obrien.ca/un
@nick The error message says exactly what you need to know
@HamZa i don't understand the mistake.. did i make another error in syntax
@nick " it can't find column", are the names correct ? Please triple check
@HamZa i checked 50 times .. and now it's not showing any error and it's also showing nothing.. just a blank page.. not even echoing the last line.. but before the second query i did the print_r for barcode and it displayed both of them correctly..
so there's something wrong with the second query.. but the table and column name is fine.. i checked it again..
@nick Try to use $barcode = join('","', $barcode);
@HamZa and can you tell me why it has worked.?
@nick did it ?
@nick Try to echo $sql and check your query out. See what was wrong
@HamZa That looks like potentially dangerous code :)
@Jack I just fixed a typo, so tell me how dangerous it is :P
Btw what do you guys think of this ?
Q: Multiple languages in website

claudioI'm developing a website that will have support for 16 different languages(bengali, korean, japanese, arabic, hebrew...) and in some machines, some of these languages are displayed as squares. I've checked the encoding of the page and everything seems to be working as it should, the headers are b...

I think it's the client's responsibility to properly configure their computers
@HamZa That code in combination with the word 'query' set off the alarms for me, actually :)
@Jack such Jack, wow. I get it :)
@HamZa y u no propose prepared statements for that?
@Jack I lost my sanity. I'm working on a WP site now sigh
WP does that to you heh
1 min ago, by Jack
@HamZa y u no propose prepared statements for that?

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