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oh.. *tumbleweed*
@AshwinMukhija Howdy
Groggy. Need some coffee. You?
woah.. people! :P
@AshwinMukhija Doing pretty good. Got the dog calmed down so enjoying the peace and quiet
@cspray What happened to your dog?
@AshwinMukhija Nothing he was just excited from the walk and play time
@reikyoushin Hai
@AshwinMukhija what's up?
Just woke up
Went through the review grind.
I cannot find a java room.. Is there a javaman here??


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
2 hours later…
4 hours ago, by reikyoushin
oh.. *tumbleweed*
Hi all
Is someone here who knows Smarty?
This is my question:
just ask.. although this room is dead for a few hours already..
I won't be able to help you though (a bit busy right now), sorry..
is just the wrong syntax.
I think it should be more like: $options_value[$correct_option]
Hi @Danack, it's nice to see people around again. :P
meh - insomnia.
@PHPLover tbh I don't recommend doing stuff that is that complicated in Smarty. It's be so much more maintainable as a small function.
@Danack:Actually it's all about printing one associative array and it's working pretty much finely for me. The only issue I'm facing is in printing Correct answer for each question. If you go to that code only it will be enough to detect the issue. So no need to study the entire bunch of code.
As it's written, it's a function that is 100 lines wrong. If you can't see why that's a problem, then I'm not going to be able to persuade you. Anyway it's just a syntax error I think - $options_value[$correct_option]
2 hours later…
anyone here? I have some PHP question to ask :'(
probably something simple (I feel stupid)
but the room has been inactive for 2 hours ...
I have a form like this pastebin.com/c0tCVcH0
for people to send email through the contact page
how would i set a php variable to equal a javascript variable
this is send_contact.php pastebin.com/peCuD7Nu
But the emails received are empty ... subject, message & header are all empty strings
what did I do wrong?
@sudorm-rfTelkitty well where are you setting your variables?
5 mins ago, by sudo rm -rf Telkitty
I have a form like this http://pastebin.com/c0tCVcH0
your not pulling the data from the form and setting it to your variables in the php.
Is there an online tutorial which I can follow?
around which line?
basically what happens is when you you click on the submit button your posting the form data then you use the php to grab the post data
@JoshC. you can't.. not directly anyway. you should first understand the difference of client side and server side.. unless this is an XY problem. what are you trying to do anyway?
$subject = $_POST['subject']
@reikyoushin ive saw some things talkin about hidden fields and $_get
@reikyoushin form that when you select a variable on the top it changed the variable of in the next select statment
@JoshC. js needs to submit to the server first so you would be able to pass the var to PHP, PHP renders it then it could reply to you/client (for example via ajax)
@JoshC. can you explain this more?
here look at my pastebin and i think it will help explain
@sudorm-rfTelkitty you should do some research about it
@reikyoushin basically id use the onchange event handler but i need to figure out how to set that variable
@JoshC. ahh, you need to pass from PHP to JS?
no i can do that part i need to pass back
var fromPHP = '<?php echo $var; ?>';
something like that?
or onChange, you want to display another set of data?
^ you need ajax here, or on change you change the get parameter (aka redirect the page)
that second select form will be hidden until i select a class
@JoshC. thanks, it's $subject = $_GET['subject'];
@sudorm-rfTelkitty depends on your form settings
@sudorm-rfTelkitty make sure to clean the submitted data.. ;)
@sudorm-rfTelkitty i'm no pro but shouldnt you set your method to post when your doing what you want to do?
because generally you use a get method if your getting data
I didn't write this, someone else did and it is not working
I am fixing it
just my suggestion
will try it ... get one thing working at a time :p
@reikyoushin i dont think i can do a get paramater page redirect
change to post :D and is working except for one last small thing ^_^
good to hear
@JoshC. hmm.. on change redirect to a url (change param)
but usually ajax is better though..
how would i use the ajax
Who knows Disqus?
@JoshC. Why?
@ThW Welcome to the world of nothing!
why what?
Hey all. I've got a small design question. I'm writing some code which displays a small description for a given PHP error code. I'll be adding custom error codes in the future, so I decided to write a small class for "managing" constants.
Never mind, I've got some ideas for an easy workaround.
Hey Christian, what do mean by workaround?
How do you mean manage constants?
There are ways to handle translation strings which work great
does anyone have an idea of how bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=36759 is supposed to work?
I clearly see a scope violation there O_o
yet the test seems to pass in php-src
makes no sense to me :O
What of it doesn't?
the second unset() is probably just a c&p mistake. It shouldn't do anything
Well, it's not throwing a fatal
Maybe some loose checking during __destruct()? If the test is wrong then I'm gladly going to change it
@Ocramius why should it throw a fatal?
it just unsets and undefined property
Mmmmmmmmyeah... I see - mistaken it for a class extending it
@Ocramius change your name to PHP noob :)
@Simon_eQ need new glasses :P
mmm chicken burger breakfast
Now that I think about it, trying to unset undefined var without getting errors is just too... not right!.
@Simon_eQ unset() is quite silent, like isset()
@Ocramius Maybe it's the noobness in me talking, but I don't think it should be like that. After-all these are two different commands.
@Simon_eQ un-setting stuff that isn't set doesn't cause any particular side-effects anyway
One is changing the nature of the var, while the other is checking..

        "class Foo {
        stmts: array(
                "public "
                props: array(
                        "$foo = "
                        default: Scalar_String(
                        "$bar = "
Just managed to turn an AST into something that's nearly a parse tree
Just class/property/etc names don't work well, mostly
Hmm. Do you think this question should be reopened?
Q: Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO

Your Common SenseWhat is this? This is a list of frequently asked questions regarding PHP Data Objects Why is this? As PDO has some features unknown to a regular PHP user, questions regarding prepared statements and error handling in PDO are quite frequent. So, this is just a place where all them can be found...

I hit a stupid road-block... learning wordpress and started a template page.
Template Name: Information Page
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div class="colmask rightmenu">
<div class="colleft">
<div class="col1 main">
<!-- Column 1 start -->
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php the_content(); ?>

<?php endwhile; endif; ?>

<div class="col2 main">
<!-- Column 2 start -->
<!-- Column 2 end -->
do you guys split your data mapper classes in "Reader" and "Writer" ?
@AmalMurali no, the problem with that reference is that it is written by one (highly opinionated person) only. It's not serving as an entry point to the various Q&A we have (as the Operator reference does), nor is it a community effort (as the Error reference is). Also, the topics dealt with are too broad for one question alone.
@Gordon: I see. I saw the discussion about this question on Meta, btw. What's the recommended way to deal with such questions?
@AmalMurali discuss them on meta
I'm asking about the case where an exact duplicate isn't available.
A: PHP method strtotime is not resulting well

RajaRassaniwhat do you think all, should here strtotime() must show an error to come out of it?

return $newDate = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($dt)); dat assignment in the return literally unleashes my strongest OCD
@Gordon During last 30 (or so) days I've got 3 or 4 uv on this answer that seems to be unreasonable. Could you check if everything is legal and nobody is thanking me in an inappropriate way?
lol was about to say the same.
@Leri: Maybe a new question was a closed as a dupe of it. Or maybe the question got linked somewhere. FWIW, it has 6000+ views, so I wouldn't be surprised :)
I just UV'd. I'm innocent. Don't suspend me :P
@AmalMurali Yeah, maybe but there're also other questions with almost the same traffic I don't get why is this any different.
@AmalMurali LOL thanks, but it's just rep-whoring answer I used to post.
@Leri: Was wondering if I should flag this as NAA.
@Leri nothing to be seen
@AmalMurali the point is that probably people got annoyed by that page because there's too much to read, scroll etc. it should be split in different questions imo
1 page = 1 question ftw
@AmalMurali You should. Well, I did anyways. It's clearly a comment.
@Gordon Good to know. Thanks for taking time. ;)
I am thinking writing a post "Stackoverflow bins and design patterns"
@Leri: Was wondering if I should flag this as NAA.
but it will take me an hour or two to get it decently written & I am lazy
@AmalMurali deja vu or copy/paste? :D
Oh lol. I thought the message didn't get posted. I just clicked "Retry". And this is what happened :(
The most obvious is of course the singleton pattern, but abstract factory and template method patterns can be used too.
i want to help on this topic sir,
0 down vote favorite

I have xammp version 1.7 but I want to upgrade it in newest version from command line.

Is there any command to upgrade xammp for ubuntu using command line?
@swap-nil What is xammp? Do you mean xampp?
sir, xampp is a server on which local programs used to run...
@gordon , is there a real purpose for meta?
@swap-nil Do me a favour and don't call me sir, please. It's rather annoying than polite. :)
@sudorm-rfTelkitty yes, for anyone but you :)
ok i want answer of this question...
@swap-nil stop spamming please
when people report small bugs, they don't seem to get fixed, especially when it is something to do with chats ... and we were told "it is a feature!" ~faints~
@swap-nil There's no official repo on ubuntu, afaik. You could manually compile one from sources.
Ugh. "Sir" is really annoying. I hate when people call me that.
@AmalMurali its an indian thing
@swap-nil: Did you the instructions provided in this AskUbuntu page.
Is there a way to recursively go through an array and write a value to a key multiple levels into the array without using references?
@Gordon: In case you didn't know: I'm Indian :P
I prefer people address me as "-Sama" or "Captain Awesome".
@AmalMurali then you should know that it's an Indian thing :)
I know it's a thing. I said I just didn't like it ;)
Okay, Captain Awesome.
@Fabien: But sorry...
2 days ago, by Fabien
Plus I am not enough awesome yet.
You dress for the position you want to be.
@Fabien And how about Fabien the great? :p
I put that on my History test, got a D and my teacher wrote "Fabien the not so great". So I avoid that one :P
lol, I just changed my profile pic on SO as an experiment and I'm surprised to see the number of views has increased
Change it to a woman and see what happens again
Well, room is quite active so I'll ask. How do you think what would be better wording for this:
> This will replace valid characters to '_' due to php's legacy behavior.
@Fabien I can tell you what will happen: people will ask for the eMail address. We find out. And send reprimanding messages.
11,030 questions tagged bug,
4,754 questions tagged bug status-completed
1,495 questions tagged bug status-bydesign
303 questions tagged bug status-declined
@sudorm-rfTelkitty yeah, so half of the open bugs are handled or are not bugs
and of those that are then left open it depends on the business value they have fixing them
@Gordon 43% & that's not counting all the deleted ones due to downvoting
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Your point?
@SecondRikudo she doesnt have one
you know me so well :')
but seriously ..
I am asking because the bugs I saw (which is of very limited sample) very few were fixed
@sudorm-rfTelkitty there is only one thing you can do: complain on meta ;)
Anyone uses LiveReload + Sublime text here ?
@sudorm-rfTelkitty Some bugs are not worth fixing.
Also, note that not all fixed bugs are automatically marked as
well I would imagine many more bugs were reported but were deleted due to downvotes
And are you counting duplicates in that search? Duplicates are often not marked beyond .
@sudorm-rfTelkitty learn C#, apply for a dev job at SO. fix all the bugs ;)
You are assuming I don't know C# ... wait, Stackoverflow uses C# .net?
Uses Window Azure I assume?
Not that I am interested or have free time to hack it
Q: Which tools and technologies are used to build the Stack Exchange Network?

aleembWhat tools and technologies are used to build the Stack Exchange Network? See also: What technologies are used to build Data Explorer? Return to FAQ index

At what point do you 'know' a language?
^ syntax error
@Fabien At @ircmaxell level.
Q: At what point can I say I've "learned" a language?

SomeKittensIn my few years of programming, I've toyed with everything from Ruby to C++. I've done everything from just learning basic syntax (Ruby) to completing several major (for me) projects that stretched my abilities with the language. Given this variety (and the fact that truly learning a language n...

Makes sense.
I dislike the word "Learned" though. Feels awkward
Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2012 x64 ... interesting
OT: I'm performing regex search on a file inside my code editor, e.g. ^.*?foo.*?bar.*?$ to find lines that contain the words "foo" and "bar". Is there an simpler way to do this?
(I'm using Sublime Text, but I can use any other tool for this purpose.)
@Fabien If that's for CV, I have experience with is better term, imho.
Feels like a lot of guys know a lot of languages.
@Gordon 1) not sure Stackoverflow would want me 2) That would imply that I would have to behave @_@
@ŠimeVidas: That seems fine. Why do you think it's not good?
@sudorm-rfTelkitty yep. see it as a challenge ;) try something new. behave.
@AmalMurali Obviously, I would like to just have to enter the words without having to wrap them in all that regex syntax :-)
@AmalMurali I assume you write stuff like http:// in the browser's address bar all the time and don't have a need to not have to write that :-P
Lol, nice chat, I g2g ... have a surveyor coming to my property early tomorrow morning (in fact in 7.5 hours) inspect the land. BTW passed owner builder course, now I can build a new house by myself (by hiring whole lots of labour/tradesman) ... me so not lady like
That's pretty awesome though
@Gordon do you work with a separate dev/prod environments? as in, once you finished working on a dev version, you upload it into your prod server ?
@Simon_eQ yes
I guess Live Reload doesnt work on Windows 8.1 ?
hi<br />all
@echo_Me Hey
Well assuming you are using a VPS with linux distro, how do you deal the .vdi file, where all your dev files are stored?
If you want to test out the chat features, please use the sandbox
Do you mount it everytime you finish working on dev, and then upload it to prod server ? @Gordon
All my projects in localhost are stored in a CentOs vdi in my hard drive. There is no way to upload a specific project, unless I mount that file first. How do you do it ?@Gordon
@Simon_eQ Vagrant VM for the dev environment. Deployment to prod depends on the complexity: can be simple sftp'ing or rsyncing to using what phpstorm to full fledged deployment process with tools
Lots of ways to deploy/stage
@Simon_eQ your dev environment should mirror the prod environment as much as possible. thats why you want to use a VM. if it doesnt mirror it you are bound for surprises after deployment. for example, you'll find out you've been using 5.5 features when your server only supports 5.3 and stuff llike that
I've started using Vagrant and can attest that it is pretty awesome
@Gordon It is mirrored, in the sense that my dev enviroment is almost identical to the prod one, so uploading files can be easier and php/nginx are always the same version with prod. Someone told me here to use Vagrant, but didn't try it. I will check now, if it can solve my problem.
Sigh. I'm tired of trying to get Apache 2.4.6 to work.
@Simon_eQ Vagrant will not solve any deployment problems. all it does is manage VirtualBox and provide support for provisioning through Ansible or Puppet. It's useful if you have many projects requiring different setups.
I've always used PPA ppa:ondrej/php5 for installing PHP on my Ubuntu system (local). Is this bad in some way? Should I build it from source instead? Or perhaps there's a more "cleaner" way to do it?
@Gordon To simply put it, I have 7 sites and some php scripts in localhost, and they require only php/nginx. The problem is, after I am done with these projects I can't find a way to upload them into my dev server, because centos stores them in my file called .vdi in my hard drive. So, I guess I won't need vagrant for this problem?
It's obviously a noob question considering I just finally set up centos in localhost
@Simon_eQ if they are .vdi files they are virtualbox disk images. vagrant uses virtualbox, so you can open them with vagrant. but it still wont help you with deploying them to the prod machines
why dont you just get a bitbucket or private github account and push the code to a VCS? you want a VCS anyway.
for deployment you simply ssh to the servers and pull the code
or setup a hook in bitbucket or github that will do that for you
you could for instance have a hook that will notify a script on the prod server whenever a new version was tagged and then have it check out that version automatically
but you could also simply sftp or rsync the files locally
what I usually do is have the code at a VCS. Then check it out to my local machine. If I need a server setup with that, I put it into the VM managed by Vagrant and add an NFS mapping from my local machine into the VM. that way I can edit the files locally with PHPStorm and have the changes immediately available in the VM
ah well, it's NFS. forget about the immediately part :)
but still quick enough
Man, SO is not working properly in my PC.
@Gordon Till this day, I didn't this I could do ssh from VSC to my pro/dev server
If that is the case, I would be more convenient to use bitbucker for all my projects
I'm not sure how this will quite work, but I am sure I'll manage somehow.
@Simon_eQ: Probably some Internet issues, I guess?
@Simon_eQ you cannot ssh from the VCS to the prod server. but you can set up hooks notifying tools on the prod server
What do you think is the best way to store an array in a file? (given you can't use a database?) JSON, XML, CSV, plaintext (each line containing a value) or something else?
GitHub has a shitload of post-receive hooks. BitBucket has too. Only benefit of BB is that if gives you private repos for free
@AmalMurali var_export
@Gordon yeah, I already have two sites in Butbucket. Even though I am not comfortable with placing an entire site to VSC host.
@AmalMurali see the example in stackoverflow.com/questions/2237291/…
> an entire site to VSC host minus database details :)
@Simon_eQ but thats what a VCS is for. put your entire site under version control
@Gordon: Not really good IMO. The data isn't portable anymore. And you'll have to execute the PHP script to get the data back, if I undertand correctly? How is it any better than using json_(en|de)code?
It's weird though, how my un-manged, CentOs server hosted with Tilaa let's me access, download or upload folders right into the the usr/share/nginx/html folder using ftps:: mode with FilleZilla but not my localhost VBox which has the same software as my prod.
@Simon_eQ ftps? Do you have a good reason to be running an FTP server?
@AmalMurali you didnt say it has to be portable to other languages or systems
@AmalMurali if all you want to do is store an array on file, var_export is the easiest. preprend the array with a return and then to get it back you simply include the file. no need for un/serialization or parsing of the content or anything.
@crypticツ yes!
Aww. ♥
How can I improve this function? eval.in/116400
Start with giving your variables a proper name.
Then make me an offer I can't refuse :)
lol :D
@Simon_eQ: I'll give you @Fabien's cat
@AmalMurali Use early return
What's the point of the function anyhoo?
@Fabien: To check for a progression in a given array. I wrote that as an answer here. I don't know if it has any real-word applications ;)
I get this strange feeling if I see more than 6-7 control structures inside one function, I conclude there must be something wrong with the code/coder :)
@Simon_eQ Yep. That's why I was asking how to improve it. :)
@NikiC: How? I thought break; already did that?
@Simon_eQ If you get that feeling, you should check the n-path complexity of the function.
/me googles for "n-path complexity"
^^ same here
@NikiC: Perhaps you mean something like this?
@AmalMurali Yeah sure. That was just a "code elegance" comment ;)

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