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@hussain move it out of the publicly accessible document root then
ive entered a new connection string to connect to oracle
page loads fine
f5: ora exception, f5: ora exception, f5: works
@Gordon that happens with persistent connections for mongoDB sometimes
@JohnP are you familiar with mongoDB?
@Tom I'm no expert, but I've used it a couple of times
@JohnP would you mind taking a look at my question then?
@JohnP im not using persistent connections though
@Tom for me the second variant is how I'd go with it. Definitely works for your translation example
that makes sense in the document sense as well
Althoug lookups might be slower since you're doing a subdocument
@JohnP by second variant you mean the third code block, right?
    'name'  : 'label_hello',
    'values': {
        'en'  : 'hello world!',
        'de'  : 'hallo welt!',
        'es'  : 'hola mundo!'
The thing is, you'd never do lookups on the subdocument anyway
@JohnP it's first
If this is for a translation system, you'd just be pulling the values and the relevant sub document attribute
@Tom I thought there is only 2 variants. I'll choose that variant too (I thought it's just kind of first variant).
@OZ_ xD ok
@OZ yup, first variant, second code block
@JohnP Should have given them names lol
@Gordon i know it might seem silly .... but i dont want the users to access the pages without sequence especially ones which have transactions ... how to to do that efficiently... let me know if it is not possible...
@Tom no worries. The first doesn't make much sense since you're not storing it logically
by 'logically', I just mean it doesn't feel 'right' for me :)
@JohnP thanks for all the great inputs!
you're welcome
totally forgot why I came here in the first place!
	(device_id IN (5463))
	AND (product_builds.device_selection_type <> 'CUSTOM')
	AND (products.status = 'APPROVED')
	AND (products.deleted <> '1')
	AND IF(product_builds.platform_id = 0, 1 = 1, product_device_saved_attributes.value = 'ANDROID')
ignore everything else
 AND IF(product_builds.platform_id = 0, 1 = 1, product_device_saved_attributes.value = 'ANDROID')
that IF bit, I just want the condition to be present sometimes, so I've put it in like that. Will it bite me in the ass?
just ping me when someone sees it and formulates an opinion, thanks!
@hussain when you say "page", do you mean a webpage, e.g. something like contact.php or do you mean a script like insertFooBar.php?
i mean a page i.e customer-facing like transactionRegistration.php
surely the name makes it sound important...right?
posted on September 15, 2011 by Lorna Mitchell

I help people qualify for Zend Certification and in the last few months I've had questions about both ArrayAccess and ArrayObject. This post is an attempt to illuminate both. In very simple terms, ArrayAccess is an interface, which you can implement in your own objects; ArrayObject, on the other hand, is a class, which you can either use or extend. ArrayAccess ArrayAccess is an interface

posted on September 18, 2011 by Michelangelo van Dam

This Saturday I started early to go to Pfcongres, a small PHP community conference in Utrecht organized by the Dutch PHP user group PHPFreakz and after about two hours driving I arrived about half an hour in time before the conference started, with me kick starting with my keynote "Community Works", a 199 slide deck explaining what the PHP community is and how people can be part of that communi

posted on September 18, 2011 by Stuart Herbert

Using virtual machines for testing software is great. I can try out anything I want, and there’s never any risk of trashing my main dev machine (which avoids hours of lost coding time!). I’ve been using virtual machines since the 1990′s, and frankly I couldn’t develop without them. (I’ve also got a lot of experience running a private cloud of VMs for one of the UK’s fastest-growing tech comp

posted on September 19, 2011 by Lukas Smith

First up, I can only claim to be an expert in Symfony2. My knowledge of other PHP frameworks basically consists of actively following twitter for things related to PHP, reading planet-php.org and taking the time to read up on linked mailing list threads and IRC chat logs. I have not been that active on the conference scene in the past few years, but the ones where I did attend I also tried to t

posted on September 19, 2011 by Marco Tabini

ORM is an anti-pattern: The reason I call ORM an anti-pattern is because it matches the two criteria the author of AntiPatterns used to distinguish anti-patterns from mere bad habits, specifically: It initially appears to be beneficial, but in the long term has more bad consequences than good ones An alternative solution exists that is proven and repeatable It is the f

posted on September 19, 2011 by Christian Stocker

As you may have read on this blog, we (together with local.ch) provide a ready-to-run compiled PHP package for OS X (Snow Leopard and Lion) for easy installation over at php-osx.liip.ch. And since the first beta of the next major release of PHP was released a few days ago, I thought we could provide packages for people who'd like to test it and see if there software is still running. And make

posted on September 19, 2011 by Ralph Schindler

Upon the arrival of PHP 5.0, the ability to autoload classes was introduced. At the time, autoloading was such a new feature, it was hardly adopted. As such, many applications being ported from PHP4 to PHP5 still had lots of procedural code in them (code incapable of being be autoloaded) and many class files which had long ‘require_once‘ lists. It wasn’t until years later that certain best prac

posted on September 20, 2011 by Marco Tabini

Matthew Baxter-Reynolds on the various toolsets available to mobile developers: The fact is that if your day job involves sitting in Visual Studio writing C# applications, or building Java applications in Eclipse (which will be most of you – albeit not necessarily in Eclipse), when you fire up Apple’s Xcode and start building CocoaTouch applications in Objective-C you’re going to come face

posted on September 20, 2011 by Elizabeth Naramore

Sometimes opportunities come along that you just can't pass up. Such as the case for me these days; I'll be leaving my job as Community Development Manager at SourceForge for a job at Engine Yard as the PHP Community Manager. As you might have heard, Engine Yard recently acquired Orchestra, and as such, is making a splash in the PHP space. (This is awesome on so many levels.) I am extremely luc

posted on September 21, 2011 by Henri Bergius

VIE is a JavaScript library that makes RDFa-annotated entities on web pages editable. We started the work towards the next major version of it, codenamed Zart (for Mozart) in a Salzburg IKS hackathon couple of weeks ago. Yesterday I merged the Zart codebase into the VIE repository. This blog post describes some of the improvements it brings. VIE now has an instance For VIE 1.x users

that's a mouthful
Holy smokes.
holy moses
yeah, do feeds now just show up at once?
Anything interesting?
@JohnP they always did
@Raynos nah, they used to show bit by bit. Unless people started blogging a lot more ^_^
They do in JS
they spam me all at once
Things are a lot more sedate here :P
Hello ,
Hi @PratikMehta
I am getting a ajax timedout issue , i m making an ajax request to the php server , in that case i m echoing a json encode response , the script on the server gets executed and a mail is sent to me but i dont get the json response due to time out .
Hello Robik
@PratikMehta are you using jQuery?
I am using Extjs
@PratikMehta either you change the ajax timeout phs4j.com/2010/02/extend-ext-js-ajax-timeout
or you fork the PHP process and send the email in the child
@PratikMehta that's probably happening because the system is taking too long to send the mail. Mostly happens on local for me
I have tried changing the timeout it didnt work .
I dont know what is to fork the PHP process and send mail in the chils
I will read the doc .
It's a kind of threading that PHP implements, you can fork a process into two... the parent is the "current" (client waiting) process and the "child" is a separate independent process.
ok Tom so then i can return the response and the child process will get executed independently ie sending mail .
guy, you really need to invest in gavatar .. just to change the color scheme , it's getting a bit confusing
Q: PHP set magic method with array as names

TiddoI am creating a class which I will use to store and load some settings. Inside the class all settings are stored in an array. The settings can be nested, so the settings array is a multidimensional array. I want to store and load the settings using the magic methods __get and __set, so the settin...

interesting behavior of __set though
@tereško One looks like a diamond, the other looks like a swastika. Problem solved.
it never calls __set but adds a public member
@Incognito o/
@Raynos Can't unsee?
@salathe is that a bug?
1 hour ago, by Incognito
Anyone familiar with TikiWiki? I tried to dump it on a LAMP stack by following the manual, after install the whole thing is shaky at best, consumes tons of memory, and has random glitches like... no theme on some pages, theme on others, some pages error out 500, others don't. Totally weird.
That, or could anyone suggest a better system that's already built?
@Incognito write your own wiki engine \o/
I'm looking for mostly... wiki, forums, blog.
@Gordon it's not a bug, just implement __isset method
@Raynos I will be, I want something that will be live yesterday however.
@OZ_ i find it odd
@Gordon well... maybe
@OZ actually i want to check the system command in my wamp server but i got an error ... i want to know how can i chk this system commands example through wamp server ...?
@David fix that error
I don't no much about system commands so i only use some of the examples provides in php manual but i got an error ... nd a m using wamp server right now
@David anyway, try to fix that error
How can i post the variables in system command ?????
like i have an form table and after filling this i want to call the system command so how it is possible ?
@David what for you need that command?
can any one help me ?
@OZ see this is my Question link
Q: generate a certificate request in php

phpI have an table like this <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="TitleBar">Generate CSR</td> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> ...

@David I see even answer there!!!
and still not accepted...
actualy i want to do with system command only
@David actually it's your mistake
See when i solve this problem after that i accept the ans
Don't worry
but first of all i want to solve it
@OZ can u help me
@David you want to play with "system" when it's a wrong solution. If you want to fix that "error" - at least write text of that error. It looks like it just your homework and "use system only" it's words of your teacher and not "boss".
see if some one want to use system command only then why should i use any other function and also i do not want to argument with me boss, i m already in trouble
so if possible ... i have some question in my mind
so plz ans me
I know i can do that
and also now i have only 1 day for this
otherwise my boss can eliminate me from the job
@Incognito mediawiki
@David and he will be right.
@OZ yup
now i m going to edit my question with alots of new weapons
after sometime
@ircmaxell Has blog and forums?
Things I want: OAuth, wiki, blog, forum. One package.
TikiWiki has that, it's just a PITA.
What are you trying to do?
I want to set up a community site.
Where we can plan things, and discuss things.
And give the public a blog they can keep up to date with.
Also, which I haven't mentioned-- A feedback page where any pedestrian can stop by and shout out some idea or rant to us and we can take a look at it, people can vote on it, and perhaps discuss it.
@Incognito What do you mean by PITA? Pain...? Is this so bad?
@Debiprasad I tried to install it for over three hours last night.
It installed-- and through some wonder of the configuration settings I must have tripped something that catastrophically kills the damn thing.
This is bad!
@Incognito So you basically want project management software
So, some pages render, some render with no CSS themes, some 500 error, some render fine, you can't take actions like "edit that"
@ircmaxell I was looking into a few, yeah. I just want something that's simple and transparent to the public.
Why the heck would people flag those posts?
The project is trying to get my municipality to adopt open-data standards.
@ircmaxell Sometimes people are stupid, we had a huge rant in meta over the flags.
@Incognito Then yes, I would look towards project management tools. You could use something like Redmine for it (although that's Ruby-On-Rails, there are others, but that one is awesome)
is it possible to use a php script for keeping track of user uploads to a server?
@ircmaxell It's my own VPS so I can do whatever, I have redmine here at work, it's neat, but my problem is I have many non-programmers involved, and it's not necessarily all about the software.
@Raynos Someone stole your name. Gettem.
@Raynos Y U DO TIS
@Raynos Server logs, or make PHP log something, uploads happen via script in the first plce.
@Incognito Well, then don't include the software bit
You can fully use it without repository, even tickets.
i have a php script uploading files in a form through $_FILES
i just need to somhow keep track of files the user uploads in that session
it's at heart a project management suite that has features (that are optional) to ease development PM. But you don't need to use them
we have two users both called @Raynos
@ircmaxell My largest concerns is that non-programmers will have a hard time using it.
my unique internet identity is gone :(
@Incognito I have had non-programmers use it before without problem...
@Raynos I have different names for nearly each site I goto.
@ircmaxell Alright, I'll give it a whirl.
administering it is not trivial, but using it is actually fairly good
@ircmaxell why are you encouraging bad practise answers?
So, I'm also worried about memory footprint.
Running Tiki on LAMP hit damn near 500mb memory.
@Gordon I was trying to dispel the misinformation about references
Low-water-mark around 300mb.
@Raynos :S
@Incognito WHAT? For a single request?
@Raynos why are you named raynos :(
@Raynos I could ask you the same..
I got it first o/
@ircmaxell The thing was spawning threads like nobody's business.
I got it second o/
I just followed the install process as per the man page from their site.
I'll just have to avoid you >_>
@Incognito It's PHP, isn't it?
So, if I redmine, can I just nginx, ROR, and postgres the sucker?
@ircmaxell Aye.
I'll just have to avoid you as well >_>
I even trimmed PHP's memory limit down to 32mb from 128 default.
Give me some data on why CMS (drupal, wordpress, sharepoint) is evil please.
@Raynos Sometimes you want to make an airplane or a boat, but you have a car factory.
@Incognito Yup.
I made the mistake of making the broad statement
> For generic website requirements there is a good chance a CMS is just not flexible enough
Is that actually not true?
@ircmaxell Alright, I'll crank that out later tonight. Thanks :).
@Raynos why is your hairstyle from the 1950s?
@Raynos do you want a fist full of rage?
posted on September 21, 2011 by Stuart Herbert

If you’re building a web-based app, it’s always a good idea to build some instrumentation into your app. That way, you can see how your app is behaving, and how your users are interacting with your app over time. I’m sure everyone who reads my blog is familiar with Google Analytics for tracking page hits. But what about what’s happening inside your app? Right now? Do you know? Graphite is

more like a fist full of age :P
@Raynos I'm not a fan of seeing things that look like personal attacks.
@Incognito Good luck
Time to get to work :)
Too much Raynos
@Chris :(
It's not my fault. It's his
if (count($Raynos) > 1) exit();
good morning folks :)
@Justin morning
we should all temporarly change our name to Raynos - make the room have many of them.. fun times and it'll be confusing :D
There is, by highly scientific count, exactly one bazillion users named Chris; don't feel bad
None, of course, have my good looks and biting wit
@Chris True. None have that, you included.
iei, seems like phpstorm 3.0 eap started
Does that mean we get WebStorm 3.0 too?
By that, I assume you're talking about the IDE... good, is it?
PHP storm is for loosers...
@Raynos You can get a preview (you don't even need a license for that. EAPs are free)
jk, I've never used PHPstorm
@TimothyPerez your right, everyone uses vim unix right?
LOL, vim isn't an IDE
I use VIM sometimes, but I'm now a Netbeans guy.
File use unix as your IDE
VIM is good if you want to get in make a quick change directly on the server before doing a commit on whatever versioning system you may be on.
I can't say I've ever tried a full-fledged IDE for PHP. I've looked at Dreamweaver briefly, but one hand was busy showing the sign of the evil eye, so I can't say I've given it a fair test drive. I found the preponderance of stuff to be distracting.
@Raynos I use Linux - Deb (latest stable), and no not Ubuntu Deb, just Deb.
@TimothyPerez Wait what, you change code on the server?
@Raynos I have a dev server and the public server...
Surely you change code locally, commit & push to the server
@Chris Well, Dreamweaver isn't something people would consider a "full-fledged IDE". Dreamweaver is like FrontPage ;) IDEs are Eclipse, Netbeans, Aptana, PHPStorm, ...
@NikiC I presume he was joking
@Raynos no, I only code on a remote cloud server and use GIT to version everything.
Interesting, I like having a local setup and a live server
But I can see where your getting at.
Cloud9ide has been tempting me
@Raynos It's a pain in the ass to try to match the production setup on my Windows 7, and it's not that much slower to work on an actual clone remote server.
@Raynos Rackspace!!!
Anyone who says dreamweaver is anything but pure genius isnt a developer!!! WYSIWYG FTW!!! (jokes.. jokes... while I have cs5 I use aptana)
Rackspace is the shiz
Hell yeah, rackspace is awesome
rackspace is pretty good yeah
i have my server co-located with hostdime personally
I've used GoGrid / Network Soluions VPS... meh
Do I want managed hosting or cloud hosting?
Just get a Cloud Server with them, it's like $11 per month per node
@Raynos I've had good luck with Rackspace as well
And you can get a pretty decent web app running that can handle about 20k worth of visitors on a single node instance.
And thats just a linux box right?
That's if you use NGINX, not apache
I can just do linux things with it
You can setup any flavor of linux/unix you want on the cloud instance, and you get root access. It works just the same as a dedicated server/vps.
Anyone here on Apache.
And I can just run anything I want on ports?
If you use apache, kill yo self.
Aye - I've done video conversion (UPLOAD -> SWF) on a Rackspace node
@TimothyPerez Wha?
@Chris Apache is a grampa compared to NGINX or Lightspeed.
What is the poopy-pants outlook on migrating from Apache to one of those?
Bad or simple?
Not hard
Your big difference might only be your mod-rewrites need to be changed to NGINX rewrites.
Not hard to do.
@TimothyPerez Boo on lightspeed. Yay for Lighttpd
Have to make changes for SSL certs?
@ircmaxell lol, that's what I meant to say
Or is the process the same?
@Chris not too sure on your certs, you use OpenSSL or something else?
Hell if I know :P
@ircmaxell I've only used Lightttpd once
@Chris I'll get you an example of a nginx rewrite and you'll see what I mean
Uhm, imho you shouldn't have any rewrites (apart from the all->index.php) at all in your server config. You should do that in PHP. That way you stay portable.
         location /mysite.com/ {
                 try_files $uri $uri/ /mysite.com/index.php;
@NikiC Eh, should does not always match is
Yeah, that's exactly right
Basically, your php handles the request from the URL
in fact, with Lighttpd it's as simple as: server.error-handler-404 = "index.php"
@ircmaxell You think it's a good idea to use the error handler for that?
error_page 404 /404.html;
location /404.html {
I also use what @TimothyPerez wrote (with "location /" only though)
I usually will have php do the error handling. I rarely use the server for 404 handling
Me neither, but I don't think you should use the servers error handler for that
I imagine that the error handler might be slow (as you often don't optimize for the error case) or might involve error logging ;)
Okay, I'll check them out. Which do you suggest is superior - nginx or Lighttpd?
Here's a difficult PHP challenge for everyone. How would you get the name of the original argument variable being passed to a function from within the function, with only passing in a single arg.

$poopyPants = 'hello I shat my pants';

function whoIsThis($arg){
... logic
return $argName;

whoIsThis($poopyPants); // should return "Your Arg Var Name is - poopyPants"
@Chris Both. I used Lighttpd at first and then switched to NginX, but I couldn't say that one of them is substantially better. I like nginx more, but others prefer lighty.
@Chris definitely Nginx
@TimothyPerez May the solution include parsing PHP files and doing static analysis on them?
@TimothyPerez - Wondering about this same thing yesterday. I forget why.
Because apart from that: It's impossible
It's like asking someone to explain gravity.
Such a simple thing, but there's no easy way to do it.
@TimothyPerez whats with all the fecal vocab? i've noticed that already yesterday? is it necessary?
Someone suggested using a foreach loop on your defined vars to the same arg value, but then what if two vars have the same value?
Q: How to get a variable name as a string in PHP?

Gary WilloughbySay i have this PHP code: $FooBar = "a string"; i then need a function like this: print_var_name($FooBar); which prints: FooBar Any Ideas how to achieve this? Is this even possible in PHP?

@Gordon lol... because it's funny
Like the top answer?
@Chris Exactly
@TimothyPerez What d'you need that for?
function var_name (&$iVar, &$aDefinedVars)
foreach ($aDefinedVars as $k=>$v)
$aDefinedVars_0[$k] = $v;

$iVarSave = $iVar;
$iVar =!$iVar;

$aDiffKeys = array_keys (array_diff_assoc ($aDefinedVars_0, $aDefinedVars));
$iVar = $iVarSave;

return $aDiffKeys[0];
@Chris see, you broke the rule.. of passing in the second arg
PS: get_defined_vars gives you the vars in the current scope ;) so not really useful. And $GLOBALS only gives you the global scope, so no option either
@Chris Like I said before, if you have another variable in the same scope with the same value, it won't be able to distinguish.
Don't get me wrong.... I am under the impression that it is not possible at all. The function I pasted is not going to cut it
@TimothyPerez Again: What could you possible need that for?
@NikiC there's a ton of reasons that I can't think of right now.
It's just good to be able to do
I'm going to start selling T-Shirt, "I Think I'm Cool Because I Use VIM" or "I'm better than you because I use VIM"
posted on September 21, 2011 by Liip

So last week four developers sat together on a regular Hackday to see what’s needed to hook up Magento into Symfony. To make this short the outcome is a Magento bundle for Symfony2. When we met in the morning we weren’t even sure what exactly to try out but soon agreed on implementing a Symfony authentication which uses the Magento customer database. Autoloader and Login Starting our hack

posted on September 21, 2011 by Henri Bergius

The purpose of business analytics is to find data from the company's information systems that can be used to support decision making. What customers buy most? What do they do before a buying decision? What are the signs that a customer may be leaving? For the last month we've been working in Salzburg to build such a system, the Intelligent Project Controlling Tool needed for running large co

@TimothyPerez No, there aint a single reason
Trust me... there's a reason
For debug purposes
uhm, why not use a ... debugger ... for that?
Maybe you want to run something on it's contents and at the same time show it's name
Because I'm too cool for PHPUnit and debugging tools... jk. I just have created my own set of tools and that was something I needed.
Sorry? PHPUnit is a unit testing framework. It has little to nothing to do with debugging.
@TimothyPerez ...
I know, I made the correction. + it was a joke
Ah, you are one of the reinvent-the-weel guys
Yes sir. You hit it on the head
I'm more like... let's see if we can make this wheel out of carbon fiber and make it more aero dynamic.
You know, that's the reason why debuggers should be reinvented using a Zend extension, not as userland code: They can get the info they need.
I feel like there's a lot of frameworks and systems out there that are too heavy.
they are too heavy
php is php you dont need a framework
heh heh heh
anybody please suggest the ans. of stackoverflow.com/questions/7501773/…
mysql room is a ghost town. anyone here got time for a quick question
If i'm running a select statement that will only return one result is it good practise to add LIMIT 1 to the end?
i.e. "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '@username' AND password = '@password' LIMIT 1"
@rlemon Yes, add LIMIT 1
why? i find myself asking this a lot here. too many answers without any explination
@rlemon Good question.
is this just a best practise? incase for some odd reason there would be multiple results returned?
I think there are mainly two reasons:
a) You signify that it'll return only one row (to a developer who will read that code later). You're explicit.
b) It may be that it has better performance. Never happened to me, as the MySQL optimizer usually is smart enough, but if you're explicit you're on the safe side.
I would like to also think this would speed up execution time for larger tables. One would hope indicating LIMIT 1 would stop parsing the table as soon as the first result is found.
aha, we're on the same page.
@rlemon - You are only going to use one row and only want one row. As soon as the database finds that, it will stop looking.
@rlemon @NikiC & @Chris is exactly right
Yeah... what NikiC said :)
@NikiC In lighttpd, it's ok
anybody plz see my question .......................
hey. i am having an issue with php contructors
My class in herits from another so I am doing this:
function __construct($args) {
but it never gets to the die()
why is that?
only when i put the parent::__construct at the end -- then it works
@Neal using extends?
maybe the parent constructor already dies? or crashes? or whatever? pure guessing at work.
@Chris yes
oh, and you sure have enabled all error reporting levels, you did?
I can show you both if you want
@NikiC all errors are on
As you can see.... it should work
one sec
Look at the parent's constructor and ensure it isn't throwing exceptions or calling die
here is the class: pastebin.com/a7tbsYaQ
and here is the one extending: pastebin.com/MW09Bvb5
that constructor's a mess
?? The parent constructor is doing all kinds of things that could potentially fail
posted on September 21, 2011 by Zend Developer Zone

For those who haven't put the recurring event in their calendar, the Zend Framework Monthly Bug-hunt is here again! This Thursday, Friday and Saturday (the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September), we'll be hosting our monthly bug hunt. For those of you unfamiliar with the event, each month, we organize the community to help reduce the number of open issues reported against the fr

@MattMcDonald which one?
@Chris but it doesnt.
Try putting a try...catch around the call to parent::__construct() and see if you get anything back
@Neal - clearly... it does
@Chris nope nothing
why in the world are you running loops in your constructor?
at least have the common decency to use a helper method
Okay, then go into the parent constructor and have it print 'ok1';, print 'ok2'; .... each time it does something, have it output like that. You'll see where it fails.
Because there is no doubt that it is failing
@Chris where am i placing these things?
Otherwise, you wouldn't be asking the question you're asking. As you can see in the code I posted (or in the docs), calling a parent constructor works. That means something must be preventing execution from completing.
Put them in AppController::__construct, line 28, line 29, etc
@Chris i put die('here'); at the end of the parent constructor, and it worked
but when i put die('here'); after parent::constructor -- nothing
and it continues as if it never went there
but the code works fine, just the code in the child constructor does not work
@Raynos ok. instead of insulting me, can you help?
I am just upset
@Raynos then ur useless
Everyone cool their shit.
@Neal no your useless o/
Everyone means well.
ahhh haaa...
anyways. @Chris any other ideas?

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