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Kristina B. - Server Concierge: One moment
rayhawk: Quite a long moment we've got here.
Kristina B. - Server Concierge: My apologies.
Kristina B. - Server Concierge: Checking this still.
Kristina B. - Server Concierge: Okay, my administrator has to further review this issue. I have created ticket number 12876451. Once this is resolved, you will receive an email. It can take up to 24 hours
At least I can go home now.
Anyone ever tried to upgrade php on a plesk server?
3 hours later…
Justing are u there
can i ask u something?
why is it that when you go here (this link has a long tracking thing typical of Google Adwords traffic):

I don't get any long tracking on it
Only thing I can think of, because of adurl= in that, is possibly some sort of browser hi-jacker installed.
but yeah when I put in [email protected] and [email protected], it took me directly to ofertasclaras.com/abtronicx2.php
you dont have have to add anything on the traciking thing there on the url
if u go there , first link u will be redirected to thr HOME instead of /abtronicx2.php, do u see that?
abtronicx2.php has no php script or anything like that its just html
I know, that long string is probably due to a browser hi-jacker on your system... I'd say scan with spybot search and destroy or something...
no its not
its coming from Google Adwords
since it happens for you, but not me -- thats the only logical solution
when u send paid traffic via Adwords it gets the tracking
Waht do see when u click here?

jsut paste the title of what u see please
i see the home page.. title: Inicio
so it happens the same in ur case
its not going to

do u see the problem now?
its just going to ofertasclaras.com/index.php
Yeah...has something to do with adurl=http://segurosendirecto.com.ar/cotizador-de-seguros-auto/?kw=sancor%20seguros%20automotor

when you remove that from the URL, it works as expected.
mmm but thats how Google Adwords hanldes urls
when u click an ad
thats the "referer url" it sends u
I dunno.. but perhaps this will help webmasterworld.com/forum81/2221.htm
last one Justin
the other day i was testing your script
for email validation
it doesnt work to check of the email exists
i tihnk only of the domain exist?
yeah without sending an email you can't 100% verify its a real email, my function only ensures that it could be a plausible email address by making sure the domain exists and is pointed at a server
makes sense
mornings everyone
morning @tereško
gettin ready to head to bed myself
2 hours later…
ok .. of to the job interview
@tereško good luck! stay chirpy :P
@tereško good luck mate :]
hi all
@JohnP do you have any idea how to parse xml in our html page
@Sandeep Ask you question, see the room description for more information :)
Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question.
Howdy everyone !
@OmeidHerat good afternoon
how you going ?
afternoon @JohnP
trying to get my head around some mysql
@Sandeep http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7397847/trying-to-parse-explode-xml-feed/
something like that?
@JohnP Please tell me its PDO :)
@OmeidHerat heh don't worry about that. We use Zend at work. I'm trying to come up with the pure sql first
Ah I see.
@salathe how about we clean up the chatter on stackoverflow.com/questions/2736784/…?
Hello. I just want to ask what this file does? gist.github.com/378433 Is this a virus? or something like it?
@winona its what it says right on top: # Web Shell by oRb
@Gordon I think that is a yes :D
@winona a shell by itself isnt malicious. but in that case, its probably a yes
it allows to execute commands on the server
which I assume is not what you want the whole web to be able to do on your server
That explain the files created in the .log folder and it creates many .html files
@Gordon Small question about the zend PHP certification; is it as "tricky" as the study guide provided on the Zend site (questions are easy but made horribly confusing) or is it a decent test with challenging questions rather than that?
Suggestions welcome for alternative sql visual browsers. I use HeidiSQL right now and am pretty happy with it. Are there any good alternatives that are fast and has all the frills?
@JohnP OS?
@tom 7 and XP both
heidi is pretty good, was wondering about alternatives
@JohnP no idea, sorry i'm linux. There I use emma and the mysql workbench. PHPmyAdmin does a decent job too though.
@Tom ah workbench is good. But I use that mostly for designing tables
@Gordon thx will read
@Tom if you have a firm grip on the manual, it is not that hard to pass the test, but it isnt easy. there is a some questions that relate to http or web things in general and not so much about php and there is these annoying memo questions and there is code snippets to analyze that you hopefully will never see in real life.
i dont think the exam has much value beyond stating that you passed the test. it doesnt say anything about your ability as a professional.
@JohnP how you ever used the MySQL GUI Tools ?
I tried it once it wasn't that horrible.
but sure isn't the best thing out there.
@Gordon Thank you :) I've been seriously thinking about doing the certification but the study guide kinda freaked me. Your feedback is much appreciated.
@OmeidHerat I used workbench, but that's for schema design. not for query browsing though
@OmeidHerat I was actually looking for an alternative that would highlight all instances of the table reference that I'm hovering over in the current query
ended up just reodering the query and reading it ^_^
@Tom make sure you follow the links to other views on the cert as well
@Gordon will do
@Tom if you wanna do it, do it. it doesnt hurt to have it. and i definitely get more, though not many more, job offers because of it.
@JohnP Good then Cause of this.
hi boys and girls
@OZ_ Excuse me this is a programming chat room.
rarely you can use 'Boys and Girl'
but 'boys and girls' seem to be false 99.9% of the time. [that 0.01% is cover by the previous rare case.]
@OmeidHerat 0) it was joke; 1) I saw 15-years kids here;
@OmeidHerat I'm actually looking at the sql that zend is generating. But yeah, visaul query builders don't really work for me either
Feels good to be called 'boy' again
@OZ_ 1) I wasn't serious either 2) it wasn't about age.
young children now call me 'Uncle'. I'm only 27!
@JohnP somebody call me 'daddy' :)
@Gordon the Q or A ?
@OZ lol, maybe he/she was hinting at something :P
Does anyone celebrate September 19?
@OZ_ I celebrated september 18th
doesn't ring a bell
@Gordon dupe?
@OmeidHerat The question because its a blatant dupe and shows no research effort. its a gimme teh codez question
@JohnP dupe of many
@Gordon done.
@OmeidHerat thanks
@Tom lmgtfy is not allowed on SO
@Gordon boo! anyway, this made me laugh: localhostr.com/file/dxUYjbG/21.09.png
@Tom yeah :)
Web developer: PHP, ASP, HTML;
iPhone: Jailbreaker community administrator, unlocker;
IT: Comms & Tech professional;
Programming: Delphi, C/C++;
Video & Graphics design specialist
ok, this question might sound weird. But is there a way I can say the following in SQL
@OmeidHerat age 19
If a row is defined, it has to be this value
and asks:
@OZ_ A year older then me.
@OmeidHerat but already Comms & Tech professional
I know right !
and he is asking how to split string in php.
well a professional is someone who takes money for doing something. Maybe he's just not a good professional :)
@OmeidHerat maybe he want to split the string by professional methods, not usual.
A professional is a person who is paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks and orchestrate them with uncommon skill. Traditional examples of professions included medicine, nursing, law and engineering but is now more widely used to include estate agents, surveyors , environmental scientists, forensic scientists and many more. It is also used in sport to differentiate amateur players from those paid for their work. Hence Professional footballer or Professional golfer. In some cultures the term is used as shorthand to describe a particular social stratum of well educated, mostly sal...
definitely uncommon skill ^_^
...specialised set of tasks and orchestrate them with uncommon skill
not in programming community.
So we need PHP Pro Edition
That's almost as much of a fail as the jQuery IF-Plugin
@JohnP default?
@OZ no, not in the definition itself. During the query
I'm working with a rather messy query that has a lot of joins
I want to enforce a condition that only shows up sometimes
@JohnP I don't like JOINs at all, so I think ircmaxell will answer it better :)
@JohnP I think I interpreted you last time, sorry for that.
can you explain the query ?
there are so many joins in this query
you might be doing it the wrong way.
@JohnP create a view
I'm pretty sure I am, but I can't change it :/
it's legacy code that I can't change too much because the whole damn thing will collapse
and I can't rewrite because we don't have time. So I'm stuck with applying some glue to the whole mess
Ah! I feel ya.
had to do that like 6 months ago with a med size project
I have to do that every day :(
I went with some magic ! and I hope the guys who is going to maintain it will not find me !
@Tom what is next $.add(a,b,[c,...]) ?
yeah it's a mess. Have to talk to my colleagues and see what can be done
all in a day's work
G' Morning
@OmeidHerat yeah
@Robik good afternoon
lunch time actually, I'm off
laters gents
@OmeidHerat actually there is an $.add(); method in jQuery. But it's not for adding integers.
I want to help somebody and answer some question, but in list only questions like "PHP file_get_contents doesn't work with www.skelbikas.lt"
// More crappy questions. I want 3k
> How can I get the PHP to make PDFs out of screenshots from relative paths to another application with a MySQL database and javascript frontend? Help please!
@Tom 42
@Gordon is this answer allowed on SO? :)
@OZ_ as a comment ;)
1 hour ago, by Gordon
@salathe how about we clean up the chatter on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2736784/how-to-find-the-dates-between-two-dates-specified?
@Gordon Done.
@salathe thanks :)
@OZ @salathe can you cv this pls. I want to delv it: stackoverflow.com/questions/7495786/how-to-split-word-using-php
@Gordon my vote already there
Hail to you all! :)
Hi @Eugene
Does any one here use Twig?
@Eugene I do
Great. Maybe you can help me
How would be the right way to check array in if and also check, that it is not empty?
Currently I made it like that
{% if successes is defined and ${ successes | count } %}
But I'm not sure
@Eugene you can use just: {% if successes %}
it will check 1) if exists 2) if not empty
@Gordon @ircmaxell What do you think about adding to room description?
Do it.
or what do you think about deleting that tag at all
tag have 2.7k followers
This is quite logical too. Since room already has name PHP.
@Robik I bet they followed php also
Anyone with experience in NoSQL here?
@Tom Some. Base or Redis. If you know what it is.
I'm gonna waste 100 rep if I get no further answers on this: stackoverflow.com/questions/7413970/…
@Eugene If you write a decent answer I'll give you the rep, it'll expire in 2 days and nobody seems to be able to give a concrete answer.
@Robik php is php5
and also all others :)
php5 became more of a synonym for OOP PHP
what about adding php6? ;)
what about ?
and php5.4beta
Good day to all. I wish all the best. its my first time here in chat.
Bad idea?
Hi @rechie
@Gordon yes!
PHP                                                                        NEWS
?? ??? 201?, PHP 5.5.0

- General improvements:
  . World domination

<<< NOTE: Insert NEWS from last stable release here prior to actual release! >>>
@Robik hello there! everyone is happy here!
@salathe thats what i meant ;)
nooo way :-D
I can't answer "42" even in comments - minimal length is 15 chars :(
the answer is 42 would fit
@Gordon thanks
or "the answer is the result of the multiplication of all primes < 10"
or echo round(1337*pi()/100);
I have a question. How to make a search engine using PHP? Just an idea.
@rechie just use an established search engine that provides a PHP bindings, like Lucene or Sphinx
I wanted to crawal a page. using curl. but no output occured.
I think question was about "I want my own google in php"
huh? TIL that there is already and existing search engine! hehehe.
@Gordon thanks!
@rechie crawling a page !== building a search engine
@Gordon i thought crawling a page is all i need to make a search engine. :(
btw: ps elements 10 released
@rechie not at all.
@OZ yes, i really wanted to index my own site. like google do!
@Gordon what else am i missing aside from page crawling? :-)
@rechie Make a google custom search box. No PHP required =P
@rechie crawling, indexing, map-reduce :-D
@rechie well, your missing the search engine part :)
@Tom custom google search does not update very often to my site. that is why i am planning to make my own search engine.
have a look at Zend_Lucene
@Gordon ohmy...
@Kamil wow! i have a lot of things to do if i will make my own. hehehe. tnx bro!
@all i am googling now ZEND_LUCENE
hmm .. i got a new job
@tereško Congratulations!
@tereško gratz.
@tereško Gratz
@tereško treat!
8 messages moved to bin
yeah ;)
just had a full sized pizza all for myself
later guys
Good eve! bye2. Got to sleep!
ehh .. and the damned rodent died , i gutted it and know what is broken , i have the extra parts ( from the same model mouse ) but i cannot replace them ... bullocks
Encrypting data with base64:
@tereško o/
Is this new job significantly more awesome?
@Raynos , well .. looked ok: advertising company , good location, pay seems to be promising, and the framework they use is kohana ( which , honestly , is the best one could hope ) .. lots of 1-2 week project
( sorry for multiple highlights )
It sok
"one could hope"
@tereško I would have hoped for fitzgerald ;)
Ok on second though fitzgerald looks like its poorly maintained
Maybe you'd want silex instead
How do "1-2 week projects" work?
It would seem stressful to me to make a site in that time period
is back in Oraclhell
@Gordon your competent
Why don't you get a competent employer
@Raynos im sure the decision to use Oracle was competent at the level it was made
Hence I'm asking you
Why do you accept shit work, why don't you go work somewhere better
@Raynos commitment and good pay?
and its not like it's shit work. It has some inconveniences but all in all, its okay
I just think you can do better
Am I way off reality when I think there are companies out there that don't make bad technical/design decisions
@Raynos I live in a first world country with good pays and everything but I must say; most companies in our field relay on out-dated technologies, stupid, arrogant and incompetent people and still you work for them because they actually generate money like this.
@Raynos maybe. But like I said, I'm pretty sure the decision to use Oracle makes sense on the management level. And its not like I am an Ora-Expert so a lot of the pain I get from it is PEBKAC errors :)
@Tom But what if they didnt exist
Why cant people see we would generate significantly mroe money if the stupid arrogant and incompetent did not exist
@Gordon You trust management too much ;)
@Raynos i dont trust them at all :)
@OZ_ done and will also delv once it is closed
@Gordon , well , management love that they can blame someone for failures .. ya know .. risk management
@tereško thats not risk management
if postgre goes tits up , then the "blame" does not leave the company
thats "safe my ass"
@tereško yes and im dead certain this was one of the reasons they based their decision on
I really dont like those sort of companies
I dont want to work for them :(
I want to work in Google. It's that sad they doesn't use PHP.
the other reason is , from the managements point of view , they have 2 viable solutions : mysql or oracle
and they took the best available
@tereško lies
they have more then 2.
@Gordon isn't doing its job today!
@salathe yay! now to get it deleted :)
@Tom Tried to answer your question. Hope my answer helps you.
thx will check it out
@salathe whats cv-ring?
earthtools.org/timezone/40.71417/-74.00639 can I call this URL via soapclient?
@salathe should we deprecate mysqli now as well: ht.ly/6Akxe
@user269867 no
why ..
@user269867 why do you want to use a Soap Client when you can simply do an HTTP request to it? Why the overhead?
allow_url_fopen is off
i can use fsockopen to get the contents though..
Good morning
@user269867 read this message again, @user269867 . Use arrow
Hi @ircmaxell
@user269867 get a different hoster then
Agree with @Gordon. Get a better host. There is nothing insecure about allow_URL_fopen. Any host that disables it either has no idea what they are doing or doesn't care about you...
> The maximum length of a net service name is 255 bytes; this limit has been exceeded. Use a smaller net service name. If this is not possible, contact Worldwide Customer Support.
gotta love teh oracle
@Gordon o/ arbitary restrictions \o
OK. Train is coming. Later...
hi all ...
can someone please help me with a bit of coding logic?
@hussain name your question
does anyone for sure whether oci_connect can take the full tns connector string instead of just the tns connector id or the easy connect string for the connection_string argument?
@Tom Ok. How can i validate that a visitor has not come to a page directly ... i have already thought about doing it through sessions ... i.e to have a unique string for every page dynamically ... and validate this string on the same page as well ... but i am havsing some issues and i have the logic availabe if neeed for analysis ...
hi all
@hussain why is the user not allowed come to the page directly?
or is he allowed?
Anyone familiar with TikiWiki? I tried to dump it on a LAMP stack by following the manual, after install the whole thing is shaky at best, consumes tons of memory, and has random glitches like... no theme on some pages, theme on others, some pages error out 500, others don't. Totally weird.
I'll brb in an hour, but if anyone can link me to something or knows it that's greatly appreciated.
@Gordon just for security purposes

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