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@tereško Fair comment
I got told off by a guy named Dave yesterday for sending him a bunch of pings lol
@JoeWatkins Mornings and yes :-)
@tereško we should have reason 'it's off-topic because it's sad' :p
hello, @salathe
Any working solution to disable SSL error in any browser?
@JoeWatkins Let's all ping @Dave :P
@DaveRandom This is the only way that I can ping myself and actually get a ping
Multipinging myself
github.com/adoxa/ansicon <-- I know its use case is ridiculously narrow, but I really like this
Any working solution to disable SSL error in chrome?. I just want to view facebook app without SSL.
What SSL error?
@DaveRandom MiTM I guess :)
or invalid cert
Well yes but it could be anything, I'm not going to play guess the error message :-P
@DaveRandom. I dont have SSL certificate. But i just want to create an SSL website.
So, there is an option to disable SSL error notification..
@Fasilkk Why do you specifically want to create it over SSL?
I want to create Facebook page tab app..
And this must be done over SSL? (I know nothing of FB)
For testing purpus i want to test it in my browser..
OK so presumably you are currently using a self-signed cert?
@DaveRandom great!!
No... im not using any sirtifaicate.. but link will be like https://
@AlmaDo It's a game that gets old pretty quickly tbh, I play it a lot at work
@DaveRandom. Now i cant view my https:// page without SSL.
@DaveRandom no, I was about - I'm glad that I'm not only one here who knows nothing of FB
@Fasilkk OK well you cannot have an SSL enabled web server without a certificate of some sort, so if it is working after you ignore the error then you're probably using a self-signed certificate that something created for you
Can you post the exact error message you get please?
@DaveRandom "SSL protocol error."
Im getting this error when i visit my https:// website..
I want to hide/disable this error.
sudo apt-get install zziplib-bin for install zip library ?
( Ubuntu )
Im sure there is a way to disable this checking. (I did it before)
@Fasilkk You can't disable the error, but you can install the certificate into the trusted root store
I presume you are running windows? If so, which version?
@DaveRandom, I have did it before 6 month..
Im using windows7.
I will use any browser to view this site in https://
@DaveRandom You were right about that elephphant website. I've mailed them about 2 weeks ago, no reply. Still looking for some elephphant love.. but those things are impossible to locate o.o
@samitha huh? Are you trying to install the correct zip dependencies to compile zip support in PHP or are you wanting to install the zip binary?
@DamienOvereem I've got a small herd of them at home :)
@Fasilkk Can you screenshot the exact error screen please? It sounds like your HTTPS server is not actually serving HTTPS
Which is somewhat beyond the scope of the time I have left before I have to do some real work
@salathe /shakes fist
@salathe Arr.. where did you get a hold on them?
I believe that was Uncle Gordon's doing
@DaveRandom. check it adamscreation.com
I want to ignore that errror..
@DamienOvereem yes, uncle @Gordon let me adopt them
@Gordon Help me out here! Looking for elephphants!
@crypticツ zip support
Oddly enough, the pink ones all ran away so I've only got blue ones
@DamienOvereem he doesn't have any more spare
@Fasilkk You don't want to ignore the error, you need to fix the server. It's serving unencrypted content on port 443, you need to fix the server configuration
Just the little geek in me. Expecting my 3rd kid (first daughter) start of february, would love to give here a pink elephphant
been asking and searching all over the place, but they are quite hard to find
@DaveRandom, I just want to see that website from that link..(only for me) so there must be a server settings to disable that errror.
@samitha it should have the correct files by default, I've never had to install any dev libs to compile it. What is the error that is showing up when you run ./configure ?
You can't just ignore what is effectively a fatal error. The server is not serving encrypted content. It's not using SSL. You have to configure it correctly before you can go any further.
That hosting company are obviously numpties, whoever they are
@DaveRandom.. Why?? :)
Also plesk is fucking awful. When you get /, it responds 200 OK with a meta refresh :-(
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open('badulla.zip') === TRUE) {
    $r = $zip->extractTo('s');
   echo $r;
    echo 'ok';
} else {
    echo 'failed';
@Fasilkk Because whoever set up that server set it to listen on port 443 but failed to set up a virtual host to serve SSL on that port, which is a properly stupid thing to do that only someone who should not be administering a public facing webserver would do.
@crypticツ i installed it and simple script but it doesn't return anything
@samitha So you compiled it in? or enabled the extension in php.ini ?
@samitha doesn't return anything?? Are you testing with error reporting on? If you don't have ZipArchive support then it will fatal error.
always code with error reporting at E_ALL
@DamienOvereem have only my own left
...aaaand I've found a huge gaping remote code execution flaw in that server in 3 minutes
@Gordon morning, how are you doing?
@Gordon thats a shame.. who would have thought elephants would be hard to find.
@crypticツ hello kittycat. im fine. hows you?
@Gordon hungry, and bored. Playing a regex crossword puzzle game.
@crypticツ link?
Sounds like a good nerdy waste of time
@DaveRandom regexcrossword.com
your neck hurts after awhile trying to read the regexs for the vertical words
Funny how the entire internet looks like bootstrap and no-one is complaining yet
Personally I'm getting a bit sick of it
The backlog uses bootstrap =oP
@DaveRandom I am currently developing in bootstrap :P
developing using bootstrap*
So am I. I'm not saying I'm not guilty of it, just that it's pissing me off a bit
@crypticツ now it's working .had a ubuntu file permission error
Yeah :( They made it too easy
@DaveRandom most people don't understand the magic of editing variables.less so you don't use the default styles.
now it's working @tereško
I am in that group. I just generally hate writing CSS. IANAD.
and one more thing ? what's the best php extension to download a zip file from remote server ?
cURL or FTP ?
socket or libssh
@samitha when you mean remote server, do you mean you need to login with some credentials?
yes actually .it's not a public zip .
even i can store in my remote server(VPS) home folder
please, use english
Q: PHP - Downloading very large files with fsockopen(), fgets() and feof()

Mark WhiteI have a simple download function in a class that might be dealing with files of many hundreds of megabytes at a time from an Amazon Web Services bucket. The whole file cannot be loaded into memory at once, so it must be streamed directly to a file pointer. This is my understanding as this is the...

Don't deal with sockets, optimize your code and use the cURL library, PHP cURL. Like this:
If you control both servers then SSH route would be what I would do, and setup authentication to use a keyfile if it is not already doing so @samitha
I wonder, how exactly "using cURL" would count as optimization ?!
@tereško just need to take the users name useless literally.
@tereško Previously they were putting it in the post?
Incidentally I'm very surprised that is a full sized avatar for you, it has been smallified for me for a long time now
oh .. yeah ... I should too
@tereško Since you know more about DataMappers than me will you check this out codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/34004/…
It's not often I ask questions on Stack Overflow, but when I do, I truly have no clue whats going on! Stay thirsty my friends. — Marc 8 hours ago
@David I get the impression that you mappers are doing non-mapper-ish things
@tereško What would non-mapper-ish things be?
dealing with responsibilities of a Repository
Damn @tereško I almost got you a job. :P
lol ... I am not sure how I should feel about it
If you were somewhere between London/Southampton it'd have been yours for two-months.
@tereško Isn't the repository for mainly dealing with collections and sort of giving the illusion of loads of in memory objects that you can retrieve through a wide API
nope ... I don't know what that is, but that doesn't sound like a Repository
What is a repository for so?
IIRC, for making sure that an instance has same state across different parts of application at runtime
.. but I would have to consult some books to make sure that I am not talking out of my ars here
@tereško Is that not what the IdentityMap is for?
repositories use identity map(s)
I am somewhat confused about both repositories and units of work =/
haven't figured out advanced storage patterns yet
My mappers extend AbstractMapper which holds the identity map and any time I do a fetch and the object has an ID it will check the identity map and also in AbstractMapper::assign(AbstractEntity, Array $row) it does $entity->setId($row['id']); and then adds that entity to the identity map
your mapper is doing something it shouldn't
Which is?
what you described above
Checking if the entity is in the identity map and adding it to the identity map?
you quite obviously are breaking SRP there
@Jimbo good
Well the mapper is the only place I search by ID. The repository would be more like fetchByEmail($email) fetchByTxnId() so it would be pointless to have it in the repository
@David When you search, why not pass a reference instead of an id? That way the application doesn't have to be aware of database ids and such.
@BenjaminGruenbaum my AbstractMapper::fetch(AbstractEntity $entity);
That is what it is like
Well it is really like AbstractMapper::fetch(AbstractEntity $entity, Array $conditions); So then my UserRepository for example which holds my UserMapper I have a fetchByEmail(User $user) { return $this->userMapper->fetch($user, array('email' => $user->getEmail())); }
I always get a feeling that mappers are weak in PHP although I've never used one myself. That's probably just my incompetence.
Why is fetchByEmail accepting a user and not an email address?
Well that was my old way of doing it. Now I do it like codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/34004/…
how to get list of runnable mysql queries in YII ?
@Jimbo What does DI have to do with that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Tell me what you think of that idea. I like it anyway. The mapper is not instantiating the domain object, just cloning it as many times as you need
@Jimbo That's not DI at all. That's just passing a way too big parameter for something.
@Leri it's not just a morning. it's Friday morning :p
@Jimbo If you had proper value types you could create an email type, you can't so a string might work.
@AlmaDo Oh, I forgot that.
shame on you
Hunting on a memory leak so, I can't think of anything else.
@Jimbo That's still not DI, and populating a user object makes even less sense than creating it, if you want DI you can pass a userfactory as a second parameter and then the responsibility of creating a user is not on the repo. I don't see why though.
@David Is the mapping auto generated?
@AlmaDo Has anybody posted that awful song?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you talking about the link I sent?
@David In your mapper, in general. If I had a new table, or new class - do you generate a mapping for it?
How do people manage to accept the worst answer on their questions? stackoverflow.com/questions/19855858/post-variable-oop-way/… sigh
@AlmaDo Great. :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah I generate it
It is not much
why the hell would you pass a factory to a mapper
> I don't see why though.
mappers are not creating objects, only managing persistence of said objects
$user->setEmail( $email );
$mapper->fetch( $user );
That's not how I use mappers at all though.
so what can factory do with that?
@tereško should that not be the repositories job? The wider interface to retrieve objects in all sorts of different ways and in different orders and limits
you use c#
You keep saying that, but I'm not sure it matters as much as you think.
$dto = $mapper->fetch( $emailAddress);
$user = new User($dto);
This is much more common since we share a lot of objects across a big system and the web services are not even a particularly big area of the code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmm, should mapper return anything?
@tereško A mapper maps data. It should be able to fetch with an ID. Why would it also be able to fetch by a username and by an email etc. The word repository fits perfectly for that. A place to retrieve objects by giving all sorts of parameters
@Leri I'm not sure, that's how we do it. I never said I'm particularly good at mappers. It makes more sense for a fetch method IMO to return what it found rather than mutate existing objects. Generally I like mutating parameters as little as possible.
@salathe cheater :p
And it gives the illusion of loads of in memory objects and collections with a wide API to get them
And again, our use case is completely different. We share our mappings across multiple applications, only some of which have anything to do with web.
@David A repository is usually after the mapper for creating the interface the code works against.
@BenjaminGruenbaum In the first place I would not have fetch method in mapper. I suck at application architecture. Usually, my mappers have rule(s) how to map from one type to another, and map($from, $to).
@tereško "acting like an in-memory domain object collection." That is what I have been saying
@BenjaminGruenbaum wrong
@Leri And that makes a DB query?
@Ocramius You've opened? it's youtube link.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mapper? No.
I usually copy from dto to DomainObjects
@DaveRandom Feeling good? :)
@David you have been saying that "repsoitory is same as data mapper" , which is completely wrong ... or at least that's what I have been hearing
@tereško Would you rather have "before" the mapper?
@Fabien Feeling slightly annoyed with @crypticツ for showing me regexcrossword.com
@BenjaminGruenbaum actually i am not even sure if it was wrong , because that sentence made no sense
@DaveRandom lol
@tereško What are you talking about. I have been saying the mapper interface is very small. It deals with 1 entity at a time. It knows nothing of collections or the like. The repository gives the wide API to retrieve objects and collections in more complex ways
@DaveRandom neck hurting yet?
@DaveRandom Well as long as you're productive on the most important day :)
@DaveRandom he-he, I've seen such samples before
@David repository is not a different form of storage pattern
@tereško Aren't we cheerful again :)? A repository means that instead of working against a data mapper and are aware of DB logic you work against an interface that represents a collection of such objects.
@tereško Also here, you'll probably like repository is the new singleton.
@David read that too ^
@crypticツ I feel pain in my neck :( Why they written regex vertically ? very hard to read :\
@Ocramius I've caught that before opening - in my status bar :p What's the video?
there is a whole chapter about it
start reading
@BenjaminGruenbaum c# problems. People who use libraries, with not understanding of what they do (and dont')
@Ocramius ? it's the video?
@tereško I have read that book loads of times.
1 message moved to Trash can
@MadaraUchiha booooring ^ 2
@tereško Yeah, and he is pretty straight up about it (and also gives more examples here). I think it's pretty language agnostic though.
@Jimbo noooo
7 messages moved to Trash can
Heh, bulk trash is fun
@MadaraUchiha we should add restriction for that here :p
@MadaraUchiha You suck :P
it is fun! =oD
Trash can, how American.
@Fabien Click my trash can
you're like babies :)
@AlmaDo awesome babies! :-D
You would complain if you had boobies in your face?
@salathe you started that :p
hell yes. Now it's Friday :p
@Jimbo Don't try to ruin my Friday -_-
@AlmaDo *shocked face*
@crypticツ I'm on to the last set, the ones that aren't actually words, my brain is melting a bit
@DaveRandom wait they actually spell out things??
this is why we cannot have a bot in this channel .. you are not even able to use copy-paste in a responsible manner without causing spam
Hmm I need to move data from one table to another, I cant have duplicates, is it possible to do this without the NOT IN/NOT EXISTS function? Problem being the table being inserted in to is the HUGE table.
@crypticツ lol, all expect the last set, it makes them quite a bit easier :-P
In fact I think there are some that you can't get unless you fill in the blanks to make words
@DaveRandom I'm guessing you gave up on the torrent thingy then :P
@Fabien how about define unique key & then INSERT IGNORE ?
@Jimbo I've not had a chance to look at it yet. I've been working my bollocks off all week
I wasn't looking at what they were spelling, just been putting chars in. =o\ @DaveRandom
@crypticツ There's a clue at the top as well :-P
@DaveRandom Ah you're working your notice right? No rush then :) I just have this horrible feeling that it's all terrible
>.< fail
Let's just say, teresko would crucify me if he saw it
@AlmaDo Cheers :)
@Fabien you'll thank me when you'll get table exclusive lock on ALTER statement :ppp
@DaveRandom Leaving any interesting comments/scripts behind?
We'd once tried to come up with the best "I'm leaving" script. We were going to create an encrypted file that creates another file which runs on a CRON to alert the CEO at random times between 2-5 AM about the site being down. The script would then delete itself so it could not be found.
Or something like that.
hmmm, Pierre is standing in front of me
greet him from our room :p
it's awkward enough as it is
Give him a beer first.
no, that's ok
Can't believe I hadn't used the MySQL CLI before yesterday, this is fantastic!
how so ???
yeah, it's quite worth while
@AlmaDo Well I need it for LOAD IN FILE purposes. But it's nice to just run queries on. I'm not PhpMyAdmin's biggest fan.
@Fabien huh.. and all I have is mysql cli :p
It's funny the regression away from GUI.
why regression?
progression :p
Well CLI was before PhpMyAdmin/DirectAccess/cPanl etc :)
Regression in that sense.
YIIFramework help needed ?
No thanks.
Then i need yiiframework help...
@Fabien I'm familiar with PMA (even know how to guild graphic DB scheme there Oo) - but for common purposes - I think cli is much better cause it's just simpler
i need to insert UUID in database
what should i do
To a newbie it's probably quite daunting. Cli that is. I mean the typical progression is straight to PhpMyAdmin, most people don't see/know about the cli interface till a senior person introduces it.
in yiiframework
@Fabien huh.. not sure. It's opinion-based, I think. I've started with it. And so here am I
how long ago?
around 9 years
@AlmaDo Self taught or education?
@Fabien hehe.. how do you think? We all here are doing self-education, right? But me - yes, education too (5 years)
1 hour 20 to complete all the regex crosswords >_>
Ah fair enough. Maybe it's just my circles, no one really ever used the mysql cli
Not a productive day at the office so far
@SweetieBelle huh.. I've ended to do that in 5 minutes - but because of pain in my neck :p
@Fabien hmm.. I'm on linux (about 10 years) - so may be cli is more preferable for me
@webarto what happened there?
I shall do from now on.
@Fabien it's not good or bad to use/not to use that :p
well , pgsql CLI client is much better: it has proper autocomplete
@AlmaDo Aye, but it can't hurt to familiarise myself with both.
Yeah lamephp has postgresql so I will try to use the cli there too and shy away from the PhpPgAdmin I installed.
@AlmaDo sorry for the interruption and thank you so much for the reply in my yesterday's question... I re-commented that question, can I get some final opinion from your side? stackoverflow.com/questions/19832904/…. Ty so much!
@olivarra1 if it's 1:1 then no need to have two tables. NULL-s are fine and you can get rid of JOIN overhead if you'll place your data in single table
@AlmaDo okk, thank you very much :3
Q: PHP check_input syntax error

user2891155I'm currently writing a php contact form and I get a syntax error with my check_input : unexpected "," on line 9 l6 $name = check_input($_POST['name'], "Veuillez Indiquer votre nom"); l7 $position = check_input($_POST['position'], "Veuillez indiquer votre profession"); l8 $email =...

Q: Why does the server recognise the ';'on line 19 as unexpected?

user2968691I've been over and over it, but still can't work out why the server is telling me that it isn't expecting the ';' on line 19. Which is the following line: ('$_POST[modulecode]','$_POST[school]','$_POST[date]')"; <?php $link=mysqli_connect("bla","bla","bla","bla"); // Check connection if (mysq...

by some reason I've noticed that 'codeigniter' became red flag for me (i.e. avoid even opening that question). Strange - because I've never used it
@Fabien I use the CLI and Workbench together; it's a good workflow.
@crypticツ completed \o/
@Fabien Chances are I'm going to get some calls for a while after I finished, I'd rather keep that to a minimum ;-)
@DaveRandom heh.
@DanLugg I do hear only positives about workbench. Never tried it.
@Fabien It's a great visual counterpart to the CLI; I use it primarily for table design visualization.
It's got some great plugins too; I think it supports either Lua or Python.
I've used LUA before. I made a passworded door script and fixed a few mining turtles.
in Minecraft/ComputerCraft
I killed a bunch of hookers and drank their blood for a week
in Minecraft.
@SweetieBelle the clues are too helpful
Does somebody know the solution for this, maybe: stackoverflow.com/questions/19784370/… ?
@LeoPflug There is an extension to the DOM XPath type that can probably evaluate this properly.

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