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@DaveRandom Thanks again Brother.... Best of regards
np :-)
Seriously.. can we kill everyone that suddenly thinks he/she is related to everyone?.. The amount of bros and brothers is rediculous o.O
(Yes.. i know it is not meant as a relational thing.. but damn guys, I don't live in a ghetto neither..)
Bro, do you even Bro?
@DamienOvereem Bro, we are all Bros n Sizs... Yes, indeed Bro... lol
Eww? No I don't -do- my bro. Freakin perv!
Would really appreciate any extra answers on this before I get started: stackoverflow.com/questions/19566483/…
can anyone tell me if i want yii support chat then where i can go for that except yiiframework website
@jskidd3 for one i would only add every -unique- search in the database instead of all of em :)
@AnilDhiman yii chat support is good
ah nvm.. i see your count column
@Damien Yeah I did that, if the term already exists rather than being reinserted its the count column is incremented
Lol XD
many are available
@Damien Thanks though
yes just looking for that
@AnilDhiman "chat support" has nothing to do with frameworks
One fix is easy though.. add a table containing the ip adresses for each "search id"
and only increment your count if the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is not in that list already
Ahh very nice, that saves me searching
Thanks very much : D
Fuck i need to learn to read before I type ;p you got that already :)
Hehe well
I mean I haven't created it yet
But I haven't researched it either which I'd have to have done, so you saved me that :)
Well thats the first part. I would also set a cookie to somewhat deal with dynamic addresses.. although thats more a patchup then a solution.
If someone really wants to pollute your system, they will succeed either way
Am I right in saying there isnt really a way to automatically stop them polluting it if they find somewhere they can exploit (eg times to search on different IPs)
As for "being on the right track", yes.. i think you are.
Legend, I needed someone to tell me that
Well there are some things you can do.
A blacklist sorta thing?
I think I would build it as stated, but add a monitoring layer.
Ie. if a certain keyword gets upped X amount of times in an X period of time, warn by mailing you
so you can manually black list
Oh thats brilliant
it has to be manual though, because the search term could actually be some hot topic
Yeah I see
Brilliant thanks so much
I really don't see the problem. I feel the "poo poo" is an important thing that needs to be searched for
Lmao XD
It's actually an auction site im making for a little project
So I'm sure from time to time one might want to sell a "poo poo" :P
Well in that case jskidd
I have a totally different solution
basically the google way
Ill add to your question
Yes please do
@DamienOvereem Also, the extra stuff you have said is great so be sure to put that in there
> You sent us on a bogus mission to Dog Doo 9, but the universe ends just after Dog Doo 8!
@jskidd3 you have a new answer
Especially point 3
It could check against the auction table
The auction_name
perfect :D
@DamienOvereem Thanks very much for your help :)
Its how most systems work
there is no reason to suggest keywords with no results
a bunch of sites actually do that... which is totally bad design
And you are welcome
I'm guessing a "where is the documentation?" question a big target for ; but I can't find anything. Suggestions?
Probably just ask somewhere else?
Has anyone an Idea how I can access : filename
( The guitar image )
@DanLugg It'll probably get closed, but you might still get answers before it does :)
@DamienOvereem Yeano.
Just delete the question afterwards (yeh its ugly.. but hell it works :)
I feel like that's jerking the system; I suppose it'd be a shitty question anyway, because once the docs/changelog for what I'm on about is uncovered, the question will be useless.
It is :)
imho: compared to gazillions of questions on stack that are dumb ass invalid questions with 100+ votes and 100+ answer scores that didn't belong on stack in the first place, yours isn't so bad.
Eh, I suppose. I'll trawl more topic-appropriate chatrooms and IRC first.
Im very stuck on my array :p
How do I digg into that object
" object(stdClass)#170 (12) {"
array_shift($Duikboot); there man.. saved your ass.
Where did the [tag:cv-*] usage originate? Here?
yes , here
Neat. Picked up by other rooms.
Unfortunately it still only puts the smallest of dents in the CV queue.
@tereško Indeed.. todays standards would have closed that in seconds ..
only few people use it outside of php room
hell .. most of those people have wondered in php room at some point
Personally though, I wouln't mind allowing atleast a decent level of opinion based questions. The most complex situations often do not have a one size fits all solution, which often also results in an opinion based answer..
there are such questions .. usually following pattern: "I have problem X, with A and B constraints. Here are the ways Y,Z,W that I see as solution. Which one should I choose, and if "neither", then are there alternative approaches?"
So Array_shift gives me the the value from the array that I giveup
^^ I just got this; highlighted the relevant parts.
unfortunately, those are drowned in bog of "unexpected T_IF", "please sort my array" and "do my homework with jquery"* questions
@DanLugg it's all over then net already
oh ic
@tereško Figured; didn't know if it was still happening
see slashdot/reddit/hn for details
Here it is working again.
Already am @tereško. Thanks
@DamienOvereem Just thinking... if the IP address can vary in length (based on whether it's an IPV4 or IPV6), what do you think the best way is to store them as? Data type?
@jskidd3 Store them as ip
@PeeHaa There is a data type called IP? :p
You're gonna have to tell me like i'm 5 :p
@PeeHaa lol postgres has a datatype for anything.
I'm using MySQL though not postgreSQL
@DamienOvereem It seems I can't get it working with Array shift.
Hey hey
If you aren't using an RDBMS that supports that, expand IPv4 to their IPv6 equivs and store them in a normalised form
@Duikboot lol :) You said you were stuck in your array .. so I said array_shift($Duikboot) to get you out of your array.. 't was a joke bub :)
In any case.. it's an object, not an array.
Yeah but that is not working :D
You could simply cast your object into an array
ok let's do that 1 second
You would be left with an assoc array you can go thorugh in an array way ..
but foreach ( $object as $key=>$value ) { .. } works perfectly too..
no clue what you are trying to do tbh.
@DaveRandom The problem I have is ip addresses can be IPV4 or IPV6 right?
At the moment anyway
And they are both stored completely differently
So guys is phpstorm 7 the best ever?
I don't use an IDE yet
You wont run into ipv6 adresses if your server does not support ipv6 @jskidd3
Best ide for web dev, html, css, javascript and php?
That's easy enough to detect though. Just expand everything to a full IPv6 address with no omitted blocks in hex
Meh.. netbeans is fine.. and free ..
I really need a IDE (tired of Netbeans and Eclipse) and now a days i use bash, vim, and sublime
Ahh ok thanks
I've always used Sublime
I'd like to switch to a proper IDE now though
Sublime is more of a advanced editor
( btw.. @DaveRandom is the king in messing about with IP adresses :) I had the greatest of fun with the class he supplied to me a while back :)
Hahaha ok
@DaveRandom When you say expand everything to a full ip address..
You are much more tech than I am, can you explain a little more?
but features like integrating vagrant, unit tests, etc looks smooth in phpstorm
ill try it out tonight
@jskidd3 Because that guarantees that everything is normalised and unique - every address will always expand to the same normalised form. One sec let me see if I have anything in the stock of random network-y functions
(@jskidd3 he probably means converting all IP adresses to their HEX representation.. basically you store all IP's the same way.)
Ok thanks
Random network-y functions
You are basically talking chinese
networkie ;) That guy has too much crazy network code bits lying around :)
So basically what you're saying is
@DamienOvereem Almost there:
["_field_data]["nid"] ["entity"] is an object... ["field_image_event"]["und"][0]["filename"]
Everything should be the same length
How do cast the entity object to an array?
its an object in an array.
The first one was no problem but i have never done that in array.
I already have that: $resultArr = (array) $viewResults[0];
let me type something up duikboot.. sec
But in that array is again an object
Ok :) thanks!
oh lmao
i see
function objectToArray($object) {
    if (is_object($object)) $object = get_object_vars($object);
    if (is_array($object)) return array_map('objectToArray', $object);
    else return $object;
meh.. that should convert your object to array .. (not that i'm saying its ok to just convert objects to arrays .. ).. still not entirely sure what you are trying to do :)
I have that big array Iwant to access the file name
that's all :)
'big object'
I've casted it to an array but now it's still dealing with an object in it.
ah :) then there must be a more simple solution :) Let me check that array of yours.
That is the recent version since the first object ist cast to an array.
As you can see on line 23: there is again an object.
@ThiefMaster Thanks for looking into it; I couldn't find any reference to that particular log file in the post you've mentioned.
I'll work with your original version ;p Im quie sure you don't have to cast to an array.
blogs.telegraph.co.uk/technology/willardfoxton2/100011290/… - "He’s a normal person, rather than an exceptionally dull weirdo, like the bulk of developers."
i would think that would give you the filename ..
@Jimbo Willard Foxton is a c*nt
that actually .. what a mess .
o crap.. even more .. hold on
I know reflection is typically read-only, but man, I wish it weren't sometimes. It'd be nice to extends classes on-the-fly.
Good morning!
Ok :D
Pff .. $viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']['entity_type']->field_image_event['und'][0]['filename']
@ThiefMaster Found it on page 4, my bad =(
I know this is crazy, but is there anyway to force PHP to treat an object as a certain type, such that instanceof and type-hints will pass?
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in eval() eval()'d code).
If it doesnt work.. just print_r($viewResults[0]->_field_data)); then $viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']); then print_r($viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']['entity_type']) etc
keep expanding to see where it goes wrong
@DanLugg Create a new blank object, get all the results, put the results into this new object, check instanceof with the new object
@Jimbo What?
@DanLugg Nvm -.-
Ah i see.. entity_type has to be entity.. $viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']['entity']->field_image_event['und'][0]['filename'] .. (talk about remote debugging ..)
@DanLugg He's referencing the article
You dull weirdo
Why does it seem people are pinging me with nonsense?
I was doing that already the whole day
Did that last version work ?
Looks like it should
THAT is working perfect how the hell are able to solve that so fast.
do use that like $filename = ( !is_empty($viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']['entity']->field_image_event['und'][0]['filename']) ? $viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']['entity']->field_image_event['und'][0]['filename'] : null );
or you will be in heaps of trouble if even 1 thing changes in there
And: read print_r :)
the info is all there
Ok Im doing to do some test now, thanks a lot @DamienOvereem
I have to pull out 1 ['nid'] but at the object I'm always stuck
...and it always comes back to runkit
Is it actually safe to visit the PHP.net site?
@DamienOvereem What am I doing wrong I can't access the 'nid' or'vid'
I first tried; var_dump($viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']['entity']->field_image_event['vid']);
But that results in nothign.
@ComFreek You can always clone the site locally :)
@jskidd3 sorry got distracted at work, I'm looking now
damn that work, always distracting you from the fun things ;-)
PHP is fun... Yeah :D
@DaveRandom Np man
I didn't say that, but it is :)
@jskidd3 Right, this seems reasonable: 3v4l.org/Qt34i - I wrote that ages ago and the fact that it contains regex tells me it was pretty quick and dirty
It does seem to play nice with all those different representations of the same address though
Ugh, it has a by-ref foreach in it as well :-(
@Duikboot field_image_event array does not have a 'vid' key
@DaveRandom I don't know why, but it bugs me when people use if { } elseif { }, but return from each block ;-)
I have to parse the first 60
from that obj.
entity does though
@DanLugg agreed
@DanLugg Yeh sure, that's the worst thing about that code :-P
@DaveRandom I actually don't think it's bad; is it?
@DaveRandom Your gonna look back on that script in a couple of years and scream at yourself
@DanLugg I think he was being sarcastic ;-)
i have 2 functions to execute a sql database update and then email function...randomly at times it will only execute the sql database update but not do the email function.... could it be that my server resources are low
Can you explain me why
->vid and not ['vid']
@DanLugg Well the way that should be done is to convert to an array of 8 short ints and then it can be encoded any way you want. And regex matching IP addresses is just generally horrible
because object and not array
@rubberchicken It could be that your SQL functions fail
Debug it
I used to pass null or '' to implode as a delimiter, then I realized it's optional and you can pass the array as the first argument.
@rubberchicken SQL can handle outbound E-mails?
@Duikboot Do a var_dump of $viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']['entity'] you will see it is an object and not an array
no PHP function
@DaveRandom Fair enough, on both counts, but regexing IPs is fine; fuck a parser.
function 1 - updates mySQL database
@SophieMackeral That's pretty much the stage I am at now ;-)
I see it but im not accepting it in my head -_-
function 2 - sends mail()
or from your print_r:
@DaveRandom Tut tut tut, comments m'dear
  string(4) "node"
  object(stdClass)#313 (39) {
    string(2) "60"
98% of the time emails are sent...and the odd one or two never get sent... i wish to debug this but no errors in apache logs
entity_type is a string that contains "node", entity is an object that contains a property "vid" and "vid" is a string.
@DanLugg Have you ever written an regexp that matches all forms of human readable IP address and nothing else? Because I tried once.
->vid ok
but what if in the object is array....
is it then ->vid['arrayitem'] ?
@SophieMackeral Like I say, I'm guessing it was a quick and dirty work around for the fact that I couldn't be bothered writing a proper class for it
if "entity" was an "array(x) {" .. it would have been ['vid'] :)
@rubberchicken It's very hard to answer your question without seeing the code.
No .. entity->vid is a string ... not an array
entity does have a property field_image_event, which in turn is an array, which contains an index 'und' .. :)
So thats why the ['entity']->field_image_event['und'][0]['filename'] bit works :)
Are we having fun yet ? :)
anyone loaded php.net lately?
Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!
@WarrenFaith hurhurhur
@Jay Yes, I've done many times.
IE didn't warn me.
@ComFreek its saying its harmful
Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer!

Return to the previous page and pick another result.
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Or you can continue to http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.php at your own risk. For detailed information about the problems we found, visit Google's Safe Browsing diagnostic page for this site.

For more information about how to protect yourself from harmful software online, you can visit StopBadware.org.

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It says "may" :)
Yes, we know. You're about 8 hrs late to the party
It is due to a genuine security breach (not just some idiot reporting it in error), I'm not sure if the post mortem has revealed cause of death yet though.
@Jay Everybody knows.. check the "BTW another site for while php.net is gimping" fav'ed message ;)
I tuned out of IRC a while ago
I just got online so how am I to know
They're all sleeping anyway.
@Jay You are to blame for waking up too late.. (or being too damn slow getting your ass online).. in any case.. its all on you baby ..
Do you have an idea why I receive : Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in...
Again I know what the error means but when I echo $logo_id_no it displays me the number perfectly.
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP. BEFORE chatting in this room read : git.io/chatroom-pact *We know php.net is blocked by Google, you don't need to tell us again [php]*
I have to use that logo_id_no in the variable to receive the ID for the image that I am loading.
@DamienOvereem yup. I'll just login to php.net and fix it 1 sec
Thats because yyou are doing a [...] on an object
@Duikboot Don't treat your object as an array.
@ComFreek he is hardly to blame :) you should see his object in array in array in object in array object :)
$dataImage = $viewResults[0]->_field_data[$logo_id_no]['entity']->field_image_event['und'][0]['filename'];
is not working
$dataImage = $viewResults[0]->_field_data['nid']['entity']->field_image_event['und'][0]['filename'];
is working. But I have to put that number from the $logo_id_no in it.
@DamienOvereem Oh that long file someone posted a link to it here was his object? Lol :D
Yes it was my object.
What is a workign example value of the $logo_id_no variable ?
When I echo that $logo_id_no, and I see it as a number?
You didnt build in any validation if the objects actually exist.. you should do that :) Or your code will die the second one of those values does not exist at some point.
shouldn't it say nid, not 60 ?
Try a print_r of $viewResults[0]->_field_data[60]
does that give results ? (i can't be bothered to scroll that far down in your file :)
(ok.. i just did, and it doesn't seem _field_data has an index 60
Where is that monster of an arrayobjectarrayarrayobject come from anyway ?
Drupal Webform
From a view
Pff ..
$form = drupal_get_form('webform_client_form_' . $nid, $node, array(), true);
anyways .. the only "60"'s i can find are values for 'nid' properties, but they are all over the place..
Where is @ircmaxell at? I'm seeing all these awesome pictures on twitter but I have no idea where he is. Is he lost in the mountains?
The system checks the form : as in :
if (isset($_GET['webform']) && !empty($_GET['webform']) && is_numeric($_GET['webform'])){
@Jimbo I'm right here
Then if the webform is for example 60
Then the image of that form should be parsed. As in the large object you can see the one with 60 should parse guitar.jpg..
@ircmaxell Are you at that hairpin road right now? Looks awesome
But when the form has an idea :
The image of nid 67 should be parsed.
that was a while ago when I was in Austria
@ircmaxell Never been there but I plan to - There's this place called Hallstatt I think that I just have to see
How awesome is that ^
That looks like a bob Ross picture..too good to be true
@Jimbo I want to live there
now please!
@cheesemacfly If I ever find a girl worthy of my dependency injection, we'll get married there :-)
The question is: is the weather like that all year long? :)
@Jimbo Been there, year 9 ski trip
@DaveRandom Wow, is it as good as it is in the pics?
It's gonna take too long for me to dig through that entire file to find out what you need duikboot. But I think you'll end up with looping through some part of it and returning a part of it where ['cid'] == $logo_id_no
Although saying this, your year 9 must've been 25 years ago right ;)
@Jimbo Inject liberally. No need to couple in a particular instance.
Year 9 ski trip. I doubt the focus was on the scenery.
Winter ^^
See, hardly any difference.
Except for the white roofs.
That's awesome
How's the t'internet?
@Jimbo I probably didn't appreciate it tbh, I was a year 9 and at the time I couldn't ski (many would argue that I still can't)
Something like foreach (.. as $array ) if ( $array[something][something]['cid'] == $logo_id_no ) return $array;
Also I remember alcohol
@DamienOvereem yeah something like that.
and then get what you need out of that array.. But yes, I think "argh" is the correct response :)
Hahaha :D
@Jack Ok, I'm in love with this place now!
Screw you guys, that's my place :P Get your own!
Shouldn't have shown it :)
"There's only place for one cowboy in this town"
3v4l.org/DooXD So, this works, but it obviously falls down on the method Foo::zip; anything expecting $this to be of type Foo is going to fail; can anyone think of a workaround?
@DanLugg I don't get the why, what's the use case?
@DaveRandom Just experimenting with some AOP shit.
@DanLugg Are you saying you need __callStatic magic in the proxy?
Toy code, not going into anything production.
@Orangepill No, I'm saying that when $this is rebound on the method-closure, it of course is of type Proxy; but this ain't no good if I do something like $this->someObject->doSomething($this) where doSomething() expects a Foo.

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