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it is easily dealt with ...
worryingly it says he's a university lecturer on his blog ... hopefully on hair styles or something ...
@JoeWatkins He lives (of his own free will) in Milton Keynes. Of course his judgement is suspect.
@JoeWatkins I see his point, and it's not that far off
but it's not because he's dealing with polymorphism, it's because he's mixing responsibilities
I don't see his point, so help me ?
the examples he uses
are from mixing responsibilities of the class
well .. all of his post can be described as "a bit off" ... it's only a matter of degree
@ircmaxell He's using twisted and horrible examples...
@MadaraUchiha that's my poiont
Than his point is not valid
he has a point, he's just making it overly generic beyond what it should be
It's not the $this's fault, it's his own implementation's fault.
I may write a response
$this->method(); is always procedural programming because the implementation of the method cannot be substituted at runtime
@JoeWatkins Except through inheritance of the current object, which is not really that great a way of inserting things.
this is nonsensical, and shows a misunderstanding of the model of inheritance that you should expect it to be any other way ...
@JoeWatkins Aaaand that's why you sign your git commits!
which is correct
@JoeWatkins that's exactly his point though. You can't expect it any other way, and hence inheritance is not the solution to that problem
sorry that statement is correct ?
I don't see how it can be ?
but he's incorrectly assigning the blame to subtype polymorphism, rather than to the bluring of responsibilities that caused the subtype polymorphism
@JoeWatkins BTW: that's total BS...
LOL omg this guy
> I chose r, firstly because it was available and secondly because I like the aesthetics of it (how the top of the r and bottom of the j wrap around the dot). I now own several others. No, they are not for sale.
i have never seen someone explain their domain, that's hilarious
ha ha ha
@ircmaxell it doesn't really tally with what I remember unfolding in IRC ... but I don't have a good memory ... there probably a reason to put the story out there ...
@CarrieKendall I know, he's adorable.
@JoeWatkins yup, which is why I didn't elaborate further ;-)
I'm out, later
well I think it's a crazy blog post, he's filled it out with a load of crap but the essence of it is the same, it starts somewhere a little bit silly and ends somewhere just ridiculous ...
Plus there's no comments section. So what's the point.
I think it's going a little over the deep end.
It's the strategy pattern being overdone.
@Fabien lol
lol. I really dislike that tongue thing she always does. It's pretty annoying.
BTW @tereško I believe that Web MVC is a good read, at least that's my verdict.
I'm surprised it's not more popular.
can you delete vote answers?
@CarrieKendall yes we can :)
@CarrieKendall yes, ones with negative votecount
"PHP chat room cleaning service" at your .. emm .. service
yes, onward minions!
does the php interpreter call a function everytime a loop iterates?
while ( $row = $this->result->fetch_object() )
@marabutt yes, because it's doing what you told it to do?
while ( test() )
Right guys... I need some advice on how my project is going
@Danack terrible example ...
Any news on the breach of static. yet? In terms of what the exploit was?
Evnin @all
according to some thing i did read ~ hour ago: false positive
@DaveRandom jo
I wll be slow to respond and bad at typing as I'm on my phone
posted on October 23, 2013 by PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

On 24 Oct 2013 06:15:39 +0000 Google started saying www.php.net was hosting malware. The Google Webmaster Tools were initially quite delayed in showing the reason why and when they did it looked a lot like a false positive because we had some minified/obfuscated javascript being dynamically injected into userprefs.js. This looked suspicious to us as well, but it was actually written to do exact

Feeds has become sentient?
@tereško "So the file was being modified locally and reverted." I read that as, "there was a hack, that kept being reverted to the correct file".
Me too
Danbrown said in IRC earlier that he could trace the breach back to May... :-S
So google just happened to never index when the malicious code was in play?
@Orangepill Apparently so.
From the logs rasmus shared they didn't pick it up until about 4am Utc
But he didn't share any real info, it sounded like a Dormans hack
Wtf I didn't type tHay
Fuck you android
A common lament.
@DaveRandom Does it actually make anyone elses life easier if online edits to the manual are done with a 'logged in' account vs an 'anonymous account'? Long story - I prefer not to login with FB or google, but if it makes it easier for other people I can make spoof account.
Does anyone know what the malware was suppose to do?
look at the receipt
@Danack Doesn't matter. Just tell us your anon number
@Danack It makes life easier for you because you can modify your patches after the fact, but it doesn't make it any easier for us
@DaveRandom It actually seems that I stay logged in as the same anon user. I just use Safari for editing, (as it's preview works) and it's always the same user.
Ah maybe someone has improved it a bit
I was bitching at bjori a few wks ago about it, he did say there was some long standing work in progress
The more I work with the OE, the more I get on board with the markdown idea. I know there are people here who are not convenient but docbook is such a pita
Ffs why is there no edit button on mobile
Broken encodning issue .. cant google this last letter .. anyone who knows what I can map this to: ‚
@DaveRandom You mean the edit on php.net?
People keep suggesting that php.net should use Twitter bootstrap. Reality check: we do.
I am surprised that people are not recommending to use Laravel for php.net
Why are people surprised someone hacked php.net? In a big enough system holes like this exist, it'd be an illusion to think there is nothing of the sort here in SO. You have to isolate your site info from one another and keep different passwords for stuff that matters. Never put anything online unless it's public and so on...
PHP.net doesn't strike me as a likely target for hackers -- it just doesn't seem like there's anything interesting to steal.
@slashingweapon It's a nice PoC, I can totally see it being the result of a bet or something, or on the other hand a very targeted attack against someone specific. Kudos for Google for catching it btw.
Big/popular sites get hacked eventually so this is no surprise for me. I would be more interested in knowing more about the breach - what back doors were used to get access, what exactly was the purpose, etc... :)

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