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some things are wantenly complicated with git ...
also, you seem unaware of what is the point for source version control tools
say, to delete almost anything ....
but a branch ...
what exactly is complicated in "deleting anything" with git ?
to remove a commit
you said "delete"
it didn't change what I said ...
what does this line of code do? is_null( self::$instance ) AND self::$instance = new self; ? How can both conditions be true?
"delete" has nothing to do with "checkout of older version"
well lets not get bogged down in the wording of it, I understand the benefit of version control, benefits which svn can provide adequately for a lot of projects, in my opinion ...
I wasn't going round searching for a new version control system when git came about ...
@JoeWatkins Nice to include all of thos eIP addresses
@codecowboy it's not in an IF statement .. isn't it. That is an example of how to use inline IF statement, because second part will only called if first one gives a truthy result
IP's are publicly available information, if you don't want anyone to know your IP have your ISP cut your service off ...
@codecowboy dont use that syntax in your own code
these aren't ips that are suspected of doing anything, they are not connected in any meaningful way ... just to clarify ...
@JoeWatkins what a specific IP address is doing, is not publicly available information.
yes it is ...
I was bringing up the privacy issue, not saying they did anything.
It's really not, you are not publicly able to discover the websites I have browsed in the last 24h
@DaveRandom/@Jack/Anyone remove that message ... I wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't complain about it either, it's incidental that they are included, not even related to the conversation ...
it's on it's own somwhere static.log or something ...
@JoeWatkins Pardon? Which message?
where I posted that log in here
Oh right, well I can't do anything more than you can (i.e. move it to bin)
sorry, please :)
We can move it, not remove it.
I wasn't saying you should get rid of it, it's also on HN, it was bad of Rasmus to release it like that.
You'll have to ask uncle @Gordon if you want it to be properly deleted
well if it's out there already ...
lol @hakre
Also, lets say that those IP addresses were the unfortunate victims of some Malware/Trojan infection, I would now have a list of addresses I could try to exploit
want which what when then done wrong ping pong ram tam tam digge deee. — hakre 15 secs ago
it's incidental, there's no privacy issue here ...
this is why JoeWatkins was in the ignore list ... the amount of stupid statements that he produces was deemed "unhealthy"
wtf are you on about ?
OK, userprefs.js was altered maliciously at 2013-10-23 04:54:08 and restored at 04:58:18
Dammit, Brilliant looking Web Developer Ad for a promising company until I read "C# .NET', Heart skins :(
@salathe are you watching irc ?
Php mail() vs Yahoo: Can someone Simply Explain Steps required for YAHOO to receive mail from php mail function?
@ErickBest 1) program it 2) send mail with it 3) ? 4) profit!
YAHOO Seems to ignore PHP mail() function ... See link: stackoverflow.com/questions/19555650/…
@tereško. thanks. its not my own code. i am trying to read someone else's. i still don't understand it :(
@JoeWatkins where can I watch?
php.pecl efnet
I guess I missed the juicy stuff :p
here anyone know bit of wordpress?
Q: Json code is not working when i am including wp-load.php in my file

404 Not Foundi am newbie in wordpress. i have just started with wordpress before some day. i am doing here ajax request to contact.php file. everything is working fine. but i am facing problem is when i am including wp-load.php the json data is not coming/printing. if i am not including wp-load.php then JS...

@PeeHaa : It's really Frustrating.... GMail has NO ISSUE with the mails... but some clients are YAHOO Glued and can't get Emails... running out of options... YAHOO HAS REFUSED TO RECEIVE ANY EMAIL__FROM__PHP mail() function
@ErickBest Uhhhm bollocks
How can yahoo know it is sent using php?
NO IDEA BRO.... Somehow it doesnt inbox the email
@Fabien That can only go well.
@ErickBest First thing I would do is try to find out WHY it happens. And the why is not, just because php
@PeeHaa, Sure I did... hv been running up and down with this issue for hours now and apparently there are guys having the same issue... Still NO CLEAR SOLUTION yet... It's has something to do with YAHOO cz the others are ok
Tried altering the headers a little?
@MackieeE I lastly tried something like: $subject = "subject";
$message = "message";
$to = "[email protected]";
$type = "plain"; // or HTML
$charset = "utf-8";

$mail     = "no-reply@".str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
$uniqid   = md5(uniqid(time()));
$headers  = "From: ".$mail."\n";
$headers .= "Reply-to: ".$mail."\n";
$headers .= "Return-Path: ".$mail."\n";
$headers .= "Message-ID: <".$uniqid."@".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].">\n";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0"."\n";
$headers .= "Date: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time())."\n";
No Success... anything wrong with that at all?... GMail received it well
Jesus.. why everyone ignore that link with description "BEFORE chatting .."
@MackieeE and @PeeHaa Can you please see the code i have sent suggest what you think?... thx in advance!
@AlmaDoMundo Because users are lazy. Every programmer knows that.
@ErickBest Just saw your Question on SO; although have to say - I would strip everything back and start with a simple text email and work your way through ;o
@MackieeE, Thanks again for the suggestion. However, I have tried the simplest ways possible and the more intricate ones... I copied codes from PHP.Net, YAHOO Main Site and other Forums... tested and .. They all FAILED to SENT to Yahoo.. Am left wondering___ WHAT DOES YAHOO REALLY WANT?... What can possibly be done to have YAHOO inbox the mails?... PLEASE HELP. Thankx
@PeeHaa , @MackieeE if you have any suggestion_Codes... I would highly appreciate.. thx. (This something really basic for a Web-Developper with over 10Years Experience but complicated at the moment... somehow)
Hey guys i have a quick question ... myphpadmin dont wanna run now and coworker said that they always use navicat and i should do the same ...
so my question is now: how can i add a innodb (query code: ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT)
any help is welcome :)
do you know php.net was blocked by Google?
yes, we know
do have anyone an idea??! ... i dont know how i can add this query without writting it ...
@Jack: regarding your flag on the log message: while I agree that access logs with user ips don't really belong in the public they don't seem to contain any personal data (ips alone are not really valuable) and more important, the file is referenced in a public forum post, too
@MackieeE , @PeeHaa I went to this Link: http://www.forensicswiki.org/wiki/Evolution_Header_Format

YAHOO said the header should be like this:

Subject: header test
From: Username <[email protected]>
To: Username <[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:52:35 +0200
Message-Id: <1185616355.19231.0.camel@localhost>
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Evolution 2.10.1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Thested with PHP mail() func. GMail received, again, YAHOO Rejected... I Get NO Error in the Logs
@ErickBest I'm sure someone's told you this already but just in case: You can save yourself a lot of headaches by using a mailer lib instead of calling mail() directly
Q: i need some codes

kingAm a newbie with wordpress and am designing an e-commerce site and there are some codes I require if anyone can help me out I would be very grateful Here are some of the codes I require! 1.Code that can allow the parent page to automatically update when one of its child page is updated. Code f...

@DaveRandom Sure... I am now having that as my last resolve. But just for the records, is the PHP mail() function deprecated or is there anything that we are not being told?.... and The BIG QUESTION: Why is GMAIL receiving the mails but NOT YAHOO??
Wow guys ... thx for no help not even response to me ... -.-
Anyway got it already ... such a kind chat ... -.-
@ErickBest When you say "not receiving" what do you mean exactly? You mean it never gets there at all or it goes to the spam folder?
@user31911 People have a tendency not to answer questions they don't know the answer to ;-)
@DaveRandom It is neither in the Inbox.... Nor in the Spam folder... It is NO WHERE... Gmail puts them straight to the Inbox and adds a Special tag on top... Yahoo kind of simply ignores
What is a "special" tag?
@ErickBest The long of the short of it is this: Email sucks. It is very, very badly designed with the respect to modern usage. The system was designed with almost no audit trail at all, and all sorts of things have been implemented over the years in an effort to fix this without redesigning the whole system. The upshot of this is that it's incredibly complicated these days to design an email that will actually get to the other end.
Libraries like phpmailer and swiftmailer (i prefer the second myself) do a lot of the grunt-work in terms of making sure that the email is structured correctly. All of them will still call mail() underneath unless you tell them not to
@DaveRandom yep thats that what ive thought, but its still rude to ignore a person who actually really needs short help and so on ... pls dont missunderstand my point of view... ^^
The only sane way to guarantee that an email will actually arrive though is to relay via the sender domain's MTA, which will generally have been set up by people who understand email a lot better than you (or me)
@DaveRandom You spelt it right... Thanks for the info... In fact what you'hv said is true, I have just tesed the example/mail.php of PHPMailer.... Am still refreshing YAHOO Inbox, NO MESSAGE Yet....
@user31911 If everyone in the room said "I don't know" that would be ~50 messages. Unfortunately that's just how it works, if someone knows the answer they will answer, if no-one does generally you get no response. That's exactly how it works on the main site as well, I've never seen a question with ~2 million "I don't know" comments on it...
@ErickBest One thing you could do is verify the SPF for the sender address/domain will actually permit you to send mail from your server's IP
but when I change the email address to a GMAIL... PHPMailer sends it and GMail Inbox updates ASAP... Still even with the use of the MAILER... Am Still having a headache
What is the sender address you are using?
(the "From" address)
@DaveRandom..Something like [email protected]...
say hello buzz :D
got new kitteh ...
who the F is flagging that?
@ErickBest I thought so. Yahoo are not going to accept email from yahoo.com unless it originated from inside their network. You will have to relay via their SMTP.
Did someone just flag this picture of an adorable kitten -_- ?
Debating cancelling the lamephp build and just using Ghost Blogging Platform to run it. :(
I think they saw the tattoos first
It's a cute kitten, and it's by someone who is a room regular. Who the heck would find it opressive?
@DaveRandom WOW.... MAN, Thanks alot... So what do you think I should do at this hour?
@Fabien Good luck. I'm a node junkie and I kind of dislike LAMP specifically and PHP in general. Still no way I'd use Ghost for production.
@JoeWatkins There seems to be a penis just roaming into shot in the top right corner
@BenjaminGruenbaum How come?
lol tho
dude wtf is with that flag-happy person in here?
@ErickBest one sec, just looking up the yahoo details
@DaveRandom 5$ says it's @tereško
@DaveRandom Man... Thanks a million... If I could get YAHOO to accept PHP mail() function... that'll be awsome indeed
what flag? :Ь
OK @ErickBest so did you say you are now using phpmailer?
@Fabien It's very new and immature. It's the first version, I won't mind using it in a year but I'm very wary about using node in production generally (I do so on a need to basis) and such a new system in specifically.
@tereško Haha, I love you too hun.
@DaveRandom Yes Bro
@BenjaminGruenbaum fair enough.
@DaveRandom Wanna build a Model 2 MVC based blog for LamePHP. I will pay you £5 and a pint if/when we meet. :D
Is there decent PHP events in Laaaandan then?
:12552578 Who the heck flagged that -_-
@BenjaminGruenbaum and how the fuck you expect me to know ?
out lataz ...
@DaveRandom the first launch of PHPMailer FAILED... Till now, am still refreshing YAHOO Inbox... NO Email
@tereško I replied to the message for context. Didn't imply you should know.
@rdlowrey nikhilm.github.io/uvbook/introduction.html have you seen this?
@ErickBest Can you pastebin your current code?
£100? :/
@MackieeE It'll be worth it
@Fabien Seriously, if you want a blog just use WordPress. Why the heck do you care how good/bad its backend code is at this point?
@BenjaminGruenbaum He went skydiving on Fri and hasn't been seen since. We suspect he may have gone splat.
(not really)
@DaveRandom just so you know, you totally had me there :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum The point of the build was to learn how to build something properly. Problem is I don't know how to build it properly :P.
@BenjaminGruenbaum He really did and really hasn't been, but he did tweet a pic of the cert after the jump so we assume he is at least still alive.
Ok One Sec..
And as it's been pointed out to me the last few weeks. There's nothing built 'properly' out there.
@DaveRandom pastebin_link: pastebin.com/Quc8mezx
@Fabien If it's just learning to build something than I would use NodeJS because it makes you learn the protocol etc a lot better and abstracts a lot less by default. In 99% of cases you don't care if something is built properly (except for some people here ehem ehem), you just care if it works well.
Getting things done is your first priority. Unless you're uncle Bob of course.
@DaveRandom I changed the addres to gmail right now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Very true but I am trying to address some fundamental gaps in my knowledge from taking the "Just make it work" approach in my past.
@Fabien Ah cool. Have you read all the canonical literature? GoF book, Fowler, Bob Martin, etc?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Negative. But reading/understanding those books puts quite a large delay on building the site. (It's only a personal site). I know technically that doesn't make sense because I need to learn it to do it. I am just a little eager to do it. Maybe you're right though. It's a learning blog site so I should just make it work then read the books as something to blog about.
@DaveRandom I tested it again and still GMAIL receives it but when I change the Address to Yahoo..no EMAIL.... It seems like YAHOO is refusing to Inbox even the Email sent using PHPMailer...___WHAT_IS_REALLY_GOING ON?....
@ErickBest There's a lot of spam detection techniques out there...
@DaveRandom Was the flag on the message containing "penis" by any chance? (If yes, @flagger: Stop it. "penis" is not a "very unwanted word" and neither are the various slang terms for it)
@ThiefMaster A dick flagging a penis...
@ThiefMaster Yeh, but also 4 other messages that didn't use the scientific names for body parts
@DaveRandom Thanks... uploading to Server... 1 sec plz
@ThiefMaster Uhhhhh yeah it is. I am a dick and I am offended by it!
@ErickBest make sure you change the settings at the top to match your actual configuration ;-)
@PeeHaa There's nothing wrong with being fat
@DaveRandom Thanks... doing that..
@DaveRandom: You mean him being a fat penis?
Rule 34...
Hey it's not length that matters people!
Girth ftw
Why not both?
in some cases people would call that torture ..
In that nicest possible way, please STAHP
Ask @lusitanian's mom
^ this. This is why.
Speaking of which I haven't seen his mother since @rdlowrey has been gone...
coincidence? I think not
Yeah.. thats still a bit.. odd.. He is alright, right ?
Haven't seen the guy here since his jump
@DaveRandom I get this error: Mailer Error: SMTP connect() failed. (Finally a response_cz before itwas blank)
@DamienOvereem He tweeted after it, but hasn't shown his face in here since then
Strange ain't it.. or did he go on holiday after or something?
@ErickBest Add $mail->SMTPSecure = "tls"; after $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
@DaveRandom Sure...doing that... 1 sec... (thx)
@DaveRandom Am afraid... i still get the same error from PHP Mailer.. Mailer Error: SMTP connect() failed.
@ErickBest Try changing 465 to 587 then. It's possible that your host is blocking outbound connections on these ports though, in which case your kind of boned (and should get a better host)
@DaveRandom Sure,,,, trying that.... thanx a for the advice. 1Sec
@DaveRandom MAN_YOU_ARE_THE_KING__ It worked like VOODOO!.... Thank You a million times... I seriously owe you a 10Ltrs KINGFISHER-BEER_JUG.... Thanx again n again!!!!
@DaveRandom but please can you explain the Magic?... How did you make YAHOO accept the Email??...(Mysterious indeed!)
hello friends is their anyone here with yii experience
@ErickBest It would take several hours to explain all the ins and outs of it but the short version is: mail() sends the mail direct from your machine, by using SMTP you are asking Yahoo to send the mail for you. Yahoo have block in their network to ensure that all email that claims to be from Yahoo actually cam from Yahoo - so you can't send a mail to Yahoo from a Yahoo account unless you send it from Yahoo.
Yiiframework People here ? then please come back to me
Quite a bit of that is not technically true but its good enough for explaining the issue
@AnilDhiman i know bit
do you know about PHPUnit Test
any problem ?
as well with yii
actually i am creating app on local with rest api and i need to create testcase for my rest api
@DaveRandom Man, that is Genius... Respect indeed to your level of intelligence.. I owe you big time bro. Thanx again many times!!
and i am not able to know how should i do that as i have almost private methods
with $_Server request variables
Unfortunately when it comes to email, blind luck has a lot more to do with it than intelligence
@AnilDhiman i don't know that much in yii bcz i have just worked on one module only
hmm ok what about symphony
never got chance to work on it
hmm its ok
@DaveRandom THAT is how it looks like
@DaveRandom see image

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