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06:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Hey anyone used OpenID before?
1 hour later…
is my favorite number (<- works best when starred)
works best when stared more than one
Good morning
@ChristianSciberras can't spell favourite?
@Greg perfectly fine in AE
ah... I'm ignorant to many Americanisms
that's an Americanism as well ;)
good morning :)
Hello @salathe
My new favorite :)
@Greg Chrome is in EN_US language mode and autocorrects my stuff.
On the bright side, I've learned my English from a British context.
Too bad 90% of the written English I end up working with is American English...
Q: Match two (or more) array values

GerebyI want to compare two or more arrays and find matching values. When I'm using array_intersect it compares keys+value when I need just value match. For example I have two arrays: array1(0 => 'two' 1 => 'one' 2 => 'three' 3 => 'four') and array2(0 => 'three' 1 => 'one' 2 =>...

grr, low-rep PHP contributors can be such children
took me 2 years to stop correcting colour to color when programming.
10 views in 2 hours
colour is correct!
@Greg Still do it occasionally. Here's a tip, try using CSS more often ;)
Hey @TomalakGeretkal, do you know how to know when PHP output started, even if buffered?
@ChristianSciberras when you create a variable of your own regarding colour, do you name it like $myColor or $myColour?
just wondering...
@ChristianSciberras What do you mean by "when"?
And by "know"? :)
@Greg the latter one.
@TomalakGeretkal There's headers_sent($file,$line)
It works like a charm, except that it works on real output sent to browser.
OK so, at any arbitrary point in your code, you want to determine whether [possibly buffered] output has started?
My actual problem: I'm trying to figure out the exact place where wordpress is outputting a newline (at the very start of code). But it's not in the theme.
ob_get_status is one, for the OB buffer (though note that output can be taken back from that!)
@TomalakGeretkal It's at the very end I'm doing this. But let's say yes.
@TomalakGeretkal Doesn't seem to mention a file and line pair ;)
There's nothing specific for non-header output, but it strikes me that if any output has gone, then headers must have been sent.
So you can still use headers_sent.
In fact I think that this is the use case for headers_sent.
The very first comment on php.net/manual/en/function.headers-sent.php talks about what you're trying to do.
But you'll have to come up with some magic to merge that with ob_get_status
@ChristianSciberras Did you check for a Unicode BOM?
Oh, I see.
No, it's a regular newline pair (CRLF)
Check for trailing newlines in your scripts.
@ChristianSciberras what TomalakGeretkal said... look for:
// this will kill the session!

It's inside wordpress code. Already checked my theme. It's clean.
Check again. It is not.
Insisting that you know there's no problem, when you can't find the problem, seems daft.
@TomalakGeretkal The "theme" is 3 files; footer header and index, each of which an absolutely empty file.
For heavens' sake stop trying to imply you know more about my files than I do.
Then it is impossible to have the problem you describe.
You're impossible really.
Maybe you should read my problem again.
I already said the problem came from HTML output. It doesn't have to do with headers.
In fact, headers_sent say the output starting from wp-includes/functions.php
Which is basically a function that outputs all buffer levels (while(ob_get_level()echo ob_get_clean();)
I've already found a "bad" wordpress file, settings.php
@TomalakGeretkal Insisting you know my problem better than I do, sounds even more daft.
I've a weird problem. On localhost images appears ok. After uploading to the server on mozilla Img's titles appears, on chome these images doesn't appears.
@Robik Titles? What titles? title="..."?
Sorry, alt's
I'm using XHTML 1.0 Strict
alt's ain't titles...
My bad
@ChristianSciberras Well, I do. Apparently - despite not being able to solve this problem - you know best though. Good luck.
@TomalakGeretkal I didn't say so.
@ChristianSciberras Yes, it does. Because headers are sent when the first output needs to be dispatched.
I just said my theme is empty. 0 frigging bytes.
I refuse to continue helping you until you calm down.
If you are not willing to listen to me, then how can I teach you?!
I will when you stop being so insultive.
That's it; you're on your own.
@Robik alt is not a "tooltip" field.
@Robik Some browsers will render alt text as an overlay, and some won't. Don't rely on this! (title is somewhat more reliable for this purpose.)
XHTML strict requies alt
@Robik So provide it. alt's purpose is to provide a semantic alternative representation for the image contents. Not to render a tooltip in Firefox.
Alt overrides images
@Robik Alt is "laternative text".
It shows up when the image fails to loading or while loading).
And sometimes as tooltip text.
And on chrome:
Please use full sentences, Robik.
Describe what is happening vs what you want to happen.
Also describe what you're doing.
@TomalakGeretkal you should really weigh your options when people reply to your questions in ways you didn't expect them to instead of shouting "you're wrong!" and bury your head underground.
alt doesn't overlay images.
I'm not using my software, but this only happens on my hosting.
On localhost it's okay
@ChristianSciberras My head is not buried. I have told you how you can diagnose your problem, but you have buried your head in the sand by shouting "this does NOT RELATE TO HEADERS" and screaming "lalalalalala". I suggest taking a step back from your computer, having a cup of tea, then realising that the people you are asking for help know this stuff better than you do.
@Robik On server?
@TomalakGeretkal Jesus Christ.
@Robik One more time, we need to know what you're doing. My ESP is on the fritz today.
Perhaps this would be better suited to an SO question, with the following:

* Code
* A description of what you expected to happen
* A description of what you want to happen
If you knew this stuff better than I do, you'd have realized this doesn't relate to headers eons ago.
Which is exactly why I said I couldn't use headers_sent().
@ChristianSciberras Again, you're not listening to me. I will say it just one more time.
Headers are dispatched when first output is dispatched. You can use headers_sent to find out when this was -- and thus when first output was sent.
That is the use case for the function, as evidenced by the content of the comments on its manual page that I already linked you to some half an hour ago.
And I said there is no output!

echo "\r\n";  // <- I need to find this darn output wherever it is

/* my theme */

echo ob_get_clean();   // <- headers_sent() say output started here, which is perfectly correct
Quoting is with >
45 mins ago, by Christian Sciberras
My actual problem: I'm trying to figure out the exact place where wordpress is outputting a newline (at the very start of code). But it's not in the theme.
And I already told you, right at the start of this conversation, that OB buffering complicates things and that you would have to merge the approach with headers_sent somehow, because your echo "\r\n"; is not output
You know what? I don't know why I'm bothering.
So why do you keep asking me to look at my theme??
Oh and for the matter, I did implement ob_get_status() before ob_get_clean() in wordpress' wp-includes/functions.php; didn't help me much.
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question. [php]
eugh, Wordpress.
@Fallion Drupal fan ?
@OmeidHerat Don't know, but I'm having to create wordpress templates right now and I'm hating it.
I hate people that shout at you "2+2 is 4 you dumb idiot" when you actually asked something on the levels of integration.
@Fallion I feel ya.
@OmeidHerat I'm having trouble creating an agegate for it.
A Question, how can I force 'htmlentities()' to convert everything (all ASCII chars) to html entities.
Or in other words how can I extend 'HTML ENTITIES translation table';
get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); gives me

 ' ' => string '&nbsp;' (length=6)
  '¡' => string '&iexcl;' (length=7)
  '¢' => string '&cent;' (length=6)
  '£' => string '&pound;' (length=7)
  '¤' => string '&curren;' (length=8)
  '¥' => string '&yen;' (length=5)
  '¦' => string '&brvbar;' (length=8)
  '§' => string '&sect;' (length=6)
  '¨' => string '&uml;' (length=5)
  '©' => string '&copy;' (length=6)
  'ª' => string '&ordf;' (length=6)
  '«' => string '&laquo;' (length=7)
  '¬' => string '&not;' (length=5)
@Fallion what is wrong ?
@OmeidHerat UTF-8 or Ascci ?
@edorian ASCII
if you do a: $htmlEnt = "&#".ord($char).";"; for each char it should work out fine
@edorian Cheeers I will give it a try.
huh, why was my account suspended? there was a message saying: "you cannot talk while your account is suspended". reloading the chat fixed it.
flags maybe ? did you had arguments with someone recently :P
Well, @MarcGravell changed the room topic, did you do something nasty? ;)
hey anybody plz tell me what r the different ways to apply condition on array() ?? shall i apply empty or issset
@MarcGravell why did you change room topic? and why was my account suspended?
@OmeidHerat i can count my flags on one hand
@edorian i didnt. and he changed the topic to the same it was before
@Gordon then I will say @MarcGravell has done something.
anyways, any optimization ideas:

        function html_entities($string) {
                $html_entities = '';
                $chars = str_split($string);
                foreach ($chars as $char) {
                    $html_entities .= htmlentities("&#" . ord($char) . ";");
                return $html_entities;
in JavaScript, 46 mins ago, by Marc Gravell
we're playing with adding tags to chat - need to update some existing rooms is all
@Gordon thats a new thing I think
Your account gets auto suspensed for 30 minutes based on flags
Happened to me
because things are flagged out of context then you look bad
@Raynos I'd be interested to know what flag
There was a flag in PHP the other day
yeah, i had one yesterday
so I assume it suspended you for that
then it "remembered" you were suspended
and the counter dissappeared after you refreshed
so I presume the 30 minute until suspension counter is a bit buggy
Which one is more readable ?
    function name($input){
        if(condition a){
            return process($input,a);
        else {
            return proecss($input);

    function name($input){
        if(condition a){
            $output =  process($input,a);
        else {
            $output = proecss($input);
        return $output;
@Raynos yeah, i went back to the message and it says removed. it was actually an OT message. silly people
@OmeidHerat a
@OmeidHerat Neither
function name ($input) {
    if (condition a) return process($input, a);
    return process($input);
@salathe then how should it be ?
Like that
@OmeidHerat the function is misnamed. it doesnt name. it processes
and what on earth is "proecss" (or "process") supposed to do?
Your whitespace conventions are a pain
@Gordon yup true that, but I just wanted a function name place holder.
why is that function there at all?
process($input, $a ? $a : null);
@salathe say hash it.
hash it.
lolz, I meant lets say, the process is hashing it.
oh god
didnt realise that
what @Gordon suggests
what process, hashing who?
or just always do process($input, $a)
@salathe hash the input.
but my question was that more about when to return it.
so what's the point of the condition?
@salathe it can be anything, maybe it uses the time to decide which type of hash to go with.
Which functions returns it the right time ?
@OmeidHerat your functions should express what they do. that's the first thing to fix. Then see if you need that wrapper function at all.
ok thanks.
@OmeidHerat I'd love to make a session based age gate, since I'm building a Wordpress template for a brewery, but I'd like for it to be javascript based, don't know how to link the two together.
@Fallion ajax ?
  function get_input() {
            return $_POST['input'];
            return file_get_contents('default.txt');


        function get_input() {
            $input =  $_POST['input'];
            $input =  file_get_contents('default.txt');
        return $input;

Why not
@salathe now which one is more readable ?
function get_input() {
  return isset($_POST['input']) ? $_POST['input'] : file_get_contents('default.txt');
Oh, I guess || doesn't work that way in PHP
maybe you want ??
?? doesn't exist in PHP
Then you have to use ?:
That doesnt work >_<
Personally, I just wouldn't write a function that does what the above does!
@salathe what I am trying to understand is that return bit.
@OmeidHerat you're thinking too much. some people prefer a single point of return, others prefer to "return early"... just pick one and be consistent.
alright cheers.
@KamilTomÅ¡ík Hey!
How are you doing?
playing D2 LoD :-D
Seriously? :P
yeah :) relaxing, in general...
I would if my younger bro didn't sell of MY CD key...
You read that right. He sold my property.
sue him ;)
There's no evidence.
@OmeidHerat can you post actual code?
New chat functions? Which one?
@Robik Remote controlling people.
You just type `@Robik format C:`
Haha! I don't use linux!
rmdir C:\WINDOWS
But yeah, rm -rf is a flagship linux feature.
format -f C:
@KamilTomÅ¡ík Right. Forgot all those Windows commands.
Windows people do stuff. Linux people type stuff. Mac people paint it all over.
I am not doing stuff.
@Robik You can start by starring my comment :D
I'm not doing, I'm writing :D
actually, linux guys think every possible OS except linux just sucks. apple guys are mad about copying their features by windows and windows guys... well, we just don't care :-P
I do care. Windows sucks.
@Robik Yeah, I prefer walking through doors.
I don't even use doors.
> I'm not any close to php or mysql expert so my problem with iretation through xml contents …
that's Freudian :)
iteration was irritating
Good Morning
He there
How's it going?
Fine, mostly. How are you?
Hi @ircmaxell
We didn't talk in a while. I really enjoyed reading "Error Handling in PHP". It thought me some new things/words. Was a nice read. And "Security Review: Creating a Secure PHP Login Script" was a small letdown. I felt it didn't deliver on the promise on showing me how you do code-review, nor did it make me laugh but well.. from a technical standpoint it was fine. Just didn't click with me, doesn't have to :)
Thank you very much
@edorian Fair enough on the Review part. If I can find something simpler to walk through, I will...
wow, that guy is quite misinformed...
@edorian Do you have any thoughts on a reasonably simple project to do a full review on? Something that is small enough no to make another giant wall of text?
@ircmaxell PHP GC-less? Huh? More like clueless than misinformed...
@ChristianSciberras That too
Say, PHP doesn't complain if you try to unset a non-existent array index?
unset( $arr['not set'] );
I don't remember
doesn't seem so
Uhuh and me complaining about not having a testing server here....should have been using viper7-codepad from the start :D
Get a testing server, even a VM
can someone proof check stackoverflow.com/questions/6996244/… pls?
looks fine @Gordon
@ircmaxell thanks
@ChristianSciberras Interesting. I agree with the premise, but for different reasons. I feel that all developers should have at least a basic understanding of how low level languages work.
Ok, that reddit post is bothering me, lots of plain wrong information in there...
@ircmaxell re; Sadly i don't have an idea. It wasn't the size or the long read but rather the context switches (looking at the source and looking back) and that i knew of the problems and you pretty much said what i do too when reviewing. "Reading it and looking if its strange / off / feels wrong."
@ircmaxell thx
Which is a good approach tbh. but just doesn't make for a good read i guess .. dunno .. I don't have a sample of someone doing that interesting .. not sure
something something dark side
@edorian Yeah, but a big piece of code like that is hard. I want to find something small (maybe 100 lines) where I can pull the source code inline and actually do a walk though inline. I'm not sure if it'll work, but I got some great feedback on that post, so there's something to be said for doing it again
yay! closevote ring! still not back to full strength but working.
the answers to that last one really sucked
yeah. at least the linked dup had strstr
@salathe wow. an actual usecase for strtok. i thought i'd never see one
tok? why would this be a usecase for strtok?
because strtok will give the string up to the token
so will strstr
for tokenizing, strtok is useless but for that purpose its better than strstr because it works pre5.3
I guess I just don't see any usecase for strtok that it's really good for. This is a "sort of" use
I'd rather do substr($foo, 0, strpos($foo, ':')); Sure, it's two function calls, but it's also explicit in what it does...
I don't remember ever, deliberately, using strtok() in the wild.
@ircmaxell that's also horrible, ick!
me neither. Same with strpbrk
@salathe How would you do it?
@ircmaxell depends on what the task actually requires
strpbrk only exists so ZCE can identify themselves
no one knows that function.
and ZCE's have to learn it because its a question in the exam
@Gordon :-P
@ircmaxell codepad.viper-7.com/al2U97 -- I'd use whatever gives me the answer I want :)
The first 2 imho are the correct behaviors...
@salathe shouldn't it return "stoma"? or at least trigger a notice. :P
No notice, since the strpos call didn't fail, and the false it returns is converted into an int(0) inside of substr
@ircmaxell again, that depends entirely on the task at hand. I've wanted "give me the contents of this string up to character x if it exists, or the whole string if it doesn't" before.
@salathe Of course, ambiguous questions are hard to solve
of course, I've also wanted FALSE/falsey before too :)
I will never understand why colons are named colons
same for appendix
whoever invented that was a doctor
@Gordon well, why is : a colon, and ; a semi-colon? shouldn't that be the other way around?
i dont have anything that looks like that in me rear
11 messages moved to bin
yeah, don't some someone moving those to th--- d'oh.
oh good god
dude, never show me anything like that again. I was eating
(well, not really, but you get my point)
I'm looking for some feedback on an answer in case I missed something:
A: PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode?

IncognitoProof is in the source code of PHP. I'll take you through a quick process of how to find out this sort of thing on your own in the future any time you want. Bear with me, there'll be a lot of C source code you can skim over (I explain it). If you want to brush up on some C, a good place to start...

+1 (holy cr@p dude, that's an awesome writeup)
@ircmaxell Thanks :).
I definitely learned something there
I'm curious why EBCDIC doesn't look for ~ in urlencode, but it does in raw...
hrm, that's odd
It may be an undiscovered bug, ASCII rules the world.
@Incognito related php.net/53248
Interesting. Thank you! @salathe
@Incognito Guess you're looking for the bounty? ;) P.S. I think it's a terrible answer, but that's just me.
@salathe That, and I haven't posted anything meaningful in a long while.
and no need to grep the source with lxr.php.net available :)
@salathe What's wrong with my answer?
I'm just not a fan of the I'll tell you everything that I know about a topic style of reply to essentially very simple questions. It also forgets to target the reason why the bounty was put in place.
@salathe likes to wield ockham's razor
@Gordon that's very true :)
@salathe I thought I made the reasons and issues obvious =/. Hrmm, maybe I need a recommendations section where I explicitly state that?
@ircmaxell I agree as well.
Yeah, you should understand one abstraction below what you're doing
@ircmaxell How far down?
So if you're on a high level language, understanding low level languages are a must. If you're on a low level language, understanding OS operations is a must. If you're programming an OS (not drivers), understanding hardware interfaces is a must. If you're programming drivers, understanding hardware implementations is a must (even though you'll only be interfacing with an interface)
is 84 7f at a page start something i should recognize?
Hi room, just a quick and i'm sure simple one. I want to check if a string contains a particular character (@ actually), what's the best way to do this? Preg?
@Gordon Got it, thanks Gordon :)
if (false !== strpos($foo, '@')) {
Anyone have ever posted idea to rename substr_count to str_count?
@Robik i hope not
That's so counterintuitive for me
str_count sounds like strlen to me
I prefer str_count. But that's just me
yeah, agree (with @Gordon)
count counts (sub) str elements, that's intuitive :). But again that's just me
you want to count how often a substring occurs in a string, so thats pretty much substr_count to me
foreach($userLookups as $key => $value){
if($key == 'rows'){
foreach($value as $user){

Why does this not echo anything?? $value should be a list
thats interesting. my error pages echo 84e0 as the very first thing. its hex apparently, but i wonder where that comes from.
@GregAgnew make sure it is a list
If i remove the inner for each and put 'echo($value)', it will echo 'Array'.
make sure there is actually users in the array
foreach($userLookups as $key => $value){
if($key == 'rows'){
foreach($value as $key2 => $value2){
This for instance, prints 'rows1' but does not print 'rows2'
p.s. how do I format code in chat?
why dont you just print_r($userLookups)
hit "fixed font" next to "send" before submitting (it appears when you enter multi-line content)
print_r($userLookups) gives :

stdClass Object
    [total_rows] => 66
    [offset] => 0
    [rows] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => b919fc519884364ff163a5e818000d38
                    [key] => b919fc519884364ff163a5e818000d38
                    [value] => Array
                            [0] => 0
                            [1] => 1-a60aa70c88734cfc8c7db68d1b26268c
..etc, as the rows array continues
don't use foreach with objects. Unless they implement an iterator
it works, but it's not best practice
foreach ($userLookups->rows as $key => $obj) {
    echo $obj->id;
both of these:

		foreach($userLookups->rows as $value){

		foreach ($userLookups->rows as $key => $obj) {
        echo $obj->id;

echo nothing..
and my php log shows no error
they shouldn't
that should work...
i agree
@ircmaxell huh? what is bad practise about iterating objects, especially stdclass objects?
06:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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