I want to compare two or more arrays and find matching values. When I'm using array_intersect it compares keys+value when I need just value match.
For example I have two arrays:
array1(0 => 'two' 1 => 'one' 2 => 'three' 3 => 'four')
array2(0 => 'three' 1 => 'one' 2 =>...
My actual problem: I'm trying to figure out the exact place where wordpress is outputting a newline (at the very start of code). But it's not in the theme.
I've a weird problem. On localhost images appears ok. After uploading to the server on mozilla Img's titles appears, on chome these images doesn't appears.
@TomalakGeretkal you should really weigh your options when people reply to your questions in ways you didn't expect them to instead of shouting "you're wrong!" and bury your head underground.
@ChristianSciberras My head is not buried. I have told you how you can diagnose your problem, but you have buried your head in the sand by shouting "this does NOT RELATE TO HEADERS" and screaming "lalalalalala". I suggest taking a step back from your computer, having a cup of tea, then realising that the people you are asking for help know this stuff better than you do.
@ChristianSciberras Again, you're not listening to me. I will say it just one more time.
Headers are dispatched when first output is dispatched. You can use headers_sent to find out when this was -- and thus when first output was sent.
That is the use case for the function, as evidenced by the content of the comments on its manual page that I already linked you to some half an hour ago.
echo "\r\n"; // <- I need to find this darn output wherever it is
/* my theme */
echo ob_get_clean(); // <- headers_sent() say output started here, which is perfectly correct
My actual problem: I'm trying to figure out the exact place where wordpress is outputting a newline (at the very start of code). But it's not in the theme.
And I already told you, right at the start of this conversation, that OB buffering complicates things and that you would have to merge the approach with headers_sent somehow, because your echo "\r\n"; is not output
room topic changed to PHP: Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will. But no one can know before you actually ask your question. [php]
A Question, how can I force 'htmlentities()' to convert everything (all ASCII chars) to html entities.
Or in other words how can I extend 'HTML ENTITIES translation table';
@OmeidHerat I'd love to make a session based age gate, since I'm building a Wordpress template for a brewery, but I'd like for it to be javascript based, don't know how to link the two together.
actually, linux guys think every possible OS except linux just sucks. apple guys are mad about copying their features by windows and windows guys... well, we just don't care :-P
We didn't talk in a while. I really enjoyed reading "Error Handling in PHP". It thought me some new things/words. Was a nice read. And "Security Review: Creating a Secure PHP Login Script" was a small letdown. I felt it didn't deliver on the promise on showing me how you do code-review, nor did it make me laugh but well.. from a technical standpoint it was fine. Just didn't click with me, doesn't have to :)
@edorian Do you have any thoughts on a reasonably simple project to do a full review on? Something that is small enough no to make another giant wall of text?
@ChristianSciberras Interesting. I agree with the premise, but for different reasons. I feel that all developers should have at least a basic understanding of how low level languages work.
Ok, that reddit post is bothering me, lots of plain wrong information in there...
@ircmaxell re; Sadly i don't have an idea. It wasn't the size or the long read but rather the context switches (looking at the source and looking back) and that i knew of the problems and you pretty much said what i do too when reviewing. "Reading it and looking if its strange / off / feels wrong."
Which is a good approach tbh. but just doesn't make for a good read i guess .. dunno .. I don't have a sample of someone doing that interesting .. not sure
@edorian Yeah, but a big piece of code like that is hard. I want to find something small (maybe 100 lines) where I can pull the source code inline and actually do a walk though inline. I'm not sure if it'll work, but I got some great feedback on that post, so there's something to be said for doing it again
@ircmaxell again, that depends entirely on the task at hand. I've wanted "give me the contents of this string up to character x if it exists, or the whole string if it doesn't" before.
Proof is in the source code of PHP.
I'll take you through a quick process of how to find out this sort of thing on your own in the future any time you want. Bear with me, there'll be a lot of C source code you can skim over (I explain it). If you want to brush up on some C, a good place to start...
I'm just not a fan of the I'll tell you everything that I know about a topic style of reply to essentially very simple questions. It also forgets to target the reason why the bounty was put in place.
So if you're on a high level language, understanding low level languages are a must. If you're on a low level language, understanding OS operations is a must. If you're programming an OS (not drivers), understanding hardware interfaces is a must. If you're programming drivers, understanding hardware implementations is a must (even though you'll only be interfacing with an interface)
Hi room, just a quick and i'm sure simple one. I want to check if a string contains a particular character (@ actually), what's the best way to do this? Preg?