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developers think that you do not need to learn SQL
... it makes their DB design to be shit. And since obviously they are such marvelous developers, it can only be because SQL is shit, which is why they definitely should not learn it.
there are bits of SQL I still have to lookup when I want to use them, because I'm forgetful, more important than learning SQL, as a language, is being educated in how the servers and clients interact, what kinds of execution and storage are supported, that's much more relevant information, though some SQL is required to get on at all, it is a bit too much like words to remember all of
<script type="text/javascript" >
var btnUpload=$('#upload');
var status=$('#status');
new AjaxUpload(btnUpload, {
action: 'upload-file.php',
name: 'uploadfile',
onSubmit: function(file, ext){
if (! (ext && /^(jpg|png|jpeg|gif)$/.test(ext))){
// extension is not allowed
status.text('Only JPG, PNG or GIF files are allowed');
return false;
onComplete: function(file, response){
//On completion clear the status
//Add uploaded file to list
plus you have to think about it from another languages perspective ... some languages almost completely abstract away the fact that you are using an SQL database at all ...
please help me
@JoeWatkins amen
wait a minute
@SandeepTiwari this is for PHP
joe need help
i am doing that with php
@SandeepTiwari you had a typo there. You clearly wanted to write "JavaScript" when searching the chat room, but for some reason wrote "PHP". It's a common mistake.
@SandeepTiwari you are NOT "doing it with php" .. there is no PHP in that fragment of code. So, be so kind an get the fuck out of this chat room.
mind ur tongue
@tereško hey, atleast I was talking about php.net's beta site, when I posted JS here
i am not asking to you
also, FYI, is not a form of punctuation
freakin ass hole teresko
hahaha that's going on the list ...
@SandeepTiwari I invited you to the Javascript room, so that I can not help you there either.
But nothing personal, I'm just tired
welcome shea
Well you could say that of course, but never the less my code does a DI of a singleton in that case — Vlakarados 5 mins ago
fuck you teresko
ass hole
who the hell are
@SandeepTiwari stop it
ok joe
i need that is why i have posted my problem
do you know how many people come in here every day and ask a totally irrelevant question ? we are focused on PHP, very focused, ask a PHP question and you will usually get a pretty good answer, and @tereško is often the one to give it ... come in here and shift our focus and you will piss us off, it is human nature ... @tereško is just a bit more vocal than the rest of us are comfortable being ... but he's not an asshole, he's focused :)
@SandeepTiwari But you posted Javascript in a PHP room
yes i am doing it with my php code
i am trying to enter it on question
forum but it's not taking it
@SandeepTiwari If you call that JavaScript PHP one more time I will assume you are a troll, and start flagging your posts.
FYI, "asshole" is one word.
i am not here for fight or something word war
@SandeepTiwari Teresko is an awesome source for honest opinions..... but beware it is a double edged sword :)
i am leaving depressed
teenager by any chance ?
goodnight all.
nite @Orangepill
@SandeepTiwari we told you where to ask, if you have a PHP question involving PHP code then ask in the PHP room ... plenty of other rooms, and all of stackoverflow to ask on ...
@Shea bash.org/?835030 , reminds you of anything ?
Why to use PHP and not to use ASP?
Because you are not bound the Microsoft-based stack of tools.
hahaha @tereško, nice :P
Hi magicianIam :)
Hi Sanddep.
please don't star statements that will make no sense outside the context.
hi mohram
it's sandeep
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui is that a serious question ?
^what's this box?
that's fine, it always makes sense out of context :D
btw it's a silly question ... when you order steak and say to a waiter you want it medium rare, the waiter doesn't ask why ... because it would be a silly question ...
Can a button having type="button" be submitted to a page?
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui no
script it
@MohammadAreebSiddiqui not really. You would have to do it with JS. Submit is triggered only by image and submit types.
and if I change type="submit" then?
where would it submit?
if it's not under a form?
too much, stop it, ask somewhere else ...
^but it's a PHP forum, right?
why can't I ask questions here?
This is not the right room for this stuff. You probably want javascript room
what has this to do with PHP ?
I was just coming to the PHP part
get too it quickly ...
but know let me go to the javascript rrom
^ I also flagged that user for moderator attention.
@SandeepTiwari please calm down and talk like educated man :)
but i am not getting my answer
> Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. If someone is around and wants to help they will.
@NullPoiиteя , you will regret it shortly
^ this needs an additional DV before I can place a delv there.
@hakre done .. can vote now
Sep 20 at 6:38, by Joe Watkins
it should also say that if you're a dickhead who starts swinging their epenis about you'll be told in no uncertain terms to shut up or fuck off ...
i am trying to ask my question in question forum but it showing me some that is why i am unable to post it @NullPoiиteя
@JoeWatkins :D
This chat needs a full time Engrish-to-English translator
wow, looks like the day started :)
lorempizza.com its awesome placeholder ..
@NullPoiиteя fuck you , I am hungry an the fridge is empty.
I find this offensive
haha :P
PHP-FPM: Socket vs TCP/IP any one ?
opinions please ... the patch to allow php to nest classes, on top of anonymous ones is now offensively simple github.com/krakjoe/php-src/compare/anon_class_objects...nesting
namespace lone {


namespace lone\other {
    class Mine {

        class Next {
            public function __construct() {
                $this->test = new class{};

        public function __construct() {
            $this->test = new class{};
            $this->other = new Next();

namespace {
    var_dump(new \lone\other\Mine());
this seems appealing to me ...
thoughts ... reasoned ones, please ?
ofc Next is \lone\other\Next not \lone\other\Mine\Next as you might expect, but that'd be a small change ... the point is the compiler can manage to compile nested classes, their name is unimportant at this point ...
Hello everyone!
What I'd like to ask is
Q: jQuery does not delete user info

JestyI have a php page that uses a jQuery to confirm before deleting data, Infact when I click delete it doesnt do anything the link doesnt do anything, I tried my efforts still nothing happens, please assist me my code teacher.php <?php require_once('../auth.php'); ?> <html> <head> <title>Sila...

worst code #1
I have uploaded web service to the cpanel. To get the database connection i have written localhost, username, password in the db_connect.php
@JoeWatkins What does this do? you do that because you want to allow something related (but different) wtih anonymous classes?
Is localhost is right to write in the db_connect.php.
right now you can't nest classes, so there's not really a sane way to define a private nested class, anonymous classes made the necessary modifications to allow a nested class (so you can new class{} inside another class), but I'd like to be able to do it formally ...
@TGMCians that depends on the configuration of your hoster.
Where can i find the server host name of the mysql database?
@hakre as the patch is now, this will execute as it's written pastebin.com/4yqQAnTs
@JoeWatkins okay, I understand then the reason. But I guess doing a class definition inside a function still does not work?
but things are missing perhaps, like private class Whatever {}, possibly a different way to resolve the name of nested classes
@hakre, yes, it works, everywhere ...
morning @Jimbo
@JoeWatkins when the function is executed or when the file is loaded?
@Jimbo mornings
good mornings @ mr. jimbo
ah Jimbo, just the person, I am considering nested classes ... github.com/krakjoe/php-src/compare/anon_class_objects...nesting the pastebin above shows what works currently ... any thoughts ??
@JoeWatkins Any PHP examples?
I'm thinking about what we actually would want from nested classes ...
two things make sense, or have some merit ...
either, nested classes are private, end of
or, classes get the ability to be declared public/private/protected in any scope
Wow, not sure what I think about that - any other languages have nested classes?
I think most do actually
it's harder to think of one that doesn't !!
It just makes the code look awful
everyone does
Rightly named "nesting mess"
well it's awful code obviously, I'm showing the resolution of nested class names by nesting so deep
Just trying to think of a use case where I'd actually use nested classes
I literally cannot find a language that's in common use that does not allow it ... even perl ... EVEN PERL !!!
@Jimbo maybe… but why not support them?
@bwoebi Means even more diverse code than before, it's hard enough to keep consistency as it is
I'm just thinking about what we might do to make it more than just syntax ... make nested classes mean something ...
I use them a lot, in general stuff I don't want to document, expose, maintain an API for, but still want to abstract, privately ...
something that is important for a class to do it's job, but just doesn't belong at the root of the functionality for that class, and isn't useful for any other class and so shouldn't share a namespace either
you don't really need abstract classes. A trait is exactly as well here…
I don't mean abstract like that ...
hm? explain?
what am I doing wrong here that it is giving that error?
just started using PhpStorm =o)
namespace io {
    interface IOBuffer {}

    class FileReader {
        class ZipFileReader {
            class Buffer implements IOBuffer {


        class GzFileReader {
            class Buffer implements IOBuffer {


        public function __construct() {
            /* do the thing */

@bwoebi see ?
Isn't that the equivalent of extending filereader for each one?
a GzFileReader doesn't need the methods of a FileReader
a FileReader needs the methods of a GzFileReader
@JoeWatkins you always can class_alias them? $class = new …{}; class_alias(get_class($class), "…");
but yes; this misses the point.
the FileReader is the public API in that example, you construct a FileReader it reads whatever, not you enumerate support in io for a suitable reader
@JoeWatkins today we just do something like $reader = new FileReader(new ZipFileReader); this gives the user more control than this restricted scheme and allows him to write his own reader. Don't know if it's a good idea to have such a restrictive API…
@bwoebi yeah get_class will work on anons, but it's not nice is it... that's the whole point, you can use anons to create a private class but why not just actually allow you to create them ... for one set of documentation you might not want to include it, documentation, lecture, paper, whatever, for another you might ... so it might be useful just to allow what it already possible ...
Guys, authenticating a connection between js -> server-side for a websocket connection... I don't want the user id to be guessable clientside. How about generating a one-time use 'connection token' on the server side, and passing it once to the client side. Once the page is rendered and the websockets are in use, disallow that key server side so nobody can guess it?
yeah sometimes you want to expose that control, but others you don't ...
this is why use cases are a bad idea ...
@JoeWatkins well, actually I have no idea when I wouldn't…
you just think about how you would write the code ... but we're not talking about writing code but designing patterns, use cases put focus where it doesn't really matter, clearly you can do almost anything another way and there's a million opinions about which ways are correct ...
but is it valuable as a possibility, it's a legitimate pattern to want to follow, or is it maybe that's a better question to ask ... anyway, assuming it is legitimate then what features do we want the pattern to have is another place the conversation might go ... but to think about use cases is not nearly a broad enough sweep of the user base if you considered a million ...
I'm unsure if I want to code with a PHP which allows someone to put in such restrictions so that I just have a limited choice what to do…
ok well I don't like to repeat myself too much ... but it's pretty hard to find a language that doesn't support it as a pattern ... so it's a matter of perspective isn't it, statistically though, PHP is being restrictive by not allowing it and I can prove it :)
but really, you also could just put the ZipFileReader and the GzFileReader in methods which return then an object? (via variadic ctor arg passing)
you're focused on a use case
no, this is applicable generally?
@crypticツ remove that docblock line. it's only needed to add fake methods (e.g. for __call)
of course yeah, we're not designing a function in an extension but a possibility ...
@igorw ah ok, thx
@igorw any thoughts on nesting classes ?
btw. @JoeWatkins how about naming the classes class_name$$file_name$$lineno$$anon_class_id for more detail when debugging the class via var_dump etc.?
@crypticツ instead, what you could do is add a docblock for the constructor. although unless you have a specific $options argument or such, I'd find that a questionable practice.
the constructor is the constructor. it shouldn't need any explanation, really...
@JoeWatkins I've had a few edge cases where they would have been useful. mostly for testing / stubbing it would be nice.
@igorw on top of anonymous ones, it's very nearly already possible github.com/krakjoe/php-src/compare/anon_class_objects...nesting
this is horrible code, but pastebin.com/4yqQAnTs shows how you have to reference nested classes, bit of a pain ...
but "class contains a class" is almost the same recursive confusing logic as (e.g. in ruby) "object is an instance of a class, class is an object"
@JoeWatkins is there still a problem?
so it's not as simple as all that ... but, what should we do to make it a feature is the question and is it worth persuing in general ...
@igorw yeah it can be deployed badly ... but absolutely everything else supports it ... even perl ... so even if it's a bad idea, in many of our minds it an established pattern, we might use it badly, but it might also be useful ... I know it's no kind of justification to say that everyone other language does it ... but what about programmers !!!
I find it sometimes disturbing that PHP is always compared to other languages…
what would you have it be compared too ??? a duck, an orange, something yellow ??
it seems pretty useful to compare it to something relevant and the only thing relevant is other languages ...
@bwoebi most of what is in PHP is based on what is in other languages...
Q: which is better? start using language from scratch or from a framework?

user1511208I am a newbie to the web development, I want to develop some website for different purposes. I started using Django with python, however, I found it fuzzy to me since I don't have enough experience with python. I also need to develop with php, but I jumped directly to Laravel. Is it better to s...

No the method to say "they do it this way; they too and they!" and then say that PHP must also have it.
@igorw Not the fact that there are a lot of things inspired from other languages
no, that's not my point at all.
"they have it, this is how it works, this is how they use it, these are the benefits they gain from it, and here is how we can gain those benefits as well. oh, and here are the trade-offs and the costs involved in introducing the feature."
example: the discussion in internals about kwargs from py in the variadics thread annyoed me a bit… found the discussion superfluous…
@igorw that's perfectly reasonable ...
almost all discussions on internals are superfluous
@JoeWatkins no comment^^
it doesn't actually even form a discussion ... during the course of a discussion who to listen to is established by what they say, much like it is on reddit, or digg or insert absolutely any modern community driven enivronment here ... on internals you listen to whoever posted last, whatever they have to say becomes relevant to the conversation ...
it almost never is ...
13 mins ago, by bwoebi
btw. @JoeWatkins how about naming the classes class_name$$file_name$$lineno$$anon_class_id for more detail when debugging the class via var_dump etc.?
no discussion is had, no consensus given, no opinions gathered ... it's a pointless thing to do ...
@crypticツ I think the error is just that you're using a @method annotation there. @method is for non-existing methods (implemented via __call for example)
Well you could say that of course, but never the less my code does a DI of a singleton in that case — Vlakarados 2 hours ago
seems overly complex, if we keep it simple it's easier to do things later, such as detect a nested class from it's parent ...
morning @NikiC
@bwoebi It's probably best to name the anon classes in the same way that we name anon functions
because actually we can have multiple anon classes in a same class. And how would I now know which class it was which I've instantiated? (without tracing the stack?)
At least I suspect that anything making use of a class id counter will get issues with opcache
@NikiC anon functions are just an object of Closure class… how could we compare this? Classes need an unique identifier; instances of them don't?
can be class#opline_num ?
plus it's the parser that increments the counter
I'm not sure how opcache would interfere with that ...
it's not used at runtime at all
by the time opcodes are generated the name is known, so I dont' see interference coming from opcache
@bwoebi right, can't compare those. then I'm wondering where else I saw those weird names...
@NikiC maybe create_function?
@JoeWatkins I mean that class$1 is cached and then in the next request some other class$1 is created through a different code path?
I have no idea what opcache actually does, so maybe that's not an issue
a different codepath will have a different name
will it?
the generic Class is only used in the global scope
and then it has the scope of it's file to opcache
@JoeWatkins and what about if ($a) return new …; else return new…;?
both classes will be compiled at compile time ...
so execution time shouldn't matter ...even with cached opcodes
@NikiC namespace and current class or function are used in the name ...
@JoeWatkins then if ($a) include 'file.php'; else include 'file2.php'; they both declare an anon class in global namespace & scope?
I believe that kind of thing is handled already, or it was by apc and assume it is by opcache ... it doesn't matter to the engine whatever ...
@JoeWatkins yes, you're right; because we could already have two classes with same name in different files… sorry for the noise^^
@NikiC you might have a point, I just get stuck in a loop thinking about it for too long ... but to have some long name will be horrible ...
so, would it be acceptable to null pad the normal name in some way that identifies the codepath a bit better
or is that a bit hacky...
or just emit a compile warning about anonymous classes in the global scope
it's only there it might be a problem ...
in a function it'll have the name function_name$$id, if that functions in a namespace it'll have the namespace prefix too, classes same class_name$$id + namespace ...
or in the global scope use the filename
^^ that
@JoeWatkins I'd just check if it works right now and if it doesn't... :)
@NikiC regarding property initialization RFC, are there any objective reasons that the class Foo ($bar, $baz) {} syntax would not work? or otherwise limitations, apart from "I asked a few people once and nobody liked it?"
@igorw it would definitely be somewhat harder to implement (say, 10x as much code), but there are no insurmountable technical limitations there
the current patch doesn't declare the properties at compile time, right?
@igorw no, you still declare your properties yourself
ah yes, because visibility.
I just found a sick, non-javascript method to keep some dumb browsers and bots out.
It works be first redirecting with a Location header to a data-uri.
that data-uri then contains text-html with a zero second refresh meta.
perhaps a encoded in such a manner that only a real HTML parser can deal with it.
this method is also nice for not sending out a HTTP referrer value without using a different website.
perhaps nice for URL shortener
URL shorteners, what a useful invention!
wondering if some of those resolve the redirect and then adding the final URI to their database, that could be fun.
good morning also
need good ideas in simple issue
Q: Write data to start of file when not enough space

Alma Do MundoSO, The problem My question is simple - how to write data to start of file if I have not enough space to allocate it in RAM and I have not enough space to make it's copy on current FS partition? I.e. I have a file with 100Mb size, I have 30Mb memory limit in my PHP script (and it can not be adj...

I can not load it to RAM, so file_get_contents is not an option
and I can not make a copy on FS also
may be there's simple way?
moin @Fabien
How's the RFC coming Joe? I don't really get that stuff.
hi, @JoeWatkins
morning @Danack
@Danack I know about XY-problem
but I work with part of some old application which is a legacy from previous team. And to change this I'll need to change many things
and you don't think it applies here? Hint - you have given no clue about what data you're writing to the file, what data is acceptable to lose from the file, what compression could be used etc.
compression could not be used. Well, actually it can - but then it will affect API of another application which must be rewritten then
@Fabien pretty much finished ... I think ...
@JoeWatkins That's cool. Happy outcome?
dunno ... Pierre is on side, couple of others have said they'd like it in ... but as usual most are silent and will be until there's a vote ...
@AlmaDoMundo K - but do you see the point? You've told people how you want to solve a problem, without telling them what the problem is.
@Danack well, this is actual problem - i.e. writing itself. To explain why it is so I'll need to explain huge part of application strucure
and, actually, I'm not sure that currently I have right to do this
Reading a post on image optimizers for webdesign and this was one of the comments.. "how do you optimize a solid color background?" *sighs*
file_put_contents("online.xml", file_get_contents('php://input'));
Is there anyway I can secure this so that it only puts the posted contents in an XML file if the input was sent from a specific domain?
Ah I remember the days when images had to be pixel perfect to create a nice curly design, line up the images.
I've messed something up using git… git commit -am '...'; git pull extern master; git reset HEAD~1; … and when I do now a commit the history of the external source since I branched off is lost… what now?
@crypticツ be grateful that it did not say "how can i do this in dreamweaver?"
all you need is a patch-file next to the original file that has the changes. then swap the APIs to access the file to deal with that. what's the deal?
@crypticツ hmm, one pixel gif. gives nice effects when the page is rendered ^^
@PeeHaa I would like to help out with commentar
Just tell me if you need help
WB @Simon_eQ
@Fabien you know, Sunday is screw-you-hot-girl-friend day.
I'm guessing you don't have that :)
I have a wife :P
it goes both ways
You know they say statistically 1 in 3 people are unfaithful. Makes me wonder if it's my girlfriend or my wife...
I have a question.can we changed db connection like this ?
foreach($allSubBranch as $key => $value){

$gotOtherSql = "esoftcar_".replace_extension($value->db, "sql");

$otherDbNames = "esoftcar_".$value->db;

$file = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $gotOtherSql,"w+");

ftp_get($connection, $file, $gotOtherSql, FTP_BINARY );

$dbConfig = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=' . $otherDbNames, $_SESSION["db_user_connected"], $_SESSION["db_user_connected_pass"]);

echo $dbConfig;

Hello spammer
@samitha and what is this supposed to do ?
@samitha I got confused at line one O_o
solved my issue :p
i tested if it's working (echo ) . . @tereško i'm getting sql files from the remote server and install it tto suitable database
All this sessions are working ,that db is already exists
@crypticツ O_o
Hi all, good morning. I have a quick question: I have a wamp server that will slow down to no page loading every once in a while. All of a sudden, the browser that I am viewing the server page on will just say "connecting..." (Firefox). I have turned on mmap and file_sharing in php.ini and have turned up php timeout to 90 but to no avail. Anyone have any clues? I'd appreciate it.
> I have a wamp server that will slow down to no page loading every once in a while.
Translate that into English, and I might help you
I'm sorry, I meant EnableMMAP on
EnableSendfile on
Server page will not load. Browser just displays "connecting..."
@LeviMorrison Imho tables on prototype look reaaaally weird
I just realized, I need to create a costume ORM, or a class to abstract PDO.
Writting a CRUD for application is verbose with plain PDO.
@rdlowrey Hear hear!
what should i use to encrypt/decrypt some 'sensitive' data between 2 servers?
@Simon_eQ neither
you should just relegate the interaction with persistence to a separate group of classes/instances, that are commonly referred to as "data mappers".
@CSᵠ As in encrypt it for transfer, and decrypt it on receipt?
@CSᵠ yes, unless you are 100% confident that the "channel" is secure
in most cases, simply using ssh might be "good enough"
@DanLugg exactly
@tereško channel is plaintext atm, between a php shared hosting and a home windows computer....
can you do ssh ?
nope, need to comunicate both ways, and within php
yes, then encrypt
with... mcrypt_encrypt() ?
the particulars you should ask @ircmaxell , he's our resident security guru
i bet he's enjoying a nice Sunday morning atm
@CSᵠ use an existing crypto library
and make sure that said library uses authenticated encryption ;)
@NikiC you have one in mind?
@CSᵠ iirc zf has a reasonably good crypto component
From a quick look, Zend\Crypt looks fine. By default they use AES in CBC mode and PKCS#7 padding and authenticate using SHA256 HMAC. Encryption and mac use separate keys derived using PBKDF2. That's pretty solid

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