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The code should tell you how...the comments should tell you why... — Richard Ev Jan 2 '09 at 14:59
I'd like to add a small form to my site for submitting URLs (just one text field that expects an URL and a submit button). The form would be submitted to my PHP script on the server. What kind of sanitation do I need if I want to append that user-submitted data to a text file?
So you want to add whatever url the user submitted to a text file?
@JoeWatkins Will take care of that next time :)
Of course, I have to anticipate that I may receive all kinds of (possibly malicious) data. Hence, sanitation. How do I have to sanitize in this case?
Well you should check for escape characters. I mean something similar to mysqli_real_escape_string so people don't put some kind of code into the form and break everything.
Does PHP provide built-in functions for sanitation?
I assume I will be using the file_put_contents function.
@Mr.IDon'tCare please learn how to use prepared statements
@ŠimeVidas filter_var() and FILTER_VALIDATE_URL
@tereško I was just throwing around some things to see if it applies to him or not. As for myself, I use prepared statements, but I don't know what exactly is the code he is using, so I am throwing out random stuff.
@tereško Looks good. Thanks.
@ŠimeVidas note that this flag will mark internationalized domain names as invalid
for example http://šimevidas.name will be considered invalid
basically, ASCII-only
I see. Hm, maybe this filter is too strict. I would like to accept invalid URLs too (e.g. if the user made a typo). My only concern is that somebody might submit malicious code targeted at crashing the server (if that's even possible).
(I plan to read the data from the POST request and use one of the file write functions to store it into a text file.)
omg, I'm going to go insane.
"I wanted to take this time to let you know we have reviewed your server. It appears as though we need to restore it to the date of September 24th. Please reply so we may proceed." I never approved for them to proceed but they went ahead and reverted my VPS even though it was working fine and I lost my changes since then.
@crypticツ s/I'm going to go/I went
@crypticツ Ouch that stinks
That would make me mad
You didn't like...lose them lose them did you?
@cspray I have local copy, but now I got to do it all again, and I did make system changes which I don't have local copy of course.
@crypticツ That stinks
Why didn't they make a backup of the latest state before reverting?
@ŠimeVidas I don't know if they did or not, but the fact they didn't even wait for my approval and just went ahead and did it is what pisses me off. If you ask for approval, effing wait for it, don't just be like oh no response in 24hrs let's just go ahead and do it.
they reverted 1hr ago, server was working fine, so I don't know what they were even thinking.
@crypticツ Yea, reminds me of the time the toll system changed the charge on my toll "subscription" from $25 -> $45 and didn't tell me until 3 weeks after the fact
heyya guys! any idea where i should look for a solution to this? stackoverflow.com/questions/15394284/… i have to implement something like this. doesnt need to be x-browser. ff and webkit (and hopefully IE10?) will do. just need to have an idea where to start.
@reikyoushin try googling "javascript access webcam" ?
@Danack did already.. saw some link backs to SO like this stackoverflow.com/questions/12582337/… but i am still looking for other answers
finally.. found one that seems okay. ^_^
maybe i should just ask the NSA how they do it.. >=)
gah, the one above is dead. here is the real link
Hi @reikyoushin
I just realized how restrictive trying to set up PDO with OOP-style is.
@Mr.IDon'tCare Huh?
who here uses PhpStorm?
@crypticツ I do
ok so I have bunch of Symfony and Silex apps which use a shared vendors and src/Symfony and src/Silex folders via symlinks.
when creating my project 'folder' do I choose my webroot as it contains all those folders or do I choose the project folder root?
it's coming up with errors saying undefined class and such, since I'm guessing since it can't detect the source for those files
@crypticツ Well, if the only thing I was working in with the project was the stuff in the webroot then I might do that. Otherwise I think the whole project should be the project directory
You probably should just setup some external libraries
If you double click on 'External Libraries' in the project navigator window to the left you can set the include path for that project
To include from that directory
Should take care of the errors that you're seeing
is it possible to have it load that external library path from remote server? So that a local copy is not needed. My remote copy tends to be more updated as well.
@crypticツ That is a good question. I'm not entirely sure; I haven't ever come across that need before
You could try setting up a Remote Server
And see if that will work
looking at the window it doesn't let me choose a remote path. So I wonder if I would need to use fuse to setup remote ssh connection for filesystem.
too many settings for PhpStorm =oP
@crypticツ Yea, it is looking like outside of setting up the Remote Server and that working, which for some reason I don't think will, that seems like the most feasible option
Of course I wouldn't describe myself as necessarily a "power" PHPStorm user
@tereško could you be so kind as to provide me the IP/domain to one of your VPS. I want to ping it to see what the connection is like from all the way over in FL.
@crypticツ what ip location do you need?
there are a lot of test IPs here: lowendbox.com you could just try one.. ^_^
@reikyoushin it's not listed there. It's for Tilaa.com
@crypticツ no i mean do you need a ping specifically to tilaa?
or just a location?
@reikyoushin specifically to it, I plan on getting a VPS with them and want to see what the connection is since I am all the way in the states.
@reikyoushin sweet! thx
@NikiC github.com/cspray/StopInjection/commit/… thank you for catching that little bug. If you also have a moment I'd like to talk to you about my PR and see what else I can do to get that ball rolling.
By moment I mean, anytime you feel like it...just ping me back on chat and I'll respond eventually ;)
nite boys
@JoeWatkins nite! though its morning here.. (but i'm nightshift)
I didn't sleep yet ...
it's 6:15am
me too.. been awake since 6pm yesterday and its 1pm now
@JoeWatkins I can't stay up like that anymore :P
@Wes Howdy
Is it just me or is the example for \EXTR_IF_EXISTS a horrible use case and a security vulnerability?
mad idea of saturday (sorry i'm still sleeping) i wonder if it's possible to create a magic static method that will be called every time a new reference of the object is created or when a reference is going to be garbage collected... it could help resolving many things.... is this mad, right? xD
ok the fact you are ignoring me means that it is xD
@Wes No, I don't necessarily think that it is insane.
or maybe you are insane as i am xD anyway, seriously?
i was thinking about references of the object that shouldn't affect garbage collection... i mean a reference that is there but that doesn't count, for example in circular object dependencies
any framework expert here?
had a common dbt..
Hello all!
I am unable to add the files to the staging area. Whenever I try to do this, I get a bunch of errors. Please have a look at the following figure and kindly tell me what's the problem here and how may I solve this? I have searched alot but wasn't able to find the answer.
Here is the image: i.sstatic.net/doJGe.png
@vascowhite @Fasilkk @Wes anyone there?
> Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. If someone is around and wants to help they will.
@KamranAhmed It is very rude to mass ping people like that. If anybody is willing/able to help they will.
Hmmm wasn't aware of that!
@KamranAhmed Top right of this page.
@vascowhite didn't check that uptil now..
segate, hp, sony, hdd, what you choose
mmmm thinking the same, but chord is short and weird
@KamranAhmed you can ignore the messages about the changed line endings, but the stat error (the last one given) seems to be the cause
@Gordon thanks... Yep! That's the one causing the error! But I am unable to resolve it...
@KamranAhmed verify the path by git adding the file manually, e.g. dont do git add . but git add path/to/that/file
@Gordon won't be possible as there are 100s of files in that and I don't know which is the file causing this error..
@KamranAhmed git add /path/to/that/dir/*
@Gordon Ohh! let me try this...
@KamranAhmed if that doesnt work try stackoverflow.com/questions/14161297/…
@Gordon ok thanks :)
hello all
@chintankhetiya hello
i have query regarding Database structure can you help me , i know its not related to PHP but still if you know then i will appreciate
@KamranAhmed thanks
@chintankhetiya I'll try...
Please tell me the problem
@KamranAhmed see the current table structure
with one record
@chintankhetiya go ahead..
now thing is com_id & foo_id only one of them will have some value because either user can purchase from company (com_id ) or from other (foo_id)
so i am storing 0 (foo_id) because user have purchase from company
Issue is here when i will try to fetch from database then it will read foo_id (from FOO table) but that will not find that record because i haven't insert record in FOO table which have foo_id=0
so first tell me my table is okay or i have to decompose it ?
brb lunch time
Q: Convert HTML code to laravel(or any framework)

MUHAMMED JABIR CMy question is simple and may be very basic. What is the best way to convert HTML pages to Laravel.? In HTML pages the links are like <a href="about-us.html">, we have to convert it to <a href="{{ URL::asset('about-us.html')}}"> for Laravel. Now i am manually editing entire HTML code to achie...

I just have a blockade. How is it called that we have in PHP these non-strict types that a string can be an integer? Is that called loosely typed?
and good mornings ;)
@hakre Yes, loosely typed & good moorning to you too :)
will this get executed? exec('nohup php /var/www/path/myfile.php?myParameter=1 &', $output);
Q: Magento Get Selected Custome Options into Subtotal.php?

Rock DeveloperPlease help me to get the selected custome options into Subtotal.php. this is path of the file. app\code\core\Mage\Sales\Model\Quote\Address\Total\Subtotal.php over there i want to get selected custome options. Thank you.

Please help to solve that question
@RockDeveloper You need to show what you have already tried. You can't just expect somebody to jump in and provide you with code.
A: Convert HTML code to laravel(or any framework)

Fasil kkThe easiest way is, Copy all html files, and past into view folder. Change extension and rename(ex, about.html to about.blade.php) Replace all .html with blank, so you <a href='about.html'> will be <a href='about'> Copy all other files/folder(js folder, css folder, image folder etc) from the r...

4 hours work on websocket stuff last night, undid it all at the end as I gave up and decided to start again this morning
Rather long questions here
Q: Ratchet PHP WAMP - React / ZeroMQ - Specific user broadcast

Jimbo Note: This is not the same as this question which utilises MessageComponentInterface. I am using WampServerInterface instead, so this question pertains to that part specifically. Attempting looped pushes for individual users I'm using the WAMP part of Ratchet and ZeroMQ, and I currently hav...

@Jimbo If something is worth doing it's worth doing twice.
So many picture placeholder services out there these days.
1 hour later…
^ Exact duplicate (by title, for the question itself there is more than one reason to close it)
Hello overyone.
@CSᵠ I'm going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows me to stab people in the face over the internet.
@MadaraUchiha (rofl)
wishing you the best of luck
that's gonna be very popular
@CSᵠ Too bad the world's population would be reduced to 5% in under an hour
about 50% didn't even "see" the internet
lucky bastards :))
Woke up to one of my GitHub PR merged in. Today is gonna be a good day.
@crypticツ , use this
Bob$ nano ssh [email protected] … wtf did I type a nano there!?
Any D8 developer out here?
DBs normally have administrators :)
@hakre But, do D8s?
@salathe is that suppose to mean Drupal 8? @Duikboot
@hakre probably
Yes I mean Drupal 8.
I totally read that wrong as a B, I'm getting too old for this computer stuff.
Or youre just a bit tired :P
I want to start creating a d8 theme... probelms is I have noclue how :P
@Duikboot Use an existing drupal theme that has been designed for modification.
Yeah indeed but there arn't yet other then core themes I think
so what did I miss
@Duikboot I can't tell you. If not it's perhaps a little early to start with D8.
hey guys, can you suggest me a cheap hosting company to keep up a site with around 500K visitors per day?
'You pay peanuts you'll get monkeys'.
@hakre Thanks, which package you would suggest?
you need to actually decide if you want to use them or not. It's not exactly a hoster but if you've got much traffic, they offer some much traffic services.
choose a plan depending on your needs, I guess if you contact their sales department, they can discuss with you "all your needs".
@martincpt For 500k daily visitors you probably want the $200 pm package at Cloudflare
do you guys know any good API for handling file uploads in php ?
dunno .. from some framework or library .. or maybe in some opensource web project
@tereško good for which case? A good API normally does one thing only.
handling of uploaded files
@Starsong thanks for your suggest
@tereško Well, PHP has an API for that. So unless you don't say which problem you're trying to solve specifically with that it's hard to say.
For example SF2 integrates file uploads nicely into their form layer.
I have an infruriating problem
@JoeWatkins hmm?
@JoeWatkins this actually isn't a very detailed description…
yeah, try
namespace lone {
    class Outer {
        public function __construct($test) {
             var_dump(new class{});

    new Outer($_SERVER);
without namespace works, with doesn't ...
just hitting my head against a wall now ... if you can spot what's going on, or just gimme a new direction to think in ...
sorry bit slow, bit broken, not much sleep ...
Starting program: /private/var/root/krakjoe-php-src/sapi/cli/php -r namespace\ a\{class\ thing\ \{\}\ new\ thing\ \{\ function\ a\(\)\ \{\}\ \}\;\}
Reading symbols for shared libraries ++............................. done
[Sat Sep 28 15:21:45 2013]  Script:  '-'
/var/root/krakjoe-php-src/Zend/zend_compile.c(2424) : Block 0x1006532f8 status:
Beginning:  	Cached
Freed (invalid)
    Start:	OK
      End:	OK

Fatal error: Class 'a\ZZZZZZZZZZZ' not found in Command line code on line 1
I'm getting this (with my modified version)
I dunno what to make of that ... think I better just stop and get some sleep, I'll get it tomorrow I guess ...
I'd bet the error is in the zend_do_create_anon_class.
Will have a look at it.
@JoeWatkins ta??
=== thank you
ah ok
I started out last night trying to do something in particular ... then noticed this, and it sort of fucked me up, I've just spent the last few hours going round in circles ...
some working out, prolly doesn't make any sense, I started out with a purpose, but I dunno now ...
the nesting thing, formal nesting
I think
I think I'm missing that there in my working copy ...
stopping working helps in such a case… and don't come back after having at least one hour not thought about it.
I'm searching for a Regex Parser, does anyone know one? Here is an online version, but there's no source code available.
I think, the problem is that nesting has to be properly supported, and anon classes have to be named using the current namespace, somehow I've mixed up my thoughts into something that doesn't work at all .. but the logic is sound, just like we stored current entry in u.op.ptr, we need to do the same for current namespace, no good putting in cg
the logic in my head that is ... the logic i wrote down is evidently fucked ...
@ComFreek you might try searching github for such a thing ...
@JoeWatkins Thanks for the hint, I found a project in Java!
@ComFreek online there is this one: regex101.com - IIRC it's written in PHP but you need to contact the author for code.
class a {} new a(print "bla"); doesn't print anything, while class a { function __construct() {} } new a(print "bla"); does? erm, wtf, PHP?
The cause is here: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_vm_def.h#3430 … but why is PHP doing this???
@bwoebi take care with print it is not a function.
perhaps printf("bla") does work.
@hakre I could also call a function and execute a print there; same result.
you mean the constructor is not called by new if there is none.
php -r 'class a {} function b () { print "lala"; } new a(b());'
// nothing…
@hakre I mean the parameters are not evaluated if there's no ctor. Why? What's the reasoning behind this?
@hakre Thanks for the suggestion.
I can not tell you why. Not for the reason of the interpreter source but also not for the meta-reason.
The first idea that comes to mind is a compile optimization. As there is nothing to invoke, the expression is not evaluated.
@hakre I know how it's happening, just not why.
Well, I would consider this a flaw.
PHP is a language which generates output to STDOUT traditionally so no expression at all should be dropped.
@hakre like isset() … but a ctor isn't actually really a language construct method I think; just a magic fn.
yes constructor is perhaps magic magic magic magic stuff. see the reflection you need to use just to dynamically invoke object creation (new).
This is as if, when calling methods, the params are only evaluated if they're used…
hahaha :)
$ php -r 'class a {} function b () { print "lala"; } (new ReflectionClass("a"))->newInstance(b());'
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class a does not have a constructor, so you cannot pass any constructor arguments' in Command line code on line 1

ReflectionException: Class a does not have a constructor, so you cannot pass any constructor arguments in Command line code on line 1

Call Stack:
    0.0001     132736   1. {main}() Command line code:0
    0.0003     133256   2. ReflectionClass->newInstance() Command line code:1
well new is an operator. Like there is optimization like left/right hand with some operators, I can imagine, this makes sense here, too.
lol? Reflection complains, but ZEND_NEW/ZEND_SEND_* opcodes not…

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