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@tereško I don't see the lesson in doing things I can do. I want to attempt things I can't do.
Makes good sense to improve that way.
By the way, as far as I know, I DID make a di container, just a very basic one.
@m59 problem is that you are trying to tackle things that are several levels beyond your understanding
lol how I am I supposed to figure out what is exactly one layer beyond my understanding? I understand dependency injection pretty well now.
I use dependency injection ALL the time in js, actually. In php, it's used in a way that I didn't understand.
@tereško Is the API for that custom structure the same as that of PDO? How would I fetch rows?
that structure there is only for passing around the PDO instance
every instance that you initialize through that factory gets same PDO instance passed in the constructor
What I mean is that I see this: $something = $factory->create('Something'); What do I do with it? is $something the PDO object?
no, its not
grrr why wont girls understnad when i'm d
ead ?
i'm coding i want to concentrate
lol i didn't mean to enter that straight away
@tereško So I would still do $db = new PDO(...); ?
@Mr.IDon'tCare the class Something would be defined something like this:
class Something
    private $connection;
    public function __construct( PDO $pdo )
        $this->connection = $pdo;

    // rest of code
when you call $factory->create('Something'); it initializes the class
see this bit in the "structureFactory": return new $name( $this->connection );
as long as you pass that factory around, you will be using same PDO instance for all the classes that you initialized through it
I keep getting "Referenced field is not found in subject class" in PhpStorm for say $this->someProp but I have initialized it using public $myProp; Anyone know why it is giving me the warning? =o(
@tereško Does the file that contains the class (in this case, "class Something") need to be "included"?
@Mr.IDon'tCare do you know how autoloading works ?
@tereško Probably not.
yes , the files that contain classes have to be included before you can use them
it's kinda tedious task, which is why people usually prefer using autoloading
look up spl_autoload_register()
and see how it is used
sigh this is annoying
I've seen something like foo(someTextHere $bar) what kind of argument can that be?
MongoClient $client, Closure $mongoIdGetter
Any idea how to catch this? PHP Warning: json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument in
@marabutt yes. Use UTF8
you basically have invalid chars in there
@Ocramius is there any good way of filtering out the bad characters
I tried with iconv and a lot of other ways, but so far the only way to do it right has been ensuring that you get utf8, write utf8, read utf8, send utf8
utf8 all the things
aaaaaaaand I'm off
ta i suppose the hard part is getting it
Can't I just extend the PDO class and add a function? Or would that be bad too?
no one?
what are you trying to achieve
@marabutt Trying to get OOP working in PHP.
Show some code and we will attempt to steer you straight
@Orangepill This is what I have:
class Database {

    public function _construct($db_name, $user, $pass) {
        $this->$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=' . $db_name, $user, $pass);

    public function getArticles() {
        $array = array();
        try {
            $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY id");
            foreach ($sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
                $array[] = $row;
            return $array;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
@Mr.IDon'tCare check your prepare statment
@marabutt I don't see anything wrong
@Mr.IDon'tCare it should be $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY id");
in the constructor it should be $this->db = new PDO(....)
and you should be declaring the property ... like private $db; before your constructor
In the code I posted above, I forgot to add a public $db; line that is already there.
From a purist standpoint to abide by DI you shouldn't be using new in the constructor.... your should be creating the PDO instance and passing it into the constructor
I thought of that, but it defeats the purpose of creating a custom class.
The constructor should be declared as __construct not _construct ... note two _
@Mr.IDon'tCare Why do you say that...
The whole point of this class is that I don't want to go around everywhere in the code putting the DB details.
That will become a security issue when multiple people work on it.
@Mr.IDon'tCare but you passing the secure information in the constructor anyway.
@Orangepill To be honest, I don't even want anything in the constructor. I'd rather have something like the following: $db = new Database(); where the db info is already pre-defined in the Database class.
In object-oriented programming, the open/closed principle states "software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification"; that is, such an entity can allow its behaviour to be modified without altering its source code. This is especially valuable in a production environment, where changes to source code may necessitate code reviews, unit tests, and other such procedures to qualify it for use in a product: code obeying the principle doesn't change when it is extended, and therefore needs no such effort. The name open/closed princ...
hey does anyone here use Zend Studio 10?
thinking about getting it.. just want to know how it does in performance
last time I heard of someone using zend studio was ~ 5 years ago
class Database {

    public function __construct(PDO $db) {
        $this->db = $db;

    public function getArticles() {
        $array = array();
        try {
            $sth = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY id");
            foreach ($sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
                $array[] = $row;
            return $array;
        } catch (Exception $e) {

@Mr.IDon'tCare ^^ shis is should be how your code should be rewritten.
@Mr.IDon'tCare Except that if you are catching the exception here you really should be doing something with it.... if not don't wrap it in a try block
@Orangepill there is no point in preparing a statement if it does not have any parameters
@teresko good point.
hmm ... I'm starting to notice that I'm looking ability to help complete newbies =/
Yeah, that query will never have any parameters because I am getting everything in the table and storing it in an array.
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=' . $db_name, $user, $pass);
$db = new Database($pdo);
@Mr.IDon'tCare ^^ how you should be creating one....
you're missing charset in DSN
or create a builder/factory that does this for you .
so that's a no?
Maybe I should use that bootstrapping technique after all that @tereško told me about and declare a database object in some "includer" file that is included in every "operations" page.
@mmmshuddup never tried it on account of the price tag
yeah :/
there's a limited time 50% off thing going on right now
that's why I'm suddenly interested haha
@mmmshuddup , here is something you should ask yourself: why don't you know people who use pirated Zend Studio ?
If it ain't worth stealing it ain't worth buying.
how do you do strike through?
I need advice about my question here : stackoverflow.com/questions/19085565/…
well, fuck, in past 3 days the total amount of reputation that i have gain has been -8
@teresko downvoting?
2x -1 is from stupid/wrong answers that I downvoted, but the rest of it from seemingly ok-ish answers
I think I have just pissed of someone ... again
Hello guys, for some reason my script only returns 'Coach'?
@teresko a lot of people don't know how to take your bluntness...
@OliverK because there is a space after comma
Oh! Thanks.
what's up everybody
Wow! Didn't knew that SO had this cool chat rooms
Not much...
are there any major forks of php?
Probably :)
hiphop vm I think may be the biggest
@tereško you mean people downvote your answer out of spite? That drives me crazy. I have a good answer that got downvoted 3x because of that (I think the dude actually got friends on board)
I get annoyed at up votes based on rep. It seems to be disproportionate.
depends on the question, sometime people downvote answers from others just to ensure that their answer gets picked
IMHO, it should require you to leave a comment on an answer if you downvote one on a topic in which you have posted answer yourself
@Orangepill Catchable fatal error: Object of class PDO could not be converted to string
lol dude, a guy once actually copy/pasted my answer and I gave him a "you're welcome" in a comment. He actually replied "Yeah. thanks!"
@Mr.IDon'tCare You are trying to echo $this->db somewhere.
@Orangepill Following:
public function __construct(PDO $db) {
    $this->$db = $db;
$this->db = $db;
@Mr.IDon'tCare no dollar in front of the property reference
@Orangepill I get this now: Notice: Undefined variable: db in: $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY id");
Also, Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object on same line.
you do not even know how to access class variables
@Orangepill strike? haha
Yeah, the errors are telling you what to do here.
Google the error, there's like...infinite links to why you're having that issue.
by the way, autoloading is dang win.
@m59 amen
@tereško No ego here on my part and no offense, but it it might be better for you to put me on ignore instead of being that harsh in terms how you deliver your message to me.
I just stumbled upon @ircmaxell's blog about it (from page 1 google search)
@Mr.IDon'tCare gooooodneeesss
are you a man?
... so I wasn't the only one who thought that the sentence had interesting inflection
Have some dignity. @tereško can be overly harsh. Right now, he's just stating facts. Own up to your inadequacies and imrpove on them like an adult.
lol I blocked that teresko dude like a year ago and never looked back
lmao ^
@m59 I have been trying to, believe me.
Insulting the person trying to help you improve is not "trying" very hard.
@m59 How am insulting him?
@m59 in the other guys' defense. I don't think teresko is interested in helping anyone
but I won't say anything else cuz I don't want to start any arguments or be a hypocrite and start bashing anyone
@Mr.IDon'tCare your problem is tht you are pretending that php is "c++ with bad reputation and $$$ everywhere". You need to learn the syntax. Which is why I linked you to that damned page.
"instead of being that harsh in terms how you deliver your message to me."
Perhaps I'm mistaken that being harsh is a bad thing?
@tereško Possibly. I come from C++, Java, C# and VB background and I thought of saying that instead of saying what I said above to you. But then I would have been labeled as trying to make excuses.
lol and now you made him insult the page :)
@m59 .. dunno, I just read that sentence with southern accent and flamboyant tone ... it wasn't as much insulting as weird (think: the black guy from "True Blood")
@m59 I understand the word "insulting" as trying to put someone down or announcing their shortcomings. I don't think I did that. If I did somehow, that was not my intention.
@mmmshuddup No he just makes you think and do a little research before asking a question.
any sensible chat/message board/forum/whatever would have banned that user eons ago in my honest opinion. for some reason this site condones that type of behavior so I guess I've just accepted it as a flaw and try to ignore it. In fact, it's the reason I never come to this chat more than every 5 months or so lol.. ok now I am done.
@mmmshuddup you sound like a silly goose.
although I don't know how you can hear me. kinda creepy
@tereško did in fact insult me once. He's criticized my code like a TON, but only one insult. Screw it...if he has to vent to put up with my craziness...so be it. He helps people.
if I'm not mistaken, isn't SO is primarily targeted towards enthusiasts -- not beginners?
Who really cares about you, the person who enables you to be a crappy person, or the person who states your flaws and leads you in overcoming them?
@m59 I get it.. but there is a fine line there..
@m59 He has helped me with stuff too. I didn't even know what bootstrapping actually meant before he told me, so I guess its fair for him to be harsh in return.
@DaveChen tell that to the "higher ups"
Its like that strict teacher in school sigh
@Mr.IDon'tCare no. have some backbone and stand by what you orginally said!
stand up for what you believe!
@mmmshuddup I do. I still think he is a little harsh, but I am just saying that he has helped me.
@Mr.IDon'tCare nothing gives anyone the right to speak to another person like that (other than it being a direct response to an attack which you started)
haha. Prove that?
@Mr.IDon'tCare ok then. credit where credit's due..
As I said, he is like that strict school teacher. New people don't like him all that much because he's too strict, but soon they realize he is a good teacher and actually helps you learn.
My moral compass is based on The Bible and says that people should respect others (mind you...@tereško is usually just stating things, not being mean), BUT that you should love others that hate, not return it.
Although being harsh might no necessarily be the best way to go about it.
So...maybe do what Jesus said and take the log out of your own eye before trying to tell someone else about theirs.
I don't know what sick world some people live in. but in the normal world it's generally frowned upon to be a straight up jerk to someone you don't know. trust me, I bet 90% the people online that speak that way to toher people run with their tail between the legs IRL lol
Best practice: in a child class, should i use the parents setter or set the variable directly?
speak like that to someone in person and see how long you're standing
like what?
I would bash someone's teeth in for that kind of thing
well maybe not
for saying "your code sucks" when it definitely really sucks?
but it's dancing on the line :)
I'd say "yep, sure does"
ok I would too
@marabutt unless the class is a specific data structure (like implementation of tree), you should never expose class varaiables
but i mean it truly depends on the nature of the statement
and those types of things are obivous in person you know?
like someone's tone and stuff gives away their intentions and attitude
@marabutt why is the child accessing the parent? You seem to have some circular dependencies going on .
R.I.P. :(
group hug
@Mr.IDon'tCare people have different ideas of love
Wait .. are you taking about extending a class, @marabutt ?
oh .. then use variables, if you have access to them
@m59 and I didn't mean you. I was referring to people in general btw.. just wanted to make that clear :)
Moving on... if I weren't autoloading, would I have had to say, have a routing class with a function that would dynamically include the class and instantiate it? I suppose I still need that, but just the instantiation.
I must have misunderstood..
@mmmshuddup I wouldn't have minded if so :)
@m59 lol yes. nice
if parent class has private variables, you will have to use setters, because you won't have any other way to access them, @mmmshuddup
@m59 :) ok my friend
protected members will be visible to child-class
@marabutt... it may be appropriate to use the getters/setters if they are doing precondition checks or input validation but if they are just proxies for assignment there is no real point.
great thanks for the input
I need 5 more upvotes for php gold.... but I don't want the answer that pushes me over to be a whoring answer
I liked the finding the first vowel one better
@Orangepill that was clever ;)
@DaveChen Removed that answer ... that fits the bill for a whoring one...
that wasn't very nice
alright guys well I only came here to ask about ZS10. I have to go now and live my life :)
see ya in another few months!
@mmmshuddup Yeah the strcspn command is often overlooked.
indeed. I actually forgot about it completely until I saw that haha
ok take care I'm out
I imagine I had this wrong
wait....what the heck
well ... that will push me over... I wasn't looking for a handout but thanks guys.
function foo() {
  $x = 'blah';
  include 'some/file.php';
  return $x;
What happens here??
@Orangepill you really should start looking for some ... emmm ... specialization
parse error?
It just occured to me that I have no idea what include,require etc do
corrected :)
@teresko how do you mean?
Oh gosh!! I call narcolepsy on that one!!!
@Orangepill a group of tags that you focus on.
I was nearly asleep while typing that
@teresko you thing 563 is too many :)
that's not what I mean
hmm so I see that basically the included code is scoped as though it were written inside that function..
@m59 pretty much .... except class and function definitions
One thing I'm finally starting to gather is that it's normal to work in the global scope or rather, in a namespace.
@mmmshuddup :(
Like...I'm trying to handle all of the activity inside a class (like using all the classes)
@Orangepill :)
@marabutt Well, we all know that Michael's meaning of the word was far more pure than what the word is made it out to be these days.
@teresko still not following what you are saying.
nevermind, just a cdn issue on my part :)
So, I finally met @gordon in real life, and I can confirm he does exist... :-)
@ircmaxell naah, now we have to doubt your existence too
Well, there were others there as well.
more lies
I'm starting to doubt my own existence now
there are some theories in physics that actually can do that
I am lost
I am going to try to go find myself in Amsterdam. If I should return before I get back, please let me know that I am looking for myself.
Smoke one for me :)
Good mornings :)
I'm scared to do this...
$diC = new diC();

$router = $diC->get('router');
$api = $diC->get('api');

if (!$router->collection) {
  $data = $api->defaultResponse();
else {
  $route = $diC->get("collection_{$router->collection}");
  $method = ($router->item) ? "{$router->verb}_item" : $router->verb;
  $data = $route->$method();

$output = $api->format($data, $router->type);

echo $output;
anywhere even remotely close?
Q: file limit while uploading folder

Muneem HabibI am using webkit directory to upload folder on server. Folder is uploading fine on server. But when there are more then 20 files in the folder then it uploads only first 20 files. My php code for uploading folder on server is as follows: <input type="file" name="files[]" onchange="formSubmi...

please help
guys, how can I make something like this in PHP:
normal site url = mysite.com
then certain button href would go to a certain URL
if url = mysite.com/?aff=002&bid=1
then certain button would go to another URL (where aff=002 and bid=1 are dynamic, the URL it would go makes references to these values)
normal site href:
<a href="https://mywebsite.com/cart.php?a=add&bid=1">Buy</a>
href with aff=002 (or any number)
<a href="https://mywebsite.com/cart.php?a=add&bid=1&aff=002">Buy</a>
Question above in Stack, better explained: stackoverflow.com/questions/19087172/dynamic-link-based-on-url
Q: Dynamic link based on URL

user2056484If someone access my website with this URL: https://mywebsite.com/product-page My link should be like this: <a href="https://mywebsite.com/cart.php?a=add&bid=1">Buy</a> And if someone access my website with this other URL: https://mywebsite.com/product-page&aff=002 Then my link wou...

function issetr(&$var){ if(isset($var)) return $var; return false; } Y U NOT EXIST
@Jack $bla = issetr($foo) ?: $bar;
Oh that, yeah :)
There has been some discussion on that before.
To perhaps have an existential ternary operator for it, like $foo ??: $bar; :)
yeah, and there's empty() also :P
bit different though
well yah, it's like empty() i suppose.
Q: he frnd this is suyash ...i got stuck in - set/show the dataset value on datagridview (but on another page) in C#-Windows Project

user2830066my code is as follows:- string q; q = "SELECT GRNDTL.SRNO, MST_ITEM.ITEM_NAME, GRNDTL.RACKNO, GRNDTL.QTY FROM MST_ITEM INNERJOIN GRNDTL ON MST_ITEM.ITEM_CODE = GRNDTL.ITEM_CODE WHERE GRNDTL.GRNO = " + Goods_Receiving_Edit.a + " "; DataTable dt = c1.GetDataTable(q); Goods_Receiving_Edit.g.Dat...

hey can any body tell me how can I get month name from 30-09-2013 in a view of yii
Does it matter if it's Yii or just php?
i'm creating many $var that lot of times can be NULL instead of being instances of MyClass.
instead of doing `if(!$var) throw new Exception(...);` every time the $var is created
(the same [if ... exception] line is in a lot different methods)
i was thinking to do instead:

function test(MyClass $var = NULL){
if($var === NULL) throw new Exception("...");
// ....

is correct a signature like this? means NULL is allowed, but it will always raise an exception
Then why not just test(MyClass $var)?
Why allow the null and then throw an exception?
because i'm using a different exception
it is actually throw new MyException
Okay, why allow the null and yet throw MyException?
just to avoid to write the same line "if($var === NULL) throw new Exception("...");" in all the methods i have
i'm just saying, it looks odd to me too
Guys, my Link outputs example.com/aff.php&bid=1?aff=002 where it should be example.com/aff.php?aff=002&bid=1
function getTrackingLink($url)
if (isset($_GET['aff'])) {
$url .= (strrpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'aff=' . urlencode($_GET['aff']);
return $url;
<a href="<?php echo getTrackingLink('/painel/aff.php&bid=1'); ?>">
Any idas?
@user2056484 There's no difference.
@user2056484 Your first link is simply wrong.
yeah it's the dinamically generated link
It should be aff.php?bid=1 and NOT aff.php&bid=1.
wasn't suppose to hbe like that
yeah, it should be
No, it must be!
You know?
@user2056484 You should use getTrackingLink('/painel.aff.php?bid=1');
See the difference?
I see
but the bid should be & instead of ?, and aff should be ?
I mean
aff first, bid second
aff ? bid &
I'll try bid first with ?
Morning Folks!
it worked perfecttly!
I thought it would because the bid should be second, but no, it works
@jack yep its matter
Thanks Jack.
@Jack yep is matter
Because Yii has magical functions for it?
@Jack actually my client prior me to use Yii more than simple PHP
hey Jack one more thing I am doing this many times in the same view...
Q: Javascript - Open page as _blank instead of pop up

user2056484In my Billing CMS (WHMCS) there's a page that redirects you to another page. The problem is that this redirected page is being opened as a Pop Up, and I'm looking for the source of it to make it open in target="blank" instead. This is the redirect script I found in the page that originates the ...

@Jack I have search allot final I found formatMonth() which may help me
but I don't know how to use it
Good morning! @JoeWatkins Mondayzz
about that redirect question you answered, if I change pages the ?aff=002 goes away, and I lose the reference link
i want to list all files in a folder
is there a way to always maintain ?aff=002 ?
i am using scandir function
but it is not showing anything
@user2056484 It shouldn't unless you're doing something wrong.
It never ceases to amaze me how much you can learn from what appears to be a straight forward question on SO!
A: DateTime constructor in php

vascowhiteThis appears to be a bug in the constructor of DateTime. This will raise an exception, which is the expected behaviour:- $d_obj = new DateTime('j'); See it here Whereas passing any other single letter such as 'b' will not. See here. As a result I have filed a bug report. Apparently, this ...

@Jack Love it! lol
@vascowhite It happened one more time after that :)
@vascowhite The accepted answer in there is pretty much useless.
It just says "hey, I think it works like this"
@Jack Yes, that was why I wanted to investigate further. The constructor of DateTimeZone doesn't recognise those single letter time zones though.
X is for X-ray time zone (UTC-1100), soldier! — Jack 5 secs ago
A question on mysql
I want to retrive rows even if where condition is not satisfied by showing null
Orderd my Arduino yiha.
@vascowhite Interesting. Can you submit a docs patch?
@DaveRandom Yes, I'm quite busy at the moment, but I'll work on it over the next day or two.
No worries :-)
Guys that code I showed in the link above is hard to integrate?
Difficulty is relative. If you look at those step-by-step instructions and still aren't sure what to do, I suggest you hire a developer...
Oooh, which reminds me of something I must check out...
yeah, idk, i was thinking if somebody could do it for 10 bucks on paypal
@Simon_eQ No column name sanitization, no escaping.
And what's up with that double array_pop()?
"No column name" ???
that is the purpose
No need for a column name
No column name sanitization
That's one term.
@Jack why would I need that? it is fetched from the html input name.
Unless you are building a DB management system, dynamic column DB object names are code smell
@Simon_eQ Even more a reason to sanitize them.
@Simon_eQ Haven't we taught you anything about sanitizing user input?
@DaveRandom I am building a huge queryClass. Which will handle everything with minor config
What is an affective url? :)
@Jack this is PDO
@Simon_eQ I don't care what you're using, sanitization is still a requirement.
@Simon_eQ And you haven't explained why you need the two array_pop() statements ... and what's that odd array(each($postGlobal)) thing?

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