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dammit, I was going to say that
For real?
Now I'll have to go with <i>
yes, for real ...
If all else fails, ask a <q>
@NoahHuppert What you are probably looking for is developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement.click
Yeah I am opposed to the <a> tag too. I always use <b>
I can't let that go on forever
Well i have nesting link tags and thats a problem
^ thats the problem
I need to find an html editor that has automatic indenting othewise this is going to drive me insane.. my html code is already ugly enough as is
@Dave spoil sport, we totally had him ...
Yeh, you can't nest links, that makes no sense
What does a nested link tag look like @NoahHuppert ?
aptana studio 3. has a format function. shift+ crt + f
a link surrounded by feathers, leaves and bits of down plucked from under his wings maybe ?
nested a = <a>some link <a> some deeper link </a> </a>
@Fabien <a href='sdfsdf'>bla bla <a href='dsfsdf'></a></a>
@JoeWatkins Are you sure you're not using LSD?
whatever, I'm not the one nesting with links ...
i wrote that as a joke.. o.O
@NoahHuppert What's <a href='dsfsdf'></a> supposed to be?
It's blank
can't click blank
@NoahHuppert where there?
You know, nesting <a> while invalid, would be interesting if it were. I could see that descendant links are based in their parent.
@DanLugg no LSD ... if sometimes I appear to be high as a kite, it's because I ruddy well am ... I find it makes me much cooler ...
@JoeWatkins I know but sometimes I'm concious that there is a reason this room has an unfriendly reputation. People do ask some really stupid questions, but I've asked my fair share of them over the years, I just don't like instantly drive people away just because their brain temporarily stopped working. Of course if you throw them a bone and then they continue the fuckwittage, troll at will.
@reikyoushin HTML basics. fabien is just being a troll
@NoahHuppert its because no one would use it.. i guess?
@NoahHuppert I am not being a troll I am trying to identify your problem by ascertaining your goal.
<a href="/">
    <a href="./foo">
        <a href="./bar">
            <a href="./?qux=zip">Resolves to /foo/bar?qux=zip</a>
@DaveRandom I'm kidding, its right that someone should help if I'm just gonna sit here fucking about :D
@DanLugg is this valid o.O?
A foal is an equine, particularly a horse, that is one year old or younger. More specific terms are colt for a male foal and filly for a female foal, but these terms are used until the horse is age three or four. When the foal is nursing from its dam (mother), it may also be called a suckling. After the young horse has been weaned from its dam, it may be called a weanling. When a mare is pregnant, she is said to be "in foal." After a horse is one year old, it is no longer a foal, and is called a yearling. There are no special age-related terms for young horses older than yearlings. Whe...
It was fixed the responce afterward.... c? Dan Lugg
@NoahHuppert <b>
@DanLugg Bad much?
@DanLugg lol
@Pheagey Terrible!
@reikyoushin Hell no.
@DanLugg Ok, approve it and ship it!
thanks dan!
TY :)
@NoahHuppert Really though, don't do what I did ^^
lol @DanLugg
Q: Nesting HTML- anchor tags

ollifantToday I was working on a tab navigation for a webpage. I tried the Sliding Doors approach which worked fine. Then I realized that I must include an option to delete a tab (usually a small X in the right corner of each tab). I wanted to use a nested anchor, which didn't work because it is not al...

(or for that matter, anything I ever do, anywhere)
@Dave I don't think this room is unfriendly ... I think programmers in general can be a bit unfriendly, esp. @tereško obviously ... but other than that we're cool ...
Man we slap people for w3schools but @DanLugg gets away with nesting links? :P
Yea, you can't get more authoritative than this.
@JoeWatkins Were you here when @Simon_eQ asked for a code review? -_-
it's illegal, maybe you get sued for this? w3.org/TR/html401/struct/links.html#h-12.2.2
@Fabien they see him trollin'....
wow illegal ... that's a bit much .. I don't think you can get in actual trouble for it like ...
when was that and what for ??
hey guys, mind if i ask a quick networking question for the gurus here?
sorry to intercede
@JoeWatkins maybe its also a cybercrime. XP
@reikyoushin if not it should be.
@Cenoc, room description top right
@Cenoc pls read top right text block.. :)
@Pheagey Among many... MANY other things.
@Cenoc see the title, ask away ...
God... bootstrap has h orrible documentation >.>
ahhh, thanks for the pointer
@Cenoc Mainly the part about asking, not so much the PHP
Example: What if i want to create a sidebar that isn't a nav bra
@VoidWhisperer welcome to development :)
God damnit twitter xD
@VoidWhisperer Then... create a sidebar?
I was wondering how a connection is kept alive during long polling. Are KA messages sent to and then responded by the server? I've never seen anything explicit (which is great) A related question is how long can a response be 'held'?
@VoidWhisperer documenting absolutely everything is pretty new ... only just older than your pubes ... consider yourself lucky ... :D
Sep 20 at 14:47, by NikiC
@PeeHaa ow god kill it, kill it please
^Response to request for code review
@JoeWatkins Meany :(
@VoidWhisperer you need to know how to divide hehe.. left (main body) is 4/5 and sidebar is 1/1 for example
@VoidWhisperer Whoah there big fella.
I fixed it. >.>
@JoeWatkins This room has a history of stirring the pot on meta more so than other rooms (except possibly the lounge). That may just be because of the popularity of the language and a side effect of the accessibility it gives though (it is the place a lot of newbies start out in the world of programming) - this is going to produce a higher-than-average ratio of stupid questions
Documentation is most usually terrible. I do nothing to help with that.
@VoidWhisperer I was being serious :D it genuinely is pretty new ... years ago it was read the code yourself if you want to understand it ...
I might have to do that anyways
@Cenoc i believe you are the one that sets the timeout.. dont you? so you should know it beforehand
Yea, I'd rather not contribute to the world of horrible documentation, so I just don't document anything.
@reik I set the timeout; but how does a connection not timeout without a response?
@VoidWhisperer usually slower but a better route to understanding for absolutely sure ...
grrr @reikyoushin
Back in my day... we had to read the source code! Whipper-snappers these days with their documentations and their stack overflows....
@DanLugg Documentation is one of the few areas where java is actually ahead of most things.. xD
and yes I mean JAVA and not JS
@Fabien Stack Overflow!? Is that when the punch card tray is full and they end up on the floor!?
@Cenoc you also decide on that.. is this a web service?
@reikyoushin So can I set no timeout and hold indefinitely? At least in TCP there is a timeout
@VoidWhisperer that wasn't an insult by the way ... we are all pretty envious of anyone who is 16, but I wasn't being malicious, a failed attempt at comedy I guess ...
@DanLugg lol
@JoeWatkins I'm sorry i took it the wrong way lol
@Cenoc HTTP is fundamentally half-duplex, so proper keepalive isn't really possible. Moreover, the timeout is likely set on the client side so you can't really control it. In general the best approach is to be able to handle the connection failing at both ends, and have the client re-initiate the connection when it does (i.e. start a new request)
@Cenoc if this is a local app, yeah theoretically.. but if it is a webservice, then your script will eventually die.. the question is how long you set it up on the server
@JoeWatkins Speak for yourself. I'm 28 and I love it.
@reikyoushin @DaveRandom so there is a timeout? I'm just wondering if there's an added layer that I am not aware of.
You wouldn't be 16 again given the chance?
I guess I should whipout wireshark and go check out myself
@Cenoc on a web service, definitely..
@Fabien Sure would, but I'm far from envious of anyone who is.
@VoidWhisperer it's not your fault, your frontal lobe is under developed, you are biologically and physically incapable of judging every situation for what it is ... which is incidentally why you spend a lot of time arguing with your parents and siblings, the people who, out of the 6 billion alive, love you the most, no doubt ...
@reikyoushin is there a minimum timeout for clients? So that I dont set it too long on the server side?
Well that is definitely true between me and my brother, that much is for sure
@Cenoc The OS may impose a timeout for dead links, but it probably doesn't. Web stacks are usually much too high level to worry about this. But you can't just leave the connection open forever and assume it will continue to work until you exchange data, any stateful L2/L3 routers/switches that fall over on the route may silently break the connection
@JoeWatkins Deep.
@Fabien That's what she said.
@Fabien Anyone who would say yes to that is stuck in high school...
@Cenoc i dont think there is a definite time, you need to adjust depending on what your script does..
@Cenoc Most SPI firewalls by default will silently discard packets they don't know about in the state tables, they won't explicitly FIN/RST. You should impose a sensible timeout (I would go for single-digit minutes) and re-initiate the connection if there was no data in that time.
@Fabien just an observation ...
@Pheagey Well the journey from 16 is part of the benefit of going back.
For instance I wouldn't get a degree in Psychology. What a waste.
@reikyoushin @DaveRandom interesting; how are clients aware when the server has disconnected them though? it seems almost instantaneous at times when they request and I just turn off the server?
@Fabien a journey most people should not want to repeat. IF anything I'd go back to 20/22 maybe. Screw 16. (Could also be a cultural thing).
Mind you... the M:F ratio was 1:10
@Pheagey That's what I was going to say: 21 is pretty awesome.
Psychology AKA the "I don't know what I want to do" course.
You could actually study "Football studies" at my Uni.
You can be an immature dick one day, and a responsible adult the next, and nobody blinks an eye because you're 21.
@Cenoc That's because the server's OS maintains a state table of open TCP connections and sends a FIN when it does a graceful shutdown. If you just pulled the power cord that wouldn't happen, and it's OS dependent anyway so it's not reliable.
@DaveRandom thanks for the answer! things i've been wondering for a while. are there any good resources on this?
besides you and @reikyoushin
Alrighty, well, I'm done for the day. Probably won't return; need to get some work done when I get home.
Night people. See you much later.
I wouldn't like to live from 16 to now again, but go back and do over a few select years ... definitely ...
night @DanLugg
I just wish I took programming more seriously.
@Cenoc What you're talking about covers a pretty wide range of topics - even TCP and HTTP are quite a long way from each other, even though one generally relies on the other. I'm a networky guy, so personally my recommendation would be to really learn exactly how TCP works, then how HTTP works (and I mean really learn), then you will see how the long-polling paradigm is really quite a serious abuse of HTTP (I'm not discouraging it, but it's really not what it was designed for).
@Cenoc Try and implement a HTTP client at the socket level, that will teach you a lot
@DaveRandom Are you procrastinating?
Also check out websockets (if you haven't already), they solve a lot of the problems you're talking about
@Fabien Slightly. But also pontificating.
How long should the task take?
@DaveRandom i've heard about that, read something about it not being fully supported? then people praising socket.io and the ports, but then those are apparently not really tested yet?
The assigned time is 1.5 hrs. I'm assuming that's 1.5hrs + thinking time (within reason)
I'll look into the HTTP client though; it's probably overdue.
@DaveRandom What do you have to do?
Ok.. Now I'm very confused
@DaveRandom oh nice. I would have assumed like 8-12
@Cenoc Yeh, in reality websockets aren't that well supported at the moment - a lot of browsers don't even know about them at all and you'll run into some real problems with proxy traversal in the real world. But the idea is sound, even if I disagree with some of the implementation details (I can send a 2^63 byte payload in one frame? Really??)
@PeeHaa Interview coding task. I don't want to give too much away about it since the internet remembers all and I don't want to be accused of cheating.
@DaveRandom Without saying exactly what you need to do what does it involve?
@DaveRandom from what i read socket.io has done a good job of doing fallback and giving you control over what 'technologies' to use
long polling was just something that was easier to understand
@Cenoc It might be an idea to start with a HTTP 1.0 client, that's waaaaay simpler than 1.1. RFC 1945 is what you should read for that (be warned, it's not what you'd call a gripping read)
@DaveRandom I'll look into it. Thanks for the basic answers to the questions though. Theyve been buzzing around my mind for a while. It's easy to ignore them and hope everything goes well.
@Cenoc There are a couple of frameworkish things that get around a lot of these problems - and they are all problems that can be overcome pretty reliably - it's a question of whether you want to rely on a framework without knowing how it works
But I rather know
Good attitude
@PeeHaa Basically design the model layer for an order dispatch system. We’ll be reviewing your OO analysis and design skills based on the object structure you choose and to some extent your understanding and ability with PHP5 based on the code you produce.
Did they say you had to finish?
> Make as much progress as you feel you can within the time allowed; you are not required to produce a final product.
ok basically just a moron check if they don't expect a final product. You are going to be fine :)
Currently I'm considering what interfaces need to exist, with regard to using as few as sensibly possible
In what field is company x active?
@Gordon By the way, I really like some of the decisions Dart made for languages in general. This is one such syntactic shortcut.
@PeeHaa I don't think there's be any issue with me pointing you at docnet.nu
An example of something I think they got wrong was removing interfaces in favor of implicit interfaces, while keeping subclasses.
But overall they did a good job.
They have bic as client! I eat their product!
but looks interesting
@PeeHaa I cut myself with them. I must be Doing It Wrong™.
what's the position you're going for ?
Actually I don't know if I've ever used a bic razor ever. I've only ever used a real razor like 4 times in my whole life, I like to remain slightly hairy. Makes me feel like a man.
@JoeWatkins "PHP Web Developer"
@DaveRandom Why not get a paid a low salary and come work for AudioLock.net? ;)
just wondering who's going to do the reviewing ...
so who is above that then ?? is there other developers there or what ?
The guy said that of 30 people who work for the company around 20 of them are devs, and that basically everyone apart from some of the sales team have at least some coding experience
Thats pretty good.
who is the most qualified, and are they doing the reviewing ??
ever seen 20 devs agree about anything, other than the variadics thing .... ?
The guy I had the interview with and gave me the task is the head techie guy, nice guy as well, seemed to know what he was talking about
@JoeWatkins well, yes, but then there were another 10 which disagree :-D
This guy is one of theirs, apparently
that'll do ... I don't like big teams myself ... or heights ... so it doesn't really mean anything ... still thought of it a bit daunting ...
I have literally zero experience of working with other devs outside OSS, which is a totally different world so far as I can tell
well you're being paid to stand in line, rather than everyone fighting for their corner ...
Less pressure, hopefully fun environment but less exciting I find.
it's still not the perfect world, I've taken over from 2 small teams in the last 5 years, mostly made up of a few who know what they are up to, and some others, who don't ... the problem is with that, the people who know what they are up to don't actually get to do any programming because they are too busy fixing the mistakes of the others ... and taking over such projects is not enjoyable, but there's no long term prospect of having to work with these people, so I get over it quickly ...
I'm stuck screwing around with bootstrap to try to get it to work like i want it to.. xD
it's a mixture of not knowing what they are up to, and just such varied ideas, lack of experience, cohesion or whatever you want to call it ... unless everyone is on an equal footing I don't see a big team being as productive as a small one, or just me ... and nobody is putting together that sort of team, because nobody can afford too mostly ...
it usually is a few who know what they are doing, and then the rest ... some of the rest might share ideas, common level of skill ... only by coincidence ...
I don't have much of an opinion on this ... probably not the best person to listen to, so I'll stop talking ...
Considering i've never used bootstrap before, can someone help me move the word 'main' out of this stupid box which it isn't even supposed to be in in the first place? voidwhisperer.info/tf2server/scores.php
I have no opinion on the matter at present. Hopefully I will have one soon, but currently I have nothing to base an opinion on.
@VoidWhisperer <div class="span8"> ummmmm...
It doesn't matter what span i give it
any sphinx users here
it still stays in that box..
Nothing like a good <div class="span">
@VoidWhisperer why is this .well's width wider than the span2 tag?
because bootstrap is annoying. >.>
@VoidWhisperer you should use .well { width: 100%; } then change span2 => span3 if you want it to be wider
The more people you have to communicate and make decisions with, the longer it will take to reach an agreement. Hopefully the trade-off is that the agreement is a better one.
not force the width of the inner element out of the span* wrappers
Biggest team I worked in was 10 devs and I was the manager. All I can say is it's fun but there's too much drama.
@reikyoushin Thank you. that fixed it :D
@VoidWhisperer though i dont like bootstrap, i like skeleton.css more because bootstrap's grid system is hard to befriend..
This is better than my ugly css, so i'm fine with it
@Fabien you see the amount of funding it takes to work in the ideal environment ... okay so one place is putting together teams like that ... but not really ... it does sound pretty cool though, this is exactly ideal ... and quite bold ... and very expensive ...
@VoidWhisperer just stick with the span* wrappers.. dont override (try to force) them, it should be fine. :)
@reikyoushin I have to multilate the css a bit to make it look how i want.. xD
@JoeWatkins It's weird though. No one really looked at why we needed such a big team. Answer was, we didn't.
Company was no more profitable with 10 devs than it was with 3
@VoidWhisperer been there, done that. not a good way though
In reality you have a perfect amount, then hire a few more for security/holiday.
yes, but it works for now. :P
it will break some where if you do that.. like its responsiveness and stuff
I think 3-5 is a great team size. Any more and it's too much hassle.
So 3-5 per project.
You know AdultFriendFinder has/had ~120 developers?
@Fabien 120? maybe 100 of those respond to the chat, then 20 are real devs? jk
lol @reikyoushin probably.
The one thing urking me a bit is
i can't make the divider wider than it already is
what divider? the margin?
actually it's not all ideal
that line under 'players'
@VoidWhisperer Do you know HTML/CSS? :P
otherwise i wouldn't be modifying this damn thing xD
120 developers are needed for space craft, and life support software, that is all ...
Will the end product design be complicated?
@VoidWhisperer .nav-list .divider { border-width: 2px; } ??
@JoeWatkins Yeah, it's nuts.
fml.. xD
not because they can share the work, but share the responsibility of the lives in their hands ... AFF has no lives in their hands ... silly ....
that shouldn't fix it, since i'm trying to change the actual thing.. not the border
the company tanked a bit a bunch for made redundant.
@VoidWhisperer padding will make the height bigger?
Anyone have experience with ZendFramework? Thoughts on it?
@aug ZF1 or 2?
ZF2 sorry
@reikyoushin I need it more going sideways, not vertically
@Fabien after reading all of that article about Valve I conclude, until evidence to the contrary is presented, that the ideal working environment as I see it cannot be achieved while humans are involved ...
@aug yep. Whatcha need to know?
@VoidWhisperer hmm.. pos: abs then width: 120%??
Look, that part i didn't modify
worst case scenario, that is...
@JoeWatkins Ideally I would prefer not to work at all :)
that was in bootstrap by default
@Ocramius I just wanted to know your thoughts on it. My workplace is considering trying it out haha. Is it efficient?
@aug so far, yes, very effective for me
but I'm a quite active contributor, so I'm already up and running with it
@Fabien I would prefer not to HAVE to work....
@VoidWhisperer hr { width: 130%; margin-left: -10%; }
@Orangepill Yes. Still code, just not for work.
@Ocramius ahh I see haha yeah I'm trying to convert one of our apps and it seems promising :) I'll let you know if I have questions. Good to know its effective so far ^_^
though i said earlier, though shall not force outside the wrapper
@reikyoushin Any idea how to get rid of the extremely ugly padding created by the hr?
@aug feel free to ask when I'm around
tyty <3
Setting the padding on an HR does nothing..
@Fabien I often think I'd like to do something different, study neuroscience and go into some useful form of research ... I'm pretty bored of what I do now ... each project has it's merits and is a reason to program, and earns money ... but a good use of skill and time, not so much ...
@JoeWatkins There's a psychological field dedicated to AI you know.
the name of it ?
I made it look slightly better :)
@JoeWatkins Can't remember exactly, was like first year and we never touched it as it involved coding. But here's a book
@JoeWatkins Example course
There's a version II of that book too.
@Fabien I already have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to research, because I've read quite a lot about it, in recent years there has been a few developments that make it quite possible ... I'd like to fix brains, there's quite a few debilitating disorders that can, in principle, be patched without having a fully working reverse engineered model of the brain ... the components you would need for such a thing are just coming to the labs, some in the marketplace too ...
looks interesting ...
@That's a pretty heavy science though. Still largely unknown... the brain that is.
But if you can be the first person to code a girlfriend... plenty of lonely internet geeks will pay you all the monies.
don't care, could spend the rest of my life on it and get nowhere, it would still be more worthwhile than what I do now ... how could it not be ...
@JoeWatkins Aye. Wouldn't dissuade anyone from any medical profession... but would your skills be transferable in what you'd do?
Given the fact that I have very little knowledge of bootstrap
That's a relatively decent looking web page.
@JoeWatkins have you heard about the 2045 initiative?
@Fabien who knows, we don't know what skills are required ...
I know this, give me data to crunch and I'll do it at an amazing rate with whatever hardware I have, research is mostly crunching the numbers, designing models ... for that part not only are my skills transferable but an absolute prerequisite ... after that, who knows ...
you don't need a working model, but you need a way to understand the input and format the output, the amount data is going to be vast, beyond anything I've ever worked with or will have the chance to work with ... the processing power will be severely limited (in comparison to the brain) ... I excel at this ...
So the AI Psych route is interesting to you or not quite what you're aiming at?
it looks interesting, and relevant ...
I'll probably read that ... good precursor ... I could be wrong, but it still looks interesting ...
I'll probably spend the next 10 years thinking about this ... I have to be in a position to drop everything in order to learn what I really need to know, that means I have to wait util my kids are adults and taken care of ...
I have time ...
or just code some million pound thing and then do it.
make it 15 years ...
oh I don't have ideas that sell to people, I don't understand people in any useful way ... if I did, I wouldn't need to work for anyone ... when things I write make lots of money it doesn't effect me one bit, nor should it, it's not my money on the line in the first place ...
Just set up that porns site and hey presto. or a few bots on a server...
@Fabien hey that's my idea!
@PeeHaa heh
I still think the idea for email receipts linked to credit cards of mine is a viable money winner.
lol wonder if that guy is still looking for porns for his websit ...
I just lack the ability and confidence to do it
@PeeHaa I thought of a small inline javascript. onclick confirms :P
going out for burgers ... catch you all lata ...
At this hour? I want one :(
Bye @JoeWatkins
@JoeWatkins There is always some guy looking for p0rn for his website
My very first serious freelance client was for basically porn
But I turned him down :(
I done a bit of freelance for a guy a few years ago that had a brothel that had been on tv...
@JoeWatkins laters
@Fabien :)
That's what goes in the main js file yeah ;)
we didn't really get on ... what with him being basically a pimp and me being a family man, and not a pimp ...
@JoeWatkins Yea, I was concerned that my first paid-for project being a little misogynistic might not be the best career choice
text wall ahoy!!
prolly shouldn't have posted that link actually ...
Better than w3schools
Damn children and their waking up in the middle of the night when you're trying to do something.
@DaveRandom Likely they're trying to do something too.
"do something" or someone.
1 message moved to bin
@Fabien What, screw me over? :-P
@DaveRandom lol.
I love the questions in the FAQ section. "Q. What happens if my girl is doing something which annoys me?"
What's the answer?
@Fabien "A. If it is something minor, tell her yourself if you wish, or ask one of us to speak to her. If you believe the problem is more serious, then please tell us and we will speak to her and, if you wish, replace her immediately. Although we try to ensure that you have no problems, the girls are human and we cannot monitor them 24 hours a day. "
"Q. Do the girls speak English?" lol
@crypticツ loool excellent :P
it's just horrible isn't it ... I didn't do any of that website by the way ... but you can imagine the sort of bloke writing that shit ...
Well... this is odd:
echo "...".substr((string) $read,0,1)."..";
this wasn't the face of the company presented to me ...
that wasn't the whole thing. 1 sec
$read = stream_get_contents($handle);
echo "...".substr((string) $read,0,1)."..";
At least you guys got out or didn't start. I did my seedy deed for 2 years :(
That returns "....." when there is a first character in $read
Which.. seems odd.
voidwhisperer.info/tf2server/test2.php the first line is the output of $read, the second line is what that echo should be outputting
burgers, must eat ...
@VoidWhisperer full code that produces that page plz
in pastie.org
Do you guys know any place I can see the MVC pattern in use for PHP? A good use.
@DaveRandom err.. this is what var_dump $read returned
string(280020) "L 09/25/2013 - 02:45:03: "WD - VoidWhisperer<26>" say "test" "
280KB of data, and it only produces that string?
(no, I can't be bothered dividing 280020 by 1024, go away and stop being pedantic)
Apparently it was a very large amount of whitespace
because I used trim() and it brought it down to 85

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