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@JohnMerlino: not non-zero, but not null
i am making a facebook app in php, can any body help?
ask first
@zerkms my bad, i want to get users informaiton from facebook, i was wondering how to remember if this is a first time user or not
it says i have to invoke OAuth Dialog
to get user info for the first time
uhm, store it to database? ;-)
if it is already stored for that fb uid - then it is not first time
you need to connect user to your application
doesn't matter how - either with fb.login or just via loginurl
3 hours later…
afternoon :D
@ircmaxell I've noticed, there's no blog post what happened?

also, I'd like to ask you how much is pkdf2 better than stretching (recursive hash_hmac with "longer" salt in each step) - it's very clear how it works (few lines), which is not so true about pbkdf2
Guys, what is your default scope for your class properties? protected or private, and why?
> In computer programming, an attempt to divide by zero may, depending on the programming language and the type of number being divided by zero, generate an exception, generate an error message, crash the program being executed, generate either positive or negative infinity, or could result in a special not-a-number value (see below).
all of that makes more sense to me than returning false
@rickchristie i use protected for easier extension
@Gordon - thanks :)
@Artefacto whats your take on 1/0 returning false in PHP?
Morning :)
apparently bug is kept for BC bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51757
Hi! Does anyone know what website I can go to get my coding check?
@Anraiki what means coding check?
@Anraiki Google?
I understand it as: Hi! Does anyone know what website I can go to check my coding?
Google is a search engine :]
But also a website :)
I remember one site where I can post my code and someone could review if it was terrible, or if it was vulnerable to malicious user input
That's new to me :]
Or alternative is an IRC ^^
I have IRC but no resources
I have no idea what chatroom to idle in
Well, IRC is not a codereview :P
@ircmaxell wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1%2F0%2B5 and in PHP it's 5. That's clearly a bug in PHP.
1 hour later…
Is there a way to display hidden characters from a string
@Gordon Yes, I think NaN would have been better
for example: "spaces, newlines, tabs, etc"
that said, I don't think false is "wrong"... But the fact it converts to 0 is unfortunate
I haven't checked the standard though
hmm.... «The default result of divideByZero shall be an ∞ correctly signed according to
the operation: For division, when the divisor is zero and the dividend is a finite non-zero number, the sign of the
infinity is the exclusive OR of the operands’ signs (see 6.3).» (IEEE 754-2008)
PHP seems to be off the mark, at least for floating point arithmetic
How do I get one of my question migrated to another exchange?
@Artefacto thanks
@Anraiki flag for moderator attention
english time... :)
meta-data == data about data
meta-meta-data == data about data about data?
meh meh data
we could condense it to a meme
guys could someone help me with mb_eregi_replace?
Hey guys, quick question, if I set a variable in a try {} block, will it remain set? or is it local to that try block?
it should be local to the try block
@LuisArmando what do you need?
maybe you should ask it as a proper question on SO
I did
and I got an answer but I tried it and no text comes out
Q: str_ireplace not working with German characters

Luis ArmandoI am using the following function to search for words and color them inside a text. It works perfectly except for German characters (ä, ë, ß, etc). I already tried to encode to utf, decode, checked my meta tags and everything else like that but the problem is not the encoding as they show correct...

so how can I make it global?
rather use a setter and getter, global variables are always trouble
yummy global varaibles
@LuisArmando sure, but the variable I'm trying to set is an object itself
are constant consider global?
try { $input = new input($_SESSION); } catch ....
the point is, how to make $input available outside the try block
@Anraiki yes because you can define them inside functios and they will be global
I hear often that Global Var are distasteful, why?
@LuisArmando getter and setter aint exactly good practise either
any one know why i am getting this error using when soap ==> error: cannot use object of type stdclass as array
@Anraiki because they break encapsulation and introduce hard to track dependencies into your code which will make it hard to test and maintain
> They are usually considered bad practice precisely because of their non-locality: a global variable can potentially be modified from anywhere (unless they reside in protected memory or are otherwise rendered read-only), and any part of the program may depend on it.[1] A global variable therefore has an unlimited potential for creating mutual dependencies, and adding mutual dependencies increases complexity.
@LuisArmando See the comment's written in your question
In computer programming, a global variable is a variable that is accessible in every scope (unless shadowed). Interaction mechanisms with global variables are called global environment (see also global state) mechanisms. The global environment paradigm is contrasted with the local environment paradigm, where all variables are local with no shared memory (and therefore all interactions can be reconducted to message passing). They are usually considered bad practice precisely because of their non-locality: a global variable can potentially be modified from anywhere (unless they reside in pr...
welcome back @NikiC how was vacation?
@Gordon Great :)
any one know why i am getting this error using when soap ==> error: cannot use object of type stdclass as array
@NikiC great!
This makes me feel funny being aware that I am using global vars and now knowing that it is consider bad practice.
heh, I love this chat
@AjayPatel you likely tried to access it with square brackets
@Gordon like ?
the point is not to make it global
I asked whether a variable set in a try{} block can presist even after the try block has ended
@RikudoSennin @Gordon For more info stackoverflow.com/questions/6922058/…
You can try making it throw an exception?
i think may i am wrong in passing the value '<tem:random>sss</tem:random>' +
anyone pls
Does the input validation layer belong to the model or another separate layer? If the validation layer stays in the model, for example, how does the controller calls the model method? By passing the complete $_POST variable? For example: $result = $userModel->login($request->getPost())
What could be the reason if I execute a command (which does output something) in PHP (using `kmyacc -l -L c -m php.kmyacc -p PHPParser_Parser zend_language_parser.phpy`), but the backtick expression doesn't give me any output? Do I need to execute the command in some other way in order to get output?
If the input validation layer is in the model, then how would the model tell other layers that the input doesn't pass validation? By returning a an instance of, say ValidatorErrors or by throwing exceptions?
@rickchristie both. the controller checks if it got all input to delegate to the model and the model checks if the actual data it got is valid
@Gordon can you pls help me how can i
@Gordon - thanks! How does the model tell the controller that there are errors, by throwing a custom exception? Or by returning a custom object/data structure?
say throw new ValidationException($errorMessages)
or return ValidationErrors($errorMessages)
@rickchristie you could throw custom exceptions though i think exceptions should be used sparingly or you could use martinfowler.com/eaaDev/Notification.html
@AjayPatel sorry, no idea where its wrong.
@Gordon - Many thanks :) I'll look into it
@kamil it is going live in 6 hours...
@ircmaxell :)
@rick I have a blog post going live later today on that very topic...
@ircmaxell so what about that pkdbf2 vs. stretching? how big difference is between those twos?
hi people
can anyone help me with google maps
how to put X in google maps??
@kamil, pbkdf2 is a well vetted algorithm and has some properties that simple stretching doesn't
Shuch as arbitrary length output, better feedback, etc...
@ircmaxell this may sound silly (I really don't know enough about pbkdf2) but:
is there any "few-lines" implementation? because stretching is pretty straightforward and can be even written in oneline with FP
I'm not implementing anything, I'm just curious about that
Below is my code:

foreach(simplexml_load_file('http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/playlist.xml')->item as $link){
$linked = $link->artist;
$xml_data = file_get_contents('http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getimages&artist=' . $linked . '&api_key=b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026');
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml_data);
foreach($xml->images as $test){
$new = $test->image->sizes->size[4];

echo "<img src='$new'>";

?><br /><?php


This does work, but it only displays one record from many, it shows the first record from the XML file. I want it to display all of the records.
When I get into work I will write one. I wrote it that long for clarity and readability
@ircmaxell thx, I actually tend to better understand "shorter" code in the name of elegance, not golf of course :)
@RyanMurphy please use the fixed font when pasting code or link to a pastebin. If this one of your existing questions, link to the question instead.
also, why do you use file_get_contents instead of simplexml_load_file to load the second XML file? That call is superfluous, like I've already told you in that other question where you had the same issue
@ircmaxell - great! Looking forward to it :)
@Gordon - Im new to the chat rooms so for now on I will use the fixed font or link. Thanks for the suggestion I will try it now
@Ryan thanks. Also dont paste your questions in here. Just paste the link to them.
Q: When parsing XML with PHP, it only shows the first record from the file, not all of them

Ryan MurphyBelow is my code: foreach(simplexml_load_file('http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/playlist.xml')->item as $link){ $linked = $link->artist; $xml_data = file_get_contents('http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=artist.getimages&artist=' . $linked . '&api_key=b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a...

answered it btw
@Gordon - OK, newbie mistake. Thanks for the help. Will check your answer now
@Gordon - I Have implements the changes you suggested, which now seem to take it to the next level, it is showing all the images, in the size of the 5th image which I only want to 5th image which is why I used size[4]
@Ryan yeah, and what is the question?
@Gordon I only want one image of each artist to appear
@Ryan umm, I'm not sure I understand. Wasn't your first question asking why your foreach is only showing one record?
if you dont want to iterate all the images, then dont use foreach. Just do echo $lfm->images->image->sizes->size[4];
that will return the first image url of the first <image> element
@Gordon - This worked brilliantly, thankyou soo much for your help. This is why I love the stack community. You will be awarded correct answer. Thanks soo much.
@Ryan thanks. no problem. Make sure you check out php.net/manual/en/simplexml.examples-basic.php as well
Hey all, Im still having problems getting to grips with nested variables im trying to access ['patient_age'] from the variable using $result['intervention'][0]->patient_age however it does not work here is my variable pastebin.com/k9FdJ8XQ
I also tried $result[0]->patient_age , $result['intervention']->patient_age
very confusing nested variables :(
1 message moved to bin
@sqlmole $result['intervention'][0]->patient_age should work
Message: Trying to get property of non-object
That is the error message
undefined variable result
but that makes no sense
Hi everyone, not a strictly PHP question but its what i'm currently learning so...does anyone have a good link to a resource for learning to play with API's?
because my var_dump($result) works
Are you sure $result exists in that scope?
'learning to code' with api's, rather
dam i changed a variable name in my controller
it was $result in my view but it changes name to $data
Hi Guys. Having trouble with this. All explained in the link. Can you help? pastie.org/2319571
@sqlmole now delete your question please
@Ryan Why do you load file 4 times?
@sqlmole click the delete link
@sqlmole or flag for moderator attention
@Robik Thats a very good point, cheers for the hint so I can clean my code up :) any ideas on how I make the table vertical?
No one? Is it such an obvious question/answer?
@Dan php.net
@Robik - Your suggestions done it all. GOD
Hey @KamilTomšík
Good afternoon
@Ryan :)
Afternoon @ChristianSciberras
function pbkdf2($hashAlgo, $password, $salt, $iterations, $length = 64) {
    $len = ceil($len / strlen(hash($hashAlgo, '', true)));
    $result = '';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $len; $i++) {
        $res = $tmp = hash_hmac($hashAlgo, $salt . pack('N', $i), $password, true);
        for ($j = 1; $j < $iterations; $j++) {
            $res ^= $tmp = hash_hmac($hashAlgo, $tmp, $password, true);
        $result .= $res;
    return substr($result, 0, $length);
or, if the length is fixed to the output length of the hash function
function pbkdf2WhereLengthIsHashLength($hashAlgo, $password, $salt, $iterations) {
    $res = $tmp = hash_hmac($hashAlgo, $salt . pack('N', 1), $password, true);
    for ($j = 1; $j < $iterations; $j++) {
        $res ^= $tmp = hash_hmac($hashAlgo, $tmp, $password, true);
    return $res;
Hi all. This is extremely urgent so would appreciate your help. If you go to these links ryanmurphy.org.uk/musicsite/music.php and ryanmurphy.org.uk/musicsite/artist.php Its showing error messages, where as on my MAMP it worked perfectly with no error messages. Can anyone help please??
@ircmaxell wow, thank you very much!
no problem
@ircmaxell do you have any test data? I'd like to play with that and try to rewrite that so I could be sure I get it correctly :)
@Ryan Probably you have disabled ALLOW_URL_FOPEN in you server configuration
@Robik - cheers - How would I correct this?
Enable it in php.ini
@ircmaxell I'm okay with command line and few scripts, thx again
github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-CryptLib/blob/master/test/Vectors/Key/… <-- The test harness. It actually uses a library to automatically parse those test vector files (rather than hard-coding them in the test)
@ircmaxell I'd consider that if you had more vectors but for 5 examples I'm quite okay with in-editor regex replace...
I'm just wondering, what's meaning of $c :)
my guess is iterations_count?
(that's the variable name in the PBKDF2 spec)
great, thx - going to test your impl :-P
go for it
the 2nd implementation will fail, since the test vectors include varrying length...
I'll try the first one
I'm actually quite surprised, because from source it seems that output length can be (theoretically) unlimited
it can be up to hashLength * (2^31 - 1)
(the max positive representable iteration is pack('N'))
@ircmaxell ah, right, but if this restriction wasn't in php output would be limited only by iterations count, right?
@KamilTomšík the 32 bit int packing is described by the standard
so, with md5, the hash length is 16 bytes. So the max representable length output from md5 is 34,359,738,352 characters
fair, but people like me are pretty okay with answer like "yes, it can be pretty long"
> If dkLen > (23^2 – 1) × hLen, output “derived key too long” and stop
@KamilTomšík lol. And that's the true power of PBKDF2 over other methods. You can securely derive any length key you need/want. Want a 200 character key for something? Go for it. Want a 32 character one no matter the hash algorithm, that's fine too...
@ircmaxell I see, it's really wonderful... right now the only thing which stands between me and pbkdf2 is ability to inpect and memorize how it works.
@ircmaxell is there a bug on this line?
"$len = ceil($len / strlen(hash($hashAlgo, '', true)));"
(seems like mistyped varname - length)
should be
$len = ceil($length / strlen(hash($hashAlgo, '', true)));
@ircmaxell thx, I've figured that out... codepad.viper-7.com/oXrKYz
works, thx a lot - going to analyze that :)
no problem
posted on August 04, 2011 by Liip

Last week, Lukas and me went to Italy to join the CMF Camp. Thanks a lot Ideato for hosting and organizing the event! Apart from meeting friendly people from Italy and Germany, eating lots of pizza and other great italian food, we discussed the Symfony content management framework and did a lot of coding on the second day. I try to give a summmary of what we have as of now and of the planned wo

@ircmaxell alright, I think I barely know how it worx - so this may be silly question, but - sha1/derivates are "self-modifying xors" too, so is there any extra benefit except of nearly unlimited length?
@ircmaxell I think it shouldn't be that hard to build those extra chars in similar way but with stretching.
what do you mean? And what does "self-modifying xors" mean?
I don't know correct term for that - basically any iterative hashing function where each step is dependent on previous one
Well, but that's just it. The xor in PBKDF2 destroys that dependent step
let's say you broke sha1 to the point where you knew all 20 character inputs to hmac that produced a particular hash
if you didn't have the xor, decoding the PBKDF2 derivation would be as simple as reversing the encryption
@ircmaxell yes, my point is...
with the xor, you have no idea what an individual round's hash value is
so you can't practically reverse it, since you'd need to try every single 20 character combination for each iteration
(which is a LOT of combinations to try)
so even if sha1 is horribly broken, PBKDF2(sha1) would still be reasonably safe (it's better with an unbroken hash function, but it offers a significant level of protection for a broken one as well)
I'm not arguing about xoring - that's completely okay but when sha1 involves destroying too (xoring output to get input for next step) how's that significantly better than hash_hmac stretching?
yes, that's a good point
are you wondering the difference between sha1(password + salt) vs hmac(sha1, password, salt)?
@ircmaxell no, I'm wondering the difference between recursive_hash_hmac(sha1, salt, password) vs. pkbdf2(sha1, password, salt)
show me the algorithm for recursive_hash_hmac...
of course recursive hash_hmac has more iterations, but principle should be similar, right?
I've a quick query; currently I've moved thousands of my images to another server. I'm coping with this by setting up 301 redirects once the request gets bounced to my error page (set up with "ErrorDocument 404 /error.php" in httpd.conf). If the error page cant find a redirect to make, it issues a 404 as per normal.

the catch is my error_log is still filling up with "file does not exist", which bugs me. How could I do this better, or prevent these messages appearing?

@KamilTomšík checking
@KamilTomšík First, you can't do enough iterations to make that worth while, do to recursion depth limits
@ircmaxell yes, but that could be easily rewritten using loop
correct, unrolled it's:
function recursive_hash_hmac($algo, $pass, $salt, $iterations) {
    $hash = hash_hmac($algo, $salt, $pass);
    while (0 < $iterations--) {
    	$hash = hash_hmac($algo, $salt . $hash, $pass);
    return $hash;
function recursive_hash_hmac2($algo, $pass, $salt, $iterations) {
    $hash = $salt;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
    	$hash = hash_hmac($algo, $salt . $hash, $pass);
    return $hash;
yes, compare that to:
function simmm_pbkdf2($algo, $pass, $salt, $times){
  $res = $salt = hash_hmac($algo, $salt . pack("N", 1), $pass, true);

  while ($times-- > 1){
    $res ^= $salt = hash_hmac($algo, $salt, $pass, true);

  return $res;
lot :) simplified version of pbkdf2
right, and it looses the diffusion property in each iteration
so if I can break hmac_sha1, I can break your loop quite quickly. But I can't break the pbkdf2 loop easily even if I broke the primitive
well, that's too much hard topic for sec-noob like me... but I'm going to reimplement full-version of your pbkdf2 so I'll see :)
function hashPassword($password, $salt = '') {
    if (empty($salt)) {
        $salt = genRandomString(32);
    $hash = bin2hex(pbkdf2('sha256', $password, $salt, 5000, 16));
    return $salt . ':' . $hash;

function verifyPassword($hash, $password) {
    if (strpos($hash, ':') === false) {
        return false;
    list ($salt) = explode(':', $hash, 2);
    $testHash = hashPassword($password, $salt);
    return $hash == $testHash;

function pbkdf2($hashAlgo, $password, $salt, $iterations, $length) {
@ircmaxell I've simplified it a little...
oh :)
@ircmaxell well, how's that different?
it's not
@KamilTomšík $res = str_repeat("\0", strlen($pass)); <-- that line is a problem
@ircmaxell I've removed that duplicate hash_hmac call... here's better version codepad.viper-7.com/GiufBM
why exactly? it works against tests
because it means the output is length dependent upon the password length
which is very much not good
oh, you're right, strlen(hash()) would be probably better
strlen(hash($algo, '', true))
which sucks because I was trying to avoid that unnecessary hash call
Why? does it really matter? The hash itself is well under a millisecond
because I don't like that :)
good vs good enough
and I'm hesitent about using a modification of the algorithm
sure, it's compatible with a length<=hash_length, but the reduced form still isn't the full algorithm
when it comes to crypto, trust the experts. The full version is simple enough to be condensed into 11 lines, so no biggie...
function simmm_pbkdf2($algo, $pass, $salt, $times){
  $res = "";
  $salt .= pack("N", 1);

  while ($times--){
    $res = str_pad($res, strlen($salt = hash_hmac($algo, $salt, $pass, true)), "\0") ^ $salt;

  return $res;
hey guys i have a template class which has an abstract function called Render(); All good so far, but when something renders we expect an event of type impression to be fired. Currently it's a copy and paste job ( rubbish ) is there a way for me to use something like __call() that will trigger this event every time render is called?
and I could "golf" it even more :-D
@Andy you'd need to wrap that template in meta-class with __call
@kamil how do you mean?
    $template = ...;
    $template = new TemplateWrapper($template);

    class TemplateWrapper{
      private $template = null;

      function __construct($template){
       $this->template = $template;

      function __call($meth, $args){
        if ($meth == "Render"){

        return call_user_func_array(array($this->template, $meth), $args);
ah ok
i see what you're doing there.
wil check out how that works within what i have
will that now have performace issues? i have just read this: cybersprocket.com/2010/programming-languages/… and it seems it's not useful for production environments
( using meta classes )
@Andy I wouldn't care about that until you spot any performance bottleneck
ok will have a look and see
Damn, I have beed StackOverflow'ed :(
Can i ask a question?
> .. Just ask us .. - Room description
If you have to do make a mini-site be extremely light weight and fast, what would do? AND would u divide the layout into multiple php include files one per div and then call them with php includes from the main php page?
is it in vain to do the php includes thing?
Lightweight and fast? First advice, don't use any framework :P
ok but how about the html layout?
should i do the php include/div thing?
@sebas, if you're just trying to get your page to load faster i would check out Yahoo's guide to speeding up your website
I would not recommend it because of security reasons
@Robik what security reasons?
oh the include thing nvm
BTW, don't care about micro optimalizations
Robk what do you suggest
Some fast template engine, cache, limit useless code, etc.
should i divide the divs into multiple php include files?
If you really need leightweight - limit features, because more features = more weight
Speed... Only think i can suggest you is to keep things simple. B'cuz simple = fast
its a really simple site with 3/4 html/css pages but now im thinking about converting them into php and do the php include thing but not sure if usefull
Well, it is usefull, but not really secure.
@sebas PHP isn't going to make your already existing static site load any faster. If you want dynamic content, ie 1 or more of your pages content changes quite a bit, then use PHP. If your site is completely static, ie the pages content doesn't change or changes very little, then use the system you have now and read over the guide I linked.
But if noone have access to templates, don't worry
gzipping your content, minimizing your CSS and JS files, merging all css into one file and all js into one file will net you better gains then converting to PHP and including a bunch of different files
function strToBin($string)
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
$bin .= decbin(ord($string[$i]));
return $bin;

function encrypt($str,$key)
$str = $str ^ strToBin($key) ;
return $str;

function decrypt($str,$key)
$str=$str ^ strToBin($key);
return $str;
$string= "this is test code ... blah blah....test....test....";
$encr= encrypt($string, $key);
echo 'Encrypted : '.$encr.'<br>';
$decr= decrypt($encr, $key);
ok thanks the only reason of the include files was make it load even faster but maybe its in vain
@JAYG Fixed font pls
I was trying to write encryption/decryption code in PHP which is given below .. but when i decrypt the message , it gives only some part of original string , however i can not understand why am i getting only some part of it ??? Please help !What changes should i incorporate to get required functionality ??
in fact, depending on how much you're including, it might wind up making your site slower as the server has to hit the file system to find your stuff.
@JAYG seriously? :) encrypt with just xor?
That is not encryption.
ya actually its nt implementation of any of the encryption algorithms
ok thanks
but i ws just tryin to convert a string so that no one can read it

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