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Hi! I need some assistance... I am trying to put 2 condition in a set varaible...
A what?
As followed:
$var = $_POST['a'] ? "A is True" : $_POST['b'] ? "B is True" : "A or B is not True";
You'll need parens around the second conditional, which is ugly.
Just use if.
(PHP's order of operations here is objectively incorrect)
@Anraiki , i hope you understand what you are comparing there
because if $_POST['a'] === "false" , then $var will be "A is True"
and the last one should be AND instead of OR
In my theory, it was suppose to be: If $_POST['a'] was true or set then $var will be set to "A is True", if not, check if $_post['b'] is set or true, if it is, set $var to "B is True", else "A or B is not True";
I am still trying to grasp it.
But all together I abandon it and listened to Charles
Cause it does look ugly ;p
you should know that "false" == true and 0 == false
In other news, up is down.
My brain doesn't like this...
@Charles You meant $up='down'; didn't you?
@Anraiki There is a very simple reason
The string "false" evaluates to a value that is boolean true.
@Charles You're still confusing. :)
@Anraiki When you do simple comparison in PHP it checks by "emptyness"
Here's another brain-bender. This one also works in Perl.
(bool)'0 but true' == true
null, false, '' and 0 are all "empty"
('0 but true' == 0) == true
But yet, 0 != true
@Charles, do I have to bring out the parrot again? :-P
Not reading! I ain't torturing my brain!
I am going to just use the "if" :]
Welcome to PHP.
@Anraiki Look, follow me up. I'm trying to explain nicely.
In PHP, valuation is done on emptyness factor
All things that amount to empty equate to false.
Well from what I gather and tested, even if A was true it still echoed out "B is True"
@Anraiki What is A?
@Anraiki , you should also know that 1 == "1" will give you true , while 1 === "1" will return false
because second compares types too
@teresko but they are identical D: why not?
@Anraiki But that is the darn point
that makes me sad
Stop seeing false as "false"
If you want to use a string as true/false, use json_decode() (or a helper function)
For PHP, "true", "false", "monkey" are all the same thing; a string of text.
BUT "" is false because it is an empty string.
@Anraiki They're not identical. One is a number, the other is text that looks like a number.
oh i see, so it's comparing the type of var? int vs str?
In fact, 1===(int)'1' is true
(the (int) typecasts(/converts) the value on it's right into a number)
Any more questions? :P
"how do i use objects ?"
@teresko ask @teresko (@teresko ping)
Yay I did it...
Which reminds me, been some time since we last met. How are you doing @teresko? Everything ok there?
so - so
im gonna look for different company
oh, best of luck.
i have fed up with the stupidity in this one
Although the information above was useful, it didn't fix my problem, it was just missing a operator :P
well .. the decision was made after i spend almost two hours explaining why global $db; should not be used .. with no results , btw
@Anraiki If I wanted to do what you want, I'd do: $result = isset($_POST['a']) && $_POST['a']=='true';
Was it explained in chat?
@teresko Two hours? Face to face?? And I thought I was terrible.
@Christian But that doesn't cut out 3 lines :] for 1
more like "face to team"
@teresko What was your position, if I may ask?
"developerus vulgaris"
@teresko Heh.
Sounds like a disease
@Anraiki It is. Watch out and stay away from computers.
i have been in that company for a bit more then 2 month
How many have you switched so far?
One of these days, someone is going to murder me for the obscurity in my coding
@teresko I presume you've got a good amount of experience to back you up?
@Anraiki That, can actually happen you know.
Maybe I can get away by giving the credential away to another programmer.
@ChristianSciberras , i have been making web sites for 5 years
I'm at my second job, the first one got bankrupt :)
they just cannot grasp the "but why ? globals just make it all easier"
... the project with the huge team is one where they have to build new version of some intranet page
From my research, only use it if necessary.
:1176251 Good idea.

 * @author Bill Gates
function connect(){
    return mysql_connect('localhost',Cfg::$user,Cfg::$pass);
Other wise put it in a class
because old one has become unmaintainable
@ChristianSciberras lol
@teresko If I had to be honest, I'd close an eye or two if it was something really small.
hell , the lead devel in the team is calling normal methods staticly , and cannot understand why E_STRICT is calling it "error"
But a huge team...well, there should be discipline, a well thought out plan etc.
@teresko That's. Uhhh.
> we will use on intranet so safety itsnot important
is that a new language?!
I really need a job
i really need a good & cheep VPS
@teresko you don't :-P
£100 a year?
well .. maybe
@KamilTomšík , i am not sure if my ISP would give me a fixed IP addres
@teresko have a look on dyndns.org
or com... you'll basically just download their program and register your dnsname
posted on August 04, 2011 by Web Development Blog » PHP scr ...

Installing a web server using the Ubuntu operating system is not so difficult because most of the required packages doesn’t need a lot of configurations. In this tutorial we create a (power) user, we install Apache, PHP and MySQL, phpMyAdmin and several other services we need to run a powerful and secure web server. Preparations [...]

@teresko and I actually think, it's also free - although I can't find it right now (it's probably hidden in shop IIRC)
+you'll need to configure port-forwarding in your router settings, if you have any...
heh .. i guess i will try to get my IP static at firsts , and then, if it fails, look into different solutions
works pretty well
@teresko here's the link (finally found it) free.domain.name/?domain=dyndns-at-home.com
Oh another dns thing if you need domain stuff
Free dns hosting
So you can edit your records instantly without going through a 3rd party for months

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