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Why adding header('Content-type: application/xml'); not showing xmlns attribute however it echoing it in codepad codepad.org/duvk6GtY
I just hate doing if($str != '')
if (strlen($str)) :)
year that too.
?? :)
The latter is more accurate though ;-)
@Fabien Morning
A $x != '' can mean a lot of things, but strlen($x) can only mean the length of a string.
If I un comment header() from the code and run it in php file xmlns attribute lost any help??? codepad.org/duvk6GtY
Of course, if $x is an object or array, you get something else altogether :)
@Jack mine is shorter though :p
I hate the undefined index error
@Simon_eQ Shorter !== correct-er :)
however the attributes are added when echoed as a string
any suggestion why it happening so??
@Fabien Then don't reference undefined indexes.
let @DaveRandom decide then
@Jack Aye but having to isset and then check if it's something is so long.
@Fabien Such as?
form submit and such.
@Simon_eQ If you know it's a string, I just do if ($str)
@DaveRandom this is about checking for empty/0 values
@Fabien Then you should use functions that will not throw such notices.
Like filter_input() or filter_input_array(), which is recommended anyway, even though the api sucks.
@Simon_eQ ...which that does. Remember, empty($foo) is just shorthand for !isset($foo) || !$foo - if you already know it is set, then just check whether it is truthy.
@Jack It is? I always just isset() $foo and $foo != ''
@Fabien That's your prerogative of course.
But this is not a case of "pick a method and always use that", you should use the one that is applicable to the specific case
How about if(!$str[0]) instead of if(strlen($str))
@Simon_eQ What about binary strings then?
I suppose I don't 'need' to isset() a lot of the time I do. I think I use that function too often even when that variable is guaranteed to be set.
E.g. $x = "\x00";
@Simon_eQ strlen(), if ($str[0]) will error when the string is empty
@Jack it will be checked as value
@Jack Actually a null byte is truthy, which is really annoying.
@DaveRandom not this one if(!$str[0])
@DaveRandom Eh?
But ascii 0 is falsey
Also, what exactly is a null byte?
Hmm, why, that must be PHP :)
You have to ord() it
@DaveRandom you were right. offset error.
php is being weird again
Not really, if an array is empty, you can't reference its 0-index.
Same with strings.
@DaveRandom Actually, I was probably falling asleep; it makes sense :)
It's just not immediately obvious heh
I really don't see that it does when '0' is falsey
Because '0' is numeric lookin'
It has special rules for stuff that looks numeric.
Even more reason to use if (strlen($str)) { ... } :)
Using that in C wouldn't be very efficient, but strings in PHP have a length field =D
Ok, lets start implementing that AJAX script into my website.
Well yeh I get why it's like that, it makes sense in a language that has to deal with a lot of data serialised to strings (HTTP requests) but if you are going to do that, you may as well consider a null byte to be falsey. I'm open to persuasion but when you are dealing with null byes you are dealing with binary data, and if you could evaluate it as false then it would make some stuff shorter to write (and not particularly counter-intuitive, IMO
I guess my real gripe is that string offset access gives you a string and not an int
Oh yes, I don't like that either ... I can't do $s[4] ^ $s[5] for instance.
Actually, you can :-P
But you get a string out the other side
Yeah, but it won't work the way you want.
Right, by returning a string, it doesn't work the way I want :)
As always, it could be worse - it could be VB, with its total lack of shift operators
The only VB that could work for me is Victoria Bitter.
Yeh I'll go for one of those
Close, beer :)
Damn you and your timezone where it probably is pub time
@Jack No I meant "time to go to the pub?", I know what VB is :-P
It's getting to that time ;-)
Very good; I visited one of their factories a few years ago.
That was one happy morning hehe
It's hard to get VB here actually, you pay through the nose for it in expensive bars :-(
I drank a shitload of it in Canada, it's everywhere. Understandably, since all the native stuff is crap.
That's what you get for sending your bad dudes to Aussie land.
It's all Boddingtons, Guiness and VB in Vancouver, which is amazing since both Boddington and Guiness aren't very nice
Do they actually have breweries outside Australia?
Don't know, I hope not, that usually doesn't work well
Guinness is a somewhat acquired taste.
All the stuff we get that's "brewed under license in the UK" is awful
@Jack I don't mind stout though, I just can't get on with Guiness
Or you could be like Heineken, buying Asia Pacific Breweries lol.
Last week we've had a beer tasting actually; that was the first time I've tasted American beer ... o.m.g. =(
brb have to do some work
/shakes fist
hello i run into a problem i kept getting an error everytime i am running a script in ssh/cli

unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION

as i was searching it has something to do with php version, but the PHP version of the server is 5.4

what os x-powered-by: PHP 4.4.9 is it another php than on the server?
after the cli it prints out X-Powered-by PHP 4.4.9? but my server is 5.4 i already checked the phpinfo.
well, that was quick
@tomexsans You checked phpinfo() at the command line or the web server?
header('X-Powered-by', 'PHP 4.4.9', TRUE);
It is possible to run multiple versions of PHP side by side, the version reported by the X-Powered-By: header is the version that was used for the request, (assuming Apache) the version reported by the Server: header is the version loaded via mod_php, but if you have multiple handlers set up then it's a guessing game without seeing the config file
@DaveRandom, on the webserver. is phpinfo different on the CLI?
@tomexsans It could be. Depends how the server is set up
I mean, if you just type php script.php it invokes the first php executable it finds in $PATH
If you specify the full path to the binary, you can install as many versions as you like
What does php -v show at the command line?
ohh now i see it, it says PHP 4.4.9.
Right, you need to locate the 5.4 CLI binary and specify the full path to it
Ask the server admin where the new version is installed
whereis php
That's $PATH dependent isn't it? I thought it was
i can't figure out where it is, can i see it on the PHPinfo() on the webserver?
yes it is.
strings /usr/local/apache/modules/libphp5.so | grep /usr/local
@tomexsans Unlikely but possible, if running as CGI it may show you the path to the CGI binary, which may be the same location as the CLI binary
thanks webarto i will try it
tbh you should get the server admin to relink the $PATH version, presumably 4.4.9 is still on the for legacy support of some cron job or other, and that should have to specify the full path to the 4.4.9 binary. Doing it the other way around is ridiculous.
When do you guys find time to read?
General PHP reading that is. Not specific to a task but more for general learning
yes i think i have no power here, i think i need to contact the web admin :( , any way thank you @webarto and @DaveRandom for your'e time
@Fabien I find practical learning (i.e. pissing about with stuff) interspersed with reading about stuff I encounter that I don't get to be more useful. Although recently I've been doing a lot of dedicated reading about design patterns, since that's far more theoretical. But that's not really specific to PHP. And I do it in the evening when The Boy has gone to bad and general house shit is done
Is it acceptable using anonymous function for autoloader when you are not aiming to make it compatible with third-party libraries?
The only reason it would make any difference whether you use an anonymous function is if you want <5.3 support.
Acceptable by whom?
the SPL autoloader is a stack, so no autoloader should interfere with any other, unless some bell end defined __autoload(), in which case they deserve everything they get
@webarto By community, so that nobody will yell at me. :D
@DaveRandom Thanks for acknowledgement. ;)
@Leri Whatever you do, someone will cry about it.
@SweetieBelle Yes, right, but depends who is that someone.
Which brings us back to my question.
Infinite recursive call? :o
'The community' is not very good at agreeing on standards, @Leri. :D
We don't even agree on what MVC is.
@SweetieBelle Everybody agrees what it is. People argue on its implementations.
thanks a lot
@Leri We all agree that it's Model-View-Controller.
But we don't all agree what constitutes a Model (Zend_Db_Table?) or a View (dumb template?)
I am in trouble with codeigniter validation
@SweetieBelle exactly that was my point as well.
here is the validation check for email
So far I came to the conclusion that the only standard you should follow is to keep your code clean, maintainable and fast enough to satisfy business needs.
as you can see there a lot of checking
check email is for checking whether this email already does exist in database or not.
its fine when when there is some field is empty and I used an email that is already in db
in this situation it shows the error mesasge "email already in use"...and thats fine.
but when there is no field is empty and the email filled with the same email which is already in db ... i got "error loading page " error..
could you please explain??
usually in that situation it should also show error message"email already in use"
but I am not getting that message
For the "same email part", could be it tries to insert the same record while there is UNIQUE constraint.
Your validation doesn't work for some reason, and no one here has a magic ball. Either post controller, model, whatever, or... that's it.
ok thanks
I am posting the controller
public function check_email($email)

$this->db->where('email', $email);
$query = $this->db->get('user');

if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
$this->form_validation->set_message('check_email', 'The email already exists');
return false;

return true;
this function is working as it returned the error message "the email already exists."
but when every field is filled with data and i use the existing email in email field .after submitting I get "error loading page"
Yay ping fails
@Hriju Check your webserver error log, that sounds like a 500
But, I would like to know, if this answer can be improved.
for your information I am using jquery mobile with codeigniter
I upvoted it.
damnit, What did I say :)
honestly, I was somewhat interested in the question and didn't know how I could improve it @webarto
it sucks
yes thats 500
@webarto I made it, so it is supposed to suck.
but, this is not working either
A: Divide integer number into 3 parts using php

FluffehYou can use a modulus function. $remainder=$yourInt%3; $third=floor($yourInt/3); $lastBit=$third+$remainder. echo "The numebrs are $third + $third + $lastbit.";

$i = 10;
$n = 3;
$d = $i / $n;

$p = array_fill(0, $n, (int) ($d));
$l = count($p) - 1;

if ($d !== (int) $d) $p[$l] = $p[$l] + 1;

if you dont mind I want to paste my full code for validation
duck :D
@webarto array heh. nice try :)
here is the full code for validation
$ php -l path/to/file.php
function index()
//This method will have the credentials validation

$this->form_validation->set_rules('organisation', 'Organisation', 'required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('telephone', 'Telephone', 'required|xss_clean');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('fullname', 'Full Name', 'required|xss_clean');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'password', 'trim|required|xss_clean|matches[verify]');
@DaveRandom Yeah, I see what you're saying. I am reading a more design pattern/construction based book atm. I am considering reading before bed, unsure how much I can retain doing that though :P
I don't know CI, sorry. @Hriju
oh you are funny @webarto
someone please answer
Hi all,
No, really, I never worked with it.
@Simon_eQ How does this does not work (i.e. on what input does it fail)?
@Leri there was a typo in it
@Simon_eQ typo !== does not work (i.e. not does what expected)
I mean in SO answers, of course. People write code on the fly here, so yes, there might be typos, but since algorithm is correct, it's correct one.
yeah.. I guess
its ok @webarto
But you were the only one to respond. :)
so nice of you
Gaaaah so annoying. I went to my GP as requested by a Doctor to ask to be referred back to that Doctor through the NHS. The GP tells me no, that they can't refer me to a specific doctor so I am at a loss. I contact the original people who sent me to the GP who are now telling me that's wrong. Such a waste of time.
Sums up my experiences with the NHS as a whole @Fabien: 'Such a waste of time.'
I'm considering a private health insurance company but in all likelihood will they cover me for some scans I know I definitely need right now?
Why do people keep answering by comments? :(
Probably not if you don't already have it, you'll have to deal with this one on the NHS (or pay out of pocket if that's an option) but worth getting private for future imo.
@SweetieBelle Copy/paste or just coincidence? :D
It's so dumb. I have a fracture I need help with recovery. A fracture takes typically 6-8 weeks to heal but going through the NHS could take 10 weeks for a referral.
@Leri Copy/paste :P
@SweetieBelle how are you?
@Sam Alive
Trying to find a non-shit dark gtk3 theme
I like DeLorean but its window decorations are the slowest thing ever.
@SweetieBelle that i knew
Don't hate me
I'm using Java, and webdriver / selenium
What's the benefit of a low overhead on a framework?
@SweetieBelle ??
@Fabien ??
@me ??
@SweetieBelle I had some regex issues I couldn't solve yesterday, I came close but in the end switched to DomDocument as it turns out I was doing the whole thing wrong. It would be cool to know what the regex pattern would have been though....
@Fabien The regex pattern would have been /stop using regex for dom tasks/i
@Fabien Don't parse DOM with regex.
It's not good at it.
@SweetieBelle I'm not anymore, but regexr.com?3671f
@DaveRandom needs g and m flags as well.
It's fine for tokenising (not parsing) well formed documents. But it's also totally unnecessary since DOM exists.
The second link selected should be ignored because there's no "sc-buylink"
How would I have done it?
@Fabien it makes said framework less harmful in small scale projects
@tereško Ah cool cheers.
whether any framework is actually beneficial depends greatly on project's requirements, team capabilities and the specifics of said framework
@tereško Yeah. I don't think I have worked with enough frameworks to understand them and whether I should use them. I'd like to check out Silex/Laravel/Phalcon to just get an understanding. I'm sure there's a good amount I can learn from them.
@Fabien You regex doesn't specify that it's looking for that class, only that it's excluding the two hrefs
@DaveRandom Yeah I know, anything I tried to look for the class broke it :) this is the closest I got without breaking.
@Fabien Did you also want specifically itunes?
@DaveRandom Nah, it's basically anything but beatport/btprt that has a sc-buylink
Suppose I've an image which contains a logo. Can I use this logo image and scan another image which contains that logo to find a match?
nothing is impossible
@asprin Yes, but you'll need research on subject: image pattern matching/template recognition
My boss says a good looking app is better than a working app
@iroegbu then give him only html Design
that is exactly what I have planned to do
@Leri Hmm..Let me look around
Good :P
@DaveRandom I am close with (?=.*sc\-buylink)(?!.*beatport)(?!.*btprt).*
Oh there we go. <a (?=.*sc\-buylink)(?!.*beatport)(?!.*btprt).*</a>
Good afternoon!
I like how new functionality gets added to Symfony without updating the documentation ;-)
@Fabien o_0
@Jack I'm not using it, I just wanted to finish the regex.
@dragon112 hello
Q: Mysql query to get number of available rooms in a period of time

MUHAMMED JABIR Chow to get the available rooms count from a booking table(table structure in the example), if the maximum room bookings are 5. example: +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |check_in_date | check_out_date | Number_of_booking_rooms| +------------------+-----------...

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