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color it pink
Do a barrel roll!
.. I seriously could not understand the question .. I think I lost the thread when it had something to do with Drupal and I could not figure out how it is in any way related
@m59 The net panel in Firebug can do miracles in that aspect (and I assume Chrome does similar things, I'm just not too versed in its developer tools). You do have to pay attention and make sure to display cached results as well (this fooled me once). Also, I think it would be easiest if you just browsed to example.com/api but it should also work to just let it run ont he ajax request, I believe.
@Bracketworks all the parts can be found here, AFAIK: php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php
@tereško come on man
All I'm asking is what you'd do with a forked CNAME
delete it?
@Jasper Well, yea, for $_SERVER. Unfortunately, in this case that's not where what I'm looking for ends up.
Because that's what I did, and the repo owner got upset
I said it won't affect the source when it's pulled back... am I correct?
@Bracketworks If the info you're looking for isn't in there, then what is?
Note: When the music suddenly stops, it probably means you didn't move your music tab out of the merciless path of Chrome's "Close tabs to the right".
@Jasper Doh! I see that all the time, but always think of dev tools more in term of js stuff =D
It's a 301
Is there anyway to disable the @ operator? I'm trying to debug this 3rd party app and they used @ everywhere!
Do you want to disable it or just not see it because it's irritating?
If it's a config / mapping you can use something like ne-on.org
It's odd to me that it redirects at all.... why can't it just know that site.com/api is site.com/api/ just like any other rewrite... I mean, it does know, since it redirects there.
@m59 then it probably has to do with how your browser handles (POST?) variables, when getting a 301 (/302) on an ajax request. Perhaps someone else (or google) can help you further from there, as that's as far as my knowledge of the subject goes
disable it so the errors will show, I have no idea what is wrong with app since all I get is blank page
oh ... the tabs .. too may tabs
@Jasper GET
@Jasper Right, redirect never forwards post data. That's a given. My issue is the redirect to begin with.
@crypticツ The errors will still get logged even if they aren't shown right?
I think I currently have about 50 tabs opened, and thats AFTER i closed all the useless ones
@Danack afaik @ prevents the error to begin with so no logging
@tereško did you read my question?
it's 2 AM, and I am fresh out of fucks to give
IT 2.13 am
"If you have set a custom error handler function with set_error_handler() then it will still get called, but this custom error handler can (and should) call error_reporting() which will return 0 when the call that triggered the error was preceded by an @.

If the track_errors feature is enabled, any error message generated by the expression will be saved in the variable $php_errormsg. This variable will be overwritten on each error, so check early if you want to use it."
@tereško Thanks
@m59 It's a choice that web server software has to make (I don't know if different web servers actually do this differently, though). One of the reasons to do a 301 might be SEO. You might be able to prevent the 301 by doing internal rewriting manually (e.g. mod_rewrite on apache)
hey, can some tell me how much i have to pay when it says "$0.01 USD Price Override One Time Discount: $9.94 USD" ? i dont know the meaning of : Price Override One Time Discount
@NokImchen I'm assuming it means you get a discount of $9.94 and end up paying $0.01 in the end from original $9.95
@crypticツ oh, yes i did put a coupon code. Thanks a lot for explaining, i'm gonna buy a shared hosting account :)
@NokImchen eeew, shared hosting =oP
cant afford VPS :( cos i want to pay only 0.01 USD :|
Actally for educational purpose only. Thats why i cant pay more...
Putting your site on shared hosting is like buying a Ferrari and leaving it parked in the bad part of town.
@NokImchen atlantic.net/vps/linux-vps I use them and they offer a $10 credit. They bill you by the hour so so can test the waters and use up that $10 credit and leave without paying a penny.
@crypticツ hehehe ferrari... i bought a Ferrari (1 yr iPage UNLIMITED shared account for $18). And Finally realized that the "Ferrari" was made of plastic! I asked for FULL refund!
Can someone take a look at my question? Its been a bitch and bugging me for over a week. stackoverflow.com/questions/18623601/…
@crypticツ what i understood from their site is: they dont give $10, instead they charge $0.005/hr
@PhilipArpin you should slap that bitch, tell it whose boss.
But unfortunately, thats what i'm having trouble with. Slapping the bitch.
@PhilipArpin wtf is a 150 status code?
iOS sends POST to server of new user data. Server registers new users info in MySQL DB. If user is already registered, server sends a 150 status code.
@NokImchen why don't u use EC2?
@PhilipArpin I repeat - wtf is a 150 status code? w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
What status code should i be sending when a user is already registered?
I just picked a random number.
@PhilipArpin let me google EC2 !! i was entering my VCC number on a shared webhost wishing its a VPS :(
EC2 is free.
@PhilipArpin FREEEE??? omg! Let me read their TOS!
@PhilipArpin and can i host Pligg in EC2?
@PhilipArpin "302 Found - The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI." is the standard one used for login and forms redirects
But does sending a valid status code really have any effect on the success of my code?
@NokImchen You can host whatever u want on EC2. Its a server.
Is their any other way to send a response to a POST request using PHP?
that I can read in iOS?
like a better way?
@PhilipArpin Not sure what you're asking?
@PhilipArpin i see the catch! Its free for only 750 hours? oops, its 1 month!!!
I want to send a message from my server to an iOS app, that I can parse to figure out what client side code to run.
@NokImchen 750 hours / 24 hours per day = 31.25 days = 1 Month
1. User inputs data into iOS App.
HTTP isn't designed to "push" messages from server to client. The websocket protocol, however, is.
PHP websocket implementations are still in their infancy (as the protocol itself is fairly new).
But what you definitely can't do is implement a websocket application in a PHP web SAPI application running behind apache or nginx, for example.
@PhilipArpin ya, 1 month is really good! they offer 10 addon domains? sorry, m asking so much as if u r the representative of EC2
1. User inputs data into iOS App
2. User clicks Submit, sending the data in a post request to my php server.
3. php server saves data in mysql database if no other user with the same email exists.
4. if another user exists, I want to send a message to my iOS app, that will let me tell them that.
Then send back data in whatever format you want in the response to your iOS app's HTTP request.
your iOS app will know how to parse the information you return.
How do I do this mythical thing (Send back Data).
echo "user exists";
In the context of routing, are there any specific names for "filters" and "destinations"? By which, "filters" would be a collection of routes against which multiple could match (and have their handler's called) and "destinations" are a collection against which only one could match for a given request (thus resolving the request to a resource)
Let me try this "echo".
Interceptor/Endpoint? Filter/Destination?
I fucking hate naming things.
Any Silex doctors in the house? :)
@PhilipArpin when you use echo PHP is simply handling all the details of the HTTP protocol for you. Behind the scenes PHP is telling the web server to write something along the lines of the following to your client connection:
When I echoed it, I got this back: <4163636f 756e7420 616c7265 61647920 63726561 7465642e>
(in the iOS app)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 11
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

user exists
^That was supposed to be "user exists"
Why'd i get this in the iOS?
@PhilipArpin That looks like an internal object reference in iOS.
That means yo doin somethin wrong
Well if its an iOS thing, i can fix it
thanks guys
@Jack you can leave its creator a message :)
post an answer rdlowrey in my question and ill give u credit
@PhilipArpin meh, no problem, too much effort. Happy to help.
@Fabien It's okay, just trying to get sessions to work the way I want them :)

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