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@igorw what do you think about this?
@bwoebi I think it's asking for trouble :)
feel free to suggest it on internals if you think it's worthwhile
@igorw and I think it's very clear :o
no, I won't. I'm not an user of namespaces. I just make suggestions to you; it's not important for me how the namespace syntax will look like.
@igorw If you see too much possible trouble in this syntax, don't propose it. It's your RFC.
@bwoebi I suppose I'm trying to add the feature in a way that is as non-intrusive as possible. to avoid endless arguments about such things.
@igorw good luck with that :-)
the real solution would be merging the namespaces of those symbols
and I'm starting to think that a "module" construct to replace autoloading would help as well.
@igorw and what do you do with conflicting names?
@igorw I don't know. This is one of the things which sound very good in theory, but in praxis the result can go from very bad to good.
@bwoebi obviously it's a major BC break
@bwoebi true that. python's seem to work quite well.
@igorw I don't know what py's syntax is
not just syntax. the whole way it works.
@igorw too big break eventually…
@igorw I have no idea of this. describe it to me please?
RTFM? :)
@igorw tl;dr?
Bah, pains me when I hear developer say that :P
Python's module system does look interesting
@cspray pains you to hear someone ask for tldr?
@cspray really, I don't read half a manual for some information that isn't important for me… I want as discussion, not read half an hour to say two words
@igorw Yes. I don't like the whole tl;dr with technical concepts.
@bwoebi It took me 2 minutes to read the very basics of the Python module system
@cspray if it's only two minutes… going to google py's manual … ^^
We aren't talking a novel here. 4-5 paragraphs and a little bit of code
@cspray I generally agree. it reminds me of the mindset of asking how to do stuff without actually trying first.
and without searching google.
not just laziness, but also unwillingness to learn at all.
but in py is no file based including, only import?
Obviously I see the value in having tl;dr and that certainly isn't a blanket rule on everything. But most technical concepts I'd rather have the meat and the potatoes. Chances are if you're explaining a technical thing that short you're leaving something out
@bwoebi yes, which is why I call it a module construct that replaces autoloading.
@igorw but this would also affect procedural code?
or do you want to mix everything now, file based include, module importing etc.
Don't know if this just would increase confusion…
I'd say use file based include OR import, but both? no?!
I think I have a retina logo working on leviathon
this is something PSR-0 is emulating nowadays…
Does it look good for you non-retina people?
@LeviMorrison It looks good to me but I wouldn't put any faith in my eyesight :P
@LeviMorrison looks good
@LeviMorrison but it doesn't look perfect on my retina MBP
@bwoebi Looks good on mine.
Not sure what to do about yours >.<
bah, it's good… my eyes are just too good
Actually, you are right
I notice a few small blemishes; I'll try to clean them up
@LeviMorrison that's what I meant. I just was unsure if there were really blemishes or if I just thought to see some…
@Ocramius Well, I had been located at La Playa Mexican Cantina for the last couple of hours, but now I'm back at nerd central ... a.k.a My Desk.
@rdlowrey I already thought you had had some accident… nobody needs hours too eat :o
Technically I had to walk the dog before I went. And there was at least one adult beverage in there as well.
@rdlowrey What kind of dog do you have?
The manly kind: shihtzu :)
I want to get a dog soon. I miss my German Shepherd Dog
Also reminds me of the blog article I talk about dog training and programming cspray.github.io/2012/01/17/dog-training-your-code.html /shameless plug
My sister has a belgian malinois and that dog is amazing.
I'm off, g'night!
@igorw later
Do you spot here some php uservoice page or don't I have any open? My firefox tabs: i.sstatic.net/HWWn3.png
@bwoebi Look again.
@LeviMorrison second
@LeviMorrison Are we retina ready? Can I use the iPad on leviathon?
@LeviMorrison far better now
but not yet perfect?
@rdlowrey Working on it.
It's already better than it was, just trying to clean it up a bit more.
BTW the leviathon site doesn't seem to have any of the broken display issues on my ipad that the current php.net beta site does.
That's great news.
2 hours ago, by rdlowrey
Anyway, I'm out for dinner. @bwoebi I will look at your db files after that :)
@bwoebi I know, about to do it.
@LeviMorrison Actually I lied. The only problem I see is that the feedback tab on the right stays in the corner when horizontally oriented:
@rdlowrey I just wanted to remind you before I go
good night
@bwoebi 'night
It just sticks down there in the corner.
Not too worried about that.
Once beta goes live we're removing it anyway.
Cool. That's the only thing I've found that's broken on the ipad.
Does anyone know what ctype_xdigit() will return if the variable is NULL?
@cspray Should've just done that myself... Thanks! Haha.
@Jhawinsss I was hoping that hint would get through without having to say it ;)
@cspray So I finally got around to your essay on the state of web programming. I think your points are very valid. It kind of seems a bit like a chicken and egg problem, though. I don't feel like the market has corrected for the glaring security issues at all. On the one hand you have the indisputable fact that writing good software is hard and requires a monumental amount of prior experience. On the other hand you have customers who want to pay $400 and "have a website."
I'm not really sure where the two come together, but I felt myself wanting to read part 2 to see if you had any solutions for the problems laid out :)
@rdlowrey I was actually starting to wonder about that :P
I have thought about a "part 2" that talks about some potential solutions
Sometimes things end up in the "bookmarks folder" for longer than they should.
@rdlowrey No worries, I'm actually glad and thankful that you were able to get around to it
I guess with some positive feedback I'll see about getting it up live on the blog
Of course, none of those solutions are easy to implement and I think will only come with maturity of the industry
I'm not really sure how we get there precisely because the only solution is experience and hard work. A lot of coders don't want to do that and a lot of customers don't want to pay for that.
So in summary: I don't really know.
This is an extremely valid point and one I don't necessarily have the answer for. Other than something horrible has to happen to customers that pay for shitty websites. That horribleness has to be widespread and effect a lot of people.
I know that sounds cynical maybe? But people aren't gonna change until there's a problem
Most people simply aren't technologically capable of understanding the problem
@rdlowrey Did you notice any grammatical/spelling errors? Make any revisions that I should be aware of?
@cspray There were one or two, but not much at all. I'll send you a pull request for what I would change in a few minutes.
@rdlowrey Awesome thank you.
Does anyone else here have the screen resolution of 1366 x 768?
@cspray Actually I don't know how to do PR on a gist -- I guess you can just look at the fork I made.
@rdlowrey That works too. Please don't send link over public channels :P
Can send me email cspray [at] gmail.com
Or through the email I have up on github, either one works
I figured as much. You should be able to see it on the "forks" link if you open the gist yourself.
Okie dokie
Thanks again
Hmm ... actually that shows up in my public gist activity. I'll delete the fork and just email you the changes. You can see them in your own diff report if you just paste it into your editor.
@rdlowrey I can see the fork
I'm looking at the diff right now
Okay cool. Well I'll delete the fork all the same a bit later, so snag anything you want to actually use. There were one or two spelling mistakes but I think most anything else was more or less cosmetic.
You can delete the fork whenever you're ready
I have the changes. I agree with most/all of them and will likely incorporate them into the final article
Cool, glad to help, sorry it took so long. Fork is dead.
@rdlowrey No problem. I'm glad for the feedback and you able to take the time to look at it
@bwoebi So I'm looking your dbLayer. It's not a bad start but it's still very tightly coupled to the idea of a "database." When I talk about a gateway I really mean abstracting out the concept of the elements of your problem domain from how they're stored in the backend. Ideally you'd have something more generic. You certainly don't want to get caught up trying to write your own object relational mapper.
The end goal is to decouple the logic of how your data is stored from the actual act of storing it. More generic actions like save() or delete() are preferable to terminology explicitly tied to databases (like insert(), affected_rows(), etc. It's an iterative process and it takes time but you've made a good start.
I know those kinds of concerns may sound esoteric and a bit like OO wanking, but I think they're really important for the long-term viability of your code. I've personally gotten a lot from Domain-Driven Design. It's worth a read if you ever have some time.
P.S. Your crazy man love for static in all its varied forms really hurts me :/
@bwoebi Also, you may be in luck -- I dug up something I had lying around regarding how to use register_shutdown_function inside a thread to handle fatals gracefully.
Not sure whether or not that's applicable to what we were discussing earlier.
Here's a question, is cloning an instance of an object a valid and testable creation pattern for DI?
This answer got me wondering about that.
Cloning shouldn't really affect testability afaict
So, Ubuntu forums didn't store passwords in plain text ... but they didn't go as far as saying what they used ;-)
didn't think so ....
Maybe I should ask sputnik myself lol
security through obscurity :)
In fact, I use cloning when my objects are meant to be immutable.
@Mr.Alien Y U always change ur avatar?
@Jack am not on fb so I feel like chngin my avatar here every week :-P
SO is FB for nerds
@Orangepill perfect
@Orangepill Actually, what he needs is a factory :)
@Jack Can you point me at a solid DIC implementation for PHP (not a service locator)
@Jack I dunno y bt yest I jus went on answerin exceedin 300
@Mr.Alien Too much time =p
What factory :-/
@Mr.Alien Y U no follow the reply first? :)
Just switched switched to desktop view.. feels good nw..
@Jack thats what I was thinking... coding the factory would be trivial
@Jack on cel, jus swtchd to desktop view, d cellphone chat is sucky, I dont get d messages unless and until I post a message
A: Does it make sense to clone copies of dependencies (Dependency Injection)?

JackI would use the Factory pattern for this: class Dependency { public $Property; } class DependencyFactory { public function create() { return new Dependency; } } class Something { protected $dependencies; public function __construct(DependencyFactory $factory) { $this->...

@Mr.Alien Yeah, the phone version of the chat doesn't tell you what the reply refers to :)
Yes, thats why switched to d version :p so a fresh mornin., wassup fr d day
I managed to crash PHP just now :)
Infinite loop?
^^ Nope, stream filters.
Ok I didnt understood the code there, what does it do?
@Jack where does the clone come in there ... I was thinking create method would only make a new first time around and clone thereafter...
@Orangepill No, the create() method always makes a new instance.
If your factory doesn't always create a new instance, you would be talking about Flyweight.
@Mr.Alien The code attaches a filter to STDERR, so whenever you write something to it, it will prepend the output with a date&time.
I've used that code in this answer.
In my answer I remove the filter before exiting to avoid the bug.
Aaah, lemme read the answer.
The bt indicates that the process crashes somewhere in zend_hash_find(), but without a context it comes down to mere speculation why it crashes.
Unfortunately I don't have a debug build.
Bounty questions, eh, going for the big ones now
It looked interesting, so I went for it .. the bounty is nice though :)
Yea kinda bonus.. hehe, nah like a cherry on d cake
the cake(php) doesn't deserve a cherry ;-)
Yest was sumtyn funny, an user again askd fr my id, I provided, I thought that she was a grl, turns out that he was he ..
@Jack bt u do
So have it
@Mr.Alien "It" was a "he" ... well, no surprises there ;-)
I cnt use it, he was not a thing .. btw you work in some video company ryt, do you need php there or u do php just as a hobby
Ubuntu forums used salted md5? lolwut.
> the passwords were cryptographically scrambled using the MD5 hashing algorithm, along with a per-user cryptographic salt
Ehm right, cryptographically. What are they paying this woman?
@Jack you are assuming they where salted...
@Orangepill Nope, that was no assumption.
It's actually irrelevant whether the salts were cryptographically secure when the database is exposed.
@rdlowrey I've been working on making a few of the other images retina-ready. However, even though I'm creating them in high-res svg they seem to be distorted when I export them as png.
@LeviMorrison Probably because png is not a vector format.
It will always be pixellated at a high enough resolution.
Try exporting the .png at 2x or 3x the actual display size.
What I mean is that at the same size as the png, I've carefully edited the svg to align perfectly on pixel boundaries.
However, on the export things are off.
Well I was suggesting that if it displays at 100x100 e.g. then export it at 300x300 size and try that. I don't know anything about .svg, though, so maybe there's something funky.
Not sure what I'm looking for there.
I recreated the former to be a bigger version of the latter. Yet when exported to PNG things are off.
Look at the thickness of the borders.
What program are you using?
Vector graphics don't work very well on those small resolutions I found, I've seen that crap happen before.
I mean, when exported.
is there anybody know joomla?i can't login to the administrator ?
no error massage for working user name and password
@LeviMorrison The png seems to be fine for me.
Maybe I'm just crazy >.<
@LeviMorrison When looking at it in the browser, you should add margin: 5px around the image to break it free from the browser chrome.
<img style="margin: 5px;" src="http://leviathon.homenet.org/images/notes-add.png">
@LeviMorrison And actually look at it in the page context where it displays at the smaller size -- not in its own browser window where the browser will display it at the full size.
(or style it to the smaller size with inline css) ... actually you can't do that if you just load the image by itself in the browser :)
@rdlowrey I can in the inspector.
See, I'm not a css wizard. I forget that browsers let you do whatever you want.
hmm, managing mysql concurrency is harder than i thought =(
15 more 200+ rep days and I'll get epic
@Orangepill Cool :)
@Jack wohoo compiling PHP on my new VPS let's see if it takes 6+ hrs =oP
Wassup all
I have a legit question.
@crypticツ moar memory!
Should I develop my site only from the viewpoint of 1366 x 768 resolution?
i want to buy a good VPS.what is the best one ?
legit questions are boring, but we'll hear them anyway.
19 secs ago, by TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl
Should I develop my site only from the viewpoint of 1366 x 768 resolution?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl You seem to think I have an eye problem.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl I think the standard currently is 1024x768 768x1024 basically a very common desktop size still and also the screen res of an first gen iPad
but don't listen to me I don't know what I'm doing
Well, iPad is vertical though :)
@Jack lanscape/portrait
@Jack I don't. I just made it easier for you :)
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl first of all it's called ViewPort and secondly, you can have a 1024px of fixed width layout centered using margin auto
@crypticツ Yeah .. nevermind that lol
I think what you're after is fluid layout.
Looking good from a range of reasonably high-res desktops.
@crypticツ If I change my laptop screen resolution to 1024*768, the website is literally smashed together. There is barely any space on the sides. It gives the impression that its ugly for anyone who uses that resolution.
Well. Perhaps the site is meant to look ugly on those puny screens.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Then you made your site too wide
@Jack It isn't, but I guess it will.
or you could make a responsive/fluid design
@Jack Nah, in fact it looks ugly on big screens, that why we use max-height and max-width so that elements don't look tiny on big screens
@crypticツ Well, if I try to change the width of it, just about every element will look bad and I would have to redesign everything from bottom to top.
@Mr.Alien Just doing that won't do much unless you also use percentage widths :)
Damn, somehow I can't get concurrency and transaction isolation to work together in my favour =(
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl it's like a building a house, you should plan it out, otherwise your house will be too small and the furniture won't fit through the door, the sink can only hold a coffe mug and the garage is too small for even a scooter.
The thing is my sidebar is a fixed size. Having a percentage on the sidebar will mess with its design. So we are left with the content area. That's another story.
@crypticツ That's why I always build my house around the furniture ;-)
@rdlowrey Still around?
@Jack if he is making responsive, he will need % else responsive layouts are not possible without %
@Mr.Alien Indeed.
The content area has a fixed width. It can't be percent because if the screen is small, the text will fall out of the area and look awfully ugly.
@mr.alien what about media query break points... he can restyle for smaller clients.
Why does this sound so familiar. Didn't you have the same question yesterday? @TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl
@Jack Well, the question yesterday was about centering it.
And now?
Dealing with the website's response to the different resolutions, especially the content area's response and how it effects the text inside.
@Orangepill I think he shouldn't go for responsive, I don't think his basics are clear.. and yes, I use 16 grid layout method, it makes easy to break elements
@Mr.Alien define "basics" in terms of being clear.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl How can the site respond to different resolutions if the content area is fixed?
hello all. :)
Moaning @YogeshSuthar :)
ello @YogeshSuthar
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl You were not able to center the thing yest I guess, imo that was basic
@YogeshSuthar mornin
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl If you want a fix width demo you can refer this fiddle of mine and if you want to refer responsive you can refer this website of mine where Its under construction
moaning. :)
I think this message failed
24 secs ago, by Mr. Alien
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl If you want a fix width demo you can refer this fiddle of mine and if you want to refer responsive you can refer this website of mine where Its under construction
@Mr.Alien I figured you knew how to call down the css gods.... what with having the css gold and all ;)
@Orangepill lol nah ;) css is just fun, but it will be damn complicated if you didn't got the concept right, and as far as fixed and responsive goes, both are totally different approach.. fixed is damn simple compared to responsive, so I suggested him for the fix
Yikes, the fonts are f up on my website... :s
@Jack omg omg omg 15 minutes it took =oD
@Mr.Alien One solution I have thought of is to collapse the sidebar and make the content area margin: 0 auto so the content area is in the middle of the page while the sidebar is collapsible on the left everytime someone hovers over it. But for that I would have to add extra code and redesign the website for a smaller resolution. Basically, having two copies of the website. I doubt that would be efficient.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Did you referred to this website of mine? which I told you to refer yest? if you want the same thing, I will guide you how to achieve that
Q: strtotime not giving result after 31-12-2037 date

Yogesh SutharThere has been a situation where I have to convert the date to UNIX timestamp using strtotime function. This convert to unix timestamp upto date 31-12-2037 and not after this date means if I want to use convert date to unix timestamp of 31-12-2038 or later, it will give me blank result. Here it ...

Will anyone improve this post? ^^^^
@Mr.Alien 1.05 seconds on an uncached load of your site.... damn impressive.
@Mr.Alien why lol today I faced a strange behaviour of strtotime. :)
@Mr.Alien Yes and from what I understood, there are three divs: The div that contains the content, the sidebar inside the content div and the text block inside the content div. The content div itself has a margin:0 auto on it to center and adjust to browser size change, correct?
@yogeshSuthar Integer overflow on 32 bit machines..
any freelancer here ?
@Orangepill Thank you, I just made that for getting a job, I don't even use it anymore, perhaps I've developed a system, kinda engine, which will act as a back end for n number of websites, I've designed a better website which will be representing as my company, am not uploading it yet as I don't have some official content to write for the services I'll be providing
@MoorthyTheBoss Yea, wanna hire?
@Orangepill Any workaround for it?
@YogeshSuthar in the question you just posted? Lemme c
@Mr.Alien Was I wrong?
@Mr.Alien yeah.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Wait, am reading your post
@Mr.Alien yup
@MoorthyTheBoss ya, tell me what you want
@yogeshSuthar the true max is early AM on Jan 19 2038
@Mr.Alien i wanna website like news portal
can you do ?
@MoorthyTheBoss I can make that, but lemme know the entire concept
@YogeshSuthar 64 bit OS ... that should outlast the sun
@Mr.Alien its like tech news updates
@Orangepill So should I use 64 bit OS?
for solving this problem
Would be the easiest...
@Mr.Alien do you have your portfolio ?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl there's a container div, the container div holds 2 divs, 1 floated to left, other to right,the left floated div has a fixed column, which is not fixed, but it's positioned absolute, now yes, absolute won't scroll along the page, it stays still, so I used jQuery to change the top position on scroll by calculating the current position of the scroll and adding the top margin accordingly..
any one would help me out installing PHP CodeSniffer in with Eclipse PDT
@Orangepill Any solution for 32 bit OS?
@MoorthyTheBoss nah, I am a working guy at the company, you can take a look at my SO profile, that is more than enough
@YogeshSuthar Not that I'm aware of :(
guys I'll be right back, gotta make a quick form
@Orangepill Okk, Thanks. :)
@YogeshSuthar don't you know the 2038 issue?
@Mr.Alien See that's where my problem comes in. You have your entire content (sidebar included) in this giant div that has margin:0 auto on it so it is always in the middle. In my case, I can't have that because my side bar has to be in the left. Then what ever space is left in the right, I must center the content div in that area.
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl why does the content area have to be fixed in width?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Refer this system of mine, do you want like this? C: quratek U: admin P: demo and if you want this than I've used 100% in the layout
@Orangepill this was the system I was talkin about ^^^ but it's damn old copy, the current one is on my local
@Mr.Alien No yaar, aaj hi pata chala.
@Orangepill the content div contains certain length of text and that certain length will always be the same. I have made the content div as small as possible (width-wise) without making it look ugly in reference to the text in it. But after that point, it will mess up everything else if it gets any more smaller.
@YogeshSuthar hehe all things are first time for us ;)
@Mr.Alien brb
@Mr.Alien Nice and clean
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Why not let the text reflow into the available space.
@Mr.Alien Yes, the sidebar is correct, but all the free area that is supposed to be left on the right, I need to center the content div in that area.
@Orangepill What do you mean by "reflow?"
I am back
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl let a line break occur when there is no more horizontal room
@Orangepill actually this is the system which can hold n number of websites, it's like a CMS, also can be customized as per user req, if you check out the admin panel, you will get it, the credentials I gave was for a company admin, the system I will make for that company, so for me the account is diff, C: quratek U: administrator P: raxnux413 and go to cpanel there, you'll get entire concept, it is a very useful thing, unlike joomla or wordpress where you have limitations, here you don't
I create forms, the forms posts data to the db from this system, so I don't have to make CMS for each and every website, just a layout with while loops fetching records, and to input those records, you need to login to the system, kinda centralized
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl Yes, so make a div position fixed and use left 0;, when you use fix, it won't really matter where you have the element nested, anyways it will get out of flow, for the center content you know what to do
@YogeshSuthar Did you see this guy? he has a typical formatting pattern which never changes...
@Mr.Alien Pretty sweet.... so this would be the hosting platform for your clients...
@Orangepill Perfect
@Mr.Alien you going to wall them off from being able to bork up the site design?
That is how I am aiming for it to look like.
@Mr.Alien typical formatting pattern means?
@Orangepill the company where I work currently, faces difficulties to build a cms for each client, so they buy joomla templates, but again they face limitations for the positions, modules conflicts etc, so I got an idea to make a centralized CMS which can be used for ERP systems, website backend, client responses etc
@YogeshSuthar bold characters, using === to split contents, on the point without detailed explanation ;) but he is good..
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl ok give me some time
What changed in PHP for this to happen? 3v4l.org/UnLYj <- only 5.4 works :(
@Mr.Alien not here :)
@Orangepill they have no control over anything, if you see my cpanel, it has a user rights option, you can just switch the booleans there for setting rights for each user level :) so 1 can see what, admin can decide, like allow user x to post only, allow user y to update only, allow unlocking entries etc etc, my account is the system account, the account of admin is the client admin account, you can create different groups, different user levels, kinda vast system
@YogeshSuthar I mentioned not much explanations :p
@Mr.Alien Would half an hour be enough?
@TheGuyWhoCouldn'tTalkToTheGirl lol wait, will send you a fiddle in 5 mins
Oh ok. I said that much time because I didn't want to pressure you :D
@DaveChen the $this in the closure is meaningless pre 5.4
Goodmorning everybodyy :0
@Orangepill my best bet to solve this on previous versions is to pass $this to array_map right?
moaning @Tredged
@DaveChen I think you would have to use a `use` statement with the anonymous function... your will probably have to pass in an alias.. ie.

$that = &$this;
array_map(function($value) use ($that) { $that->....}, $array);
I'll try that out -- in the meantime I'm upgrading my vps to use 5.4 xD
@DaveChen n/m break as the same point from not being able to access the private property....
@DaveChen you may have to create a bound closure then pass it into array_map.... let me experiment.
:) do you mind if I post this as a question?
@DaveChen Not at all, I have a head start :) .... bind and bindTo don't come on the scene until 5.4 as well
Q: Accessing private/protected properties of an object in anonymous function in PHP

WagemageI'm trying to dump elements of an object's private property through an anonymous function - of course I could achieve this in any number of other ways, but this highlights a PHP conundrum I can't solve off the top of my head, short of $foo = $this and using $foo - but THAT won't give me the priva...

@DaveChen I arrived at the same solution 3v4l.org/cAKtH
but I don't think it's possible to pass $this/&$this
my reps are not increasing. :D
sucks -10 :O
@DaveChen not directly... you would have to pass it as another name that contains &$this
that sounds like the best method, for php 5.4 getting rid of the closures -- does it make it less/more efficient?

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