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@YogeshSuthar He's funny sometimes
44 mins ago, by Rafee
is this a good start with CAKEPHP
@Rafee , this is a bad idea
@tereško so Do i need to start with Zend as stated by @PLB
Guys, I want to change a column that is called meta_value to all have the value subcategories when the meta_key has the value display_type how do I do this?
I tried: UPDATE roc1312708400910.bg_woocommerce_termmeta SET meta_value = subcategories WHERE meta_key LIKE '%display_type%'
:10331714 whoot ?
but that didn't work
I dont understand the tagging here oo
@HamZa His answers are all funny.
i have no idea why nothing is working instead this chat
Why nothing?
I just need the tag
Can someone help me out here...
@BrandonGelfand yea, generally people land here for help
Its better opening up a question brandon
I know, but I can't ask questions on SO
@Mr.Alien he is @HamZa's customer. :P
@BrandonGelfand question ban ?"
@Tredged huh what isn't clear ?
Is it allowed to ask for rep on my post?
@BrandonGelfand Contact SO team
@Tredged NOOO
@HamZa How to set the delcv-pls tag or something
I didn't know how the stuff worked, and apparently I asked the wrong things
and I got banned...
@Tredged you will be considered a rep-*****
@Tredged like [tag:delv-pls ] with no space
Can someone help me to do this Query though
Thanks @NullPoiиteя and @HamZa just checking xd
@Tredged [tag:help-pls]
please, just until I am unbanned
Can anyone help me out, I creatd a git project on the website but I would like to transfer it to my FTP. The actual purpose is to develop a website and commit it when I've got parts ready ( So I don't have to transfer the whole website again on the net etc.. )
@BrandonGelfand are you that guy who bought a script for 50$ or something like that ?
@BrandonGelfand post good answer and if it will get upvote .. your ban will left up
@HamZa huh?
I just made a new package on my webserver. And now I logged in via SSH.
@YogeshSuthar I just subscribed to that tag.
@NullPoiиteя I don't know most of the answers because I am still learning
> Many phone browsers (some Android ones for example) restrict the number of tabs you can open. If you click a target=_blank link, it overwrites one of the older tabs when your tab list is full.
@dragon112 yey my tag is approved. :P
is it true ?
is what true?
@dragon112 Thank you that is highly appreciated.
@Tredged upvote that question, the OP will have then sufficient rep to upvote too
@NullPoiиteя I have never had this problem and I have used many browsers on all types of phones
What one @HamZa
@Tredged We dutchies gotta watch out for each other:p
Am I the only one who suddenly started feeling awkward here... :p
I always felt awkward here ^^
@NullPoiиteя what does that do for me?
A: PHP says "No Database selected" even after using mysqli_select_db()

JackIt's a typical case of not enough debug information: mysqli_select_db($dbCon, $db); You don't check for the return value; it may return false to indicate it couldn't change the database (probably due to permissions). I would suggest putting this in place and run it: if (!mysqli_select_db($dbC...

@HamZa Who should i upvote?
wonderful sheep voting
lets do some rock-n-dhol
Discussion for all things Awkward
@Mr.Alien I have some indonesian blood flowing in my veins
@Jack Now I am feeling happy. Even Jack is getting downvotes, :P
Oh nevermind I misread. @HamZa
Is there a case for a new stackexchange site just for php. Lots of the questions are really wanting
Is there tab limit for android browser ?
@YogeshSuthar Not really, it's still CW lol
@HamZa LOL
UPVOTE JACK'S ANSWER stackoverflow.com/a/17422763
@Jack can we make CW after we answer
@NullPoiиteя Not that I have ever noticed (and I have used ALOT of android browsers)
@marabutt nope
@Mr.Alien Yes :) all rep gained or lost before you CW the answer sticks though.
Guys, I want to change a column that is called meta_value to all have the value subcategories when the meta_key has the value display_type how do I do this?
I tried: UPDATE roc1312708400910.bg_woocommerce_termmeta SET meta_value = subcategories WHERE meta_key LIKE '%display_type%'
@Jack here goes my vote to make count 0. :D
someone please just help me with an answer...
@Tredged you work for Heijmans Bouw ?
@YogeshSuthar It's at +4 now lol
@Jack Again sheep upvoting :P
@HamZa Yep*
@BrandonGelfand Whats your question.
How do i do it @Rafee
@Jack The power of PHP room :D
@Jack +5
I want to change a column that is called meta_value to all have the value subcategories when the meta_key has the value display_type how do I do this?
@HamZa Its power of PHP community. :P
@BrandonGelfand how old are you ?
Hehe +8 -3
58 secs ago, by Brandon Gelfand
I want to change a column that is called meta_value to all have the value subcategories when the meta_key has the value display_type how do I do this?
^ now who starred this è_é
@HamZa I blame @Mr.Alien
@BrandonGelfand impossible
@dragon112 lol
You can't star your own messages -_-
how @HamZa?
@BrandonGelfand I didnt undertand your question.
Woaah, why blame me O_O
@BrandonGelfand please go learn before starting any project
@dragon112 why would you want to do that?
@BrandonGelfand I would advise you to do some tutorials, read the sql documentation etc. Your question is pretty basic and you could figure it out yourself in a few minutes. Rather then asking us for every Query you have to create.
@Mr.Alien My new policy is: Whenever something goes wrong, blame @Mr.Alien.
@Mr.Alien Because you are Alien not human. :P
How do I invite someone to a private room ?
@cptnk you deserve an upvote
@iroegbu Read above, Brandon said he starred his own message.
@BrandonGelfand you can try this for quick start codecademy.com/tracks/php
@Tredged Click on their chat name and start a new room...
@HamZa thank you
I dont see chat new chat lol
@Tredged "Start a new room with this user"
I dont have that :S
@dragon112 I think you need 125 or 150 rep
@Tredged go earn some rep :D
:'( poor me
How can I get 1000K rep points. :P
Yea Im more talking than actually working on the project hehe
@Hamza I am learning now, this is a resource. @Rafee When the meta_key column has a value of display_type how do I make it so that the meta_value column has the value subcategory, and I didn't realize it said starred i thought it said started
@Mr.Alien Awww comforts Mr. Alien
@dragon112 http://stackoverflow.com/help/privileges/chat-rooms
100 rep
I wish ^20K can eat up rep of others, I would've ate @dragon112 AKA manuals rep .. BITE
@BrandonGelfand INCORRECT. this is not a recource where you can get information that is available on 1000 other places.
@NullPoiиteя cool
ha ha ha
@Fabien yellow
@NullPoiиteя where is gold,silver and bronze badges?
@dragon112 I learn from this, I can find information here, just like a library, and a library is a resource, so INCORRECT this IS a resource
50 more rep to go :(
I feel so sad now
@YogeshSuthar all are sold.
So what prizes can you trade rep points in for? :)
@Tredged not enough jquery
@Fabien fame, trust and privileges!
@BrandonGelfand I don't appreciate being used as a resource. Stack Overflow is a resource, sure, But chat isn't. It's a way to get help with things you can't figure out.
@NullPoiиteя ohhh :'(
@Tredged try hunting some jquery and php question ... and get Legendary badge :P
@dragon112 @BrandonGelfand This may be a chat but it isnt here for making these discussions just stop.
Thanks guys @HamZa @NullPoiиteя
@Tredged do you study at the HVA ?
lets see who beats my rep
@Tredged I am trying to ignore it, I dont know what he is babaling about. I am just trying to get help
@Mr.Alien YOU CHEATED!!!
@Mr.Alien lol sooo less badge :P
@Mr.Alien I have 1000K rep points. :D
Oh wtf I forgot
@Mr.Alien Only 3 gold badges? FAIL!
it seems to be a new trend that people edit community wikis get points
@HamZa Nah im a fulltime programmer at Civiel in Diemen.
@marabutt and just 2 points :P
@marabutt Any succcesflul edit gives you 2 points until you have enough rep, then it stops :)
I think it's at 3k
@Tredged ok
@Jack 2K
Whar are the badges?
@HamZa Thanks :)
Just talking here and got 38 by waiting lol, awesome !
38 rep* thanks
hahaha ok guys am not a badgewhore.. I bountied my badges to @Jack @NullPoiиteя @YogeshSuthar @dragon112 and even more.. I can't remember, u knw, long list
@Jack Why do you think my rep increase stopped? :p
@dragon112 cuz you don't answer you lazy pig
@Mr.Alien Wut.. I ain't got any of your badges!:p
@dragon112 Eh? I mean, the +2 for each edit stops ;-)
Im gonna take a walk ive been sitting here since 6am so cya in 15mins.
@Mr.Alien cuz I'm not a repwhore startes at Mr. Alien
@dragon112 Oh I don't want to tell other users how many badges I donated to u people
@dragon112 @Mr.Alien is liar. he even didn't gave me anything. :(
@Mr.Alien Then please don't :p
Time old question, what editor does everyone use?
@YogeshSuthar Well It's pretty obvious he is a liar from the picture he just posted
@Fabien Notepad++ xD
I guess you guys will shoot me soon
@Fabien I use sublime2
@Fabien Notepad++, Aptana, Sublime3
Did you buy Sublime 3?
@Fabien Eclipse,Netbeans.
@Mr.Alien I already did, look back a week or so:p
Eclipse :(
but yes, I do contribute if I like the software, I buy
@Mr.Alien What you pirate text editors?
@dragon112 You shoot me everyday pig...on a holiday today?
@Mr.Alien And how many time you buy a software?
@dragon112 nope, I use beta
If you want a free one you can just download Notepad++
I bought Sublime 2, and for that reason I don't want to buy Sublime 3. I love Sublime 2, I would pay the difference in price to upgrade but I wouldn't buy the entire thing again.
I do have netbeans installed but somehow I feel more comfortable using sublime
aptana and ++ are free
Ah right
@Mr.Alien Why do you call me pig :< That hurts my feelings!
oh, actually I love pigs, ahh never mind, manual is good :)
I love pigs
recently I just bought a piggy bank
haha yes I love pigs
Dude you are disgusting... Mr. Alien = encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/…
@dragon112 How is that disgusting? It's just a pig.
I won't post the other pictures here because they may be offending to some people:p
I always liked Netbeans. I'm surprised not to hear PHP Storm from anyone.
@Jack I was referencing the other pictures:p
@Fabien PHPStorm is so... crowded. Too much shit all over the screen IMO
@Jack thank you for the support :p, I love pigs, actually I love all animals... am into animal planet, nat geo etc.. but especially I love pigs
@Jack done wid aws?
I love pigs too, bacon is the best!
@Fabien Because phpstorm is paid.
You guys ever have a boss that wouldn't stop telling you how great his editor is and 'makes' you try using it...
My old boss was like that with Zend
@YogeshSuthar I don't care if I have to pay. If it's good I will buy it
yea but not the wild ones, the pink ones
@Mr.Alien I don't care as long as they can give me bacon
I download stuffs from torrents, but if I like it, I buy it
@dragon112 I am always preferring free IDE. :P
I'm with @Mr.Alien try everything, buy if I use it enough.
@dragon112 you eat them?
That's why I think Sublime got it right. Simply ask to buy every ~100 saves
yes, first I used to buy, than the product comes shitty, so better I take it for free and than pay for it
I even buy music these days
@Mr.Alien yes, bacon is food
@Fabien I do it, too. I like the booklets and having a physical object rathen then a .mp3 file.
@Fabien Obviously I will try. I think all of them have some sort of trial period or they are free (to some extent)
Oh I meant digital :P but I appreciate the fact you still buy it too.
@dragon112 I think it's also partially price based too though. For instance I think we all agree on Photoshop.
oh well only from bands/artists Ilike
Or at least I would imagine we all do.
@dragon112 yes I saw that
@Fabien It depends, If you intend to use it A LOT you can pay for it as well imo.
I don't buy if software runs out of my budget, for example office, windows, adobe products etc
Back ;)
If you intend to use it like one or 2 days every month I wouldn't buy it either
@Mr.Alien Windows is pretty cheap...
It's like 50 euros or something
Do we believe that Adobe would make more money if their product was $50 instead of $500?
$500? where is this?
Yeah, Windows cost has come down a lot, next time round I will buy. Not Windows 8 though.
@dragon112 not the ultimate I guess
@dragon112 50Euros == 3884.68 INR and it ain't cheap ?
@Mr.Alien No that's pro
windows 8 is d biggest crap I've ever seen, more shittier than vista
@dragon112 I use ultimate.. though no much of a diff
@Rafee i would recommend to start with Silex , and you should go through materials listed here: stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/727208
I've 1.5K computer books.. Hell yea
@Mr.Alien I am using legendary XP. :P
Just checked, Photoshop is subscription based now?
@NullPoiиteя I think it is for a piece of software you use all the tim
@YogeshSuthar haha still XP?
@Mr.Alien and you have read 3
For a couple of years
@Fabien It's CC
Windows 8 is a tablet OS
@tereško LOL ya
Question to everyone here, how do I get a beter badge then bronze?
but I do read some when I get time..
@Tredged Really? that was your question?
Well I'm off for a bit, catch you guys later.
Mind you, I prefer Windows 8 over phpMyAdmin's newest theme.
@dragon112 while i do not support piracy ...but i do use all software pirated
Bye Dragon
Yes señor
@Fabien use Workbench
@NullPoiиteя lolzzz
@NullPoiиteя better you wrote this but i do use all software pirated else I would have sent Rajasthan police to your place for a check
In India 98% people use pirated things. Not including me of-course. @Mr.Alien @NullPoiиteя @dragon112
@NullPoiиteя How do you not support piracy if you actively participate in it?
@Fabien 500$ is actually cheap for the money you can gain when you use it. It may be a problem for someone living in a 3rd world country
@NullPoiиteя from all the software that i have, only thing pirated is windows itself.
I just think they'd earn more money if it was $50
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant'' by Tredged
Copyright infrigment on the highest level _
@dragon112 In India, most of use pirated software unless and until it's companies or schools, cuz majority of the population is middle class or poor, they cannot afford books with INR 1.5K, 2.5K etc
@Tredged LOL
@tereško I use loader
what's "loader" ?
@tereško to crack win7 and make it genuine.
@tereško Search for Daz Loader
I have a microsoft developer license
but the microsoft's policy states that sharing is prohibited.
@YogeshSuthar why the hell would i use soemthing like that, when you can get VLK versions of Win7Pro ?
no cracks & no activation & recognized as genuine
that's what the loader do
Hmm yea thats exactly what it does.
I stopped using new software as microsoft is becoming a huge Pain in the A-S-S.. KMS activation sux
VLK stands for "volume license key"
@tereško thanks. I will try it when I format my PC.
Wasn´t there some sort of problem with it expire in 2014 when using the loader?
i actually have been thinking of buying license for Sublime Text 3
@cptnk till then someone else will manage for a new loader
@tereško that's cheap, but still sublime misses many PHP autocomplete syntax
would that not require to re-install your windows?
You mean a new loader requires a re-install? not really @cptnk
@tereško I will look into it.
@cptnk I used to format my pc every week, thanks to my busy schedule that I stopped doing so, and now am happy with ghosts backup, 1 click and it's spick and span
clean clean
Why the format everyweek if I may ask @Mr.Alien
format pc every week WTF.
I haven't format my PC from last year.
@Tredged I was obsessed and still obsessed to keep my system clean, first I used to try one softwares, crack fails or something goes wrong, I format it, instead of uninstalling, junky registries, files, etc
I like Netbeans but whenever I install the non open java it runs like ass
so now I've a base backup of my system, using ghost, so 1 click and it restores to stable version in 15 mins
@Mr.Alien Haha I can relate to that in many many ways.

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