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This is what i learned from experience while working with selection dropdown boxes
with selected option.
@Mr.Alien @YogeshSuthar @NullPoiиteя @Tredged Review my code.
Is that. good.
@Rafee You'd better paste this kind of large code in pastebin.com and paste a link here.
@Rafee it's not
Otherwise it gets difficult to read chat.
Also don't ping people randomly, it's annoying.
How can we build our own api
@Mr.Alien You open IDE and start building it
Here it goes updated one.
@zerkms lol I didn't expected that :p
@Mr.Alien what did you expect then? :-)
@Rafee what do you want?
Review on my code
@zerkms spoon feeded answer :p
@Rafee Stop mixing up HTML with PHP.
@Mr.Alien that doesn't work for 22k users :-)
@Mr.Alien Did you create Web Services before.
@zerkms damn this 22k :(
@PLB there only line of code where i mixed.. up..
can show me, how to refine it more.
@Rafee web services kinda? and btw whats wrong in your code? what I can only say is take out the html and don't echo it
theres nothing wrong.. i just wanted to know.. whether my code is at best.
@Rafee Get familiar with design patterns (mostly used for web development mvc) and you'll get what I am talking about.
well its ok
can you le me know.. why.
i hate SVN
two user on same box - one can save the password , other cannot
configuration is identical
@tereško just few days back, i install ed and i am loving it.
my condolences
I am trying to go with GIT
We use SVN at work
So glad I don't have to handle the merges, it's awful in command line
@Jimbo why would you have to do that in command line?
@PLB little help to get on with Design Pattern and my previous Code.
@Jimbo We have lot of GUI tools available.
hello people
@Ocramius Use command line to do an update, loads of merges... adds >>> MERGE --- and loads of others in terminal
I love cmd, just not for merges ;)
I am back.
how can i call echo result for ajax to append in table row which has join table
@Jimbo just don't do that part on terminal :)
I still am not able to read the merge artifacts in plaintext
I have never worked on MVC.
from today, I am start learning.. MVC using CAKEPHP
is this a good start with CAKEPHP
@Rafee How about Zend?
Is that a good start with Zend, and why. @PLB
But before you actually choose some framework, try to understand pattern itself.
For reference you can take a look at answers of @tereško
@HamZa Today you are free, no help vampires nearby. :P
@YogeshSuthar hehe :D
@HamZa Can you like tell me how to do [insert random easy to create functionality] and how to debug [insert random bug] with [insert random error message that tells you EXACTLY where to look and what's wrong]?
So I need to change all the values where the meta key is display_type so i worked out this:                                                                                                                                               FROM `Database Name`.`Database Table`
 `meta_key` LIKE '%display_type%'
@dragon112 Not sure if this is a troll attempt or a problem that needs some regex love ?
@dragon112 you spammer. :P
But I dont know how to change the meta_value to sub_category
@HamZa You still don't know me?
@dragon112 You need jQuery for that, it does all the things
I don't do regex unless I do and then I figure it out by myself unless I can't figure it out and then I ask you.
but no, not this time:p
@BrandonGelfand you have to do UPDATE query.
@BrandonGelfand You mean UPDATE `Database Name`.`Database Table` SET `meta_value` = `sub_category` WHERE `meta_key` LIKE '%display_type%' ?
@dragon112 lol
@DaveRandom OHEMGEE is it magic?
Thank you @DaveRandom that is what I have been looking for, I am still learning and I only know how to find them by using select, I havent gotten to all the different kinds of query so I appreciate that
@BrandonGelfand The nice thing about SQL is that if you write out what you want in English, there's a pretty good chance that's pretty close to the SQL version
@DaveRandom we need jQuery for SQL
@BrandonGelfand Also note that what I wrote there sets the meta_value column to the value of the sub_category column of the same row, if you want it to have the literal string 'sub_category' then just change the backticks around sub_category to single quotes
@dragon112 No, it's $.magic()
@HamZa there is js for sql.
@HamZa I want to see LispQuery
@YogeshSuthar with those awesome selectors $ ?
@HamZa let me search for it.
@DaveRandom google.nl/…
The $.magic() site is broken :<
@HamZa $.sql()
I got an error @DaveRandom #1054 - Unknown column 'subcategories' in 'field list'
I mean something like
$.sql('select').table('foo').column('*').where('bar = x');
@BrandonGelfand What do you want the value of the meta_value field to be, the literal string 'sub_category' or the value of the existing column sub_category?
the value of the existing column
the math stackexchange site sure has some nice formatted answers:
A: Direct Proof that $1 + 3 + 5 + \cdots+ (2n - 1) = n\cdot n$

Eric NaslundHint: When $n=5$, $$\boldsymbol{1+{\color{red}3}+{\color{green}5}+{\color{purple}7}+{\color{blue}9}=} $$ $$\begin{array}{ccccc} \blacksquare & {\color{red}\blacksquare} & {\color{green}\blacksquare} & {\color{purple}\blacksquare} & {\color{blue}\blacksquare}\\ {\color{red}\blacksquare} & {\color...

right now the column is blank for 80+ so they all need to have the value subcategories
@HamZa ahhh not found it. :(
@YogeshSuthar it's ok ... Any sane person wouldn't use it, right ?
@HamZa Yes. I remember that site has written in bold red text that "Don't use this on live site".
@DaveRandom there?
@YogeshSuthar lol
@BrandonGelfand That should work then, can you show your full query? It looks like you have referenced a column called subcategories but the before you stated that column was called sub_category...
A: connect with postgresql and use query

Cambodian Wise guygreat great great great great!!!!

@Rafee no , it is an extremely bad idea
Great answer!
good mornings
@tereško lost flow.. Whats the bad idea...
Q: Open link in new tab in mobile version of chat

NullPoiиteяIn Full site all link open in new tab but in Mobile view of chat all link open in same tab and to see content of link in new tab We have to press it until new tab menu appears and i can click on open in new tab So my future request is open every link in new tab in chat in mobile version too

UPDATE roc1312708400910.bg_woocommerce_termmeta SET meta_value = subcategories WHERE meta_key LIKE '%display_type%'
@HamZa Make a jQuery addon:p
I would use it
@DaveRandom ?
A: PHP says "No Database selected" even after using mysqli_select_db()

Your Common Sense PHP says “No Database selected” even after using mysqli_select_db() Nope, it doesn't PHP will set current database all right either way. The only reason for not to do so is a some sort of typo you made. You just need to be sure that you actually called this function with proper database na...

what an answer. lolzzz

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