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@Ihsan it's actually really good, shame that it's not some artist that would have list of compositions
(no, i do not call music where nobody sings a "song", because it clearly is not one)
Bear McCreary.
looks like he's doing mostly OSTs
@tereško Yep. But that particular piece is just translating how I feel this recent year into notes. Generally my fav. tunes come out of games or films... And yes I know I am a weirdo :)
Whatsup ;)
@Ihsan dunno the context, but sounds nice
morning... @kaᵠ
Ok I am converted to chrome now but it is underlining everything I write... s*it.
doesn't happen here
heh .. i prefer opera's spell-checker
maybe you have set the wrong language for chrome
I've set nothing, but I guess it is assuming Turkish. Now delving into settings...
Fine, It gave up...
I thought when I enter a css roule as html { bla bla} it was inherited by all page elements... I thought wrong....
@Ihsan hi
well .. it kinda does
with some exceptions
@tereško in Js I tried: document.documentElement.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; yes ok. It set html with style but html is 8px and body is not in it??? (how chrome shows) and the divs under does not have any box-sizing inheritence...
This is shit. Now I have to catch every mosquito and drop the drug into their right eye to kill them :D
box-sizing is CSS3 .. it might behave differently on different browsers, also you have to check docs, whether that specific property is supposed to be inherited actually
@tereško This is for applications. Not normal sites. Browser support is not a question.
afaik, non of properties that directly apply to "box model" get inherited: display, padding, height
@tereško will do. roger-wilco.
Hi , we want to build product contain some features in Facebook & Stackoverflow can anyone advice me
@humphrey Hi
well .. you can start by hiring some developers
@tereško btw. Thank you very much.
@MuadhProgrammer sounds great, good luck with it, let us know how it turns up
@kaᵠ for E-learning
even better
@MuadhProgrammer Do not tell me you are an Egyptian working in Turkey.
If you are I mean :)
No no I am Iraqi
@Ihsan are you Egyptian
that's the wast desert of development separating europe from india
@tereško hahahaha
@tereško we are developers and want to start this project
so... why are you here in the PHP room?
need for advice about what the best tools &
there really are no tools for making a large scale community sites
like in "best" editor?
just the usually ones: use git and some bug tracking software
@kaᵠ I here to get some advice to start (this big project)
@Muadh you could start with choosing a Framework or Programminglanguage
@cptnk why the fuck would you choose a framework
I suppose your interested in php since you came here
@MuadhProgrammer Well nowadays every venture capitalist in middle east who learned that there is a thing named internet that you can use with a thing called computer humbly decide to be Mark Zuckerberg... They think the money will be enough to be the ceo of such a thing...
large-scale != framework ~
@cptnk yes of course
You really dislike frameworks, don't you :P?
@ka mid-scale = framework
I like well-made frameworks, when they are used for the right projects
@marabutt small-scale/prototype == framework
I would recommend the - build your own facebook - framework. Which does not exist...
note the == instead of === there
or what @Ihsan said
@Ihsan it is called social engine
@tereško I think I did not expressed myself all to clear I did mention "programminglanguage" though.
@MuadhProgrammer start by writing some minor specification for that project, then get a design ... then expand the spec and start working on it all
@marabutt Thank you for enlightening me.
@Ishan np
@marabutt r u 4 real? lol....
I dont think there is a gap in the market for a social network
Mind you there wasnt much original about facebook either
facebut just reinvented the wheel and painted it blue
@Mudah what is your project?
google 'did a great thing for "real" search engines at the right time
Anone know the php configure option for setting where php-fpm reads it's config file from? It doesn't seem to be documented anywhere....
Everything comes from Porn
I have watch lynda course for PHP is that enough to start building very good project ?
@MuadhProgrammer no
and understand every thing in this course
/me hitting head to keyboard.
it might be good-enough for "junior developer"
Q: <?PHP> was not closed error using Apache2, Virtual Environment, CakePHP

FreefallGeekThe error that I'm getting when I try to restart my apache service is: xxxx@xxxxx:~/projects/cakephp/app/tmp$ sudo service apache2 restart apache2: Syntax error on line 268 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/cakephp/app/Config/Schema/db_acl.php: /e...

@Ihsan Why .. how to learn more ?
maybe for a junior-junior dev
@MuadhProgrammer learn to learn and then learn what you need
@tereško and what is enough
building a successful project has 3 elements, money, people and paitence.
wikipedia fits well in your scheme @marabutt ^ ... hmm
@Mudah It will be enough
@Mudah but only to start, Programming the app is only 10% of the problem
Here comes the hotstepper, murderer
I’m the php gangster, murderer
@MuadhProgrammer The problem here is you do not just need "know-how", from your words I had the impression that you need "know-what" too.
Just got a Oops! Something Bad Happened! from SO… when does this occur?
:P SO is broken
for every question
@Mudah If you have money, pay someone but agree with @Ishan
@DaveChen I just saw :o
@MuadhProgrammer Which turns things more complicated. Boldness is good but... You know when you say something like gonna write Facebook + SO this becomes a ...
here's a first, use a different website for your programming questions :c
user image
this image … LOL (on the error page)
I think I have one of those playcomputers too xD
@marabutt is it that hard to write my name correctly?
@bwoebi are you getting a bunch of errors atm?
@CarrieKendall yes
how are we expected to be productive with this madness!?!1/!!?
Yeah lol
You're late
wow on meta? it's not that big of a deal :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum as usual :]
I can almost see the job title: "Need to dev a simple site" and job desc: "needs to have 95% of facebook and 95% of SO and some small mods here and there"
Where will I repwhore now? I am ruined !!! :D
@kaᵠ lol
Crap. Now I have to work. — Jason 2 mins ago
@MuadhProgrammer for project of that scale? Few years of experience in different size projects. Solid understanding of OOP and related principles/concepts. Some background in application architecture and design patterns. And that is assuming that you have someone else doing DB and frontend development.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you got 200 rep in less than 5 mins...
@bwoebi For what it was worth, I think I was pretty close to a cap in meta anyway for another question
lmao @ answer comments
woo :P finally back up
lol meta's question is getting spamming with answers, need protect!
@bwoebi Your "answer" is outstanding too... :D
@Ihsan nope, the mod deleted it … :-(
while i read a bunch of comments another bunch was written, then while reading those got another bunch, lol
@bwoebi Oh no! ... We should have fun.... So unnecessary...
@Ihsan (what just wonders me is that it took so long until it was deleted? when so many mods were in this thread?!)
sure... blame it on the RegEx so noone gets it — kaᵠ 11 secs ago
@kaᵠ just read that, lol
lots of activity on your q @BenjaminGruenbaum never seen so many... so many...
Honestly I thought it was just me, or a problem with my connection or my settings, I'm surprised it got so much attention :) Wasn't aware it was a global bug.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you should accept the one where he acknowledged his fault and fixed it
Q: Accepted or Not?

Melody Parkeri go to a high school and im a junior, i was doing well but thisyear was disastrouos for me so i almost failed, however, i had to travel to the usa after school ended and honestly i was thinking bout it way too much which led me to forgetting bout school and failing my final term thus failing my ...

longest run on sentence award goes to...
@BenjaminGruenbaum btw... should he really use regex there?
@kaᵠ I wouldn't, and I use the same technology. It's not like it's not a legitimate choice, just a poor one imo
user image
^ @bwoebi
Eveninf bitches
morning pops
@BenjaminGruenbaum i'd say it's one of the best choices but i feel regex is not really needed there, too simple, anyway you'd have to consider some optimizations on a largescale site like this
@NikiC You can appreciate this ... I'm now officially littering my code with the following:
// Derick Rethans hates good design.
But I don't think he is :)
No, he's not really a moron. I decided to be less belligerent and just say that he "hates good design."
@rdlowrey That needs a dedicated repo with a composer file
not the best choice anyway
@PeeHaa Ooh good call.
> PHP Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID 'UTC' is invalid
Should any of us happen to meet a physicist on an island, we'll refer to this as "The Incident." — landons 49 secs ago
@webarto can't touch this
@HamZa I still see it… (is my answer) but why had it to be deleted…
Q: PHP - Anonymous Function as Static Array Element

Alex MorriseI'm attempting to make an achievement system for a memorization website ("You memorized 50 cards," etc.), and the method I'm trying to use is an array of anonymous functions: class AchievementController extends Controller { private static $rules = array( 'card'=>array( 1=>...

That it doesn't work, I see. But why?! Why are lambdas (e.g. closures without use statement) not allowed?
@bwoebi I don't know. And IMO if it's like that, shog's answer should also be deleted
@kaᵠ Seriously? You have a Uri class with methods for handling with that.
@HamZa I'd wonder if any mod would delete shog's answers ;-D
@bwoebi haha
@HamZa Flag it XD :P
I dare you
@BenjaminGruenbaum hahahaha
As "not an answer"
@HamZa yeah, there's a thank to Nick!
Oh yes I will flag IT !
@HamZa yup... it really isn't an answer
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wasn't aware of that... hence my question
@HamZa and say in the custom message that they have the choice to delete Shog's or undelete mine ;-D
@HamZa Call him a 'rep whore' while you're at it for answering.
@BenjaminGruenbaum good idea xD
@HamZa and if you wake up next morning with 2k of your rep missing and account suspended you can create a new account to bitch on meta about what happened (which will be deleted on the spot)
@HamZa That's for flagging :P
@kaᵠ lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you still see it ?
@HamZa no
Well, if you don't see me around tomorrow ....
Dear PHPers: In the grand tradition of great technological leaps forward, I present php-date-prefix! https://github.com/rdlowrey/php-date-prefix #phpWTF
@rdlowrey lol
lol, that's awesome
Probably not a good idea to antagonize Derick who has done a lot for PHP, but "oh well."
How I hate Derick
Maybe change it to something less subtle like "Why Derick Why?!"
@rdlowrey Is that available via packagist?
@rdlowrey Instaaaaaaaaaa staaaaar
@Danack Feel free to send a pull request with an appropriate composer.json. I'll tag v0.1.0 now :)
@PeeHaa you would be in top 20 ^
Q: PHP-FPM conf location option when compiling php

DanackI'm compiling PHP from source. I would like to set the location that PHP-FPM looks for it's config file. Apparently this option should be set via the configure option: --with-fpm-conf=/etc/php/php-fpm.conf According to http://php-fpm.org/wiki/Configuration_File However using this option on P...

Halp plx
@rdlowrey You really dislike that little part of PHP don't you? ;)
@cspray That one pointless E_WARNING makes my life slightly more difficult every single day. That's not an exaggeration. Every day.
@rdlowrey Just asking myself if it'd be a good idea that you post this on the internals…
Is it possible to remove the warning in php.ini
@bwoebi I believe that he has already brought this up on the internals
@bwoebi I've already tried on internals. Basically Stas was like "UTC isn't a sensible default," which is the dumbest thing you could possible say as UTC is the only sensible default.
I have always just ignored it
@marabutt The cool kids don't use inis anymore ;)
And Derick said more or less that too many people are idiots and can't understand why PHP just doesn't write their application for them so we have to keep the error.
Well, he's got a point there - people are idiots.
@rdlowrey hrmm...I kinda understand what he's wanting to accomplish but that seems like a poor reason to include an error
@Nikic and for the rest of us
why does not someone simply change lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/php.ini-development#925 to UTC by default…
People are idiots but if you really can't figure that out then honestly...choose a different career path
@bwoebi The point is that I run without an .ini file.
Anyone got any ideas for this? SplClassLoader issues. stackoverflow.com/questions/17262567/…
@rdlowrey Yeah, I didn't get that either. By my understanding his point was that many people use PHP in a localized fashion, i.e. where most users come from one location and as such it would be too much effort for them to properly display times and they just use the local timezone instead
But it's already defaulting to UTC anyway!
@rdlowrey makes … no sense?
Not everybody is meant to be a programmer and causing those of us that can grief because others can't isn't a good way to implement a project in-my-not-so-humble opinion
@bwoebi Do you mean that it doesn't make sense to run PHP without a php.ini file?
@bwoebi It's defaulting to UTC. It defaults to UTC and informs you that it did so
@rdlowrey not really
@Fabien look at the laravel autoloader source
The warning is basically "E_WARNING: Using UTC timezone by default"
The next time I see something laravel in here I´m going to scream
@bwoebi Why should I be forced to use an .ini file that I don't need just to program:
and when it's your test-php … why shouldn't you simply use in the configure option with the ini in your php-src dir?
echo date();
^ Sorry, you need an .ini file.
WTF. No, I don't need an ini file.
And don't make me do $ php -d date.timezone=UTC
@HamZa lol
@rdlowrey If you don't want an ini, type php -ddate.timezone=UTC -f …
And don't make me add date_default_timezone_set() in every file.
@bwoebi That's a stupid requirement though.
There's no reason. It's already defaulting to UTC.
@rdlowrey just got told that the zend server guys are gonna use UTC as default in the next release, so the rant is not just from you =)
@PeeHaa I found out today, that Laravel can't actually be pulled in via composer as a dependency, you have to install it in your project folder by "composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name". dafuq
@rdlowrey write a bash function php_() which calls php -ddate.timezone=UTC ...
I don't want to rehash the whole argument again. Just read the thread starting with my original post.
@bwoebi I think we all understand that it is possible to work around this bug
It's a stupid thing to do and that's all there is to it.
@Danack meh I really don´t care that much about composer as I care about a sane coedbase ;)
coedbase? NICE!
+1 for coedbases!
The point is more that the justification for the existance of this bug is AMAZINGLY STUPID
@rdlowrey I don't like you. You made me angry. Why did you have to bring date.timezone up?!
@NikiC why don't we just not default to the systems timezone?
@NikiC hehe sorry :)
@bwoebi That was too hard (tm)
@rdlowrey No end ?>... U : bad programmer. I : great orang-outang... :D
@Ihsan <?='orang-outang';?>
@Ihsan Wait, I'm confused. Are you being sarcastic here?
@Ocramius ook! ook? ook.
@Ihsan ook. ook! ook?
@Ocramius Ook. Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. oh... lets cut it short.... Hello.
Basically, new Uri(ContentPath).PathAndQuery , it's cleaner.
@cspray Well, a month ago an idiot finally found bugs in teresko's code... It was the missing ?> at the end of php's :) So I was...
just published: chicken-php
@Ihsan Oh, ok.
@igorw haha
@Ihsan @tereško actually writes code?? Never seen that. I always see him yell at other peoples code ;)
Or did he suddenly started shitting out fracture this week?
@igorw lool
i am starting to
@tereško I have heard that before ;)
currently working on aliasing for router
technically i'm still busy till 17th
@igorw but, but, you must imlement this with all symbols being a variant of chicken...
@NikiC it should actually be possible to transliterate the original with some minor adjustments for alternate type coercion. I spent a lot of time taking the JS version apart :)
@igorw With that magnificient paper and specs, it should be easy.. look: isotropic.org/papers/chicken.pdf
@BenjaminGruenbaum or like that :)
No need to reinvent the wheel :)
@Ihsan yea, those helped a lot
@BenjaminGruenbaum or just use a regex sprocket
@igorw I guessed so... :D
There is no place like PHP chatroom. Thank you all for existing. I have to go now. Have a nice time all.
TTYL @Ihsan
Does anyone know about the db architecture of betfair?
@Rafee ?
does anybody know if there's a way to test fatals besides spawning a new php process via exec and then verifying the output?
test fatals or catch fatals?
@Ocramius that method is what I refer to as the correct way to test software. by crossing a process boundary, using the universal interface.
@igorw yes, I was just wondering if the phpt way is ok
@Fabien test. I'm writing a code generator and it MUST fatal in some particular cases (to keep consistent with how PHP would handle an illegal operation)
@Ocramius IMO for something like that it's a perfectly fine approach.
gotcha, thx
@Ocramius eval() it?
@bwoebi that would make my test suite crash
@bwoebi kills the process that runs the tests
@bwoebi 3v4l.org or it didn't happen
@bwoebi fatals that happen in eval() also stop execution of the code that called eval()
@Ocramius a yes, works only for parse errors…
so now a step further - is there some component that gives me the CURRENT php executable being run? :P
the question of which level of abstraction you want to test at is generally quite interesting. depending on the program, unit tests can actually be much more brittle than phpt-style outside tests.
@Ocramius shell_exec("which php");?
hmm, windows too? :D
but who needs win servers?!
@Ocramius maybe $_SERVER['_']
@bwoebi I don't, but I support windows and some tests are even windows specific
@igorw osom
@bwoebi the only case i ever had was using a custom database connector that only ran on windows
@Ocramius you might want to reaD: stackoverflow.com/questions/277224/… if you didn't already
@kaᵠ yeah , i applied something like that recently
That probably wouldn't work in a testing environment though?
only , for added difficulty , the error was "out of memory ..."
@kaᵠ yep, I explicitly want to check that something goes wrong, not wanting to recover from it :)
@tereško don't really like keparo's answer but he's right.. you shouldn't but there if there is that specific case where you need to for some reason it's nice when the programming language backs you up
i had to catch the error so i could produce a report
@tereško c'mon.. what's wrong with the logs?
clients don't like reading logs
but they want a message that explains why the image could not be resized
i mean, you write your report tool to read php's and even apache's logs
.. if only i worked with codebase that does not pollute error_log with astonishing gusto
awesome.... carry on then :))))))))))))
@tereško moar WARN please
i had to explain to my coworkers , that warnings are not something that production code causes
I once polluted my error_log with notices: was using something like ${++$i} in an infinite loop (not really this, but what I'd get is the same). Result: hundreds of megabytes of notices that the index ... wouldn't exist… :-(
@Rafee what's up with all the dots?
@kaᵠ he's just got slow unit tests
@Ocramius probably provisioning an amazon VM for each one
looks like a dot every ~25 minutes
it's a keepalive mechanism
You guys often get rushed for the work you do? Like to the point your code suffers...
@Fabien If by often you mean "all the time when in a professional work environment" then yes
clients actually arranging presentations of unbuilt systems
@Fabien you should ask @tereško he's more than often in that situation
Don't worry, I'll just use two keyboards to double my productivity.
Internets: Y U SLOW?!
I think half the reason the programming community loves to be so open-source is that you decide your own timeframes. Much more enjoyable.
@Fabien Eh, I don't believe that open source necessarily means you get to decide your own timeframes
Now, personal projects might be that way. But OSS not necessarily
Well... perhaps but still.

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