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@Baba yes, clearly as a class.
@bwoebi SIP signaling support
So not quite OPTIONS, but that's similarish
@bwoebi this are all tools of the next web .....
@bwoebi So we can implement it ourselves. But web SAPIs just don't work in a way that's websocket friendly. I understand the value. I actually have my own combo websocket/http server written entirely in PHP that's as fast as node.js. Have you seen the internals list lately? Do you seriously think people would get behind turning the entire SAPI system upside down? I don't.
@bwoebi voice , video , p2p , socket etc
@rdlowrey web sapis?! we use cli to start a PHP daemon.
@bwoebi Me too. I haven't used an SAPI that wasn't CLI in years :)
PHP's HTTP support through its web SAPI interface is wholly inadequate.
@rdlowrey lol
@rdlowrey you don't use apache (or sth. like this)?
@bwoebi nope.
Btw. I have too a websocket/http server in one.
@rdlowrey hm. It surely works, but is this a good idea to do everything yourself?
do you really need so much control?
Yes. I'm a control freak. And if the existing software doesn't meet my needs there's nothing for it but to correct the problem.
@rdlowrey What isn't apache able to what you need?
Right now, I have that backend going and I am trying to decide if I should, in the same project, add a templating/views framework. The current self-built framework I work in the most frequently has a MVC-ish structure and is all of a piece, but it gets pretty clunky. So, I've got this backend. I'm going to use it for web projects. Does it make sense to implement templating in the same framework, or to make a separate framework that can work with the backend.
My "old" system uses Smarty for templating, a bad choice that I want to avoid this time around.
@Chris what made it a bad choice ?
@bwoebi Try sending this request to your PHP app running behind apache and let me know how it goes:
POST /file_upload.php HTTP/1.1
Host: mysite.com
Content-Length: 1073741824
Expect: 100-Continue

... 1 Gigabyte request body here ...
1 GB? are you managing a cloud system?
You can't reject the message based on the headers even though the client asked you to verify that the request was okay via the Expect: 100-continue header.
@bwoebi Who said it has to be a legitimate request?
@Chris do you really need a "templating system" ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, PHP does offer max_upload_size but the point is that you can't say know until the whole request arrives.
@Baba PHP templates get the job done, too. I mean... {$myVar} vs. <?php echo $myVar; ?> (I refuse short tags) -- for that little savings of characters I'm going to load up Smarty, all that third-party code? Doesn't seem worth it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes don't know… but why would you ever need to upload 1 gb data? if not for a cloud
@Chris "I refuse short tags" => That makes very little sense
@Chris use short tags. (don't refuse them) (<?=)
@bwoebi The point is you may want to accept 20MB files, but whatever your limit is, PHP has to wait until the whole thing is uploaded before it has access. It's a terrible implementation of an important HTTP/1.1 requirement.
i don't really understand the hysteria around short tags
@tereško Not a templating system as such, not this time around. I guess I mean a page/layout system -- selecting which blocks of content appear where, reusing blocks, etc. From a practical standpoint, 99% of the work I do winds up with pages and reused blocks, so it makes sense to build some kind of infrastructure to make that happen and be maintainable.
@Chris unless you expect your clients to make templates, i see no real point in having a full templating system
Of course, you must not use the <? short tag, but <?= is totally okay
the standard templateing solutions for php seems much more pragmatic for most of the cases: codeangel.org/articles/simple-php-template-engine.html
Well, I do two kinds of work. Either a) a web application, which is going to have modular templates that need to be managed, or a web site (of various complexity) in which the client/users will want to modify/create pages & content.
Another reason to not use PHP web SAPIs? SUPERGLOBALS.
@CarrieKendall xml? :)
"Hey, lets bake the worst programming practice known to man directly into the language and make it super-ubiquitous."
the "implementation" might (and , imho, should) vary
@rdlowrey don't exactly know how it handles them… mh
@rdlowrey nobody forces you to use them…
@NikiC for templates ... not in your general code
@bwoebi Reason #3: You can't do websockets behind a PHP web SAPI.
@tereško That's what I'm getting at -- I don't want to turn my project into Drupal (too far!), I don't think I want smarty (redundant). My biggest concern is whether I should keep my template/page/render stuff completely independent of the restful API stuff I've got and am pretty happy with.
you can also create a reference at the scripts beginning to the superglobals and then use it as variables
@rdlowrey that also doesn't make any sense?!
My point is this: don't pretend like it doesn't make sense to roll your own because PHP has a lot of issues.
I don't know why I don't use <?= -- I admit it is an irrational dislike.
@bwoebi It's the only statement about PHP websockets that makes any sense. Try to prove otherwise. PHP web SAPI is not compatible with websockets without a proxy in the middle.
@rdlowrey whyever should I use websockets behind a WEB sapi??!?
@Chris as long as we all agree :P
@bwoebi You can't so it doesn't matter. But I thought that's what you were arguing for :)
We do, we do :) Once I shed myself of smarty (however that occurs), I'll not be using their creepy other-markup and I'll be using PHP for the templates. Repeatedly typing out the full echo in that environment will cure me of that foolishness pretty quickly, I suspect.
@rdlowrey no. I just want a simple native API for not so simple things like websockets in PHP (to use in cli sapi)
@bwoebi it matters a lot
@Baba why should I want to do it behind a web api? where it's designed to terminate once?
@bwoebi websockets where not designed to terminate once
yeah, and that's cli?
@bwoebi The problem with that is websockets require long-lived connections. You need language-level support for parallel processing. Or are you talking about compiled functions for parsing websocket frames and things subject to RFC 6455?
RFC 6455 is a PHP killer IMO. To implement websockets correctly PHP's focus on request-response applications has to change. People will continue to write HTTP apps in PHP going forward because it trivializes the HTTP protocol so extensively. However more and more people will start using ws:// and wss:// and start looking for solutions that do both. Even if you write your websocket server in PHP CLI you still have the problem that you can't run it alongside an HTTP app without a proxy.
Reliance on a front-facing HTTP webserver that's external to PHP is the problem.
@rdlowrey a bit both. So that I could write while (list($client, $parsed_headers, $data) = $websocket->getNext()) { /* ... */ } and PHP does all what I need for me internally so that the websockets work the most efficient way possible.
@rdlowrey You can run the http:// and ws:// on the same port without problems. Just store if the client is websocket user (what you see in the upgrading request) or http user.
@bwoebi I know. That's what I do. But to do it correctly you have to implement both HTTP and websocket protocols in the same application.
Just this will be clearly a daemon, no sapi. Don't see any way how a sapi could handle it as it uses one port per application.
Well, that's what I'm doing and it works fine :)
Hold on, I'll fire up a demo.
@rdlowrey I have coded myself a working version. But it's too complicated (about 300 lines of code just for a little websocket server…)
@bwoebi That is nothing. It's not a simple protocol
@rdlowrey waiting for the demo ....
Opening ports in my router ... one sec
@DaveRandom It's simple if you only need basic transfer and don't care about pings, pongs etc.
You absolutely have to care about pings and pongs. It's part of the spec. You can't guarantee that your server will be interoperable unless you implement the whole spec, and if it's not interoperable it's basically useless.
@bwoebi and @Baba I'm hosting this on port 80 from my laptop as we speak. It's an http web server written entirely in PHP that is serving a static file document root for the html with a websocket endpoint layered on top. Send a message in the (supremely basic) chat demo.
@DaveRandom there is not yet any browser who sends itself pings and pongs. The only possibility is that you could send one from your own js
@rdlowrey what is the estimated connection it can handle ....
@Baba I've tested with 20,000 concurrent connections on my crap 4-year-old laptop no problem.
This isn't just some thing I churned out. It's been in development for several months.
@rdlowrey how can this be scaled to 2 million
@rdlowrey how did you implement the socket listener itself (not the websocket spec)
@Baba concurrent connections? On a single server? You wouldn't do that in the real world anyway
@DaveRandom multiple servers .....
@Baba this is maybe facebook's scale… we don't care about this
@Baba A server instance is a single process. You can scale it the same way you would scale a node.js server -- by firing up a server instance for each CPU core in your system and putting nginx (or some other proxy) in front to load balance to the individual server processes. And that's just one box. You can easily replicate the server onto lots of machines with heavy duty load balancers in front and share data as you normally would with tools like memcache/redis/etc.
@rdlowrey Good .. good ... I may be the first to use it production
@bwoebi It uses quite a lot of black magic. And cats. Don't forget the cats.
So anyway, I've been working on that for a while. It's close to being ready for some alpha testing by people who aren't me.
@rdlowrey are you using lib event or socket all through
Seriously though, can you make that question any more generic? :-P
@DaveRandom this wasn't a joke question -.-
24 secs ago, by DaveRandom
Seriously though, can you make that question any more generic? :-P
@Baba It uses libevent if it's available but it will work just fine if you don't have libevent. If you're going to put it into production libevent is a requirement though because native PHP's stream_select can only handle a couple hundred simultaneous connections before it starts slowing down.
How would you write in PHP a very efficient socket server?
@bwoebi It's all done with non-blocking socket streams.
@rdlowrey I would like to have documentation if any ... so that i can study it .. and let you know if i have questions
My biggest problem for now is when clients only send a half websocket message in one TCP packet and my socket listener then already reads it?
@rdlowrey does it also support ZMQ sockets
@Baba Well since it's extremely early in the development process I don't have any docs at this point. The best I can offer you right now is just to read what I have on that "marketing-style" site it's currently hosting.
how to handle this problems best?
@rdlowrey I have so far contributed very little in the way of tangible things to the project but I do plan on writing some docs eventually, but only when it ceases to be a moving target
@rdlowrey nobody needs docs… only code (which is not distributed in 50 files for such a simple thing)
Sorry to keep bothering, but if my PDO (mysql) INSERT fails because of a duplicate key, is relying on the execute()method returning false a bad way to be detecting this?
@rdlowrey I am very intrigued by Aerys
@bwoebi hehe, hard work and ingenuity. That scenario is a PITA but I just built everything from the ground up with the assumption that all data is split across packet boundaries. All my unit tests run over data one byte at a time.
This link doesn't go anywhere lol
@Hamster Why would that be a bad way to detect it? If you reliably get correct results, then you've got the droid you're looking for.
@rdlowrey ZeroMQ ?
@bwoebi That is the million dollar question. @rdlowrey caches partials in php://temp until a complete message is received, and I am leaning toward that being the best available solution
@Chris Well, I fear execute() with my insert SQL could return false for other reasons, but I'm not sure if this is something that happens except in really unusual circumstances...
@DaveRandom this are things why I'd really like to have built-in such a websocket/http listener built-in in PHP because this gets complicated
@Baba At one point I fiddled with ZMQ but it turned out to be slower than directly manipulating the sockets + libevent. However you could implement ZMQ to distribute work inside your application event loop to external servers if you want. I just haven't used ZMQ at all to build it.
@rdlowrey oh my…
@Hamster $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); ftw
@Chris Cool. It seems like I've been working on it for forever (I have).
@DaveRandom Ah, I'll look into that.
@rdlowrey Is that on github?
I think I should really ask this million dollar question on SO… I'm maybe not the only how may need this.
@bwoebi Yeh I really think that you think it's simpler than it is :-P But the point of Aerys is to make it so that you don't have to worry about it, you are just consuming a lib
@rdlowrey interesting
@Chris It is, but it's a private repo right now. I spent the last couple of weeks making my http client awesome so I could use it for super-legit integration testing of the aerys server. My best estimate is that the code will be public for alpha testing in ~ one month.
@rdlowrey :( I'll forget
I'll send a message to myself on Facebook to that webpage
That usually sometimes works!
It's really fast; as fast or faster than PHP apps behind Apache/Nginx/etc ???
@Chris don't bother -- that's just my public dynamic IP address from home. It'll change :)
@Baba True story.
@rdlowrey faster than Nginx + PHP ??? How ?
@bwoebi You might also be interested in github.com/PeeHaa/WebSocketDemo, although that is also not finished by any stretch of the imagination. It uses pretty much the same techniques that Aerys uses though, but comparing them would be like comparing a moped to a Ferrari
Apache + PHP is actually faster than nginx for pure PHP hello world ...
Nginx is just better at handling more concurrent users.
@rdlowrey Didn't you say that 6 months ago? :-P
lol, looks like I just had a fatal error in the server. This is why it's not public yet :)
@rdlowrey My Issue now is currency via mobile , web , custom application
@DaveRandom yes.
It's the ever receding release date :)
Jun 12 at 15:03, by DaveRandom
Finished? Have you all forgotten that @rdlowrey is a chronic refactorholic?
^ That
@rdlowrey Some form of multiprocessing is necessary to prevent blocking application IO ????
@Baba Which I provide.
But you could also use pthreads or non-blocking APIs.
Error tolerance is lower; fatal application errors can bring down your entire server this is my we need exceptions
@DaveRandom remove all that unnecessary docblocks… they're disturbing me while I try to get the core of this (concatenating half messages)
@rdlowrey XMPP support ?
@Baba Yes. In their absence the best we can do is use a two-stage bootup process -- one process spawns the server in another process and automatically respawns the server if it dies.
@bwoebi But I like comments. I like all that green in my editor. I find it more relaxing.
@Baba Honestly, I don't even know what XMPP is without googling.
@rdlowrey Nice .. Nice
Seriously though, I am aware it's excessive
@DaveRandom red on github. sucks.
@rdlowrey lol ok
@DaveRandom the methods names are pretty self documenting
I am moving toward a no-comment mentality. I like austere, self-explanatory code.
@rdlowrey git hum repo ???
@Baba It's private at the moment ...
@rdlowrey Ok
I made comments NEON pink on black in my text editor, it helps me avoid writing them :[
@rdlowrey 404 Not Found
@bwoebi In terms of how the socket stuff works, the place to start and the real controlling logic is at github.com/PeeHaa/WebSocketDemo/blob/master/src/WebSocketServer/…. If you follow the trail from there it should tell you how it works
@Baba Oh, you mean this:
62.173.53.xx - - [28/Jun/2013:16:49:17 +0000] "GET /handlers/websocket/ HTTP/1.1" 404 48
Yeah, I just have a broken link in the html file. Thanks :)
@rdlowrey so many broken link .. just wanted to see the content of that page
@DaveRandom github.com/PeeHaa/WebSocketDemo/blob/master/src/WebSocketServer/… No this certainly WILL decrease performance when the client's connection is slow or not all the packets come through (data loss for example). At least for a bit bigger data packets. DoS easily done.
that's the core of my problem.
I cannot fill the buffer without blocking
is there a jsFiddle type site for PHP?
@jbolanos 3v4l.org
> © Lusitanian's Mom 2013
@NikiC wtf?
<--- super immature
@bwoebi Nice - thanks
@bwoebi No you misunderstand. That is a really crappy band-aid solution to a really odd problem and I accept that - but what it is not doing is waiting until the whole message has been received. It's only waiting until all the received data from that client has been read from wire. If that constitutes a complete message then handle it, if not then move on to the next client. That method will never take more than a few hundred microseconds, usually a lot less.
The fix is only for a problem I encountered on one specific platform, everywhere else that "loop" will iterate exactly once anyway.
Also I'm reasonably certain that the problem it's fixing is E_PEBKAC but I couldn't work it out at the time
@rdlowrey Full websocker including MediaStream & PeerConnection
The more I read the code in that repo the less happy I am with it. I shall blame @PeeHaa and pretend it was nothing to do with me. Although the plan is to do something more with it at some point so I might be able to claim some responsibility again then.
But the problems are only structural, it's pretty logically sound
@Baba FYI here's the source code for the site you're looking at. All the html content is coming from static files and the websocket class handles the example chat endpoint.
So, I finally decided to learn about frameworks, just enough to know at-least the basics, if provided good, I will use them indefinatelly. So what is a good framework out there? My guesses are with symphony/code igniter.
@rdlowrey clean
@DaveRandom effectively misread.
@rdlowrey just add WebRTC and make it a complete web kill for PHP users
@Baba Thanks, I've spent far too many hours making sure it's as simple as possible to configure.
@rdlowrey It obvios .. when i see something good i know
WebRTC ... I can't be bothered to support things before they're standardized. Not enough hours in the day.
@rdlowrey Just to easy
@rdlowrey I have to say, I definitely prefer the $eventEmitter->on('eventname', function() {}) approach to event driven stuff, is the reason you've gone for the interface approach performance-based?
@DaveRandom I agree with you 100%. It's a great abstraction. And slow.
@rdlowrey do you think you would be able to add that ?
Yeh I thought it might be, never benchmarked it
Where is @tereško when you need him
@DaveRandom I ain't fat enough to pull of the Santa look
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ He would tell you "no." So allow me.
@DaveRandom The only way to compete with node.js for speed is to operate directly on the sockets with the native functions. You can't abstract the streams into objects.
@rdlowrey ?????
@Baba Add what? Not sure what you're asking?
@rdlowrey webRTC
@DaveRandom gah, I hate switching files… from main to client, from client to frame, from frame to databuffer, and back and so on…
@DaveRandom For example the react http server operates at about 30% of a node.js hello world's speed using event emitters. I got similar results when I wrote my own stream abstraction. I had no choice but to rip it all out and rewrite everything from scratch. Now it's faster than any node.js web framework that has comparable functionality.
Yeh see that level of performance has never been my primary concern with such things, saving a microsecond here and there hasn't really mattered to me because I'm not dealing with that kind of scale where it makes a noticeable difference
@bwoebi It's an object model of the protocol. I'm currently rewriting an object model of DNS (much simpler protocol), it already has 41 files and I'm not even slightly finished
@DaveRandom it's more about milliseconds in total I think
Well the good thing is that once it works, it works. The HTTP and websocket protocols aren't changing any time soon. I was happy to sacrifice some ease-of-development up front to get that speed.
@rdlowrey this is why we have RFCs :-)
@Chris ok tell me what you think. What are the best frameworks out there?
@Baba Not any time soon -- I have to finish and rigorously test what I have first. There's only one of me and so many hours in the day. Perhaps once I release this and have some people helping contribute on the project. But I have to finalize the project and its API as it exists currently before moving on to something like that.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ frameworks to do what? :P
@rdlowrey ok cool
@Ocramius since you have Websocket .. it would be easy to just add webrtc
was that for me?
@rdlowrey Yeh that's true. My focus in my current level of skill is concentrating on writing maintainable code. The way I see it a programmer will go through three stages: writing unconsciously unmaintainable code, writing obsessively maintainable code, writing consciously unmaintainable code. I'm definitely very much at stage 2.
@Ocramius don't they all do the same thing thing? help you to code in a conventinally accepted way?
That is all I know of frameworks as of now, sorry
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ there's libraries to do any sort of stuff. You got problems, you abstract them, you put a solution in a re-usable format, there you go, got a "library". More libraries together make a framework (to me :P )
@DaveRandom I generally agree. To me maintainability is the most important thing 99.9% of the time. For a server, though, I think performance is the most important. I didn't want to make design decisions that limited the usefulness of the project for high-end performance environments. Of course, that came with the cost of lots more time developing and debugging up front.
if you want just the mvc-ish thing (generally request dispatching), the "nice ones" to look at in my opinion are symfony, laravel, zf2 and silex
@rdlowrey again, was that for me? =D
You never start a project and think, "Oh, I'll just be spending all day every day working on this for the next six months." It's more like, "I'll just spend a couple of days on this and I'll have a cool thing."
@Ocramius sorry. I can't operate a mouse. It was targeted at @DaveRandom :)
aha :D
@Ocramius hmm interesting. but, I have classes I created long time ago just to re-use them, when needed are you really saying that is a framework? anyway, Anyway, I am trying to learn about framworks, just incase if I find a job tomorrow, I dont want to say, I am not familiar with any frameworks. Can you recommend one? I have downloaded a tutorial, just looking for a good framework to start with
I usually start a project thinking, "Oh, this will take a few weeks" then it ends up taking a couple months. In my general experience, take whatever time unit you think it will be and then move it to the next largest unit of time.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ that is your "framework". I suggest any of those 4. To get started with something simple, go with silex
hello is anyone in this room?
@rdlowrey depends on what I do. If I'd want to do a browser game I know that I'd need at least a month. It's mainly about really new things you don't know you think it will not take much time...
@KPath001 no, we're bots.
haha funny
I was wondering do you guys know how to connect php and sql server?
i am using php with sql server 2008
silex it is
@bwoebi You're probably right. Correctly estimating how long it's going to take me to do something well is a skill I have yet to master.
Connection could not be established.
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 01000 [SQLSTATE] => 01000 [1] => 5701 [code] => 5701 [2] => [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Changed database context to 'Application'. [message] => [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Changed database context to 'Application'. ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 01000 [SQLSTATE] => 01000 [1] => 5703 [code] => 5703 [2] => [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Changed language setting to us_english. [message] => [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Changed language s
that is the error i get
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ No. Drupal calls itself a framework, and technically you could make anything in Drupal. I've seen some crazy stuff built as a Drupal module. Run out and learn Drupal? For me... no. That isn't to say you couldn't get paid for it. Same with codeigniter, cake, Zend, etc. You can do anything you set your mind to with those frameworks, or you could just roll your own and do the same thing. You'd have different code, of course, depending on what route you took.
So all frameworks are not created equal, they aren't "for" the same purpose, yet you could use any of them any way you want. Just pick one, learn it.
@rdlowrey mh. When I tried to write my basic websocket implementation, I also underestimated the amount of work it was. But when you've already done such a thing, you can better estimate it.
(and then hopefully regret the time you wasted learning the "Drupal way" or the "Zend way" since you already know the "PHP way", and never do that again)
pulp fiction + programming references = win:
@KPath001 sqlsrv_connect doesn't return true or false php.net/manual/en/function.sqlsrv-connect.php
@KPath001 But your code is checking for $conn === true, which is always going to fail since sqlsrv_connect never returns true.
@Chris oh gotcha
@CarrieKendall Beautiful
@KPath001 In other words -- there is no connection error. Flip that if statement around, and check for the error: if ($conn === false) { // handle error }
yep worked
@rdlowrey ReactPHP vs Aerys
sorry about the stupidity of the connection
@bwoebi I don't know ... websockets just have a few edge-cases like interleaved control frames that make it more difficult than it would otherwise be. And things like accepting the most recent PONG frame from the client as a response to previously queued PINGs you've sent are problematic because you can't store previous PING payloads forever without DoS'ing yourself.
@KPath001 No worries. A suggestion, start looking in to PDO: php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-dblib.php
As you can see, that particular driver is still marked experimental, but you should familiarize yourself with the approach and get ready to dump sqlsrv_connect
@rdlowrey when I want to concatenate the clients answer, do I simply have to buffer so much as the content length indicates?!
@Baba Is there a question there? They're not really comparable. @igorw has created a really nice library of abstractions for event-driven programming. Aerys was created to do one thing: act as a super-performant HTTP/websocket server. Every abstraction comes at the cost of performance. So aerys focuses only on the problem at hand instead of trying to provide extensible abstractions.
@rdlowrey the biggest problem was that it was hard to test if I implemented the rfc correctly … because it was all binary data…
@ircmaxell I've seen the crypt library in the wild twice now, once in my own office via a coworker :D
what crypt library?
Your password hash library
@rdlowrey nice
@rdlowrey sounds like code I like :-) (no joke)
there's a difference, I have a number of crypto related libs, so wasn't sure which you meant
Ah, sorry.
@bwoebi There's a really good library for testing your compliance: autobahn.ws/testsuite
My coworker was using it pretty straight up, the other implementation I saw was... sad, but he was trying!
how awesome is this? Relative just got his wp hacked :D
@rdlowrey I want to test your server. Go refactor and quit jibber jabbing :p
<3 wp
@rdlowrey autobahn xD
@Chris Good point. I've wasted too much time in chat this week. To work I go!
nice birthday link. me approves
@rdlowrey It's forbidden to work. You're forced to answer all my questions! :-(
Imma take my own advice as soon as these BBQ ribs are gone :P
I use this code to display some data from the server
but my page just goes blank
@KPath001 Blank page == syntax error
On line 22, there is a semi-colon at the end of the line, but you use or on the next line.
Remove the semi-colon
> Showing 79 changed files with 1,946 additions and 1,911 deletions.
and it's far from working
@ircmaxell In the immortal words of @NikiC ... "-1 for more additions than deletions"
^^ +1
@Chris now it just says connectino established
doesn't display the data
@ircmaxell that's a pretty small changeset for this kind of change. I thought it would be more like +-10k
@ircmaxell this is a huge API break?
@KPath001 So start debugging, figure out why. If you use var_dump on $getProducts, what is it? Does the code enter the loop? Does it exit the loop? You've got to be analytical. Now you know your script is running, and you know it connects to the database, so debug downward from there.
when you're doing so big API breaks, then we also can begin with renaming certain internal functions/changing parameter order...
Q: Authentication for Linux users on a web interface

NishankI want to create a web interface for login system for linux using php,shell scripting but getting no idea ..How to proceed.

hi every on
this is my first chat in this website
this is really cooool
that would be much cooler is someone answer
@Sparrow no :D
@Sparrow hello! Yes, chat can be very helpful.
@rdlowrey you're working.
<-- busted.
@Ocramius @rdlowrey
I can tag people in chat too :D
that is really cool @bwoebi
@NikiC it will be
yup, but don't do that randomly :P
what else can I do
@bwoebi No, it's not
@NikiC The engine is the only "complete" change
the rest was just killing compile warnings (starting to)
@Sparrow ping @LeviMorrison he'll be happy
@bwoebi ping
is that making sound :D
@ircmaxell no?
$ export CFLAGS="-Werror -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-label"
$ make distclean && ./vcsclean && ./buildconf && ./configure --disable-all --enable-debug && make -j4
@Sparrow sound not active.
@bwoebi it's not a major BC break. In fact, like 90% of APIs change in such a way that a trivial one line ifdef can fix it...
@bwoebi activating sound is a good idea
one line ifdef for the entire extension
chatting with freaky programmers is really good LOL
let's get down to bussiness
can I get a little help :)
don't ping randomly. Ask your question if you have one instead.
@ircmaxell also when we'd change for example add_next_index_stringl to be coherent with add_assoc_double_ex it'd be also only a few ifdefs… not major. but too major for @NikiC
I have a problem with my school project
sorry wrong link
Please don't @ping people randomly. As the room topic states:
> Don't ask whether someone is here to help you. If someone is around and wants to help they will.

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