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I want to know which one is better.
we recommend "Beginning PHP 5.3" .. rad it. It should provide you with basics. And don't trust random "video tutorials" that you find online. Them mostly are full of shit.
I don't like Lynda :(
No. I am not idle. When I do data entry in a particular module, it takes me around 5-7 mins. But most of the time, after 3-4 entries, I am automatically shown the session time out door and I am pushed back to login page. Sometimes even worse happens, I loose my data entry for one full module and again I have to spend 5-7 mins. redoing it. Lot of pain because of session time out :( - @Mr.Alien
I'd like Alex Garrett PHP Video-Tutorials.
Why laravel installation is not easy like CodignIter?
I have found a BUG in StackOverflow community. How report it?
@Fasilkk better stick with jQuery, CodeIgniter and Wordpress. They suite you.
No. I am not idle. When I do data entry in a particular module, it takes me around 5-7 mins. But most of the time, after 3-4 entries, I am automatically shown the session time out door and I am pushed back to login page. Sometimes even worse happens, I loose my data entry for one full module and again I have to spend 5-7 mins. redoing it. Lot of pain because of session time out :( - @Mr.Alien
@NathanLee See I told you something is wrong, I am not sure but this happens because app pool recycles.. I guess this guy can help you... @tereško ... <== why session times out even when activities are on?
@Mr.Alien I am confused in laptops. :(
@YogeshSuthar I told you I am sending you some tonyt
@Mr.Alien sessions have two "lifetimes" ... for lack of better description: the total lifetime and since-last-activity lifetime
@tereško and what's the limit of total life time? what we set for time out?
note that this lifetime is not a strict number, only the minimum limit
btw, last night I setup a LAMP system on a Raspberry Pi and I was astonished about it's performance.
Ok, say I have a session life time of 40 mins... starts at 5 am, activity done at 5.10, 5.15, activity done at 5.30, than 5.50, so should it get time ut any ways?
@hakre Astonished, I take that as awesome?
Migrated a big OPML file from google reader into a Tiny Tiny RSS setup on the RPi and worked like a charm.
Well, it's a really cheap device and running the Linux + Mysql + Apache and PHP 5.4 and a daemon which fetches the feeds in the background. I thought it would feel more stucky, but works nicely.
@hakre i wonder what might be the limits of user activity for such setup. I have been thinking of buying one for home use as a webserver
@tereško I forgot to ping you above..
I setup mine as a build server for my hobby projects and I was astonished about the performance. Not in a good way.
@tereško I am moving to Laravel. but installation very difficult.:)
No it isnt.
you can download the archive OR use composer OR fetch git repository
That and all id did.
i did..
i fail to see how it in any way is "difficult"
Im getting this error: Class 'Zizaco\Confide\ConfideServiceProvider' not found
my first laravel app is ready..:)
Q: html to pdf conversion for free in php

Puneethi have this code - <html> <head></head> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> </body> </html> this generates a simple html page on the browser. I want to generate a pdf file of this html page. I tried using fpdf.php as so - require("sfpdf.php"); $data = $this->fpdf->Open(); $data = $this->fpdf->

what a title . lolzzzz
@Fasilkk congratulations. You have successfully migrated from one framework with bad practices to another one
thank you.. @tereško
@Fasilkk i would recommend for you to start going through materials listed here
it should improve your OOP (and eventually - MVC) understanding, even if you are working with procedural frameworks
Hi all , What is the best way to learn PHP??
so @tereško I am not idle. When I do data entry in a particular module, it takes me around 5-7 mins. But most of the time, after 3-4 entries, I am automatically shown the session time out door and I am pushed back to login page. Sometimes even worse happens, I loose my data entry for one full module and again I have to spend 5-7 mins. redoing it. Lot of pain because of session time out
@MuadhProgrammer You learn best by doing something you like.
@hakre I like to build something as facebook site
@MuadhProgrammer Okay, considering that this takes years even for teams with 1.000s programmers, it might not be the best idea to keep this liking unchanged for your learning experience.
Probably there is a detail of facebook you like most and want to play around with on your own server?
@hakre OK I want to build web site for e-learning
I think he should've answered this
@MuadhProgrammer Start with moodle.org - it's written in PHP and you can see how it's done so you can learn. For each feature you're interested in, you can just read the source-code. Reading is a very effective method in learning.
@hakre should I learn PHP first ?
@MuadhProgrammer You can bet, that when you read the source code and you want to start to understand it, that you will learn PHP otherwise you won't understand nothing.
Just pick each part you want to learn about from the PHP manual.
> I want to do some brain surgery. Should I go to medschool first or I can just start cutting?
7 mins ago, by Muadh Programmer
@hakre I like to build something as facebook site
1 min ago, by Muadh Programmer
@hakre should I learn PHP first ?
are you fucking serious !?!
@tereško ^^^^ ahahahahaha
now that is a troll
^ as OP has accepted the "answer", I don't think there is any interest in keeping the "question" on-hold. Please delete.
@hakre Thanks
@MuadhProgrammer Like @tereško wrote, it might still be too complicated so don't get disappointed if your idea does not work out.
@MuadhProgrammer don't mind what other users are saying, you can build a better social network, it's just that you need to gain some solid knowledge before you start something like so big..
Ironically am starting to build a business network with @YogeshSuthar
lets see how does it go..
Every newbie's first dream is to create a facebook-like website.
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ i wanted to write viruses
@MuadhProgrammer Use open-source social networking site..:) I think that only you can do now.:)
.. then again , my movie was "Hackers" , instead of "Social Network"
@tereško I kinda did, it was very primitive but I wrote assembler to overwrite every file on the hard drive with a blank text file... had to run it from DOS lol
Ah those were the days :')
and now i feel old
@phpNoOBఠ_ఠ FYI I hate FB
hello every one
@tereško Same here, destructive heads, viruses, hacking is what I was looking for
Q: Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays in PHP

deceze Due to the enormous and ever repeating amount of "How do I sort my unique snowflake of an array?" questions, this is a reference collection of basic sorting methods in PHP. Please close any question which does not markedly differ as a duplicate of this one. How do I sort an array in PHP? How...

^^ hmm, no CW?
@tereško we'll all feel like that. I also wanted to develop viruses when I only had an 8086 pc
this is what we in polite society call "generation gap"
@Mr. Alien: Code needs to be in question (and answer then), not only ask for Fiddle (maybe require it additionally).
@tereško couldn't agree more
@hakre I did asked him for the code first "can you provide it,", sometimes it happens people only provide fiddles, if I have time, I pull the syntax in their question, but If I don't have time, I cast a close vote and I simply notify him to add the code and will later cast a re open vote
When will my turn come?? Session doubts still pending. @Mr.Alien @tereško
your topic is boring , and you have been spamming it constantly .. also , i hate your avatar
@Mr.Alien Just a reminder, was no critique. Users also tend to only fiddle-link their problem and put some blah-broad-question on SO then. Without giving a good description. This does not work well on SO because the textual context describing the problem is missing (code does not fully solves this either, but it's better).
@NathanLee lets ask this guy, he is a braniac.. @hakre do you have any idea why sesion times out even if the last activity is occurred within speculated time?
@hakre yea, got your point :) and I didn't took that as critique though :p ...
No. Avatar is cute. I am not spamming. I am just waiting for any answer, but it is not comin so waiting and waiting and finally patience says to again ask. - @tereško
@Mr.Alien Sure.
It is not our job or duty the help you.
@tereško lets be friendly, the issue is not common, if you can help than fine, else we do ignore users if they annoy so in this case, you can just ignore, sit back and relax.. :)
That is why I am asking. If I get the answer, I shall stop. And that is the reason why the community is for. Right? - @tereško
yes.. @tereško getting anger easily..:PP
ehh .. i will just add him to the ignore list ... otherwise he will never stop pinging me
and he's gone
@tereško that's wise :p
@NathanLee I guess we need to wait more till hakre gets back.. even I had encountered this issue before but didn't got much help
@Mr.Alien I am not so good at programming, so thought for some help. But I did not know that I am being in the middle of irritating someone who thinks I am spamming, etc. Nevertheless, It was my first question in SO and shall accept it that its not anyones duty or job to answer me. Thanx for your time.
I want to submit a form through ajax , i want to pass the state of submit button to next page through ajax how?
@NathanLee Post your question on the site ... my suggestion to you.
q: if you know your co-workers will base crap code on your code, would you make everything private? :)
they are not accepting my q?
It will be closed, as I dont have any code to show. Let me try that. thx jack - @Jack
I want to submit a form through ajax , i want to pass the state of submit button to next page through ajax how?
@NathanLee Also, by this time, what exactly is the remaining question?
any one ?
@shivdhwajpndey ehm,
@jack cant we use ajax for this?
@NathanLee don't take it personally, it's just he found it annoying and he told you, I found it helpful instead so was waiting for an answer :)
@shivdhwajpndey No, you must use jQuery, definitely.
Just that is it fine to have a perpetual session if I am the only user using this system and the next is that if I am not idle, but doing data-entries on modules, I am pushed out by session time out. Thats it. - @Jack
WTF, we cannot comment about w3fools now?
@Jack even you are not sure why this happens?
@jack do you know any example for help?
@NathanLee That kind of reasoning is not beneficial; find out what aspect of the session you wish to "keep alive"
If it's a big form that takes time to fill in, consider using a periodic save or ping to the server.
I think when the app pools recycle, memory gets cleared and active sessions are lost...
@hakre any help?? or you missed the ping?
@hakre Epoch + rand(0, very-big-number) =D
Thnx @Mr.Alien :) I was a novice when I started coding HTML, but when I am in a position to answer to a novice now, I shall keep my patience and maturity to know what he wants considering he is a novice and needs help and not scold him/her or add them to ignore lists, etc.
@Mr.Alien ping? help? about what?
@shivdhwajpndey , this is usually the point when i recommend people to hire a developer
what you have formulates is a "task" not a "problem"
@NathanLee lets ask this guy, he is a braniac.. @hakre do you have any idea why sesion times out even if the last activity is occurred within speculated time? <--- THIS ONE...
I have to do this asap@tereško
then you will have to hire a good developer , don't ya
@Mr.Alien well, by definition this never happens. Check if the session is still on disk/storage or not.
Yes @Jack The modules are big like accounting and inventory, so what happens is that when I fill in the form, it gets filled, but sometimes in the middle of filling, I get session time out.
and that takes me to the login page and on that page, it takes 5-7 minutes to get back to the working module where I want to do data entry - @Jack
What do you mean by in the middle of filing? @NathanLee
@hakre let me see what makes the storage clear... and thanks to clear that it's not a general issue
@Jack I love you. you are a great personality..:)
There are 5 tabs, like entity, company, etc. Each tab has 7-8 input/select fields. I can fill all 2-3 times, but after that, when I press submit after the form gets filled the 3rd or 4th time, I get session time out. - @Jack
@Jack You've got some fan following
terminology question; in the context of web content, to "format" document content one is likely referring to (at least) typographical formatting/layout; what is the process of "unformatting" a document called (reverting to non-markup) ?
@Bracketworks Bumper
@Mr.Alien Wh.. what?
@Mr.Alien and it's not the police for a change ;-)
@Bracketworks This has no meaning without further context.
(Not your question, 'formatting' a document)
@Jack lol, so you are doing some illegal things too... hmmmm
@NathanLee Well, that basically shouldn't happen, but you would have to debug the situation.
Check whether the cookie may have expired.
Specific example just for clarity (not that it'll help): I have a website. It's shitty. Making a new website. Need the content from the old website. Copypasta, but wait; shitty website has shitty formatting. Copypasta into plaintext stripping the HTML. Reformat for new website so it isn't shitty.
Wait a minute, I have answered this kind of qn before, hold on.
The stripping part; unformatting? stripping?
A: How to keep extending session life when user is active?

JackSince sessions and authentication is already handled via one super controller in your code, it should be easy to at least rule out session destruction. Typically only the login page creates a session, so at this point you can (and should) add a known value inside, such as the session id. The ot...

disable php extension lolzzzz
@rdlowrey did you put your consent? i.imgur.com/pD9V3p8.png
I did but of no help. It gives me the same things. Anyways I am very thankful to everyone who answered my queires. Thanks a lot @Mr.Alien and @Jack and especially jack for showing that he is worth his reputation and also to Mr alien to endorse the question to other programmers and most of all your patience for a novice like me in php programming. Appreciate it guys. Keep up the good work. :)
@NathanLee If you are putting efforts from your side, than we are ready to help you anytime, happy phpeeing :p lol ;) enjoy coding, it's not that tough so don't worry
@hakre stackoverflow.com/questions/17360657/… It can't be not an answer if it solved OP's problem
It's just a bad OT question
Sure. @Mr.Alien I dont believe in readymade solutions. I shall do my best to do it from my end and if something doesnt work, I shall let the community people know it. And yes, shall try to learn as fast as I can.
@NathanLee exactly, moreover never pick up the codes and use, instead struggle and write them yourself..
Q: Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays in PHP

deceze Due to the enormous and ever repeating amount of "How do I sort my unique snowflake of an array?" questions, this is a reference collection of basic sorting methods in PHP. Please close any question which does not markedly differ as a duplicate of this one. How do I sort an array in PHP? How...

Sure @Mr.Alien perhaps it is not like the girl that you described earlier that I can pick up and use. :p Lolz.. Jokes apart. Shall struggle and write my own. Thnx again.
why you !!!
@Baba SO is evolving into wiki now?
@cx lol
We from the C++ lounge have been doing that style of reference questions for a while now.
@cx SO has reference questions. Especially for questions that repeat a lot
We heard promises of getting some better organisation, like some sort of super advanced tag wikis for that, but it's been a long time since then.
@hakre Thank goodness.
We have those answers already, I suggest you list-link the best answers inside each answer here instead of duplicating (or re-writing) the content. Also arrays tend to be seen individually so the work remains to close-vote against the dupes in any case. — hakre 34 mins ago
@hakre can you add a answer with some reference of those good answers ??
@hakre I know i have some .. i can edit your question and add mine
Does PHP have operator overloading?
Just making sure. @Baba Then all your sorts from the question work only with types that have > defined, no?
($left[0] <= $right[0]) - shouldn't this be a cooperator?
you have some magic methods for objects , which dabble in the general vicinity of operator overloading, but there nothing that lets you actually override operators
@NathanLee she is cute, I would love if you pick up ha ha
gtg, cya later guys...
@Mr.Alien bye. I am also leaving
@BenjaminGruenbaum eval.in/35489
Good morning
Question: If I have an array that I use to map values to by a parameter to a given method, and that parameter happens to be an array, what would be a good way to use it as a key?
@Mr.Alien Lolz.. Nice talking to you. Good bye.
@Baba What I was saying is that in practice you almost never sort numbers , you almost always sort objects.
Seems like I need to do some hashing, which I want based on the contents of the array parameter so that it's the same each time. Not sure how this is accomplished, offhand...
@Baba This wouldn't work for objects, what is usually done is that a function (or cooperator) is passed to the sort function, or the elements have a value by convention , I'm not sure how this works in php
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, it'd be a callback
@BenjaminGruenbaum you would need little modification for any sorting algorithm to work on objects
I stand to be corrected
@Ocramius I don't think callback is the correct term, but I see what you mean :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum How do you sort object in the first place ???
@Baba There are generally two types of sorts, comparison sorts (like merge sort, insertion sort, quick sort etc) and sorts that require additional knowledge over which of two elements are bigger (like radix sort, bucket sort, etc..)
Wait, before answering, I think I found something stackoverflow.com/questions/7018976/…
@Baba Most sorting in practice is usually done with comparison sorts, this means you have to know when given two elements being sorted which is 'bigger'. This is what <= does in your case.
Lets say I have 10 elements of class 'users' which have a signUpDate and UserName. Now I want to sort them based on signUpDate, I'd pass a function to the sort function that compares the dates on the elements rather than the elements themselves.
@BenjaminGruenbaum your example was taking from Merge sort which uses divide and conquer algorithm .. that should be the way it would work .....
In computer science, a merge sort (also commonly spelled mergesort) is an O(n log n) comparison-based sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort, which means that the implementation preserves the input order of equal elements in the sorted output. Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that was invented by John von Neumann in 1945. A detailed description and analysis of bottom-up mergesort appeared in a report by Goldstine and Neumann as early as 1948. Algorithm Conceptually, a merge sort works as follows #Divide the unsorted list into n sublists, each containing...
@Baba Why are you telling me what MergeSort is? That's not what this discussion is about.
I just got the 'Tenacious Badge'
> Zero score accepted answers: more than 5 and 20% of total
So it's entirely possible that I could get Unsung Hero!? :o
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok i got you now ... you want me to add other types of sort taht that objects into consideration ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum see your point now ... good idea
@Jimbo meh ... my first gold badge was "unsung hero"
@Baba If you want to get technical, then the term is that you need to define a linear ordering over the elements - that is a reflexive anti-symmetric transitive total relation. However, what bothered me was only that most of what we sort in practice are objects and not numbers
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks .... would add more examples .... :)
@DaveRandom Think you could do me a favour? ;)
@Jimbo Only if it's sexual
@DaveRandom Damnit
@BenjaminGruenbaum It would be nice for you to also add other examples Implementing Permutation sort at the moment
@Baba I don't code PHP and haven't done so for a while :) I teach sorting algorithms in other programming languages to my students and noticed that you didn't address that part. Nice answer by the way.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you add some sorting tips that would help people understanding sorting since you are expert on this .... :)
I'm far from an 'expert' on sorting, I just know the basics CS majors get. The best tips would probably be to stick to the built ins as much as you can.
(Although in JS, people build JS implementations that are as fast as the native C++ ones, but that's just because we've got a nice JIT)
@BenjaminGruenbaum for must php users .. i found out that usort is sufficient
A: Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays in PHP

JackStable sort Let's say you have an array like this: ['Kale', 'Kaleidoscope', 'Aardvark', 'Apple', 'Leicester', 'Lovely'] And now you want to sort on the first letter only: usort($array, function($a, $b) { return strcmp($a[0], $b[0]); }); The outcome is this: ['Apple', 'Aardvark', 'Kale...

Couldn't resist to add that :)
@Jack I only just opened that answer and I can tell it looks nice
It took me a while to write actually ... still not sure why lol
@Jack that reference is awesome !
@HamZa thnx =D
@Jack I'm gonna wait for the upvotes, otherwise you guys will exceed the day limit :-)
I hardly doubt that :)
Best answer, or what?
close ALL the Joomla questions!
@Jimbo lol, I think that's why there should be a separate SE site for that
@Ocramius And twas my birthday, Gawd listened to my prayers :D
@Jack Good case of internal workings +1
@Jack If you don't user first letter you don't have that issue
	$array = [

	usort($array, function ($a, $b) {
		return strcmp($a, $b);

A: Good method to authenticate files to users

BabaIntroduction You can use 2 simple method Authentication Token Signed Request You can also combine both of them by using Token for authentication and using signature to verify integrity of the message sent Authentication Token If you are going to consider matching any identification in...

^^^ let see what you would come up with
@Baba Yes of course, that's also highlighted in my answer; the use-case is trivial.
@Jack I like it ...
Browsing regex questions, and reading http://stackoverflow.com/q/17364314
Suddenly, I read "punny/2012/10/01/my-mom-is-alien/" :O
@Baba It's often overlooked, but this beats having to implement a stable algorithm yourself :)
How does $data = false; end up as an object?
Or, use another library basically.
@Jack Sure .... are you wanting on file file authentication ?
@Baba Eh? I don't follow.
@LeviMorrison I implemented your changes (see e.g. phpinternalsbook.com/classes_objects/simple_classes.html). Width is now 60em and font-size is 1em. I didn't implement the indentation-instead-of-newline, because it didn't look good. Also fixed "lets" :)
@Jack Wanted you to also look at stackoverflow.com/q/17166021/1226894
@LeviMorrison If you have any more suggestions, go ahead :)
@Baba reading ...
@Hamster not sure what you mean
Well, my understand must be wrong since I didn't expect a primitive type to work as an object...
With the understanding also the booleans are primitive? Hang on...
@Hamster they are so many things wrong with Array to Object example you sent
	$data = false;
	$data = (object) $data;
  public 'scalar' => boolean false
But if you run
$data = false;
$data = array_to_object($data);
boolean false
@Hamster Use this instead
:10272870 that does doesn't make sense
@Baba Interesting, the easiest way I can think of is a shared secret between the two servers and hmac it with a nonce and timestamp.
:10272870 So simply using (object)$var does the conversion for arrays?
@Jack I did not implement the timing .. but included it in my comments
@Baba I wouldn't use hmac_file() ... just an hmac() on the filename, nonce and timestamp is enough and performs better.
you could increase the strength of the PSK by using an array of them and cycling through the keys :)
@Jack file name alone does matter .. since cases where the file was tapped on transit
@Hamster Once you do $b->something = 1; PHP implicitly turns your boolean into an stdClass object and sets the property ->something to 1.
@Baba Yeah? And how would server 1 know the hash of the whole file on server 2 without downloading everything?
@Jack Alright, that's good to know. So assigning false had nothing to do with it?
And to be pragmatic, I'm assuming SSL is being used.
@Hamster Well no, boolean is kind of a special case here ... welcome to PHP =D
You could try $b = 1; $b->something = 1; ... it won't let you.
@Jack XD
@Jack still possible with intermediate CA
@Baba What do you mean?
Do you mean an SSL terminated MiTM? Or what?

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