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then we can use
@Rafee , yes
@YogeshSuthar I've seen linkedin before and trust me it's shit
it's dirty, with irrelevant content, junk posts and fake profiles
with no fun, yes it's business portal but should be fun and easy to use instead it is not friendly
Question: With MySQL under PDO, if I insert a row with a duplicate key, the 'execute' method just returns false, right?
@Hamster , no. It could throw exception. Or you could use ON DUBLICATE
In those cases, does the 'lastInsertId' indicate that duplicate key's row's id?
(just verifying this to be sure my sanity is intact)
Hello World, Symfony : sht.tl/IJRx
@Hamster , lastInsertId just doing what it's doing...
@sectus So 'lastInsertId' only reports the last non-duplicate (thus successful) insert?
I guess I shouldn't trust it if the insert already failed anyway, and just resort to contingencies
$json_data = json_encode($response);
$filename ="yourfilename.json";
header('Content-type: application/json');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);
echo $json_data ;
what do you think./
converts to JSON Objects
then to file.
@Mr.Alien Means we will create kind of it not same.
@Rafee , nothing : ) it's question of another same deleted question... : )
@YogeshSuthar same banake matlab nahi hai, we should make a better version of it, once it gets stable, we will put it live, later changes after when we think that we are getting good response
@Hamster , check successfulness by result of execute only
@Mr.Alien So we have to think more about this and discuss on private chat on sunday.
@YogeshSuthar I'll add you on gtalk, this sunday I will be going to lonavala for a day wid frnz, so that's why I told you for monday else we could've started on sunday itself, today I will send you some details by night, also I've saved some urls of your laptop
which gmail you are using that which I used for sending mail to you?
i have a little problem
when i echo something in new php file
it automatically create entire html structure
and i just need some data to send through ajax
@Mr.Alien invitation sent
how can i disable php forming <html><body>...
is there some extension that do it? i google but cant seems to find anything
@NikiC I see you still have crappy font settings on the phpinternalsbook website :]
@YogeshSuthar acceptd
@Mr.Alien busy android sign
yes :p it will always remain busy
good mornings
nwm im dumb, forgot to add function that extract content from tag
and echo entire html structure
echo entire html structure? something is terribly wrong
array_key_exists('type', $_GET) vs. isset($_GET['type'])
@iroegbu , and winner is.... array_key_exists
@iroegbu , nevermind, i was wrong.
again, why?
@YogeshSuthar let us try PDO this tym, what say//
They have different behavior. What do you mean, vs?
In what aspect?
@iroegbu , there were no difference in that case.
are you sure?
@iroegbu , if only you are not modify GET in script.
i was using functon to copy content from url and then another to extact data from specific tag
but when i sent report through ajax, i didnt include function to extract from tag
@HamZa ayo
@HamZa , array
@Mr.Alien how are you ?
@sectus function !
@HamZa , true
@sectus xaxaxaxa
@LeviMorrison which would be better if I want to process this kind of URL index.php?page=search&type=animal?
should I just check if it exists or check if it is set?
Probably not important.
@Kuraiinazuma , what are you using?
@HamZa am fyn ya, wat abt u
However, page=search <---- this worries me.
why isn't it just /search?type=animal or at least /search.php?type=animal ?
@Mr.Alien tired man, and it's only morning and I've to work the whole day/night
its solved nwm^^, i use curl_init to copy content
hey guys
since is tored users passwords in sha256()
do ineed bcrypt !?
i use hash('sha256',$password)
is it better to use bcrypt ?
@LeviMorrison it shouldn't, eventually it'll be /search?animal=<user input>
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone yes, check ircmaxell answers
@HamZa Only morning? every fridays? I guess you are studying... right?
@HamZa where sorry? :P
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone , use password api
@Mr.Alien I'm at internship (development), and tonight I've to work (parttime job)
@sectus what you mean sorry?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone , php.net/manual/en/book.password.php
@sectus that is pretty nice didn't know about
sure i need to go for that?
what about future changes?
it's an API ...
and way more
@HamZa tough days dude..
@ircmaxell congratulation on your 1000 answers !
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-PasswordLib
@Mr.Alien Yeah, I'm gonna work the weekend too ...
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone , it's php5.5 feature, but you can use lib github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat/blob/master/lib/… for compatibility
uhm i don't want to use .phar files
i'll go for the standard php API i think
@HamZa how old are you
@Mr.Alien 5*4
(years) lol
you mean 3 x 7 -1 years
lol you are still a kid...
perl girl is here
I would go more complex, am '2'+'2'...
@Telkitty猫咪咪 aaah changed?
Have always been ... although every now & then I do a bit everything else
Kinda all rounder :p
that would imply good skills in 'everything else'
But I will take that as a compliment, thanks :p
@Telkitty猫咪咪 it was a compliment :p in these things I stay limited
@Mr.Alien lol and do you consider yourself a kid ?
@HamZa I am learning JS bitch, in JS we concatenate using + :p lol
@DaveRandom ayo..
@Telkitty猫咪咪 "Perl girl" isn't a bad title though. Sounds like a superhero
Who saves people using regex
In fact
@DaveRandom she is bad when it comes to perl
xkcd links usually onebox
Oh it looks like the cdn is down actually, xkcd has no CSS either
hey how do i check php version via shell?
@DaveRandom I like to say I am a C++ girl, but I secretly enjoy causing harm using my unsafe C style pointers
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone php -v
Or php -r "echo phpversion();"
thanx @DaveRandom it works
I wish I am better at perl
@Telkitty猫咪咪 So, a super villain then?
ufff i got php 5.4.7 and i can't use native password API :(
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Misread the context, sorry
cause i'm on the stupid XAMPP beta for macosx :(
@DaveRandom yeah but it's possible to update php 5.4.7 to 5.5?
or 5.5 is not yet available?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Well yeh, if you install the individual packages yourself. But I'm not a Mac guy, I wouldn't have a clue where to start with that
ok thanks ;)
i'll try but it's hard damn
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone I think this PHP-PasswordLib is almost equivalent.
i need password API :(
@Paul ok but in a while they will be deprecated since php 5.5 has his own :/
i mean it's just a work around :( ufff
> Hey, I know, let's take this perfectly good *nix operating system, fuck it up, and sell it to people for an extortionate price! - Apple, shortly before OSX was released
@DaveRandom lol
be serious :P macosx has lot of features helping you
@Mr.Alien I see, must be easy
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat <-- identical drop in replacement for the password API, written by the same author as the native functions
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone It was written by the same ircmaxell who also wrote it into PHP core.
oh gosh :D @DaveRandom so ircmaxwell is the core dev lol nice!!!
yay food finder :3
@Paul He also wrote password-compat, which is an identical API (see link above)
so tell @ircmaxwell i want API in the 5.4.7 tooo!!!!!!!! :D
You could backport it. But if you did that then you have to build it yourself, so you might as well just build 5.5
@DaveRandom oh yeah, that looks better, thanks.
Also backporting is the root of all evil where PHP is concerned
@DaveRandom yeah problem i suck on build :/ and the stupid XAMPP uses not latest version yet uff anyway i'll go for ircmaxwell lib ;)
thanks a lot dudes!
eh, im too lazy to write those boring js functions, that looks same
@Paul I think PHP-PasswordLib is more feature rich, so I guess it's a case-by-case basis thing. Also I think it's designed to work in earlier versions of PHP than the compat lib, which only works in >=5.3.7 because of a bug in crypt() in earlier versions
@DaveRandom thanks for the compliment again, I doubt I am super at anything ... especially when super vallains nowadays tend to be able to defeat a handful of heros at a time. Definitely require much more skills :p
Maybe not PHP ( more math) can some explain to me what this function is doing?
var formulaArray = new Array("#PRICE# * 200 * Math.log(1 + 0.011579454 * #QTY#)/Math.LN10", "#PRICE# * 200 * Math.log(1 + 0.011579454 * #QTY#)/Math.LN10");
foreach ($superheroes as $superhero) {
Today I'm 25, hence extreme laziness during the day and also extreme <strikethrough>alcohol</strikethrough> Malibu + fresh organe during the evening are in order!
@Telkitty猫咪咪 ^^ that's all you need :-P
Bad typing skills
@DaveRandom Thank you ::)
Happy birthday!
Congratz @Jimbo
@Jimbo so happy virtual birthday
@Duikboot Is that JS?
In any case, it's just creating an array of strings, whatever language it is
Haha, cheers guys :) - jaffa-cake cake for all! (is actually nom)
@HamZa Easy till am getting the concepts :p and please stackoverflow.com/questions/17360443/…
lol, now I want to be in Germany right now...
@Jimbo happy bdae bro... where's the party...?
@Mr.Alien You know "the principles" of programming :P
btw Jimbo just chatted with me in a private room and he told that he will be giving surprise to all who wishes him, surprise is -> awarding bounty of 100 to the the answer with max votes (Each User)
@HamZa that's why am finding it easy, though OOP is where I fail
@Mr.Alien No, I told you there was a party in my pants, stop lying.
dudes HUGE problem :D do you ever used ircmaxwell password lib in Codeigniter?
i putted new library in libraries/
No, because no-one here uses CI :-P
@Jimbo ROFL
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone It's a must-NOT ;)
@Jimbo Am I invited? Please tell me I'm invited...
what you use? Laravel i hope... there is nothing better compared
> It's like there's a party in my mouth and everyone's throwing up
@DaveRandom Haha x)
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Symfony2
nahhhh Symfony ?? :)
so boring :P
anyway check this pastebin.com/j3TTDPA4 ufff
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone It's not, it's really fun actually!
please how can i work around that alone if statment on top ? :(
@Jimbo eheh sometimes i would like to have much time to try somenthing new really
but i think i'll try Laravel first :P
@DaveRandom WTF , yuk
Am making an awesome app with Symfony2 that I want to open-source when done... dashboard
off to lunch, cya all.. @Jimbo Party HARD
Q: Good method to authenticate files to users

Naveen Chamikara GamageI'm developing an API to let my users access to files stored on another server. Let's call my two servers, server 1 and server 2! server 1 is the server im hosting my web site, and server 2 is the server im storing my files! My site is basically Javascript based one, so I will be using Javas...

@Jimbo nice design there dude
really nice
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone I don't do frameworks. I've not written much stuff that would use one lately anyhow, I've been writing mostly non-web stuff and what little web stuff I have written has been JS for that last year or so, in which time my whole approach to PHP has changed radically. Next time I need something like that I'll probably go with Symfony2
then doesn't matter if it's too slow cause of Symfony lol i'm joking you know
example downloads that are not mine, I hard-coded them in...
@DaveRandom well nice ;) but dude please do you have clue for pastebin.com/j3TTDPA4 ? :P
that if on top is broking for me uhmmm
@Jimbo 400MB != HDTV :-P
@Jimbo just add some personal bootstrap style and you 100% FTW!
I hate that shite. If you're going to compress my video down to nothingness, why are you even bothering to use a HD source?
@DaveRandom Haha, I know, I hardcoded it wrong ;)
@Jimbo i suggest personalize badges colors use cool colors and so you get away from bootstrap standard style which is nice but everseen :))
Unfortunately there are a lot of rippers - scene groups, no less - who actually do that sort of thing
Cheers :P It works fine over http (talking to a server), and will be rapid on localhost (works for both)
1080p x264 ~3GB/hr ftw
@DaveRandom A lot of these guys I think aren't entirely sure what they're doing
@Jimbo you actually 98% FTW! personalize little bit more bootstrap style and you get 110% FTW! :D
Preferably in matroska. I'm not feeling mp4.
@DaveRandom Well quality will be even worse tbh, there'll be an ffmpeg queue to convert to .avi to stream in the browser x)
Hello to all
please look upon this question
Q: facebook og image share for highlight feature

Ravi KumarI am sharing my website video page to the facebook. I have used high resolution image in og meta tag. When i use the highlight feature for my post, facebook doesn't shows the big image like it is doing in youtube video sharing case. I am using following code. <meta property="og:site_name" conten...

@Jimbo Ugh, that is ridiculously expensive. Stream in a flv container?
Admittedly that seems to be the defacto standard approach to that sort of thing at the moment :-(
@DaveRandom Nope, no flash no flv... all HTML5
I want it so it streams fine on mobile devices as well as desktop
Ahh OK, at least it's a pure MPEG stream then, that reduces the workload considerably
@MinkleGarg facebook applies huge caching, sure you not cached right now?
put your url in here
/me is aware of the contradiction between the above statement and my earlier statement of preference for matroska
already tested ..getting the same response
vimeo.com/68631325 <- the thing of today.
@MinkleGarg damn
@Ocramius can i use heroku for storing an app images?
as storage service
I have no idea, but I personally don't store images
@DaveRandom Was thinking that. Btw do you use any specific ffmpeg conversion options for quality? - that you've saved to notepad or something
Took me an age to get video and audio in sync
@Jimbo I've never really used ffmpeg tbh. I know a reasonable amount about media encoding but mostly from manual creation rather than scripting it (basically tools from GK)
Not done anything like that for ages though, I just take a passive interest in what people are doing rather than doing it myself these days
@DaveRandom @Jimbo i solved using ircmaxwell lib as a CI helper now i just have to do $this->load->helper('ircmaxwell'); $this->ircmaxwell->password_verify(); yeahhh
@DaveRandom bah you need to catch up with the times, we use ffmpeg and PHP*5* now! :P
is it so easy to Symfony? :D
i just copy pasted lib into an helper nothing more ;)
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Even easier, you add it to the composer.json, it's imported automatically and available after maybe one setting tweak
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Just FYI, there's no W in ircmaxell :-P
@Jimbo PHP-FI is all I need
@ircmaxell where does that nick come from btw?
@Jimbo you totally right and i agree, but damn i really hate to install things out of the app folder uff, i feel like i will forget or lost osmenthing in time :/
just personal choice uh
oh, missed @Jimbo's birthday! Does it mean we can beat him up? :D
@Ocramius unset($ocramius) - HA
dudes who's the php.net designer i love this site right now
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone That's what composer.json is for... you won't forget because you ship it as part of your app
@Jimbo I can't be garbage collected..
Toxic waste...
@DaveRandom uhm but i need it in the main root , with an helper i have it in helper folder i feel more comfortable, but i know this wouldn't be the best practice :P
@Ocramius Circular reference?
@LeviMorrison It takes some time to reformat all the code so it fits the new width ;)
Yay @NikiC typing fail
@DaveRandom implicit singleton.
@Ocramius Global state? Shame on you!
Hello good morning. Can anyone help me on a wordpress issue , i can not understand what's happening it's so strange
@Jimbo dude, what do you have to do to protect your identity nowadays? Be apple and sue everyone? :P
@Ocramius That just makes it sound like it's impossible for you to get a girl/boyfriend
@DaveRandom I have a setter/getter for that.
@Mhche If you find your wordpress folder, open it, then press the following keyboard shortcuts really fast, it will fix your issue: SHIFT + A, SHIFT + DEL, SHIFT + TAB, ENTER
@Ocramius Now that just makes it sound like you have a personal pimp
@Jimbo so inspired!
@DaveRandom lol
@Mhche You really think so? Thanks :D

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