@YogeshSuthar same banake matlab nahi hai, we should make a better version of it, once it gets stable, we will put it live, later changes after when we think that we are getting good response
@YogeshSuthar I'll add you on gtalk, this sunday I will be going to lonavala for a day wid frnz, so that's why I told you for monday else we could've started on sunday itself, today I will send you some details by night, also I've saved some urls of your laptop
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Well yeh, if you install the individual packages yourself. But I'm not a Mac guy, I wouldn't have a clue where to start with that
> Hey, I know, let's take this perfectly good *nix operating system, fuck it up, and sell it to people for an extortionate price! - Apple, shortly before OSX was released
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone github.com/ircmaxell/password_compat <-- identical drop in replacement for the password API, written by the same author as the native functions
@Paul I think PHP-PasswordLib is more feature rich, so I guess it's a case-by-case basis thing. Also I think it's designed to work in earlier versions of PHP than the compat lib, which only works in >=5.3.7 because of a bug in crypt() in earlier versions
@DaveRandom thanks for the compliment again, I doubt I am super at anything ... especially when super vallains nowadays tend to be able to defeat a handful of heros at a time. Definitely require much more skills :p
Today I'm 25, hence extreme laziness during the day and also extreme <strikethrough>alcohol</strikethrough> Malibu + fresh organe during the evening are in order!
btw Jimbo just chatted with me in a private room and he told that he will be giving surprise to all who wishes him, surprise is -> awarding bounty of 100 to the the answer with max votes (Each User)
@HamZa that's why am finding it easy, though OOP is where I fail
I'm developing an API to let my users access to files stored on another server.
Let's call my two servers, server 1 and server 2!
server 1 is the server im hosting my web site, and
server 2 is the server im storing my files!
My site is basically Javascript based one, so I will be using Javas...
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone I don't do frameworks. I've not written much stuff that would use one lately anyhow, I've been writing mostly non-web stuff and what little web stuff I have written has been JS for that last year or so, in which time my whole approach to PHP has changed radically. Next time I need something like that I'll probably go with Symfony2
I am sharing my website video page to the facebook. I have used high resolution image in og meta tag. When i use the highlight feature for my post, facebook doesn't shows the big image like it is doing in youtube video sharing case. I am using following code.
<meta property="og:site_name" conten...
@Jimbo I've never really used ffmpeg tbh. I know a reasonable amount about media encoding but mostly from manual creation rather than scripting it (basically tools from GK)
Not done anything like that for ages though, I just take a passive interest in what people are doing rather than doing it myself these days
@DaveRandom @Jimbo i solved using ircmaxwell lib as a CI helper now i just have to do $this->load->helper('ircmaxwell'); $this->ircmaxwell->password_verify(); yeahhh
@Jimbo you totally right and i agree, but damn i really hate to install things out of the app folder uff, i feel like i will forget or lost osmenthing in time :/
@DaveRandom uhm but i need it in the main root , with an helper i have it in helper folder i feel more comfortable, but i know this wouldn't be the best practice :P
@Mhche If you find your wordpress folder, open it, then press the following keyboard shortcuts really fast, it will fix your issue: SHIFT + A, SHIFT + DEL, SHIFT + TAB, ENTER