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@hakre ohhh, so views are like pseudo tables. I think I get it. reading about it now.
Good day people
Good morning @Dragon112
@m59 you won't be able.
What I was reading here....it looks like I would look things up in the actual table if I need everything but in the view if I want to exclude some stuff.
@m59 Yes.
that's pretty cool stuff dude.
Alright =D I'm feeling pretty awesome about all of this.
must get up to brush my teeth haha
am I able to help out with those @hakre ?
@m59 You need 3k rep to do a close vote
So no, you can't right now
ah well.
I never find questions to answer in time. :(
Hang around the new questions page and refresh every now and then
@m59 well, look for something specific to your current problem(s) and try to answer those. That way you can also learn new things while answering questions.
good point
and it's often not those "gimme the regex please" or "which string/array function works best here" type of questions.
which are answered right on spot and make no fun.
Houston, we solved a bug!
There is a man which leaving the job. Now he must transmit his affairs to me. What have i require from him (except repo)?
@sectus it isn't good to cheat on your spouse.
true ^
besides, I'm sure his mistresses can find someone else.
@m59 , i'm serious. I have no exp with this.
Im asking myself what If I should start using Vagrant for my next projects? Are there disadvantages?
I'm not the person to ask haha. I can barely see right now.
kinda stuck :(
@Duikboot Congratulations! :p Almost done with that project?
- retreive the current data from a project
- create a pdf from the retrieved data
When that is done I can send a demo to the client.
Coudn't find a bug last night.. .worked on it till 01.30
Morning Folks
Hi @udaysagar
I have a question-
Say I have two classes, A and B and a and b are references to these classes respectively
i have a method ab(A $acceptA)
I heard function deceleration is not supported in php
but I want to write a method with same signature but accepting reference to class B
i mean, ab(B $acceptB)
how to achieve this functionality?
one way is to omit arguments and chek for the type inside the method and act accordingly-
yay, I got up and brushed my teeth =D
but can't i achieve the same with two same method signatures varying in argument type?
where you from @m59
@Duikboot God that's pretty long :o
Did anyone get my question?
@udaysagar I don't know what you're saying about function declaration.
that's function declaration
No that's a function call
sorry I have written "function decleration" instead of "function redecleration"
@udaysagar So you basically want to do an "Override" like Java does?
No, I don't even know what I'm saying. I need to get to sleep. Night all!!

@hakre @rdlowrey you guys really helped me a ton. Thanks so much!
anyone here can help me with this? -> stackoverflow.com/questions/17205943/…
how can override accept different argument types?
in MySQL, is Time (12:00:00) can be used in BETWEEN?
^ please see my second duplicate suggestion, it seems to be better.
@udaysagar I don't think it can
Not an expert on it though
@Steve "Not getting it right" does not qualify as a programming question. As you wrote you want to stay with MySQL I've linked you a possible duplicate.
The main problem you have is that your code is too complex.
Reduce the complexity and you can easily solve your issue.
In politics and sociology, divide and rule (or divide and conquer) (derived from , diaírei kaì basíleue) is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures and prevents smaller power groups from linking up. The maxims divide et impera and divide ut regnes were utilised by the Roman ruler Caesar and the French emperor Napoleon. The example of Gabinius exists, parting the Jewish nation into five conventi...
@hakre Hi
@Cody hi
@hakre How pastebin generate it's unique id like "d7Ri9fnf" in pastebin.com/d7Ri9fnf
@Cody Hmm, I think they have some kind of algorithm to do that. :)
But if you ask the programmer who wrote it, you might get a more concrete answer.
@hakre Do you know something like it ??
@hakre Wasn't it divide and conquer?
@Cody Well it could be a number that is transposed into a binary value which then is encoded to base63 for example.
@dragon112 yes but wikipedia sometimes renames stuff. I have no clue why. I always call it devide and conquer in programming perhaps because of the algorithm but I mean the general principle so I linked divide and rule.
I also wondered why they don't outline that practicle programming principle to divide a large problem into smaller ones. Or maybe I just could not find it.
Oh silly Wikipedia..
@dragon112 or silly me. you know :)
@Cody this might be useful:
Q: converting a number base 10 to base 62 (a-zA-Z0-9)

yes123I have a number in base 10. Is there anyway to translate it to a base 62? Example: echo convert(12324324); // returns Yg3 (fantasy example here) Php's base_convert can convert up to base 36 Thanks

@hakre Of course silly you, but we already know that :)
Thanks :)
@dragon112 I see, you wanted to be kind. That's really nice of you ;)
You are welcome! xD
@hakre lol. Im totally noob in php man.
@Steve we all start as noobs. Divide and rule is enabling us noobs to do big things!
hi everyone
someone there
can someone help me with my github account?
waht about it
oops what about it
I forked a repo... I want to remove it
ah I don't know
never unforked
@sirwilliam That's what she said.
hey, how can i compare float values?
like this

if(floatA > floatB)...
finally some question with value:
Q: Difficulty navigating SOAP client WSDL with PHP functions

pthurmondI am experimenting with a public SOAP API in preparation for testing an internal SOAP API that we are working on at work. I am running into problems dealing with automatically associating method names with parameter names. More specifically I am testing against http://www.webservicex.net/stockqu...

@mertaydin you just did
it isn't working.
it's getting it like string I think
@mertaydin Then you are doing something wrong.
Do a var_dump(floatA); var_dump(floatB); and see what they are
here is my array : http://pastebin.com/DGjHbmRF

I want to make this compare :

if($array[$i]['dblYuzdeDegisimGunluk'] < $array[$j]['dblYuzdeDegisimGunluk'] )
Dragon, can you please gimme directions on how to 'unfork' in github
@hakre Yes that is right.. now that I have heard of that "Divide and Rule" I can apply that to myself :)
@iroegbu I really don't know. I'm just switching from SVN to GIT myself
@mertaydin Do the var_dumps just before the if.
I'm wrote this code :

@hakre See this code
you told me tomorrow
GET allows the browswer to cache a request - as no request is done again, no headers as well. POST does not allow that. As with post the request is not cached, there are headers
@mertaydin Ok I'm not helping you anymore. At least try to follow my instructions when I try to help you.
@dragon112 ok thanks.
@hakre When i push back button after form has submitted Why it starts sending another header . According to me this page ( page that display form ) was first requested through get , then it should be in the browser cache . But here it starts sending another header Why ??
this marks the first time i have added someone to the ignore list because of the inability to spell
it was causing physical pain to read that crap
Haha :)
tereško please, do you know how to 'unfork' in github?
@iroegbu Don't spam us with your question over and over. Ask it once, if people know and want to answer they will.
who's iroegbu ?
I only have one user on my ignore list.. Might have to get a little less soft and start ignoring annoying people:p
@iroegbu To unfork it, go to your account, choose the fork you created, settings > delete
ok, thanks a million
Today my boss give me a job to look at a old website. It had trouble sending a form. When I logged in with my ftp account and took a look inside the php files I only saw this: <?php /* This file is protected by copyright law and provided under license. Reverse engineering of this file is strictly prohibited. */$OOO000000=urldecode('%66%67%36%73%62%65%68%70%72%61%34%63%6f%5f%74%6e%64');$OOO0000O0=$OOO000000{4}.$OOO000000{9}.$OOO000000{3}.$OOO000000{5};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO000000{2}.$OOO000000{10}.$OOO000000{13}.$OOO000000{16};$OOO0000O0.=$OOO0000O0{3}.$OOO000000{11}.$OOO000000{12}.$OOO0000O0{7}.$
@sirwilliam Thanks for keeping us posted on your work.
@dragon112 thanks wish me luck I have to decode a lot of PHP files. Never done it before!
Now i'm wondering: Why post your entire source here?
If you're prohibited from reverse engineering i'm pretty sure you shouldn't post it on the interwebs..
To show you how encrypted php looks like
@Cody GET can be cached, but must not. But with POST: POST must not be cached. Read the RFC again about those two HTTP verbs (methods), try to find out from there. It's too complex to describe in a single sentence and often you need to find out yourself.
And it is innocent just a index file with some html
@hakre Dir you see my gif ??
@Cody I will not look right now. maybe later. but no promise (likely not)
@Cody DON'T post a large gif like that.
There are people in this room that have data limits and they don't appreciate this.
@sirwilliam It's encoded.
My question is closed..:)
@Cody Damn, that gif took a while to load
@HamZa Sorry for that
It's still loading ...
Monring room 11
Hi everyone. Can somebody recommend a good hosting (not cloud) for online store? I'm currently looking at hetzner, is it good?
May I remind you of this: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/185102/155197
@Ivan0x32 How can any hosting be not cloud?
Hi all, is a MySQL timestamp column the same as the format returned by the strtotime() PHP function? Can I compare them to each other in a query?
I meant a hosting that provides constant "amount" of resources.
Not many really do that. Many will say they do thoguh
@Ivan0x32 What region are you looking for?
UA-IX and Russia
Sorry I only know good hosters in western eurpoe
Just ru-net and ukr-net
i have a url like this:
and a php
if(isset($_GET['sub']) && isset($_GET['questionId']))
		$sub=filter_input(INPUT_GET,'sub',FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); ?>
now when i write
<title><?php print_r($sub); ?> </title>
it says sub is undefined...
o um sorry, questionID i both cases
Since I am not that active in the since I became a moderator, I'd like you all to know that I think you are doing a great job. Sometimes you are too overzealous but where wood is chopped, splinters must fall. So keep it up please! Thanks.
Yay, recognition!! <3 I think you do a good job too @Gordon
Q: Big gif file in chat

HamZaToday in the php chatroom. Someone posted a mega gif image ~450KB (720x480px). This was automatically downloaded and displayed, but it took a while (on a desktop). Wouldn't it be nice to check the filesize first ?If it's smaller than say 50KB, then display it otherwise just provide a link to it. ...

@dragon112 thanks
Sometimes I could really use a third screen where I work...
Laptop monitor is full of terminal windows all doing separate things, logging, mysql, ssh, and the other screen is one big code screen
I actually have a third screen, it's pretty awesome
i have two text boxes in my form.when i type the text in the first text box which is English language.now i need to display the the text in Telugu language in other text box.
is this possible to get using php
@shankar.parsanamoni E_ERROR_RANDOM_PING
what does it means @Gordon
What is the meaning of life?
Fair enough
You're all gonna hate me for this.. but need help with a wordpress problem
function wp_infinitepaginate(){
    $loopFile        = $_POST['loop_file'];
    $paged	     = $_POST['page_no'];
    $posts_per_page  = get_option('posts_per_page');

    # Load the posts
    query_posts(array('paged' => $paged, 'post_type' => bwd_project ));
    get_template_part( $loopFile );

add_action('wp_ajax_infinite_scroll', 'wp_infinitepaginate');           // for logged in user
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_infinite_scroll', 'wp_infinitepaginate');    // if user not logged in
@BillyMathews le wild exit; appears :o
What is exit? I got this code from a tutorial
@BillyMathews it means exactly what it means, stop and exit the php code
Q: ZF1 / MVC: Correct way to use a service to determine what to display in layout?

Lightning DustI'm using Zend Framework 1 and trying to stick to strict MVC design principles. I have a function in a service which returns a Boolean value: true if the user's account is verified, false if not verified. If the user's account is verified, I render a View Helper. If it's not verified (View_Helpe...

Any ideas? :P
Well my posts are ordered randomly and I'm getting quite a few duplicates..
Dunno what to do about that..
@Gordon I have flagged this question as Very Low Quality, but the flag was disputed. Is the flag should be disputed for this kind of question stackoverflow.com/questions/17195628/interview-questions-yahoo
@HamZa is there any chance you could help me with that?
@BillyMathews Nope, I didn't work with WP and I don't have time for that. I would just check the docs or search for similar questions on SO
@YogeshSuthar someone else flagged it for LQ and it was marked helpful. Disputed means other users (not mods) reviewed the question and came to different conclusions. I know that's not a satisfying answer but that's how it is. You can never be sure when flagging for LQ. Btw, imo when something is LQ either improve it yourself or just dv/cv and move on.
muahaha. -180 8 mins ago removed User was removed Guess someone will make a long face when he logs back and finds out I found his socks.
Anyone else work with wp?
@shin yellow
I need your help please
I have a page in php
That will request some other pages
Ie,javascript or something like
I am using ci
The requested uri may be like mydomai..com/index.php/test.js
It will trigger 404 page,I added a mail function in 404 page
My problem is, When i try to get the url.I need the page that is request that js page
@shin i know all the words you are using but I have a hard time to understand what you are trying to ask.
But actualy i am geting mydomai..com/index.php/test.js
@shin It's all very vague. Can you try to rephrase and add more context?
I will explane my problem simply
1 more on above cvpls
If we get a 404 in network console with a js file?
@shin have you messed with .htaccess file ?
@LightningDust If that was python, I think it would have been "accepted"
Could someone explain the code in this comment
I think it's the solution I need but I'd like to understand what it does..
@Gordon <3 you too :)
@BillyMathews Anyone, please? :/
@Gordon Thanks for info. :)
Can I use MySql replace function with like
Select * from CountryStates where state_name LIKE REPLACE(REPLACE(TRIM(' New york, NY'),',',''),' ','%')
It throwing error
I think you lack the fundamental of PHP, you either need to learn more or try to research. For example: you know what this is ? $seed = $_SESSION['seed'];
Do you understand what rand() does ?
$seed = rand();
If no, then search for it http://php.net/rand
If yes, go further and search for the WP functions
You're a "professional" developer, aren't you ?
Sorry It was typo
it worked
@HamZa Yeah, "professional".
I know what rand() does, but not sure about seed
@PeeHaa埽 " is way too brood and there", are you hungry :D ?
@HamZa lol. It's lunchtime :P
@HamZa I lold
@dragon112 It's funny sometimes when you know several languages :p
Yes :)
It really is xD
Translation: brood means bread (to understand the joke)
@HamZa heya
@Mr.Alien hey !
You finally uncovered yourself :p
LOL yes :p
@NullPoiиteя :)
@NullPoiиteя ayy ayyy
Anyone whose a gamer - what do you think of the Microsoft reversal on the Xbox DRM?
I am a gamer but I don't play on Xbox
@Mr.Alien AAHHH an alien!!
@Jimbo I think they are either stupid and ball-less or really smart and bastards
@Mr.Alien Hey you changed your profile pic. even you @NullPoiиteя
@dragon112 LOL, howz u
@YogeshSuthar Yea, telepathy :p
@dragon112 Now @Mr.Alien is looking same as actual Alien. :P
- stupid and ball-less: they thought DRM would sit well with the customers and when it didn't they ran for the hills.
- smart and bastards: they used it as marketing stunt/more people looking at their product (bad attention is also attention).
@YogeshSuthar Haha
Nooooo :(
I'll take that as a compliment :p
yeah sure :)
@Jimbo Lack of balls comes to mind, they were heading in the right direction with diskless play & wireless sharing.
Unfortunately whining children / pirates win the day again.
And developers & gamers lose.
@Mr.Alien You do that buddy, if it makes you feel better ;)
Nah I'm teasing you :)
In short I like pc games, many may take me as a noob but I love pc games anyways, btw just installed gta vice city(legend) on my android and it works flawlessly

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